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主演 Starring | 任敏嫻 Daphne Jen
主演 Starring | 楊哲維 Peter Yang
製片 Producer | 陳品佳 Cookie Chen
製片 Producer | 陳詠雙 Chen Yung Shuang
製片助理 Production Assistant | 江秉彰 Jiang Bing Jhang
製片助理 Production Assistant | 陳祐民 Chen You Min
製片助理 Production Assistant | 黃子晏 Huang Tzu Yen
導演 Director | 黃元懋 Huang Yuan Mao
攝影指導 Director Of Photography | 陳貞文 Michaha
攝影大助 1st Assistant Camera | 劉晉源 Jin Yuan Liu
攝影助理 Assistant Camera | 丁智盈 Chih Ying Ting
攝影助理 Assistant Camera | 鄧欽豪 Qin Hao Deng
燈光指導 Gaffer | 萬又銘 Youming Wan
燈光助理 Best Boy | 陳覺安 Chen Jue An
燈光助理 Best Boy | 曾鈺展 David Zen
美術指導 Art Director | 許耕維 Geng Uei Hsu
美術大助 Set Decorator | 孫興筠 Audrey Sun
美術協力 Art Assistant | 林泰佑 Lin Tai You
美術協力 Art Assistant | 郭毅賢 Kuo Yi Hsien
美術協力 Art Assistant | 劉宇庭 Liu Yu Ting
服化 Costumer & Makeup | 魏雅鮮 Wei Ya Hsien
剪接 Editor | 黃元懋 Huang Yuan Mao
調光 Colorist | 江偉 Will Chiang @萬事屋影像制作
劇照 Still|溫肇鈺 Easen Wen
攝影器材 Photographic Equipment | 蜻蝏製作
燈光器材 Light Equipment | 仙人掌影業
場地協力 Location | 喬迪親子動動館、加減工作室
特別感謝 Special Thanks |
蜻蜓製作 小闕
DC 杜彥豪
水可以去任何地方 Water Can Go Anywhere
詞/曲 | 蕭戎雯
Songs & Lyrics written by Coco Hsiao
編曲/演奏 | 緩緩
Arranged & Performed by Huan Huan
我用笨拙的模樣 I put on a foolish appearance
想接近成熟的形狀 To come across as more mature than I really was
我做了好多努力 I worked quite hard to do it
有時顯得多餘 Sometimes it was a bit too much
但不需要你的可惜 But I don't need your pity
他說把杯子打破吧 He said go on, it's all right, break the cup
水可以去任何地方 Water can go anywhere
要一個眼光 You don't need anything except your own vision
只屬於我那樣 to be who you want to be
無需假裝 There's no need to pretend
奮力上游 I push upstream with all my might
想擁有從容不迫的臉孔 I try to stay composed, keep a brave face
但 海潮洶湧 But the tide is ferocious
我該怎麼做 What do I need do
才能夠存活 To survive
我能否看清 Will I be able to see clearly
事情的經過 And get through this?
他說把杯子打破吧 He said go on, it's all right, break the cup
水可以去任何地方 Water can go anywhere
朝新的方向 It always finds new directions
從不存在過那樣 There will always be another void
慢慢有光 from which light starts to appear
奮力上游 I push upstream with all my might
想擁有從容不迫的臉孔 I try to stay composed, keep a brave face
但 海潮洶湧 But the tide is ferocious
我該怎麼做 What do I need do
才能夠存活 to survive?
我能否看清 Will I be able to see clearly
事情的經過 And get through this?
我能否看見 Will I be able to see
自己的輪廓 my own silhouette?
還能去追求 Will I be able to catch
真實的悸動 the true rhythm of the heart?
製作人 Producer | 蕭戎雯 Coco Hsiao
配唱 Vocal Director | 徐振程 Jason Hsu
主唱 Lead Vocal | 蕭戎雯 Coco Hsiao
爵士鼓 Drums | 彭一珍 Yi Jen Peng
電貝斯 Electric Bass | 黃柏豪 PauL Huang
吉他 Guitar | 蕭戎雯 Coco Hsiao
打擊 Percussion | 彭一珍 Yi Jen Peng
合成器 Synth | 蕭戎雯 Coco Hsiao
和聲 Background Vocals | 邱厚文 Hou Wen Chiu
和聲 Backing Vocals | 蕭戎雯 Coco Hsiao
剪輯 Editing | 徐振程 Jason Hsu
錄音師 Recording Engineer | 黃榮毅 Eazie Huang、李詠恩 Joshua Lee (荒原錄音室 The Wasteland Studio)、Andy Baker (玉成戲院錄音室 YuChen Studio)、徐振程 Jason Hsu (玉成戲院錄音室 YuChen Studio)
混音師 Mixing Engineer | Andy Baker