Taiwan. 😍 Teringin betul nak ke sini.
Taiwan Trip 27th March 2019 - 1st April 2019
D-day - 27th March 2019
5.45pm 🛫 flight ke Taiwan Taoyuan Airport. Naik AirAsia. Tiket harga RM156.00 beli time promo. Murah bukan? 😉
10.30pm 🛬 sampai Taiwan Taoyuan Airport. Sebab sampai dah lewat, so kitorang dah booked airport transfer dari KKDay. RM150/4 (RM37.50 sorang). Pastu ada extra charge selepas 10pm kena bayar 200NTD (50NTD sorang) direct kepada driver.
12.15am 🏩 sampai hotel. Kitorang booked T. O. Hotel dari Booking.com. Harga 11700NTD/4 (2925NTD sorang) untuk 5 malam. The day before, hotel dah checked in kan online sebab dah bagitau kitorang sampai lewat. Then, dia siap2 bagi instruction & password nak masuk.
Day 1 - 28th March 2019
Untuk first day kitorang booked private driver untuk tour Yehliu-Shifen-Jiufen. Booked dari KKDay jugak. Harga RM426/4 (RM106.50 sorang). Driver kitorang Mr Eric, sangatlah peramah. Semua history pasal Taiwan keluar.
📍Yehliu Geopark. Entrance fee 80NTD sorang.
📍Shifen. Shifen terkenal dengan sky lantern 🏮. Kitorang pon try satu share 4 orang. Boleh tulis wishes then terbangkan lantern tu. Kitorang ambik yang 4 colours 200NTD/4 (50NTD sorang).
🍽️ Untuk lunch Mr Eric bawak kitorang ke At-Taqwa Musolla & Restaurant. Lunch dengan solat kat situ. Lunch kitorang share je 2 set nasi ayam lalapan. 220NTD (55NTD sorang)
📍Jiufen Old Street. Sini sangatlah crowded. Street kecik je. Mr Eric cakap Taiwanese panggil Jiufen Hell.
Otw balik singgah Golden Waterfall & Yin Yang Sea untuk bergambar.
Petang tu keluar semula. Dari hotel jalan kaki ke Zhongshan Station. Beli EasyCard 100NTD & reload 500NTD.
🍽️ Fried Chicken Master. Gongguan Station Exit 1. 110NTD sorang.
📍Shilin Night Market. Jiantan Station Exit 1. Kat sini boleh beli souvenir: mochi, pineapple cake, t-shirt, fridge magnet, keychain
Day 2 - 29th March 2019
📍Yangmingshan National Park. Naik bas dari Jiantan Station ke Zhuzihu. Sebab tak faham & clueless kitorang ikut je orang ramai.
Masa ni ada calla lily festival. Tapi tak sure kat mana tempat festival tu. Bas turunkan kitorang kat Zhuzihu. Area kebun calla lily tapi private punya. So kena bayar 50NTD sorang nak masuk dan boleh petik bunga nak bergambar.
📍Naik bas ke Flower Clock. Nak ke sini pon x sure nak turun mana, sudahnya kena tunggu bas lain sebab salah stop. Lunch kat area ni makan Maggie Hot Cup je. Nasib jumpa air panas.
Dah puas bergambar naik bas ke Beitou Station. Balik hotel.
🍽️ Petang sikit keluar cari makan. Pergi Chang Beef Noodle kat Ximen Station Exit 5. 616NTD/4 (154NTD sorang). Makanan superb 👍👍
📍Ximending. Boleh shopping jugak kat sini.
Day 3 - 30th March 2019
📍Maokong Gondola. MRT Taipei Zoo Station. 240NTD naik 🚡 pergi balik. Hala turun excited nampak photobooth. So kitorang habiskan 500NTD/4 (125NTD sorang) dan dapat claim air kat cafe bawah tu.
📍Taipei Grand Mosque. Dongmen Station Exit 5. Solat
🍽️ Lunch kat Royal Cafe & Restaurant. Area masjid je. 140NTD sorang
📍Daan Park. Singgah sini otw to MRT.
📍Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall.
Day 4 - 31st March 2019
📍Elephant Mountain. Penat tak penat la hiking nak tengok view Taipei 101 punya pasal.
🍽️ Lunch kat Halal Bismilla Restaurant. Taipei Arena Station. 1252NTD/4 (313NTD sorang). Marvellous 😋
📍Beitou Thermal Valley. MRT ke Beitou Station then tukar train ke Xinbeitou
📍Tamsui. MRT ke Tamsui Station.
Malam jalan2 area hotel je.
Day 5 - 1st April 2019
Ke Taipei Main Station. Pagi ni naik train ke Kaohsiung. Tiket HSR booked dari KLOOK RM140.00 sorang. Kitorang bertiga je, lagi sorang flight balik dari Taipei. Kalau ambik flight balik dari Taipei jugak, korang dah jimat tiket HSR ni. Tapi kitorang nak jugak2 jejak Kaohsiung, tu ambik flight balik dari Kaohsiung.
