- 避開中午陽光最猛烈的時間活動
- 穿著防曬及透氣衣物
- 運動前先飲用適量水份
- 每隔20分鐘,補充約100-200毫升水份,亦可趁機休息
- 避免飲用茶、咖啡、酒精飲品等加速身體排水的飲料
- 身體不適、睡眠不足、身體虛弱情況下都不宜進行戶外活動
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Prevent getting a heat stroke doing water sports
Water sports are popular during summer. Many people think they can avoid a heat stroke in the water, but this is actually a misconception. When being overly exposed to the sun while being in the water, our body cannot dissipate heat easily because the water temperature is higher than that of our body. If we do not hydrate our body in time, we might develop a heatstroke.
We need to know our limits when carrying out water sports. When we experience headache, dizziness and nauseousness, or when our limbs turn weak, we should immediately take a rest under the shade. At the same time, we should wipe our body with a wet towel, fan ourselves, and drink water or isotonic beverages to rehydrate our body. If the condition persists, we must seek medical treatment.
Tips to prevent heat stroke during watersports:
-Avoid going out at noon as the sun is at its peak
-Wear clothes that are made from breathable fabrics and can protect you from the sun
-Drink sufficient water before carrying out any activity
-Take a break to rehydrate the body by drinking 100-200ml every 20 minutes
-Avoid drinking tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages, as they are diuretic in nature
-Avoid water sports when we did not sleep well the night before or not feeling well on the day itself
Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.
#男 #女 #我疲憊 #頭暈 #頭痛
同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅Lok Cheung HK,也在其Youtube影片中提到,今次示範三個唔同既縮時,所有既設定,要考慮既野,包括點樣拍由日頭完美轉變到夜晚既縮時! 所有相片使用 Nikon Z7 II 拍攝 https://geni.us/vNns 本片由 @Nikon Hong Kong 贊助 Storyblocks 一個月費,無限任用相片、圖像、影片、音樂及音效!...
20時 peak time 在 元毓 Facebook 的最佳解答
1. 2021年初是否存在市場過熱現象?
2. 美國政府2020年的瘋狂印鈔行為(參見下圖)是否會引發嚴重通貨膨脹?投資人應該如何因應?

美國經濟學家Peter Garber專門研究此一投機炒作的經濟史,並寫下幾篇著名論文。而依據其著作"Famous First Bubbles The Fundamentals of Early Manias" 一書,我整理幾個重點:
1. 實際上鬱金香熱潮時間相當短,價格明顯彈升發生在1636年11月~1637年1月份。
2. 參與人數總共約350人,全是職業商人;真正支付高價(超過300荷蘭盾)者約莫10人,多數人其實是透過遠期合約的方式進行炒作,而最後多以違約拒絕真實支付現金,直到荷蘭當地鬱金香相關商會與政府出面介入,才以履約價格的10%甚至5%方式解除合約。
3. 非常昂貴的品種,如Semper Augustus 的真實漲幅只有5倍(從原本的1千出頭荷蘭盾漲至5千多),並非都市傳說中幾百倍的漲幅。
漲幅較大的主要是那些本來就平價的品種,例如Gouda buds,起漲價格約2荷蘭盾,最高價50多荷蘭頓。即便存在瘋漲,但至多也是一、二十倍,這即便放在現代農產品供需失調時的價格軌跡來比較,也並不離奇。例如台灣颱風後的香菜價格漲幅。
這邊可以題外話說明為何Semper Augustus這品種售價昂貴。因為這特殊品種本不存在於大自然,而是農夫必須將快開花的鬱金香球莖人工嫁接罹患某種病毒的鬱金香,才能開出特殊花色。而這種嫁接病毒的球莖將會死亡,不再具備繁衍後代的能力。此外,嫁接後的成功率在當年也並不高,不保證存活也不保證開出特殊花色。
物以稀為貴下使得Semper Augustus這品種本來售價就高昂,是一般品種的百倍。

4. 也因為這個事件的範圍與熱潮都比傳說中小得多,因此並未對實質荷蘭資本市場或經濟體造成多少負面影響。
a. 即便在當年差不多時期的著作、媒體都有對其瘋狂投機炒作的描述,但實證來看誇大成分居多。很可能受到作家喜歡站在道德高點批判投機行為的習慣影響,但做為投資人或經濟史研究者在考據曾經的泡沫事件,始終必須以事實為依歸。
b. 小範圍小規模的投機炒作,無論價格哄抬得多麼高聳入天,事實是「毀約」始終是一種選項,有行無市的價格不存在經濟學意義。
c. 同樣地,小範圍小規模的投機炒作,無論價格哄抬得多麼高聳入天,對整體經濟乃至於資本市場的影響同樣不會太大。這意味著我們雖然應該警醒擦鞋童現象,但也無需杯弓蛇影。
「Personal savings soared as high as 33.7% in April following the Cares Act and were still a healthy 13.7% in December before Congress passed another $900 billion in Covid aid. This means that, unlike during the 2009 recession, households aren’t weighed down by debt.
