戰略 都市主義 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文
戰略 都市主義 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
戰略 都市主義 在 有方Position - 【陈忱:从景观都市主义“反攻”建筑 的推薦與評價
并给予充分的职业发展空间。 “策略为先,设计为后” 制定恰当的商业策略,是企业在自己所处行业中获得可 持续竞争优势的重要战略,而明确策略并以策略为 ... ... <看更多>
戰略 都市主義 在 景觀都市主義by ntubp :: 博碩士論文下載網 的推薦與評價
開放空間. 閱讀更多. 生態都市主義 景觀都市主義心得 景觀都市設計 都市景觀構成 圖解都市景觀 戰略 ... 昂貴的綠色小情趣:景觀都市主義如何「搞軌」? | 博 ... ... <看更多>
戰略 都市主義 在 [請問]空間、都市計劃、建築方面的社會學類書籍- 看板Sociology 的推薦與評價
※ 引述《sunshine913 (be strong)》之銘言:
: 不好意思,
: 有朋友念鄉村計畫類的研究所,
: 他也對社會學很有興趣,
: 想要請板上的高手們推薦一些和空間、建築方面比較有關的社會學類的書。
: 麻煩大家了,謝謝:)
Relph, Edward (1998)《現代都市地景》(謝慶達譯),台北:田園城市。
Parker, Simon (2007)《遇見都市:理論與經驗》(王志弘、徐苔玲譯),台北:群學。
Hall, Peter (2002) Cities of Tomorrow (3rd ed.). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
Brooks, Michael P. (2002) Planning Theory for Practitioners. Chicago:
Planners Press.
Tafuri, Manfredo (1976) Architecture and Utopia: Design and Capitalist
Development. (trans. by Barbara Luigia La Penta). Cambridge, MA.: The MIT
第一週 課程介紹:學習方法與規劃知識圖譜 9/13
1.Sandercock, Leoni (1998)〈規劃師之養成:為二十一世紀儲備規劃師〉(鄭文良、陳
惠雯、林秀姿譯),《城市與設計》4: 21-35。*
〉,《國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報》13: 107-116。*
3.Klosterman, Richard E. (1985) “Arguments for and against planning”, The
Town Planning Review 5(1): 5-20.*【Also in Scott Campbell and Susan Fainstein
(eds)(2003), Readings in Planning Theory ( 2nd ed.) (pp. 86-101). Malden, MA:
4.Campbell, Scott and Susan S. Fainstein (2003) “Introduction: the structure
and debates of planning theory”, in Scott Campbell and Susan Fainstein
(eds), Readings in Planning Theory ( 2nd ed.) (pp. 1-16). Malden, MA:
5.Eagleton, Terry (1987) “The significance of theory”, in The Significance
of Theory (pp. 24-38). Oxford: Basil Blackwell.(有中譯*)
6.Jenkins, Keith (1996)《歷史的再思考》(賈士蘅譯),台北:麥田。
1.Cottrell, Stella (2007)《大學生了沒:聰明的讀書技巧》(洪翠薇譯),台北:深
2.Cottrell, Stella (2007)《批判性思考:跳脫慣性的思考模式》(鄭淑芬譯),台北
3.Grix, Jonathan (2008)《TOP研究的必修課:學術基礎研究理論》(林育珊譯),台北
4.Freire, Paulo(2002)《受壓迫者教育學》(方永泉譯),台北:巨流。
2.Friedmann, John (1998)〈新的規劃政治經濟學:市民社會之崛起〉(黃肇新譯),《
城市與設計》4: 1-20。*
3.Teymur, Necdet (1998)〈城市做為教室∕學校做為城市〉(楊長苓、吳金鏞譯),《
城市與設計》5/6: 19-30。
4.Bayer, Michael, Nancy Frank and Jason Valerius (2010) Becoming an Urban
Planner: A Guide to Careers in Planning and Urban Design. Hoboken, NJ: John
Wiley & Sons.
