
... <看更多>
#2. 《維摩詰經》對勘材料
梵語, atha khalu jaṭī brahmā sthaviraṃ śāriputram etad avocat mā bhadanta śāriputra tathāgatasyāpariśuddhaṃ buddhakṣetram idaṃ vyāhārṣīt | pariśuddhaṃ hi ...
#3. Śāriputra - Google Arts & Culture
Śāriputra had a key leadership role in the ministry of the Buddha and is considered in many Buddhist schools to have been important in the development of the ...
#4. Śāriputra | British Museum
Śāriputra ; Details: individual; arhat/disciple; Indian; Male ; Biography: One of the two foremost disciples of the Buddha; the other is Maudgalyayana. Usually ...
Śāriputra ; Sariputra; Śariputra; Sāriputra. Traditional Chinese. 舍利弗. No description defined. Chinese. 舍利弗. 釋迦牟尼佛十大弟子之一,智慧第一,常隨眾 ...
#6. Buddhist Studies: Disciples of the Buddha: Sariputra
Though Sariputra, who had great wisdom and divine power, was a chief disciple of the Buddha, he always followed and obeyed the Buddha's instructions. Among all ...
#7. Sariputra | Encyclopedia.com
ŚĀRIPUTRAŚāriputra (Pāli, Sāriputta), a disciple of Śākyamuni Buddha, attained the enlightened status of an arhat, or saint. Śāriputra is renowned for his ...
#8. Śāriputra - Oxford Reference
In Sanskrit, “Son of Śārī”; the first of two chief disciples of the Buddha, along with Mahāmaudgalyāyana. Śāriputra's father.
#9. About: Śāriputra - DBpedia
Śāriputra (Sanskrit: शारिपुत्र; Tibetan: ཤཱ་རིའི་བུ་, Pali: Sāriputta, lit. "the son of Śāri", born Upatiṣya, Pali: Upatissa) was one of the top ...
#10. Category:Śāriputra - Wikimedia Commons
Media in category "Śāriputra" ... The following 29 files are in this category, out of 29 total. 051 Ven Sariputta ...
#11. Munakata Shikō | Śāriputra, Master of Wisdom, from the series ...
Śāriputra, Master of Wisdom, from the series Ten Great Disciples of Buddha 1939/1948 (blocks carved), 1960 (printed). Munakata Shikō. Not on view.
#12. Śāriputra (c. 1335–1426) and the End of Late Indian Buddhism
Guardian of a Dying Flame: Śāriputra (c. 1335–1426) and the End of Late Indian Buddhism (Harvard Oriental Series) [McKeown, Arthur] on Amazon.com.
#13. __riputra, Master of Wisdom | Munakata, Shiko | Ronin Gallery
Sariputra was the wisest of the disciples. In 1939, Munakata began work on his renowned series, Ten Great Disciples of Buddha. Carved from katsura wood, ...
#14. Śāriputra Defeats the Six Heterodox Masters - jstor
Vanquishing Mara and the Dunhuang Mural Raudraksa Combating Sariputra - Inclu. Comparisons between the Manuscripts and the Inscriptions in Cave 9 of Mokaoku ...
#15. Sariputra-Buddha Zen Music Masters-KKBOX
Buddha Zen Music Masters的歌曲「Sariputra」在這裡,快打開KKBOX 盡情收聽。
#16. 般若波羅蜜多心經
O Sariputra! Matter is emptiness and emptiness is matter. Matter is no different from emptiness, and emptiness is no different from matter,
#17. Śāriputra - Wikiquote
Śāriputra. Disciple of Gautama Buddha. Language; Watch · Edit · Śāriputra (Sanskrit) or Sāriputta (Pali) was one of the chief disciples of Gautama Buddha.
#18. The Life of Sariputra, Disciple of the Buddha - Learn Religions
Sariputra (also spelled Sariputta or Shariputra) was one of the foremost disciples of the historical Buddha. According to the Theravada ...
