飲得喇~ Cheers🍊🍻
購買賞月套裝👉🏻 https://food.dustykid.net
於8月28-29日可以優惠價 $50 試飲試食《塵月餅 x 麥子柑月啤套裝》,包括柑月啤 1 支及塵月餅 1 件 。
日期:2021年8月28及29日 (共2日)
時間:5pm - 8pm
地點:西九文化區「留白 Livehouse」餐廳門前領取後,可自行享用
套裝:柑月啤 1 支及塵月餅 1 件 (口味隨機)
領取後,可於西九文化區自行享用,於草地上品嚐塵月餅及麥子啤 Chill 下~享受一個輕鬆假期🤗
* 塵月餅口味:日本宇治若竹抹茶紅豆月餅 或 比利時黑麥朱古力蓮蓉月餅 (約50g/件)
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,390的網紅陳嘉 CHANKA,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Dear All, I am more than happy to announce that our team is launching an exciting campaign with lots of collaborations! Here you go the second piece o...
留白livehouse 在 Joyce Cheung Facebook 的最佳貼文
@kiri_thy Ive known since undergrad but never had a chance to work with, @moonstyles_ Ive only met last year and we did a cover. Its interesting what life leads you to sometimes.
Thanks to @kung.chishing, this is where our paths cross.
These two beautiful souls have got to have the most capturing voices u’ve ever heard. My job is to make sure you hear them loud and clear (ill probably throw in a few spices here and there 💃, sorry cant help it)
Get your tickets now before they get swooped up! *link in bio
自由空間樂團 Freespace Ensemble feat. 張貝芝 Joyce Cheung, Kiri T, Moon Tang
📅 16 – 17.09.2021 (Thu 四 – Fri 五)
🕤 晚上 09:30 – 10:40pm
📍 藝術公園自由空間留白 Livehouse | Lau Bak Livehouse, Freespace, Art Park
🚇 港鐵九龍站 E 出口 MTR Kowloon Station Exit E
🎫 $300 (不設劃位 Free seating)
🔗 https://wk.org.hk/3ih6JVM
FB tags:
#自由空間樂團 #張貝芝 #KiriT #MoonTang #羅莎莉 #陳駿軒 #曾浩威 #李駿銚 #自由空間 #西九文化區 #西九
#FreespaceEnsemble #JoyceCheung #SallyLaw #BernardChan #JackizTsang #DeanLi #Freespace #ArtPark #WestKowloonCulturalDistrict #WestKowloon
IG tags:
#自由空間樂團 #張貝芝 #KiriT #MoonTang #羅莎莉 #陳駿軒 #曾浩威 #李駿銚 #自由空間 #西九文化區 #西九
#FreespaceEnsemble #JoyceCheung #SallyLaw #BernardChan #JackizTsang #DeanLi #Freespace #ArtPark #WestKowloonCulturalDistrict #WestKowloon
留白livehouse 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
【 西九自由空間樂團/Joyce Cheung ╳ Kiri T ╳ Moon Tang 九月「留白」獻聲 】
這來自狄更斯(Charles Dickens)名著《雙城記》(A Tale of Two Cities)的經典開篇,正是2020年至今,香港音樂界的真實情況 ── 去年世紀疫情爆發,現場演出幾近絕跡;直至今年初開始情況逐漸緩和,音樂會如雨後春筍般開鑼,全民「餓騷」已久,一票難求,搶飛分分鐘攰過返工。然而歌手與組合太多,演出場地有限,大騷旺場,中型規模的拉闊同樣爭崩頭,就連小型演出同樣受惠,而且很多時候,那些細圍演出不論陣容與配搭都相當驚喜。
比如早前在中環大館看過的「周六階聲作樂」,有Gareth.T(湯令山)與黃靖等演出、《全民造星II》參賽者謝雨橋入行13年來首個音樂會《The Last Show?》,還有在西九自由空間(FREESPACE)餐廳兼Livehouse「留白」舉行的「FREESPACE ENSEMBLE」(西九自由空間樂團),五月底有唱作人Jonathan Yang聯乘結他手葉志聰(Mike Yip)即席合奏,觀眾更可以坐在對出草地享受音樂,Chill到不行。完場後才疑惑,何解以往都沒有機會接觸這類型的音樂會呢?是大數據影響?還是就連獨立音樂人也趁近來的「疫後小陽春」發力,爭取更多演出機會?總之今時今日,任何事情都說不準,Live Show有得睇就好睇!
