こんばんは!Happy Friday!
English is below as usual!
うちでは、先程ムービーナイトが終わり、明日アレックスのBirthday Disney Seaを楽しみにしています♪もし、他にDisney Seaに行かれる方がいらっしゃれば、見かけたら是非声をかけてください!
・ 朝ごはん(トーストにかける)
・ 夜のおやつ(野菜スティックと一緒に)
・ サンドイッチの味付
として使っています。よかったら、作ってみて、How was itを教えてくださいね。Well, see you next time!!!
■ 作り方
① 下記のAとBをミキサーに入れてください。1分ほどミクサーにかける。
② Cを加えてミキサーにかけながら、Dを少しずつ入れる。2分ミキサーにかける。
③ Eを入れて、最も強い設定で5分ほどミキサーにかける。
④ Fを入れて、最も強い設定でクリーミーになるまでミキサーにかける(5分ほど)。1分毎にミキサーをあけて(とめてから)軽く混ぜる。
⑤ Fだけで完全にクリーミーにならないので、最後にGを入れて改めてミキサーにかけると、かなりクリーミーになる。1分毎にミキサーをあけて(とめてから)軽く混ぜる。
オリーブオイル 大さじ2杯
レモン汁 大さじ2杯
お水 大さじ3杯
クミン 小さじ1/2杯
塩 小さじ1/2杯
にんにく 1/2かけ(刻む)
《D》 オリーブオイル 大さじ1杯
ひよこ豆 半分
アボカド 半分
ひよこ豆 半分
アボカド 半分
お水 大さじ2杯
レモン汁 大さじ1杯
オリーブオイル 大さじ2杯
塩 小さじ1/2杯
Happy Friday everyone!
We just finished our movie night here at home. Alex is now tucked away in his bed, no doubt dreaming of Disney Sea which is where we’ll be going tomorrow! If anybody happens to be at Disney Sea and you happen to see us, please say hi!
I have been wanting to post a video about hummus here on this channel now for such a long time. In America we eat hummus A LOT, but I was surprised at how nobody knows about it in Japan. Since hummus is basically just chickpeas, olive oil and tahini, it’s quite healthy! Since I’m pregnant, I decided to add a little bit more nutritional value by adding avocado. Actually one of the favorite restaurants in Futakotamagawa used to serve a dish just like this. However, they closed down last year. When I heard they were no longer in business I distinctly remember feeling sad that I’d never be able to taste that avocado hummus again. So I got started working on my own version. It took quite a while to make (the balance of the ingredients is tricky) but I think I got it down now. Please do try it at home and let me know what you think. The recipe is below!
70gm tahini
Water: 5 tbl
Lemon: 3 tbl
Extra virgin olive oil: 5 tbl
Salt: 1 tsp
Garlic: 1 clove cut into small pieces
Cumin: 1/2 tsp
Chickpeas: 1 can (240 g)
Avocado: 1
The water, lemon, olive oil and salt get added in parts, so please be sure to read the recipe below.
① Add A (from below) and B to a blender and blend for one minute.
② Add C and blend. With the motor running, gradually add D.
③ Add E and blend on the strongest setting your blender has.
④ Add F and blend on the strongest setting your blender has until everything is blended through (5 minutes). You can stop the blender and stir every minute or so just to make sure everything is getting blended right.
⑤ Since F alone will not make this creamy enough, lastly you’ll want to add the ingredients from G and blend until creamy. Again, you can stop the blender and stir every minute or so just to make sure everything is getting blended right.
《A》70gm Tahini
Olive Oil: 2tbl
Lemon: 2 tbl
Water: 3 tbl
Cumin: 1/2 tsp
Salt: 1/2 tsp
Garlic: 1/2 clove (chopped up)
《D》 Olive oil: 1 tbl
Chickpeas: half
Avocado: half
Chickpeas: half
Avocado: half
Water: 2 tbl
Lemon: 1 tbl
Olive Oil: 2 tbl
Salt: 1/2 tsp
Acoustic Circles
Mr. Tea
日本の子育て VS 外国の子育て方針についてもビデオを投稿したいと思います。