Personal bankruptcies, home foreclosures and loan delinquencies last fall were the lowest since at least 2003. The mortgage delinquency rate was 0.7% in the third quarter of 2020 compared to 7% in the first quarter of 2009. ...」
出自Wrong Stimulus, Wrong Time - WSJ ( Feb. 5, 2021)報導。
高資產或高負債的公司在嚴重通膨時期的股價表現優於高現金部位的公司。在經濟學大師Armen A. Alchian 1965年的論文 "Effects of Inflation Upon Stock Prices "中,特別指出傳統經濟學如凱因斯、費雪等著名學者之見認為銀行身為典型債務人,在通貨膨脹環境下應該有較好的股價表現。而Alchian則點出這些學者大老忽略銀行雖然集債務於一身(大眾存款之於銀行就是債務),然而銀行受限於法規與現實,其資產多是「現金資產(money-type assets)」,故在嚴重通貨膨脹影響下,銀行實際經濟損失大過通膨泡沫所得,股價表現當然好不到哪去。
但我們要知道Armen Alchian的論文寫作時期與如今的投資環境又有幾個重大侷限條件之不同,因此我們不能生吞活剝地硬套Alchian的觀點,而是必須真實理解背後隱含的正確經濟學邏輯,並依據當今侷限條件之不同而修改並應用。
a. 機構法人買入加密貨幣的金流增加
「...JPMorgan, said the size of the bitcoin market had grown to equal about a fifth of gold held for investment and trading purposes, with a market capitalisation for the cryptocurrency of $750bn at its peak earlier this year, meaning it “is far from a niche asset class”. 」
「...Analysts at Canadian insurance company Manulife said in late January that the expansion in central banks’ balance sheets and rising public debt would push investors further into alternative asset classes ...」
「...Xangle showing that investors have lost more than $16bn to fraud since 2012 ...」
b. 近日美國美國前25大銀行對私人之貸款佔總資產比例從去年54.1%下降之45.7%,且放在Fed reserve account總金額達$3.15兆美元。
(The 25 largest U.S. banks currently hold 45.7% of their assets in loans and leases, according to Fed data released Friday, down from 54.1% this time last year. .. reserve balances in their Federal Reserve depository accounts at sky-high levels, $3.15 trillion at present
通膨現象將會更嚴重,因為「...According to a recent House Budget Committee estimate, $1 trillion from last year’s bills hasn’t been spent—including $59 billion for schools, $239 billion for health care and $452 billion in small business loans. State and local governments added 67,000 jobs in January. They don’t need more federal cash. ...」
WSJ "wrong-stimulus-wrong-time " Feb. 5, 2021
Financial Times "Bitcoin boom backstopped by central banks’ easy-money policies" 2021/2/4
Financial Times "US mortgage executives forecast a $3tn year in 2021 " 2021/01/08
WSJ "For One GameStop Trader, the Wild Ride Was Almost as Good as the Enormous Payoff " 2021/02/03
Armen A. Alchian, "Effects of Inflation Upon Stock Prices" (1965)
Peter M. Garber, Famous First Bubbles The Fundamentals of Early Manias (2000)
WSJ, "Fed Policy Is Smothering Private Lending" (2021/03/08)
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2021123 Live recipes 中英對照
特別鳴謝Easycook 義工團,咁快就做起食譜🙇♀️
📌 黑朱古力180g
📌 雞蛋4隻
📌 糖霜少許
📌 士多啤梨1粒
1. 黑朱古力放在碗內,弄碎,之後放入微波爐叮2分鐘,或用熱水墊底溶解朱古力。
2. 雞蛋分開蛋黃和蛋白。4份蛋白用電動打蛋器打至白泡狀。備用。
3. 4份蛋黃分別放在4小碗。朱古力叮好取出,先攪勻,之後放入第1份蛋黃,不停攪均,再放入第2份蛋黃一起不停攪勻,之後第3份蛋黃,再第4份蛋黃,如此類推,直至完全攪勻。
4. 打好了的蛋白遂少逐少分數次加入在朱古力漿內,完全攪勻。
5. 準備焗盤,盤底掃油,盤側邊圍上牛油紙,焗爐放熱水,焗盤坐底,以140度焗20分鐘。
6. 時間到,取出朱古力蛋糕,糖霜篩在蛋糕面上,再加上士多啤梨作裝飾,即成。
提示:1. 朱古力可選用牛奶朱古力
2. 蛋黃放入朱古力漿時,要快手攪勻。
3. 如果用鑊蒸,隔水蒸40 – 45分鐘。
English Version
Easy Flourless Chocolate Cake
(YouTube video starts at 25:36.)