6.51am 🚉 HSR ke Zuoying Station, Kaohsiung
8.50am sampai Zuoying Station. Simpan luggage kat locker 60NTD for 3 hours.
Reload Easy Card 100NTD.
📍Lotus Pond. Naik bas dari Zuoying Station
📍Pier 2-Art Center. Naik teksi, 240/3 (80NTD sorang)
📍Formosa Boulevard. Dome of Light.
Patah balik ke Zuoying Station, ambik luggage kena tambah lagi 60NTD sebab dah lebih 3 jam.
Singgah solat kat Kaohsiung Station.
Ke Kaohsiung Airport
7.45pm ✈️ flight balik tapi transit kat Singapore. 2 April 9.50am baru flight SIN-KUL. Balik naik Scoot Airlines RM355.00 sorang
Total spent dari Malaysia RM 795.00
Total spent in Taiwan 5192NTD = RM696.00
Grand total = RM1491.00
Rate 100NTD=13.4
🗒 Grand total ni tak termasuk personal shopping beli bubble tea, coffee, souvenir dll. Kalau rasa nak beli souvenir utk orang kampung silakan. Fridge magnet satu dalam 90NTD. Keychain around 30NTD/pcs. T-shirt around 150NTD/pcs. Mochi ada yg 50-80NTD satu kotak. Pineapple cake around 120-180NTD.
Bubble tea around 50-80NTD.
📌Dan untuk kaki shopping kat Taipei ni banyak je tempat shopping. ABC Mart punyalah banyak kat sini, kitorang hampir tewas dengan Fila & Birkenstock. Sebab murah 😂😂😂
❤️ Why Taiwan? Taiwan is an underrated destination that many of us tend to overlook. But this place is filled with friendly people, amazing scenery, and plenty of things to do. Besides, travelling here is quite cheap and didn't do much damage to your pocket 😅
Trust me you will love the ambience here. For me, I will return again to discover other part of Taiwan ✌️
#Taiwan #Taipei #YehliuGeopark #Shifen #Jiufen #Yangmingshan #Zhuzihu #Ximen #Maokong #ElephantMountain #BeitouThermalValley #ChiangKaiShekMemorialHall #LotusPond #Pier2ArtCenter #DomeofLight
「3 o clock things」的推薦目錄:
3 o clock things 在 Firdaus Wong Wai Hung Facebook 的最讚貼文
By: Abdullah Bukhari bin Abdul Rahim.
Translated by: Nur Fatimah Zahrah binti Rahimin Affandi.
Time is a miracle that Allah created. It does not have a body nor a face, but its existence itself is significant in our lives. When the clock is ticking, it is called "seconds". When the sun sets in the West, it will change to "days". When the earth completed its cycle by surrounding the sun for 365 days, it will change to "years". That is the beauty of "time". Nobody can run away from it. People that were young, now became old as time goes by. Humans also can mature and gain numerous experiences through time.
Despite that, sometimes time can be defeated with knowledge. Educated people with knowledge can change the power of time using vehicles that can speed. Travel with planes is very different from travel with cars. The principles said by Allah when he told about Prophet Sulayman's power which can decrease his traveling duration from a month to a day by riding the wind. Metaphorically speaking, we can say that the vehicle used by Prophet Sulayman to ride the wind is similar to a plane used today:
وَلِسُلَيْمَانَ الرِّيحَ غُدُوُّهَا شَهْرٌ وَرَوَاحُهَا شَهْرٌ
Meaning: And to Sulayman (We subjected) the wind- ITS MORNING (JOURNEY WAS THAT OF) A MONTH- AND ITS AFTERNOON (JOURNEY WAS THAT OF) A MONTH. (Saba'[34:12]).
Not just that, the angels that are created with light by Allah can also overcome the "time" with their swift movements. It turns out that "time" deals differently with the angels' technology and the humans' capabilities. Allah's commandment wraps it beautifully:
تَعْرُجُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ وَالرُّوحُ إِلَيْهِ فِي يَوْمٍ كَانَ مِقْدَارُهُ خَمْسِينَ أَلْفَ سَنَةٍ
Meaning: The angels and the Spirit will ascend to Him (to accept and complete their task) during a Day the extent of which (felt by the people that are at fault) is fifty thousand years (al-Ma'arij [70:4]).
Time is also one of Allah's first creations because there are a lot of verses that highlighted the early creation of the sky and the earth created in 6 "times":
وَهُوَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ فِي سِتَّةِ أَيَّامٍ وَكَانَ عَرْشُهُ عَلَى الْمَاءِ
Meaning: And it is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days - and His Throne had been upon water (Hud[11:7]).
