Hane & Mari took a plane with Barbie
바비와 함께 비행기를 탔다
かわいいピンクのジェット機で旅行に出かけよう! 動くタイヤとパイロットが見える窓、バービーたちのステッカーがついています。機内は様々なアクセサリーとリアルに再現された3つの乗客席がついています。
The Barbie Glamour Vacation Jet is a pink plane decorated with glittery Barbie doll and sticky labels showing passengers peeping out of the windows. The body can open revealing, three lavish-looking airplane seats with seat belts and a food cart holding three trays and three cups that can be filled with water. At the back of the plane, there are compartments and cabinets perfect for storage. This Barbie jet will allow kids to pretend and play traveling in style.
귀여운 핑크 제트기로 여행을 떠나자! 움직이는 타이어와 파일럿이 보이는 창문, 바비들의 스티커가 붙어 있습니다. 기내는 다양한 액세서리와 리얼하게 재현 된 3 개의 승객 좌석이 붙어 있습니다.
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★楽曲提供 / Production Music by
★Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
#バービー #飛行機 #Barbie #はねまりチャンネル #hanemarisworld