剛才提到的「FREESPACE ENSEMBLE」,瀏覽西九文化區的官方網站資料,發現那是由本地著名音樂人龔志成發起的最新企劃,召集多位本地獨立音樂人,定期以不同組合的形式與風格演出,而每次演出,會由不同的音樂人負責「揸Fit」,藉着與團員之間的意念碰撞,帶來重編的樂曲和新作。繼五月底舉行的Jonathan Yang聯乘Mike Yip之後,三位音樂人:張貝芝(Joyce Cheung)、Kiri T和Moon Tang,將於9月16日至17日,一連兩晚在「留白」舉行聯乘演出,由Joyce Cheung領軍,將Kiri T和Moon Tang的作品重新編曲,而Joyce亦會演繹自己的原創曲目,同場尚有幾位樂手,分別是負責拉小提琴的羅莎莉(Sally Law)、拉大提琴的陳駿軒(Bernard Chan)、彈奏低音結他的曾浩威(Jackiz Tsang)以及打鼓的李駿銚(Dean Li)。
三位主角之中,對Joyce Cheung最陌生。她是香港爵士鋼琴演奏、編曲及作曲家,於去年推出首張純音樂專輯《Set Loose》,近期參與演出包括「薑家樂」音樂會、陳輝陽╳女聲合唱作品音樂會《人來人往》,以及與另外三位本地爵士鋼琴家同台的《Our Jazz Pianists》音樂會等等,經常與香港本地歌手和音樂人合作,包括陳輝陽、容祖兒、許廷鏗、陳健安和草蜢等。編曲作品多元化,亦負責編排口琴演奏家何卓彥(CY Leo)的專輯《Angel and Demon》。
認識Kiri T,有兩個原因,其一是她為謝安琪創作的《773312》,其二是2019年她參加商業二台的《Brand Yourself》演出,她是我眼中其中一位新生代超級有型的創作人,畢業於美國伯克利音樂學院(Berklee College of Music),首先修讀爵士演奏,之後轉攻電子音樂製作及設計。2019年推出首張個人大碟《Golden Kiri》,第二張個人大碟《Chili T》今年面世,此外她又曾為何韻詩、林二汶、容祖兒、吳雨霏、魏如萱、林海峰等歌手合作,負責作曲和編曲。
至於唱作人Moon Tang,當初留意她,完全是因為聽過其男友Gareth.T的《Boyfriend Material》,後來才知道她有份featuring新歌《Honest》。Moon是香港土生土長的中泰混血兒,2017年於「全港中學生歌唱比賽Supernova」中獲得亞軍後開始投身音樂事業。2020年為微電影《霓虹黯色》翻唱歌曲《傾城》,MV在YouTube的點擊率至今超過83萬,同年Moon Tang推出了首張迷你專輯《Dear Moon》。
坦白講,Joyce Chueng的專輯裏部份曲目如《My Favorite Things》與《1516》,令我想起幾年前開始留意的一隊日本爵士搖滾樂隊fox capture plan,期待她在演出當晚會帶來怎樣的聽覺衝擊。而Moon Tang與Kiri T的聲綫風格頗為不同,到底在Joyce的帶領下,會拼湊出怎樣的「全新聲勢」,就要買飛入場好好細聽了。
FREESPACE ENSEMBLE feat. Joyce Cheung, Kiri T, Moon Tang
#游大東 #游大東影視筆記 #自由空間樂團 #張貝芝 #KiriT #MoonTang #羅莎莉 #陳駿軒 #曾浩威 #李駿銚 #自由空間 #西九文化區 #西九 #FreespaceEnsemble #JoyceCheung #SallyLaw #BernardChan #JackizTsang #DeanLi #Freespace #ArtPark #WestKowloonCulturalDistrict #WestKowloon West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區 留白 Lau Bak Freespace Livehouse Freespace 自由空間 Kiri T Bernard Chan Cellist Joyce Cheung
留白livehouse 在 陳嘉 CHANKA Youtube 的最讚貼文
Dear All,
I am more than happy to announce that our team is launching an exciting campaign with lots of collaborations! Here you go the second piece of our work.