#19. Sariputra - Chief Disciple of Lord Buddha
Sariputra was also called Sariputta in Pali or Shariputra . Both chief disciples were believed to be the counterpart of female nuns Khema and Uppalavanna.
#20. Page 47 - 理解現代人間佛教佛典詮釋思想及方法的圭臬
這段文字所對應的梵本如下: iti hi śāriputra yattathāgatasya ekakṛtyamekakaraṇīyaṁ mahākṛtyaṁ mahākaraṇīyam, tattathāgataḥ karoti|tatkasya hetoḥ ...
#21. sariputra 中文- 舍利弗子… - 查查在線詞典
sariputra 中文:舍利弗子…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋sariputra的中文翻譯,sariputra的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#22. (PDF) A comparison of the Chinese and Pāli versions of the ...
A comparison of the Chinese and Pāli versions of the Śāriputra Saṃyukta, a collection of early Buddhist discourses on the Venerable Śāriputra.
#23. Śāriputra - Dictionary | Buddhistdoor
The Buddha declared Śāriputra to be a perfect disciple and second only to himself in transcendent knowledge (prajñā). Śāriputra frequently preached with the ...
#24. 舍利弗塔Sariputta Stupa - NalandaStupa of Sariputra的圖片
NalandaStupa of Sariputra圖片:舍利弗塔Sariputta Stupa - 快來看看Tripadvisor 會員拍攝的15 張/部Stupa of Sariputra真實照片和影片.
#25. Shariputra, Sāriputta, Śāriputra: 8 definitions - Wisdom Library
Mahayana (major branch of Buddhism) ... Śāriputra (शारिपुत्र) is the name of a disciple of the Buddha according to the 2nd century ...
#26. Pair of Standing Śāriputra | Tsz Shan Monastery Buddhist Art ...
Śāriputra was known as Foremost in Wisdom among Śākyamuni's ten principal disciples. This pair of gilt bronze statues portrays Śāriputra wearing a kāṣāya ...
#27. ŚĀRIPUTRA (VI e -V e s. av. J.-C.) - Encyclopédie Universalis
Disciple du Buddha, le premier pour la prajñā (intelligence, sagesse). Connu avant sa conversion sous le nom d'Upatishya, il est avec son ami Kolita, élève, ...
#28. sariputra 中文意思是什麼 - Dict.site 線上英文字典
This is like the story we heard today about sariputra previously being a venomous snake 像今天我們聽那個故事,提到舍利佛以前是一條毒蛇.
#29. ISBN 13: 9780674984356 - AbeBooks
AbeBooks.com: Guardian of a Dying Flame: Śāriputra (c. 1335–1426) and the End of Late Indian Buddhism (Harvard Oriental Series) (9780674984356) by McKeown, ...
#30. Guardian of a Dying Flame — Arthur McKeown - Harvard ...
Arthur McKeown examines newly revealed Tibetan and Chinese biographies of Śāriputra and a collection of historical documents in Sanskrit, ...
#31. Shiko Munakata | Śāriputra, Master of Wisdom (1960) | Artsy
From Ronin Gallery, Shiko Munakata, Śāriputra, Master of Wisdom (1960), Woodblock Print, 41 3/4 × 18 3/4 in.
#32. 舍利弗shèlìfú
舍利弗 shèlìfú. shèlìfú proper noun Sariputra / Śariputra / Sariputta Domain: Buddhism 佛教, Subdomain: , Concept: Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: śāriputra, ...
#33. Sariputra 手工蠟燭10cm - Au collection - IfChic.com
Au collection Sariputra 手工蠟燭10cm 。 美妝保養分類:蠟燭與居家香氛,蠟燭說明: 燃燒時間:大約70小時以上10cm x 10cm x 10cm 100% 有機大豆蠟無鉛棉燭芯不可退換 ...