The existence of "time" in this world is determined by the sunrise, sunset and the emergence of the moon. Though, it will definitely differ from the "time" in al-Barzakh. This is because we do not know if there is the sun and the moon in al-Barzakh. It could be that the humans that died in Prophet Adam's time or died a day before Doomsday is still in a same "time" space with the power of Allah as "the Creator of Time".
I have read a dialogue between 2 people of Tabi'in (students of the companions that did not get the chance to meet Rasullullah SAW) that met in a dream. Abdullah bin al-Mubarak said: "I dreamt of meeting Sufyan al-Thawri (have passed away). And i asked him: What did Allah do to you?" Sufyan answered: I have met Muhammad SAW and his companions (al-Ruh by Imam Ibn al-Qayyim, al-Jawziyyah, case 28). Despite that, this dream still cannot be considered as an argument.
"Time" is a creation of Allah that is bound to its Creator. It is compulsory for "time" to obey Allah's desire like how the fire obeyed when saving Prophet Ibrahim AS:
قُلْنَا يَا نَارُ كُونِي بَرْدًا وَسَلَامًا عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ
Meaning: Allah said, "O fire, be coolness and safety upon Ibrahim!" (al-Anbiya'[21:69]).
Throughout the human history, the power of time has been taken away by Allah for a few times like in the tale of 7 pious young men that slept in a cave:
وَلَبِثُوا فِي كَهْفِهِمْ ثَلَاثَ مِئَةٍ سِنِينَ وَازْدَادُوا تِسْعًا
Meaning: And they remained in their cave for three hundred years (by the count of the scribes) and exceeded by nine (by your count) (al-Kahf[18:25]).
Although "time" has passed for 300 hundred years, the 7 bodies of these young men are still very youthful like how they were when they first slept. Same goes to the tale of a young man of Bani Isra'il that slept for a hundred years:
أَوْ كَالَّذِي مَرَّ عَلَى قَرْيَةٍ وَهِيَ خَاوِيَةٌ عَلَى عُرُوشِهَا قَالَ أَنَّى يُحْيِي هَذِهِ اللَّهُ بَعْدَ مَوْتِهَا فَأَمَاتَهُ اللَّهُ مِئَةَ عَامٍ ثُمَّ بَعَثَهُ قَالَ كَمْ لَبِثْتَ قَالَ لَبِثْتُ يَوْمًا أَوْ بَعْضَ يَوْمٍ قَالَ بَلْ لَبِثْتَ مِئَةَ عَامٍ فَانْظُرْ إِلَى طَعَامِكَ وَشَرَابِكَ لَمْ يَتَسَنَّهْ وَانْظُرْ إِلَى حِمَارِكَ وَلِنَجْعَلَكَ آَيَةً لِلنَّاسِ وَانْظُرْ إِلَى الْعِظَامِ كَيْفَ نُنْشِزُهَا ثُمَّ نَكْسُوهَا لَحْمًا فَلَمَّا تَبَيَّنَ لَهُ قَالَ أَعْلَمُ أَنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ
Meaning: Or [consider such an example] as the one who passed by a township which had fallen into ruin. He said, "How will Allah bring this to life after its death?" So Allah caused him to die for a hundred years; then He revived him. He said: "HOW LONG HAVE YOU REMAINED (HERE)?" THE MAN SAID, "I HAVE REMAINED (HERE) A DAY OR PART OF A DAY" HE SAID, "RATHER YOU HAVE REMAINED (HERE) ONE HUNDRED YEARS. LOOK AT YOUR FOOD AND YOUR DRINK; IT HAS NOT CHANGED WITH TIME. AND LOOK AT YOUR DONKEY ( THAT WAS ONLY LEFT WITH BONES); and We will make you a sign for the people. And look at the bones (of this donkey) - how We raise them and then We cover them with flesh." And when it became clear to him, he said, "I know that Allah is over all things competent" (al-Baqarah [2:259]).
This story clearly shows that Allah is the only one that holds the absolute power of controlling "time". This man's body and food was not affected because "time" was not allowed to touch them, but the donkey turned into bones because Allah allowed "time" to impose its power on it. Subhanallah!
It is the same with Prophet Isa AS. On a normal count, the Prophet was already over 2000 years old, but the Prophet's youth stayed with him like when he was brought up to the sky. He became immune from "time" and did not age because Allah forbid "time" from touching Prophet Isa AS.
May this writing open our hearts to realize that time is a very magical creation of Allah. This is one of the reasons why Allah swore against "time" in the Qur'an:
وَالْعَصْرِ (1) إِنَّ الْإِنْسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ (2) إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ (3)
Meaning: By time! Indeed, mankind is in loss -Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds, and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience (al-'Asr[103:1-3]).
Benefit this creation of Allah the best you can because it will be the reason for our happiness and sorrow in the hereafter. We will definitely be glad if we spend our "time" wisely by filling up our lives being obedient to Allah. On the contrary, we will suffer and regret if we waste our "time" in doing sinful and unbenificial things.
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