Egg yolks - 4 (to be added one at a time)
Sweetened chocolate bars - 180g (your choice of dark chocolate or milk chocolate. Break into small pieces and melt them in the microwave for 2 minutes or use a double boiler.)
Egg whites - 4 (beat until stiff peak)
6 inch cake pan
Garnish ingredient:
Icing sugar
Ice cream - optional
1. In a stand mixer bowl, add in 4 egg whites, and beat until stiff peak. Set aside.
2. In a separate big bowl, add in room temperature melted chocolate, 1 egg yolk, and mix well by stirring quickly in one direction.
3. Continue with the remaining 3 egg yolks by adding in ONE AT A TIME until you get a smooth chocolate batter.
4. Add a bit of beaten egg whites from the stand mixer bowl into the chocolate batter and mix well to get a nice consistency as the beaten egg whites.
5. Pour the entire chocolate batter into the beaten egg whites in the stand mixer bowl, and mix well. Make sure all egg whites are incorporated into the chocolate batter.
6. Transfer to a 6 inch cake pan greased and lined with parchment paper.
7. Bake by using water bath at 160C (320F) for about 20 minutes or less with a tray of water at the bottom of your oven or underneath the baking pan. Adjust the time and temperature accordingly to your oven. You can also steam it for 40 to 45 minutes.
8. Garnish with icing sugar and strawberries. Serve.
肥牛片 一包(大約$20片)
金菇 兩包(切掉根部,洗乾淨,抹乾水份)
椒鹽粉 適量
鹽 適量
胡椒粉 適量胡椒粉
紅椒粉 適量(可不用)
1. 肥牛片灑上少許椒鹽粉和鹽
2. 每片肥牛卷入一小撮金菇後,放入氣炸鍋焗盆內,再灑上調味料,跟着噴油在肥牛卷上,然後放入氣炸鍋,用攝氏200度焗3至4分鐘
English Version
Enoki Mushroom Beef Rolls
(YouTube video starts at 39:18.)
Sliced fatty beef slices - (or use pork tenderloin slices or lamb slices)
Filling ingredient:
Enoki mushrooms
Carrot shreds - optional
Blanched Gai Lan stems - optional
Asparagus - optional
Seasoning ingredients:
Szechuan pepper salt
Red chili powder
1. Roll each beef slice with enoki mushrooms filling.
2. Optional to season the beef slices with Szechuan pepper salt, red chili powder, and/or salt before rolling or after rolling.
3. Place a parchment paper in the air dryer basket, spray a layer of oil, place beef rolls on top and spray another layer of oil on top.
4. Air fry for 3 minutes for medium-well or 4 minutes for well done at 200C (393F).
5. Transfer to serving plate. Serve.
材料:芋頭一斤四兩,蝦米隨意,冬菇3隻,瑤柱4-5粒,一孖臘腸,粘米粉160g, 粟粉4湯匙,芝麻同蔥適量
調味料: 五香粉一茶匙,固體植物油一湯匙半,鹽及糖各半茶匙,白胡椒粉半茶匙多些
準備: 配料蝦米,冬菇,瑤柱用水浸軟切細,(水留用), 臘腸切細粒
粉漿: 用浸過配料的水幾粘米粉同粟粉攪勻,粉漿水大概700ml
English Version
Taro Cake
(YouTube video starts at 0:53.)