#34. Works | NGV | View Work
Śāriputra (舎利弗の柵) (1939); recarved (1948) from the Two Bodhisattvas and ten great disciples of Sakya (Ni bosatsu shaka jūdai deshi 二菩薩釈迦十大弟子) ...
#35. 《佛說阿彌陀經》(Sukhāvatī-vyūha-sūtra
avadāta-nirbhāsāni avadāta-nidarśanāni),微妙香潔。舍利弗!極樂國土,成就. 如是功德莊嚴(evaṃ-rūpaiḥ śāriputra buddha-kṣetra-guṇa-vyūhaiḥ sam-alaṃ-kṛtaṃ.
#36. Śāriputra - Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
Śāriputra (Sanskrit: शारिपुत्र) or Sāriputta (Pāli) was one of two chief male disciples of The Buddha along with Maudgalyayana ...
#37. 舍利弗 - 人名規範資料庫
[梵文(羅馬轉寫)] Śāriputra,Upatiṣya [藏文(羅馬轉寫)] Sha ri'i bu [正體中文] 舍利弗怛羅,舍利弗多,鶖子,身子,舍利弗多羅,奢利弗多羅,奢唎補怛羅,優波底沙,舍利子, ...
#38. Guardian of a Dying Flame: Śāriputra (C. 1335 ... - Bookshop
McKeown centers his examination on newly revealed Tibetan and Chinese biographies of Śāriputra, as well as looking at a collection of historical documents in ...
#39. Document Title here
"Moreover, Śāriputra, all sentient beings born in the land of Ultimate Bliss will never veer from the Buddhist path on their way to ...
#40. SARIPUTRA: -百科知識中文網
相關詞條. 《浮屠經》. 又有神人,名沙拉。沙拉,或即梵文Sariputra之訛略名。Sariputra,後通譯作舍利弗或 露子,釋迦牟尼的十大弟子之一,智慧第一,但神通.
#41. 佛陀弟子薩里普拉的生平 - Also see
根據佛教傳統,Sariputra出生在印度現代化的巴赫爾州,可能在納蘭達附近的婆羅門家族。 他最初被賦予了名字Upatissa。 他在同一天出生於另一個重要的門徒Mahamaudgayalyana ...
#42. Abstract - Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies
A comparison of the Chinese and Pāli versions of the Śāriputra Saṃyukta , a collection of early Buddhist discourses on the Venerable Śāriputra.
#43. Sariputta (Sariputra)... - Oriental Museum Durham University
Sariputta (Sariputra) was one of the two chief male disciples of the Buddha who is renowned for his teaching. He was the first disciple the Buddha...
#44. 舍利弗shèlìfú
shèlìfú proper noun Sariputra; Sariputta Domain: Buddhism 佛教. Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: śāriputra, Pāli: sāriputta, Japanese: Sharihotsu ...
#45. 佛說阿彌陀經
Śāriputra, for what reason is this land called Sukhāvatī? It is because in this land, all sentient beings do not have a multitude of afflictions, ...
#46. Sariputra - Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum
Sariputra. 2011 | Donated by NA. Location: Bodhi Wisdom Concourse. Even as a child, Sariputra was sharp-witted and eloquent. At the age of eight, ...
#47. Śāriputra and Maudgalyāyana - YouTube
#48. Formats and Editions of Abhidharma ...
Abhidharma Saṅgītiparyāyapādaśāstra of Śāriputra = A pi da mo ji yi men zu lun [T. vol. 26, no. 1536] · English · 2014 · Sarnath, Varanasi : Central University of ...
#49. 30 नवम्बर, 2020) – Śāriputra's Mahāparinirvāṇa Divasa (Date
... सारिपुत्त परिनिर्वाण दिवस (दिनांक: 30 नवम्बर, 2020) - Śāriputra's Mahāparinirvāṇa Divasa (Date: 30 November, 2020).