"音樂影像(Music Video)不是音樂的襯托。她是獨立的作品,同時讓人能"看見"音樂及一切從音樂開展的可能性。"
【Please support us】:
第二部曲 | Everyday I Die A Little Bit Inside
活著 vs 死亡 :內心矛盾 vs 身體表達【現代編舞家/舞蹈家】
故事內容 : 從AI的逝去,回歸到人類。精神支配身體,續Reminiscence的意念,一個從肉身展現心理消逝的過程。我們每一個情緒變化,都在皮膚、肢體、呼吸和心跳的頻率上展現。由肉身糜爛反射到心理絕望與死亡⋯這⋯到底如何影響我們每一天?到底⋯累贅的是肉體,還是過盛的情感?
Chapter two | Everyday I Die A Little Bit Inside
Alive vs dead: the dilemma and body language 【Choreographer/Contemporary Dancer】 From the death of AI back to talking about human beings. Mind controls the body. Like in the previous chapter Reminiscence, this is about the process of emotional regression, expressed through the body. Our every emotion is printed on our skin, our body, our every breath taken, and our heartbeat frequency. From the deterioration of our body to depression and death... How is this affecting our daily life? Is the redundancy our body or our emotion that is too strong to handle?
Everyday I die a little bit inside
With no one else can ever tell
I sing my lullaby
Every time I die a little bit inside
Not even me could recognise
Who the hell am I
Oh save me
In between you and me
I’m drowning I’m drowning I’m drowning
Oh save me
I dunno where I can be
In this world
Falling slowly
Everyday I try a little bit harder
I learn to say black is white
Before I see any colours
Every time I smile a little bit harder
I stay the same face to face
With all all of the fake love and laughters
Oh save me
In between you and me
I’m drowning I’m drowning I’m drowning
Oh save me
I dunno where I can be
In this world
Falling slowly
And kill my spirit
Falling slowly
Oh save me
I dunno where I can be
In this world
Falling slowly
Falling slowly
Choreographer/Dancer Tung Chiu
Director Deshawn Leung
Exclusive Director Faith Ma
Producer Tiffany So
Assistant Producer Bryan Chan
Director Of Photography Deshawn Leung
Cinematographer Faith Ma
Ho Shun
So Kin
Mahpee Ng
Focus Puller Kuen Chung
Johnny Liu
Assistant Camera Mahpee Ng
So Kin
Ho Shun
Tacky Nam
Gaffer So Kin
DMX Control Benny Leung
Best Boy Donald Fong
Yukki Tai
Ken Chan
Calvin Leung
Seasun Chan
Art Director Charlotte Lee
Costume Designer W26
Makeup Artist Agnes Young
Still Photographer Wong Ho Fung
Hui Hong Nin
Editor Deshawn Leung
Faith Ma
Colorist Faith Ma
Online Editor Yippy Yip
Special Thanks
留白 Lau Bak Freespace Livehouse
One man army Equirment rental
Jasmine Cheung
Alex Chu
Vivian Kwong
【Music 】
Written by CHANKA
Arranged by CHANKA
Recorded by MAEL
Mixed & Mastered by Lok Chan
#CHANKA #陳嘉 #Reminiscence
Now available on:
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3kl1diC
Apple Music: https://apple.co/2UfKsdZ
MusicOne: https://bit.ly/3pjOMaj
KKBOX: https://kkbox.fm/3P149C
Joox: https://bit.ly/2IpxeZX
Tidal Music: https://bit.ly/3bRhaub
Have a listen of some of my other works :
"Silence" : https://youtu.be/1Hkk7l4zk9k
"Young" : https://youtu.be/kolrKYxvvf8
"Ocean" : https://youtu.be/GOTdDrC1G-E
“Reminiscence(End Game Version)” : https://youtu.be/3SWolTFXHcg

留白livehouse 在 陳嘉 CHANKA Youtube 的最佳解答
Dear All,
I am more than happy to announce that our team is launching an exciting campaign with lots of collaborations! Here you go the second piece of our work.