5.Brooks, Michael P. (2002) Planning Theory for Practitioners. Chicago:
Planners Press.
6.Duerksen, Christopher J., C. Gregory Dale and Donald L. Elliott (2009) The
Citizen’s Guide to Planning (4th edition). Chicago: the American Planning
7.Gaber, John and Sharon Gaber (2007) Qualitative Analysis for Planning &
Policy: Beyond the Numbers. Chicago: Planners Press.
1.Weber, Max (1991)〈學術作為一種志業〉,收於錢永祥編譯《學術與政治:韋伯選集
(I)》(pp. 131-167),台北:遠流。
2.Touraine, Alain(2002)〈行動社會學的方法:社會學式介入〉,收於《行動者的歸
來》(舒詩偉等譯)(pp. 241-56),台北:麥田。
3.Gedicks, Al (1996) “Activist Sociology: Personal Reflections”,
Sociological Imagination, 33(1): 55-72.
4.Argyris, Chris, Robert Putnam, and Diana McLain Smith (2000)〈學習是為了行動
與改變〉,收於《行動科學》(夏林清譯)(pp. 31-65),台北:遠流。
土女性研究實例》(pp. 99-120),台北:巨流。
研究季刊》49: 1-47。
現代情境裡的政治倫理》(pp. 415-428),台北:聯經。
9.Said, Edward(1997)《知識分子論》(單德興譯),台北:麥田。
第一部份 規劃:實踐與理論的歷史
第二週 台灣規劃史(一):知識∕權力與空間治理術 9/20
見的臺北》(pp. 19-78),台北:左岸。
2.蘇碩斌(2005)〈縣級以下全不透明〉,《看不見與看得見的臺北》(pp. 79-143),
》(pp. 144-203),台北:左岸。
4.蘇碩斌(2005)〈生產空間的精密技術〉,《看不見與看得見的臺北》(pp. 204-265
1(2/3): 231-262。*
2.黃蘭翔(1995)〈日據初期台北市的市區改正〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》18: 189-213
》19: 31-59。*
台灣社會研究季刊》40: 47-82。*
第三週 台灣規劃史(二):國家、資本、依賴發展與非正式性 9/27
2.孫義崇(1988)〈台灣的區域空間政策〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》1(2/3): 33-96。*
》(pp. 139-173),台北:詹氏書局。*
4.米復國(1988)〈台灣的公共住宅政策〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》1(2/3): 97-147。*
1(2/3): 149-210。*
研究季刊》1(2/3): 263-337。*
所作的推論〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》1(2/3): 211-230。*
設計學報》4: 301-314。*
〉,《都市與計劃》27(2): 211-232。*
之個案研究〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》3(2/3): 33-103。*
季刊》1(2/3): 9-31。*
方派系、財團與台北都會發展的社會學分析》(pp. 363-397),台北:巨流。
研究集刊》20(3): 397-439。*
第四週 台灣規劃史(三):全球城市、都市社會運動、社區參與和市民城市 10/4
13(1): 89-132。*
34: 41-60。*
之都市回應〉,《城市與設計學報》9/10: 1-56。*
里回應〉,《地理學報》34: 61-78。*
《台灣社會研究季刊》46: 141-172。*
1.夏鑄九(1995)〈全球經濟中的台灣城市與社會〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》20: 57-102
《都市與計劃》32(1): 1-23。*
35(2): 99-122。*
報》8: 45-52。
9/10: 175-185。
9.陳亮全(2000)〈近年台灣社區總體營造之展開〉,《住宅學報》9(1): 61-77。*
》12: 81-108。*
討論〉,《城市與設計》2/3: 241-253。
第五週 西方城鎮規劃興起:資本主義、都市化、社會改革、殖民與現代國家 10/11
1.Hall, Peter (1995)〈都市規劃的起源(1800-1940)〉,《都市與區域規劃》(張麗
堂譯)(pp. 17-41),台北:巨流。*
2.Relph, Edward (1998)〈現代城鎮規劃的發明:1890-1940〉,《現代都市地景》(謝
慶達譯)(pp. 79-111),台北:田園城市。
3.Parker, Simon (2007)〈城市描述:古典都市研究的社會改革與經驗傳統〉,《遇見都
市:理論與經驗》(王志弘、徐苔玲譯)(pp. 41-74),台北:群學。
4.Hall, Peter (2002) “The city of dreadful night: reactions to the
nineteenth-century slum city: London, Paris, Berlin, New York, 1890-1900”,