#51. Śāriputra Facts for Kids
Religion, Buddhism. School, all. Dharma names, Śāriputra. Personal. Born, Upatiṣya (Pali: Upatissa) Nālaka or Upatiṣya Village, Rajgir, ...
#52. Shariputra - Encyclopedia of Buddhism
As chief disciple Śāriputra assumed a leadership role in the Sangha, doing tasks like looking after monks, assigning them objects of meditation, ...
#53. Choose languages - Bibliotheca Polyglotta - UiO
Click to Expand/Collapse Option Maudgalyāyana and Śāriputra searching for teachers of various philosopical creeds. Click to Expand/Collapse Option ...
#54. Sariputra (Sharihotsu), from the series "Two Bodhisattva and ...
Sariputra (Sharihotsu), from the series “Two Bodhisattva and Ten Great Disciples of Sakyamuni (Nibosatsu Shaka judai deshi)” ...
#55. Contest between Sariputra and Raudraksa - CONA ...
Note: Contest of supernatural powers between Sariputra and Raudraksa. Story appears in numerous Dunhuang manuscripts and canonical sutras; it narrates the ...
#56. sariputra 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
... sariputra 的中文意思. sariputra 中文意思是什麼. 英 美 澳. sariputra 解釋. 舍利弗子. sariputra 例句. 目前還沒有sariputra例句。 相似字; 英漢推薦; 漢英推薦.
#57. Sariputra Tong - 副理事長 Vice President - 民众青年會 Youth ...
Veja o perfil de Sariputra TongSariputra Tong no LinkedIn, a maior comunidade profissional do mundo. Sariputra tem 9 vagas no perfil.
#58. A gilt-bronze figure of sariputra - 17TH CENTURY - Christie's
A gilt-bronze figure of sariputra 17th Century Standing on a lotus base with hands held in namaskaramudra, wearing a wide-sleeved robe with lotus incised ...
#59. UNSRIT Tomohon
SUKSES GELAR 3 KEGIATAN BESAR DALAM 1 MINGGU, KIPRAH UNSRIT SEMAKIN MELEJIT: Universitas Sariputra Indonesia Tomohon cetak sejarah baru.
#60. Buddhism As Philosophy - 第 224 頁 - Google 圖書結果
At that, she used her supernatural powers to change Śāriputra into a heavenly goddess and herself into a man similar to Śāriputra, and asked him: “Why do ...
#61. Sariputta - Wiktionary
EtymologyEdit. From Sanskrit शारिपुत्र (śāriputra) or Pali Sāriputta. Proper nounEdit. Sariputta. (Buddhism) one of Ten Principal Disciples of ...
#62. Life Wisdom - Lotus Sutra: Sariputra and Maudgalyayana
Home · Videos Lotus Sutra: Sariputra and Maudgalyayana. Lotus Sutra: Sariputra and Maudgalyayana. Tzu Chi Foundation » May 16, 2013.
#63. Śāriputra
Śāriputra (în sanscrită lit. „fiul lui Śāri”, devanāgarī : शारिपुत्र) sau Sāriputta ( pāli ) fost unul dintre cei doi discipoli principali ai lui ...
#64. The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism - 第 778 頁 - Google 圖書結果
778 Śāriputra inform the other. It was then that Śāriputra met the Buddha's disciple, AŚVAJIT, one of the Buddha's first five disciples (PAÑCAVARGIKA) and ...
#65. Definition of śāriputra - Sanskritdictionary.com
Home > Search > śāriputra. Dictionary: Monier-Williams Literary Sources: MWB. 47. Synonyms: Wikipedia: No Wiki page found. Wiki Articles:.
#66. 73. The Conversion of Śāriputra and Maudgalyāyana
... avocat* || pariśuddho bhavato śāriputrasya mukhavarṇo paryavadāto viprasannāni ca indriyāṇi | atha khalu te āyuṣmaṁ śāriputra amṛtam adhigataṁ amṛtagāmī ...
