This motion picture is a diet exercise which raised lipolysis efficiency to the maximum by ergonomics. It consists of simple movements, anyone can do an effective exercise. Please use simple aerobics dance for your body makeup.
Meaning of red display → 「手 hands/arm」「歩 Marching」「肩 shoulder」「膝 knee up」Telling the next movement.
Meaning of white display → 「弱 easy」「中 normal」「強 hard」「神 intense」Conveys momentum and difficulty.
●このプログラムの特徴 Features of this program
1.有酸素運動と筋トレをバランスよく組み合わせ、基礎代謝を向上。 Combine aerobic exercise and muscle training in good balance to improve basal metabolism.
2.ドタバタしないエクササイズで、アパートやマンションでも気にせず行える。 The footsteps are quiet. So you can do it in an apartment.
3.ダイエットだけでなく、体力向上・美容・健康維持にも効果的。 It is effective not only for diet but also for physical strength improvement , beauty , health maintenance.
4.立ち位置がほとんど同じなので、狭いスペースでも行える。 It can also be done in a narrow space.
5.適度な運動は、睡眠の質を高める効果がある。 Moderate exercise also has the effect of raising the quality of sleep.
※このエクササイズで1ヶ月3キロ痩せる方法はブログで公開しています。 運動だけで痩せる方法と、食事制限も加えだダイエットの2種類を紹介しています。→ http://ppp-sss.com/blog/dance517.html
●人間工学に基づき研究されたエクササイズ Exercises researched based on ergonomics
We are exercising on a daily basis. We unconsciously undergo various exercises such as "walking" "rising and falling down stairs" "sitting on a chair and rising up" "getting up from bed".
We create numerous actions from the fundamental movement elements that are repeated every day and program it as a diet exercise. Even those who are not good at exercising can enjoy dieting at home.
●美肌健康・リハビリ運動としても最適 Ideal for beautiful skin health and rehabilitation exercise
You can send comfortable everyday by beautifying skin effect · health promotion by moderate exercise intensity and smooth heart rate increase / decrease.
This exercise can also be utilized as a rehabilitation exercise. Please help us prepare before those who were not able to exercise for a while due to injuries or others do return to sports. In that case, please be sure to obtain permission from a hospital doctor.
●睡眠障害を改善し、メンタルケアにもなる It improves sleep disorder and it becomes mental care
運動による効能はダイエットだけではありません。適度に体を動かすことでストレスを発散し、気分がリフレッシュします。 The effect by exercise is not just shape up. By moving the body moderately, stress dissipates and the mood refreshes.
仕事中心の生活でストレスが溜まっている人、悩み事があり元気が出ない人ほど、運動があなたを癒してくれるはずです。 People who are stressed in work-centered life, those who have troubles and are not energetic, exercise should heal you.
痩せすぎ注意ダンス https://youtu.be/lOpBdPdi_tw
本当に痩せるダンス https://youtu.be/t8RHCrZICIg
リズムでダイエット https://youtu.be/wBNdHD1X87Y
1分で分かるバク転 https://youtu.be/V2lxOXWEzAY
ダンス初心者の基礎 https://youtu.be/dMgNlLz24y0
https://ppp-sss.com/blog/ (ブログ)