in Cities of Tomorrow (3rd ed.)(pp. 15-47). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
5.King, Anthony D. (1990) “Incorporating the periphery (2): urban planning
in the colonies”, in Urbanism, Colonialism, and the World-economy: Cultural
and Spatial Foundations of the World Urban System (pp. 44-67). London:
1.Kotkin, Joel (2006)《城市的歷史》(謝佩妏譯),台北:左岸。
2.Mumford, Lewis (1994)《歷史中的城市》(宋俊嶺、倪文彥譯),台北:建築與文化
3.Schorske, Carl E. (2002)《世紀末的維也納》(黃煜文譯),台北:麥田。【特別是
4.Sennett, Richard (2003)《肉體與石頭:西方文明中的人類身體與城市》(黃煜文譯
5.Harvey, David (2007)《巴黎,現代性之都》(黃煜文譯),台北:群學。
6.Sutcliffe, Anthony (1981) Towards the Planned City: Germany, Britain, the
United States and France, 1780-1914. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
7.Foglesong, Richard E. (1986) Planning the Capitalist City: The Colonial Era
to the 1920s. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
8.Boyer, M. Christine (1987) Dreaming the Rational City: The Myth of American
City Planning. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
第六週 從烏托邦到官僚:花園城市、新鎮與區域規劃 10/18
1.Parker, Simon (2007)〈烏托邦願景:從花園城市到新都市主義〉,《遇見都市:理論
與經驗》(王志弘、徐苔玲譯)(pp. 75-104),台北:群學。
2.Hall, Peter (1995)〈都市規劃的前驅思想家(1800-1945)〉,《都市與區域規劃》
(張麗堂譯)(pp. 43-85),台北:巨流。*
3.Fishman, Robert (2003) “Urban utopias: Ebenezer Howard, Frank Lloyd
Wright, and Le Corbusier”, in Scott Campbell and Susan Fainstein (eds),
Readings in Planning Theory ( 2nd ed.) (pp. 21-60). Malden, MA: Blackwell.*
4.Hall, Peter (2002) “The city in the region: the birth of regional
planning: Edinburgh, New York, London, 1900-1940”, in Cities of Tomorrow
(3rd ed.)(pp. 15-47). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.(有中譯*)
2.Buder, Stanley (1990) Visionaries and Planners: The Garden City Movement
and the Modern Community. New York: Oxford University Press.
3.Fishman, Robert (1982) Urban Utopias in the Twentieth Century: Ebenezer
Howard, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Le Corbusier. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
4.Hall, Peter (1995)《都市與區域規劃》(張麗堂譯),台北:巨流。
5.Hall, Peter (2002) “The city in the garden: the garden-city solution:
London, Paris, Berlin, New York, 1900-1940”, in Cities of Tomorrow (3rd
ed.)(pp. 87-141). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
6.Hall, Peter and Colin Ward (2009)《社會城市埃比尼澤.霍華德的遺產》,北
7.Hall, Peter (2002) “The city of towers: the Corbusian radiant city: Paris,
Chandigarh, Brasilia, London, St Louis, 1920-1970”, in Cities of Tomorrow
(3rd ed.)(pp. 218-261). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
9.Harvey, David (2000) “The spaces of utopia”, in Spaces of Hope (pp.