#67. “The Buddha Preaches the One Great Vehicle” “Śāriputra, eve
“Śāriputra, ever since I attained Buddhahood I have through various causes and various similes widely expounded my teachings and have used countless expedient ...
#68. Guardian of a Dying Flame: Śāriputra (C ... - Watermark Books
Guardian of a Dying Flame: Śāriputra (C. 1335-1426) and the End of Late Indian Buddhism (Harvard Oriental #89) (Hardcover). By Arthur McKeown ...
#69. Guardian of a Dying Flame: Śāriputra ... - University Press Books
Guardian of a Dying Flame: Śāriputra (C. 1335-1426) and the End of Late Indian Buddhism (Harvard Oriental #89) (Hardcover).
#70. Taixu’s ‘On the Establishment of the Pure Land in the Human ...
“O Śāriputra! When gentle breezes blow in that buddha-land, rustling the ranks of jeweled trees and netting, marvelous sounds come forth as if a hundred ...
#71. Great Faith, Great Wisdom - Google 圖書結果
Śāriputra, the countless hundreds of thousands of divine musical instruments make a delightful sound which soothes the mind when they are played, ...
#72. The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom: With the Divisions of the ...
Śāriputra : Purity , O Lord , does not reproduce itself . The Lord : Because absolutely there is no reproduction . Šāriputra : The purity results from the ...
#73. Śāriputra wiki | TheReaderWiki
Śāriputra (Sanskrit: शारिपुत्र; Tibetan: ཤཱ་རིའི་བུ་, Pali: Sāriputta, lit. "the son of Śāri", born Upatiṣya, Pali: Upatissa) was one of the top ...
#74. Śāriputra इतिहास देखें अर्थ और सामग्री - hmoob.in
Śāriputra (Sanskrit: शारिपुत्र; Tibetan: ཤཱ་རིའི་བུ་, Pali: Sāriputta, lit. "the son of Śāri", born Upatiṣya, Pali: Upatissa) was one of the top ...
#75. Foto de : 舍利弗塔 Sariputta Stupa - Nalanda - Tripadvisor
Imagen de Stupa of Sariputra, Nalanda: 舍利弗塔 Sariputta Stupa. Consulta 15 fotos y videos de Stupa of Sariputra tomados por miembros de Tripadvisor.
#76. 佛說舍利弗悔過經
The Buddha Speaks the Repentance Sutra in Response to Sariputra. The Buddha said to Śāriputra: “Good men and good women who do not wish.
#77. Footprints in the Sky - Apple Music
在Apple Music 聆聽Rahul Sariputra & Zakir Hussain的《Footprints in the Sky》。串流〈Raga Charukeshi (Jaital) [13 Beats] [feat.
#78. 地址、開放時間- Stupa of Sariputra附近景點 - Trip.com
Stupa of Sariputra優惠、拉傑吉爾景點一次看!輕鬆查看Stupa of Sariputra則評論與10張照片、Stupa of Sariputra附近熱門景點、飯店與美食餐廳.
#79. Śāriputra in Ten Great Disciples of Syaka | Oida-Art
Title:Śāriputra in Ten Great Disciples of Syaka. Price(yen):Please inquiry. Inquiry →. Technic /: Wood print. Size /: (height) 90 cm (width) 30cm.
#80. song by Ana Baiana - Sariputra
Listen to Sariputra on Spotify. Ana Baiana · Song · 1999. ... Open App. Sariputra. Song. Sariputra. Ana Baiana. 1999. 3:45. Popular Albums by Ana Baiana.
#81. XV. Un grand disciple du Buddha : Sâriputra. Son rôle dans l ...
Sariputra dans les textes mahâyanistes[link]; Chapitre IX. ... de monographie détaillée des grands disciples : Ànanda, Kâsyapa, Sariputra, Maudgalyâyana.
#82. Introduction to the History of Indian Buddhism
Then, Śāriputra spoke to the Bhagavat in this way: “The bodhisattva who studies in this way, O Bhagavat, does he study the perfection of wisdom?
