We made cute earrings and a necklace shaped like swiss cheese in the microwave.
We did our best to source the materials from mostly 100 yen shops.
Make sure not to accidentally eat it!
1. Add an appropriate amount of UV Resin Hard (REJICO) on an oven sheet.
2. Using a cutting knife, horizontally scrape the surface of the pastel colors (Daiso) and mix using a toothpick to color the resin, making sure to avoid creating air bubbles.
3. Pour into a silicone mold (Daiso). Make sure to pour a shallow layer. We poured too much into the mold and the work was quite difficult after because of this.
4. Shine a UV light for about 5 minutes to harden. An opaque silicone mold took longer than 5 minutes compared to the translucent mold. We recommend either hardening the resin after removing from the mold and shining the light from above or flipping over the mold itself and hardening.
5. Remove from mold.
6. Use a hand drill (Cando) or pin vice to create holes.
For this project, we wanted to use many sizes of pin vices cheaply so we used Daiso's "Type 15 Drill Bit Set for ironworking". Since these are drill bits that can be used in electric drills, we wore gloves and made holes by manually drilling. If you drill many holes of various depths without going through all the way, it will look more cheese-like.
7. Using 1500 sandpaper, sand down the surface. The gloss will be reduced and the matte finish will become a cheese-like texture.
8. Finish using a 46 cm chain necklace and a 13 mm resin earring hoop (Yuzawaya). We're using a 5 mm and 4mm round jump ring.
9. All done.
1.オーブンシートにUVレジン・ハード(レジコ)を適量 垂らす。
今回、いろんなサイズのピンバイスを安く使いたかったので、ダイソーの『鉄工用ドリル刃 5本セット Type 1』を使ってみました。電動ドリルに付けて使う刃なので軍手を着用し手動で回して穴を空けました。全部貫通しない深さの違う穴も空けるとチーズらしさが出ます。
8.チェーンネックレス 46センチと樹脂イヤリングフープ 13ミリ カン付(ユザワヤ)を使って仕上げる。丸カンは5ミリと4ミリを使っています。
#DIY #Cheese #Accessories #Earrings #Necklace
4mm to cm 在 生かし屋 IKASHIYA CULINARY ART Youtube 的最佳解答
・薄力粉 100g
・アーモンドパウダー 20g
・粉砂糖 33g
・バター 60g
・卵黄 1個
・クリームチーズ 100g
・グラニュー糖 15g
・生クリーム 107g
・ラム酒 2g
・レモン汁 3g
・生クリーム 100g
・グラニュー糖 8g
シャインマスカット 適量
1. 【タルト生地/ボウルで作る場合】ボウルに柔らかくしたバター60gを泡立て器でほぐす
2. 粉砂糖33gをふるい入れてすり混ぜ、卵黄1個も入れてよく混ぜる
3. 薄力粉100g・アーモンドパウダー20gをふるい入れ、ヘラに持ち替えて切るように混ぜる
4. 粉っぽさがなくなってそぼろ状が大きくなってきたらまとめ、ラップに包んで冷蔵庫で2時間ほど寝かせる
5. 【タルト生地/フードプロセッサーで作る場合】フードプロセッサーに薄力粉100g・アーモンドパウダー20g・粉砂糖33gを入れる
6. 冷えたバター60gを小さめにカットして加え、フードプロセッサーで薄力粉が一様に黄色っぽくなるまで撹拌する
7. 卵黄1個を加え、粉っぽさがなくなりある程度まとまるまでフードプロセッサーをまわす
8. 最後は手でまとめてラップに包んで冷蔵庫で2時間ほど寝かせる
9. 【タルト生地焼成/180℃に予熱開始】タルト生地を3~4mmほどの厚さにのばし、9cmくらいのセルクルで抜く
10. 7cmのセルクルに敷き込み、シルパンを敷いた天板に並べ、180℃に予熱したオーブンで18分焼く
11. 【レアチーズ】柔らかくしたクリームチーズ100gを泡立て器でほぐし、グラニュー糖15gをすり混ぜる
12. 生クリーム107gを少しずつ加え、ダマにならないように混ぜていく
13. ラム酒2g・レモン汁3gを加え、軽く角が立つくらいまで混ぜて絞り袋に入れておく
14. 【仕上げ】生クリーム100g・グラニュー糖8gを合わせて8分立てにする
15. タルトにレアチーズを詰め、薄めにカットしたシャインマスカットをいくつか埋める
16. 上にホイップクリームを絞り、半分にカットしたシャインマスカットをトッピングして出来上がり
↓using translation software.
Parte Sucre (Tart crust)
*Cake flour 100 g
*Almond powder 20 g
*Powdered sugar 33 g
*Butter 60 g
*1 egg yolk
Fromage Cru (Rare cheese)
*Cream cheese 100 g
*15 g granulated sugar
*Heavy cream 107 g
*Rum 2g
*Lemon juice 3g
Creme Chantilly (Whipped cream)
*Heavy cream 100 g
*8 g granulated sugar
Shine muscat as needed
*[When making it in a bowl] Soften the butter at room temperature.
*[When making it in a bowl] Sift the powdered sugar, weak flour and almond powder.
*[The timing to lay the tart pastry out after letting it rest.] Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
*Soften the cream cheese at room temperature or in the microwave.
[How to make it.]
1.[When making the tart dough/bowl.] Loosen 60 g of softened butter in a bowl with a whisk.
2.Sift in 33 g of powdered sugar and mix it. Add 1 egg yolk and mix it well.
3.Sift in 100 g of weak flour and 20 g of almond powder. Switch to a spatula and mix it lightly.
4.When the powdery feel is gone and the soboro becomes big, wrap it in plastic wrap and let it rest in the fridge for around 2 hours.
5.[When making the tart crust/food processor.] Add 100 g of weak flour, 20 g of almond powder and 33 g of powdered sugar in a food processor.
6.Cut 60 g of cold butter into small pieces and add them. Mix the weak flour with a food processor until it becomes uniformly yellowish.
7.Add 1 egg yolk and mix it in the food processor until the powdery feel is gone and it comes together to a certain extent.
8.Finally, wrap it with a plastic wrap and let it rest in the fridge for around 2 hours.
9.[Bake the tart dough/Start preheating it to 180 ° C.] Stretch the tart dough to a thickness of around 3 ~ 4 mm and cut it out with a 9 cm circular mold.
10.Cover it with a 7 cm cercle. Line them up on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Bake it for 18 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 ° C.
11.[Rare cheese] Beat 100 g of softened cream cheese with a whisk, then grind and mix 15 g of granulated sugar.
12.Add 107 g of whipping cream little by little and mix it so it doesn't form lumps.
13.Add 2g of rum and 3g of lemon juice. Mix it until it lightly peaks then put it in a piping bag.
14.[Finishing] Mix 100 g of whipping cream and 8 g of granulated sugar and whip it for 8 minutes.
15.Stuff the tart with rare cheese and fill it with some thinly sliced shine muscats.
16.Squeeze the whipped cream on top. Top it with a Shine Muscat cut in half and it will be complete.
4mm to cm 在 桃紅線+淺綠珠鉤針式編織手鍊 - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Feb 8, 2017 - 材料:繡線、淺綠糖果珠(4mm,最小的再大一號)、金色鈴噹(或者要 ... 若不好看,出線的那端外拉就能重新來過我要完成約17.5cm的手鍊,糖果珠是4mm,我 ... ... <看更多>
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