133-181). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.(有南京大學出版社中譯本:《希
第七週 紀念性、機械化與效率:城市美化運動、建築現代主義與國際風格 10/25
1.Wilson,William H. (1996) “The glory, destruction, and meaning of the city
beautiful movement”, in Scott Campbell and Susan Fainstein (eds), Readings
in Planning Theory (pp. 68-102). Malden, MA: Blackwell.*
2.Relph, Edward (1998)〈第一個機械時代的日常地景:1900-1940〉,《現代都市地景
》(謝慶達譯)(pp. 113-141),台北:田園城市。
3.Relph, Edward (1998)〈建築的現代主義與國際主義:1900-1940〉,《現代都市地景
》(謝慶達譯)(pp. 143-171),台北:田園城市。
4.Hall, Peter (2002) “The city on the highway: the automobile suburb: Long
Island, Wisconsin, Los Angeles, Paris, 1930-1987”, in Cities of Tomorrow
(3rd ed.)(pp. 294-351). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
1.Hall, Peter (1980) Great Planning Disasters. Berkeley: University of
California Press.
2.Hall, Peter (2002) “The city of by-pass variegated: the mass transit
suburb: London, Paris, Berlin, New York, 1900-1940”, in Cities of Tomorrow
(3rd ed.)(pp. 48-86). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
3.Hall, Peter (2002) “The city of monuments: the city beautiful movement:
Chicago, New Delhi, Berlin, Moscow, 1900-1945”, in Cities of Tomorrow (3rd
ed.)(pp. 188-217). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
4.Holston, James (1989) The Modernist City: An Anthropological Critique of
Brasilia. Chicago: The University Chicago Press.
第八週 規劃與社會差異:隔離、郊區化、縉紳化、企業城市與分裂城市 11/1
1.Relph, Edward (1998)〈隔離城市的規劃:1945-1975〉,《現代都市地景》(謝慶達
譯)(pp. 143-171),台北:田園城市。
2.Parker, Simon (2007)〈郊區與族裔聚居區之間:都市研究與二次大戰後英美的社區追
尋〉,《遇見都市:理論與經驗》(王志弘、徐苔玲譯)(pp. 105-141),台北:群學
3.Hall, Peter (2002) “The city of enterprise: planning turn upside down:
Baltimore, Hong Kong, London, 1975-1990”, in Cities of Tomorrow (3rd
ed.)(pp. 378-403). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
4.Harvey, David (2010)〈聯邦丘觀點〉,收於《資本的空間》(王志弘、王玥民譯)(
pp. 189-226),台北:群學。
5.Harvey, David (2010)〈從管理主義到企業主義:晚期資本主義都市治理的轉變〉,收
於《資本的空間》(王志弘、王玥民譯)(pp. 503-536),台北:群學。
6.Hall, Peter (2002) “The city of permanent underclass: The enduring slum:
Chicago, St Louis, London, 1920-2000”, in Cities of Tomorrow (3rd ed.)(pp.
15-47). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
1.Mingione, Enzo (ed.) (1996) Urban Poverty and the Underclass: A Reader.
Oxford: Blackwell.
2.Mollenkopf, John Hull and Manuel Castells (eds) (1991) Dual City:
Restructuring New York. New York: Russel Sage Foundation.
3.Fanistein, Susan, Ian Gordon and Michael Harloe (eds) (1992) Divided
Cities: New York & London in the Contemporary World. Oxford: Blackwell.
4.Smith, Neil and Peter Williams (eds) (1986) Gentrification of the City.
Boston: Allen & Unwin.
5.Smith, Neil (1996) The New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the
Revanchist City. London: Routledge.
6.Lees, Loretta, Tom Slater and Elvin Wyly (eds) (2010) The Gentrification
Reader. London: Routledge.
7.Ley, David (1996) The New Middle Class and the Remaking of the Central
City. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
8.Zukin, Sharon (1982) Loft Living: Culture and Capital in Urban Change. New
Brunswick. NJ: Rutgers University Press.