"音樂影像(Music Video)不是音樂的襯托。她是獨立的作品,同時讓人能"看見"音樂及一切從音樂開展的可能性。"
【Please support us】:
第二部曲 | Everyday I Die A Little Bit Inside
活著 vs 死亡 :內心矛盾 vs 身體表達【現代編舞家/舞蹈家】
故事內容 : 從AI的逝去,回歸到人類。精神支配身體,續Reminiscence的意念,一個從肉身展現心理消逝的過程。我們每一個情緒變化,都在皮膚、肢體、呼吸和心跳的頻率上展現。由肉身糜爛反射到心理絕望與死亡⋯這⋯到底如何影響我們每一天?到底⋯累贅的是肉體,還是過盛的情感?
Chapter two | Everyday I Die A Little Bit Inside
Alive vs dead: the dilemma and body language 【Choreographer/Contemporary Dancer】 From the death of AI back to talking about human beings. Mind controls the body. Like in the previous chapter Reminiscence, this is about the process of emotional regression, expressed through the body. Our every emotion is printed on our skin, our body, our every breath taken, and our heartbeat frequency. From the deterioration of our body to depression and death... How is this affecting our daily life? Is the redundancy our body or our emotion that is too strong to handle?
Everyday I die a little bit inside
With no one else can ever tell
I sing my lullaby
Every time I die a little bit inside
Not even me could recognise
Who the hell am I
Oh save me
In between you and me
I’m drowning I’m drowning I’m drowning
Oh save me
I dunno where I can be
In this world
Falling slowly
Everyday I try a little bit harder
I learn to say black is white
Before I see any colours
Every time I smile a little bit harder
I stay the same face to face
With all all of the fake love and laughters
Oh save me
In between you and me
I’m drowning I’m drowning I’m drowning
Oh save me
I dunno where I can be
In this world
Falling slowly
And kill my spirit
Falling slowly
Oh save me
I dunno where I can be
In this world
Falling slowly
Falling slowly
Choreographer Tung Chiu
Director Deshawn Leung
Exclusive Director Faith Ma
Producer Tiffany So
Assistant Producer Bryan Chan
Director Of Photography Deshawn Leung
Cinematographer Faith Ma
Ho Shun
So Kin
Mahpee Ng
Focus Puller Kuen Chung
Johnny Liu
Assistant Camera Mahpee Ng
So Kin
Ho Shun
Tacky Nam
Gaffer So Kin
DMX Control Benny Leung
Best Boy Donald Fong
Yukki Tai
Ken Chan
Calvin Leung
Seasun Chan
Art Director Charlotte Lee
Costume Designer W26
Makeup Artist Agnes Young
Still Photographer Wong Ho Fung
Hui Hong Nin
Editor Deshawn Leung
Faith Ma
Colorist Faith Ma
Animator Yippy Yip
Special Thanks
留白 Lau Bak Freespace Livehouse
One man army Equirment rental
Jasmine Cheung
Alex Chu
Vivian Kwong
【Music 】
Written by CHANKA
Arranged by CHANKA
Recorded by MAEL
Mixed & Mastered by Lok Chan
#CHANKA #陳嘉 #Reminiscence
Now available on:
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3kl1diC
Apple Music: https://apple.co/2UfKsdZ
MusicOne: https://bit.ly/3pjOMaj
KKBOX: https://kkbox.fm/3P149C
Joox: https://bit.ly/2IpxeZX
Tidal Music: https://bit.ly/3bRhaub
Have a listen of some of my other works :
"Silence" : https://youtu.be/1Hkk7l4zk9k
"Young" : https://youtu.be/kolrKYxvvf8
"Ocean" : https://youtu.be/GOTdDrC1G-E
“Reminiscence(End Game Version)” : https://youtu.be/3SWolTFXHcg

留白livehouse 在 留白Lau Bak Freespace Livehouse - Home | Facebook 的推薦與評價
留白 Lau Bak Freespace Livehouse. 4510 likes · 124 talking about this. Livehouse G/F, Freespace, West Kowloon Cultural District, No. 18 Museum Drive,... ... <看更多>