This is how to make popsicles that are made using the drinkable yogurt container as it is. The recipe is very simple because you can do it just by putting the ingredients inside and shaking.By adding gelatin or condensed milk, it does not harden and is easy to eat.You can replace the sugar with condensed milk.In that case, you can reduce the amount of yogurt by another 70g, add 90g of condensed milk, and do not need to add gelatin.
* Recipe * (for one 900g drinkable yogurt container)
1.Sprinkle 5g of gelatin powder into 25g of water.
2.Put the stick in water to prevent it from coming off.
3.Take out 400g of yogurt from the yogurt container at room temperature.This is not used.It's OK to drink.
4.Put canned fruits of your choice into the container. I added 200g of mandarin oranges and 160g of pineapple.
5.Add 35g of sugar.
6.Heat (1) in a microwave oven at 600w for about 20 seconds to dissolve the gelatin.
7.Put it in (5), cover it, and shake it.
8.Insert the stick of (2).
9.Freeze in the freezer.
10.It's done. It's not very sweet. And heavy. It's just so heavy.
*レシピ*(900gの飲むヨーグルト容器 1個分)
1.水 25gに粉ゼラチン 5gを振り入れておく。
4.容器に好みのフルーツ缶詰を入れる。みかん 200g、パイナップル 160gを入れました。
5.砂糖 35gも入れる。
#drinkable #yogurt #popsicle