9.Frieden, Bernard and Lynne B. Sagalyn (1999)《浴火重生:美國都市更新的奮鬥故
事》(Downtown, Inc.: How America Rebuilds Cities)(財團法人都市更新研究發展
10.Collins, Richard C., Elizabeth B. Waters and A. Bruce Dotson (1997)《舊城再
生:美國都市成長政策與史蹟保存》(America’s Downtowns: Growth Politics and
11.Malone, Patrick (ed.) (1999)《港灣城市再生》(City, Capital and Water)(胡
第九週 理性程序規劃及其批判;政策分析取向的反思 11/8
1.Friedmann, John (1987) “Two centuries of planning theory: an overview”,
in Planning in the Public Domain: From Knowledge to Action (pp. 51-85).
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.*
2.Brooks, Michael P. (2002) “Centralized rationality: the planner as applied
scientist”, in Planning Theory for Practitioners (pp. 81-96). Chicago:
Planners Press.*
灣社會研究季刊》3(1): 177-193。*
4.Stone, Deborah (2007)《政策弔詭:政治決策的藝術》,台北:群學。【閱讀〈市場
1.周志龍(1999)〈規劃理論的論爭與發展〉,《都市與計劃》26(2): 165-187。*
2.Friedmann, John (1987) “The terrain of planning theory”, in Planning in
the Public Domain: From Knowledge to Action (pp. 19-48). Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press.*
3.Faludi, Andreas (1973) “What is planning theory?”, in Andreas Faludi
(ed.), A Reader in Planning Theory (pp. 1-10). Oxford: Pergamon Press.
4.Friedmann, John (1987) “Planning as policy analysis”, in Planning in the
Public Domain: From Knowledge to Action (pp. 137-179). Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press.*
5.Rittel, Horst W. J. and Melvin M. Webber (1973) “Dilemmas in a general
theory of planning”, Policy Sciences 4: 155-69.*
6.Healey, Patsy, Glen McDougall and Michael J. Thomas (1982) “theoretical
debates in planning: towards a coherent dialogue”, in Planning Theory
Prospects for the 1980s (pp. 5-22). Oxford: Pergamon Press.
7.Jacobs, Jane (2007)《偉大城市的誕生與衰亡:美國都市街道生活的啟發》(吳鄭重
第十週 規劃政治:社會改革、社會動員、進步式規劃 vs. 規劃的不可能 11/15
1.Fainstein, Susan S. and Norman Fainstein (1996) “City planning and
political values: an updated view”, in Scott Campbell and Susan Fainstein
(eds), Readings in Planning Theory (pp. 265-287). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.*
2.Brooks, Michael P. (2002) “Centralized non-rationality: the planner
confronts politics”, in Planning Theory for Practitioners (pp. 97-106).
Chicago: Planners Press.*
3.Brooks, Michael P. (2002) “Decentralized rationality: the planner as
political activist”, in Planning Theory for Practitioners (pp. 107-118).
Chicago: Planners Press.*
4.Harvey, David (1996) “On planning the ideology of planning”, in Scott
Campbell and Susan Fainstein (eds), Readings in Planning Theory.(pp. 176-197)
Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.*
刊》3(1): 95-111。*
1.Lindblom, Charles E. (1996) “The science of ‘muddling through’”, in
Scott Campbell and Susan Fainstein (eds), Readings in Planning Theory (pp.
288-304). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.
2.Friedmann, John (1987) “Planning as social reform”, in Planning in the
Public Domain: From Knowledge to Action (pp. 87-136). Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press.*
3.Friedmann, John (1987) “Planning as social mobilization”, in Planning in
the Public Domain: From Knowledge to Action (pp. 225-308). Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press.
4.Fainstein, Norman I. and Susan S. Fainstein (1979) “New debates in urban
planning: the impact of Marxist theory within the United States”,
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 3: 381-403.
