All Yoga 印度深度文化之旅, 濂芬深度的分享。
(English version below)
你們有沒有想過為何自己會對某些事物有喜歡與不喜歡的反應?這些直覺式的反應依循自靈魂累世的資料庫(Vasanas/ knowledge),不只是你從小到大的成長背景,也包含你所有的過去世。而我們的身體與心智(Body, Mind & Intellect, 這裡的Mind比較像是講主觀心)便依循內在的資料庫對外在世界反應。
從生活中去覺察自己內在的價值觀與宇宙通則(Universal Value),並在言行舉止中都依循它去行動;否則我們很容易就變成思想與言行不一致的人(split personality),這樣我們就離身心內外合一更遙遠了。
人與動物最大的差別在於你擁有自由選擇的權利,也就是你的自由意志(Free Will)!自由意志有這個力量來改變我們過往的慣性與習性,協助我們朝著內在所渴望的方向前進。
(Sharing the master’s teaching)
Why are we born? For cleaning the wrong informations within us to let us become one (a completely whole person). Our body, mind and intellect are just the instruments and they follow the Vasanas (knowledge/ information record from past lives) to react to the world.
We always think we are the one who control our body, but is it true? Or we’re controlled by our habits and emotions? The biggest difference between human being and animals is we have the Free Will to choose, so how would you use this power properly or you just follow your automatic instinct reaction?
Have you ever wondered why would you have the reaction to something you like or unlike? That’s the way we follow the knowledge within us. The problem is those informations within us could be right or wrong. If we couldn’t take the time to recognize the wrong information/cognition, we will keep suffering pain and stay in the cycle of karma forever.
How to clean the informations within us:
1) Handle emotions
When your emotions arises, please feel grateful and spent your time to feel it and observe it. To observe why this thing make you have emotion with it and discover it might come from which wrong cognition within you.
2) Aware the value system
There’re lots of value systems we follow in the world but only one which everyone needs to follow is called Universal Value or Universal rule.
It exists in your heart and you definitely will know it as long as you spend your time to be with yourself. If you go against to the Universal Rule, you’ll find it’s hard for you to fall asleep in the night.
Anything you want, others want too.
Anything you don’t want, don’t do it to others as well.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.