Taro - about 1 kg and pick the lightest ones for more starchy-texture. Cut half into strips and the other half into cubes. This will have a different bite texture when steamed. Must be pan-fried until fragrant and golden brown with extra oil than usual.
Dried shrimps - preferable buy the cheapest and smallest kinds. Clean and soak to rehydrate (save the soaking liquid), and chop into small pieces.
Dried mushrooms - 3 big ones. Clean and soak to rehydrate (save the soaking liquid) and chop into small pieces.
Dried scallops - about 4 -5. Clean and soak to rehydrate (save the soaking liquid) and cut horizontally sideway to shorten the strands then loosen into small pieces.
Chinese sausages - 2 clean and chop into small pieces
Chinese cured pork strips (“Lap Yuk”) - optional
Binding batter ingredients:
Rice flour - 160g – 180g
Corn flour/starch - 4 tbsp (or use “Teng Mein” flour 4 tbsp or less. This will prevent the taro cake from coming apart.)
Saved soaking liquid from dried shrimps, mushrooms, and scallops - about 3 cups (If you do not have 3 cups just compensate with more water.)
Water - about 1 ½ cups or more depending on how much the taro absorbs the liquid. The more starchy-texture the taro has the more liquid it absorbs.
Seasoning ingredients:
Vegetable shortening - 1 ½ tbsp (or use lard. This is for smoothness in taste)
Five-spice powder - 1 tsp
White pepper - heaping ½ tsp
Salt - ½ tsp but not too much
Sugar - ½ tsp
Garnish ingredients:
White sesame seeds
Green onion pieces
1. In a bowl, add in saved soaking liquid from dried shrimps, mushrooms, scallops, and mix well. Add in rice flour, cornflour, and mix well. Set aside
2. Heat up a wok, add more oil than usual. Add in all taro pieces and fry until fragrant and golden brown. Transfer to serving plate. Set aside.
3. In the same wok, add in oil, dried shrimps, Chinese sausage pieces, and fry until fragrant.
4. Add in mushroom pieces, and fry until fragrant.
5. Lastly, add in dried scallops, and fry briefly to avoid toughness when chewed.
6. Add in vegetable shortening, five-spice powder, white pepper, sugar, and mix well.
7. Return fried taro pieces back to the work and mix well.
8. Add in 1 cup of water, mix well, cover wok with lid, and bring to a boil.
9. Add another ½ cup of water, mix well, and bring to a boil.
10. Add in binding batter prepared in Step 1. Mix well. The mixture will slowly thicken. Add more water now if you find it too thick.
11. Transfer to a steam proof OILED container.
12. Steam for about 35 to 40 minutes.
Note: Best to pan fry them the next day.
20時 peak time 在 Lok Cheung HK Youtube 的最佳貼文
所有相片使用 Nikon Z7 II 拍攝 https://geni.us/vNns
本片由 @Nikon Hong Kong 贊助
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Røde Wireless Go 無線咪 https://geni.us/WirelessGoHK
Røde Lavalier Go 領夾收音咪(白色)https://geni.us/rwrS1
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Peak Design Travel Tripod 旅行碳纖腳架https://geni.us/Si3NcFq
Zoom F1 錄音機 https://geni.us/FgvuqN
Zoom 錄音機專用可換咪 MSH-6 Mid-side https://geni.us/ty1O
Loupedeck+ 剪接控制台 https://geni.us/LoupeDeckHK
總器材 list:
課金支持呢個 channel:https://patreon.com/lokcheung
"drift along" by @Clueless Kit (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) https://soundcloud.com/cluelesskit/clueless-kit-drift-along
"Show Love" by @Joakim Karud
"reasons" by @Clueless Kit https://cluelesskit.bandcamp.com/album/raindrop
"disco dan adjusts to suburban life" by @Birocratic (http://birocratic.lnk.to/allYL)
"Smile" by @LAKEY INSPIRED (CC BY-SA 3.0) https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired/smile https://www.youtube.com/LakeyInspired
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#縮時 #NikonZ7II #Nikon #粵語 #廣東話 #中文 #LokCheung
20時 peak time 在 業輝馮 Youtube 的最讚貼文
Hello everyone, I am Yap Hui Phong from Malaysia.
In 2020, I filmed a video by studying abroad in New Zealand.