5.Krumholz, Norman (1996) “A retrospective view of equity planning:
Cleveland, 1969-1979”, in Scott Campbell and Susan Fainstein (eds), Readings
in Planning Theory (pp. 344-362). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.*
第十一週 辯護式規劃vs. 規劃之為社會學習與溝通理性 11/22
1.Davidoff, Paul (1996) “Advocacy and pluralism in planning”, in Scott
Campbell and Susan Fainstein (eds), Readings in Planning Theory.(pp. 305-322)
Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.*
2.Brooks, Michael P. (2002) “Decentralized non-rationality: the planner as
communicator”, in Planning Theory for Practitioners (pp. 119-133). Chicago:
Planners Press.*
3.Healey, Patsy (1996) “Planning through debate: the communicative turn in
planning theory”, in Scott Campbell and Susan Fainstein (eds), Readings in
Planning Theory (pp. 234-257). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.*
1.Friedmann, John (1987) “Planning as social learning”, in Planning in the
Public Domain: From Knowledge to Action (pp. 181-223). Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press.*
2.Forester, John (1989) Planning in the Face of Power. Berkeley: University
of California Press.(江明修、劉梅君譯(1995)《面對權力的規劃》,台北:五南。
第十二週 出路?後現代規劃、女性主義、差異與多元文化 11/29
1.Beauregard, Robert A. (1996) “Between modernity and postmodernity: the
ambiguous position of U.S. planning”, in Scott Campbell and Susan Fainstein
(eds), Readings in Planning Theory (pp. 213-233). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.*
2.Huxley, Margo (2002) “Governmentality, gender, planning”, in Philip
Allmendinger and Mark Tewdwr-Jones (eds), Planning Futures: New Directions
for Planning Theory (pp. 136-153). London: Routledge.*
3.Sandercock, Leonie (2003) “Modernist cities and planning: on what a lovely
paradox!”, in Cosmopolis II: Mongrel Cities of the 21st Century (pp. 13-35).
London: Continuum.*
4.Sandercock, Leonie (2003) “Rewriting planning history: official and
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第十三週 規劃倫理:貧民窟星球(社會正義)vs.生態危機(生態正義) 12/6
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第十四週 新趨勢與新問題:數位城市、都市規劃的文化策略 12/13
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2.Castells, Manuel (2002) “The culture of cities in the information age”,
in Ida Susser (ed.), The Castells Reader on Cities and Social Theory (pp.
367-89). Oxford: Blackwell. ( Originally prepared for the Library of Congress
Conference “Frontiers of the Mind in the Twentieth-first Century,” held in
Washington, DC, June 14-18, 1999.)(有中譯*)
4.Young, Greg (2008) “A cultural era”, in Reshaping Planning with Culture
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5.Young, Greg (2008) “Culture and planning – a new positionality”, in
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4.Graham, Stephen and Simon Marvin (1996) Telecommunications and the City:
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8.Evans, Graeme (2001) Cultural Planning: An Urban Renaissance? London:
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報》42: 1-24。*
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第二部份 設計:實踐與理論的歷史
第十五週 形式的人文意蘊與權力:城市意象、模式語言,以及建築設計論述 12/20
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Theory (pp. 42-47). Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.(有中譯
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論述〉,《工業設計》25(2): 12-22。
第十六週 建築與烏托邦:設計與資本主義 12/27
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3.Tafuri, Manfredo (1980) Theories and History of Architecture. New York:
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9.Ingraham, Catherine (2006) Architecture, Animal, Human: The Asymmetrical
Condition. London: Routledge.
10.Leach, Neil (2005)《建築之麻醉》(The Anaesthetics of Architecture)(宋偉
第十七週 政治經濟學與都市設計 1/3
1.Cuthbert, Alexander R. (2006) “Theory”, in The Form of Cities: Political
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1.Cuthbert, Alexander R. (2003) Designing Cities: Critical Readings in Urban
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3.Trancik, Roger (1989)《找尋失落的空間》(Finding Lost Space: Theories of
Urban Design)(謝慶達譯),台北:創興。
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