#83. 東京文化財研究所刊行物リポジトリ-トップページ
Fragment of Silk Painting Illustrating “Magic Competition between Sariputra and Raudraksa (Chiang-mo-pien)” from Tung-huang, Coll.
#84. Return of the sacred relics of Sariputra and Moggallan, the two ...
Return of the sacred relics of Sariputra and Moggallan, the two chief disciples of Lord Buddha from the Victoria and Albert Museum, London to India, ...
#85. McKeown (2018), Śāriputra and the End of Late Indian ...
Guardian of a Dying Flame: Śāriputra (c. 1335–1426) and the End of Late Indian Buddhism. Harvard Oriental Series 89.
#86. SUBHUTI THE ELDER Sariputra - De Gruyter
Sariputra : How, Subhuti, does a Bodhisattva, who courses in perfect wisdom, investigate these dharmas? What is a "Bodhisattva", what.
#87. The Life of Sariputta - Access to Insight
If you ask who they are, you will be told that they are the Enlightened One's two Chief Disciples, the Arahats Sariputta and Maha Moggallana. They stand in the ...
#88. Sariputra | AU Collection - New York
The Sariputra Candle Features Clean Lines And Elegant Geometric Shapes. Architectural And Elegant Design It Makes For A Perfect Gift For Designer And Art ...
#89. Sariputra Arif Wicaksana - Instagram
592 Followers, 706 Following, 60 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Sariputra Arif Wicaksana (@sariputra.wicaksana)
#90. Sariputra Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
Find Sariputra stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#91. Stream Śāriputra by In My Soul 8 Persons - SoundCloud
Stream Śāriputra by In My Soul 8 Persons on desktop and mobile. Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud.
#92. Sariputra - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Śāriputra (Sanskrit: शारिपुत्र) or Sāriputta (Pāli) was one of two principal disciples of the Buddha. He became an Arhat renowned for his wisdom ...
#93. Sariputra (c. 1335-1426) and the End of Late Indian Buddhism ...
Guardian of a Dying Flame: Sariputra (c. ... McKeown follows Śāriputra's travels and works throughout pan-Buddhist Asia, from restoring the ...
#94. Śāriputra et les six maîtres d'erreur. Fac-similé du manuscrit ...
Śāriputra et les six maîtres d'erreur. Fac-similé du manuscrit chinois 4524 de la Bibliothèque Nationale, présenté par Nicole Vandier-Nicolas avec ...
#95. Pair of red lacquer kneeling disciple monks, Śāriputra and M...
Pair of red lacquer kneeling disciple monks, Śāriputra and Maudgalyāyana, with coloured glas... in Asian Art 1 Owner .
#96. Becoming Sariputra and Exploring the Five Skandhas - free ...
Becoming Sariputra and Exploring the Five Skandhas. by Maitrisiddhi (2017). This is talk 2 of 4, given on a Mitra retreat at Taraloka, exploring the Heart ...
#97. Sariputra Waghdhare - Crunchbase Person Profile
Sariputra Waghdhare · Overview · Education · Recent News and Activity · Choose the right Crunchbase solution for you · Privacy Preference Center.
#98. Sariputra - Translation into Russian - examples English
Translations in context of "Sariputra" in English-Russian from Reverso Context: 0 Sariputra, body is void, void is body."
#99. 竹中 智泰 (Tomoyasu Takenaka) - MISC - researchmap
Remarks on Śāriputra, the Hero of Prajñāpāramitāhŗdaya sūtram. Bulletin of Myoshinji-school. 巻: 号: 2; 開始ページ: 22; 終了ページ: 46 ...
Śāriputra 在 Sariputta (Sariputra)... - Oriental Museum Durham University 的推薦與評價
Sariputta (Sariputra) was one of the two chief male disciples of the Buddha who is renowned for his teaching. He was the first disciple the Buddha... ... <看更多>