In order to complete these works, I recorded the most primitive and pure nature of New Zealand.
It took me 10 months to realize a self-driving trip across the North and South Islands of New Zealand. The total mileage exceeds 32,000 kilometers.
From Mount Taranaki on the North Island to Mount Cook, the highest peak of the Southern Alps.
From the vast Canterbury Plain on the east coast to the lush and glacier rainforest on the west coast.
I carried 30 kilograms of equipment to the top of the mountains to wait for the sunrise.
Staying at the same place for a few days, just to wait for the moment when the sunset and the lonely bird fly together.
I am obsessed with the magnificent Pacific Ocean. And also marvel at the view of stars under the world's largest International Dark Sky Reserve.
I used to have tears in my eyes under the hot temperature of 38℃, and also shivered in the freezing wind of -12℃.
I can go over the mountain and across the sea, just because I love and enjoying in filming.
I am fearless, just because of the unyielding obsession.
Forgot how many nights there were. I was waiting in front of the tripod to write the entire galaxy into the camera bit by bit.
I keep buying hard drives to store the files. I have took more than 200,000 photos and post-production more than 1,000 hours.
Finally reduced to this 12TB material.
I also forgot how many nights there were. I seat in front of my computer adjusting every details of the photo again and again. And often unconsciously find that the sky outside the window is slightly bright.
In order to be able to capture the Lupins which represent the spring of New Zealand, and also to film the complete four seasons of New Zealand.
I applied for an extension of my visa once again to stay in New Zealand. And waiting by the Lake Tekapo for half a month, just to capture the moment when the Lupins bloom.
In order to capture the beauty of Glowworm, I went deep into the cave in the isolated mountain. My feet were soaked in the stream for three days before I took the picture I wanted.
而這部作品也成功獲得了8KRAW攝影大賽 第一名
還要感謝精研國際 呂文元導演一直大力支持我的計劃
Fortunately, the film also successfully won the first place in the 8KRAW photography contest.
In the competitions held by the best teams in the world, I was lucky to have won the coveted award.
I also want to thank Director Wen-yuan, Lu of HD.CLUB CO., LTD for supporting my plan.
With the support of HD.CLUB CO., LTD, my equipment and technology have been greatly upgraded to produce high-standard works.
This also makes me more determined to pursue what I love and continue to work hard on my dreams and creations.
製作8K 的設備 Production 8K Equipment:ASUS ZenBook Pro Duo 15 UX581GV
Higrace 投入式漸層濾鏡系統:ZERO R0.6 | R0.9 | S0.9 | NDCPL32 | ND1000
YC 洋蔥熱狗滑軌 l 飛宇Qing l Vixen Polarie
Sony A7R4 | A7R3 | A7R2(MOD)
-Canon 16-35 F2.8 L ii
-Sigma 24-70 F2.8 Art
-Sony 100-400 F4.5-5.6 GM
-Sigma 14 F1.8 Art
-Sony 24 F1.4 GM
-Sigma 40 F1.4 Art
LRTimelapse | Adobe Lightroom | Premeire l DaVinci Resolve 17 | After Effects | Media Encoder | Photoshop
If there is a time-lapse project or 8K time-lapse material authorization needs,Manufacturers are welcome to cooperate
LINE:yaphui96 Mr.Phong,馮先生
Email : yaphui01111740800@gmail.com
臉書FaceBook : https://www.facebook.com/yaphui1996
INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/yh.1102/
音樂Music:Cassiopea - FullMix-15297
Maximum Impact Aurora 3149 - Look To The Stars 3149/7
影片歡迎個人非營利 FB 分享
20時 peak time 在 BlueBerries詭計星的頻道 Youtube 的最讚貼文
Extract System Guide: 萃取系統介紹攻略:
Devil Wing Guide: (For Angel Spirit) 惡魔翅膀任務流程 完成後可解鎖天使魅影:
Some Content Credit to: TeamLeaks
ecrunale, eulb, cremisi, Editor, Meryll, IdleHands, Gomu, Bacon, Conpanna
Most of the gameplay changes into Account only, to allow players had less stress for completing all weekly tasks.
So you had more time for your family or other game lol.
每週副本慢慢地都改成賬號限定, 慢慢地降肝. 讓玩家有更多時間陪家人和私生活~ 或肝其他手游(?