WFH在家的時間,時間自己規劃,所有的課都線上上,小孩少了交通往來的時間,大人應酬活動少了,家人在一起的時間也多了不少。 以往每週大概只有一次的movie night,這兩週以來已是晚間的routine之一,每天的晚餐之後,除了玩桌遊外,我們也一起看了許多很棒的影片!
最想也一定要推薦給大家的是自然紀錄片之父David Attenborough的系列影片,畫面優美令讚嘆而且更深具意義,透過影片我們欣賞了許多可能一輩子都無法親眼看見的珍貴畫面!在防疫期間無法出門時,這些畫面讓我們好好回憶世界有多美好,同時也警惕著人類對這片美好的土地進行多少的破壞!
上週我們分別在Apple TV和Netflix看了『The year earth changed』和『A life on our planet』這兩部,前者看到世界因為Covid-19的改變,對人類和整個大自然都是巨大的,有壞也更多好,尤其對部分物種來說猶如重生!後者則是把將近40年來隨著人類數量的增加,土地以及其他生物的改變,很震撼!至於細節我就不劇透了,真心建議也希望大家一定要看,有多震撼呢?!震撼到我們全家看完後,立刻被我說服:
以上兩點疫情之前我就一直在做,看完這兩部影片後,受到感動也震驚的千川和老公一口答應和我一起,甚至常常忘了關燈的千川,看完電影後這幾天也都會隨手關燈了!(能持續多久讓我們繼續看下去)而一週一天吃素的第一次,早餐完全不是問題,午餐我用大豆做的Beyond meat做了漢堡,一家也吃得開心,晚餐就吃很多青菜、豆類製品和麵條的滷味麵,我也要來開發更多好吃好看的素食餐點了,雖然改變不大,但能盡微薄之力稍稍為環境盡點心力,是身為地球上使用這些珍貴資源的我們應該做的!
而 #十月被 是我們Movie night的必要配備,除了有偽露營的感覺外,被子可以洗、烘也可以晾乾,更不怕髒(地板和地毯每天都有掃地機器人小白幫忙,也不太髒啦)!尤其晚上冷氣開26度,不耐冷的我和千千坐在那覺得冷,開27度,怕熱的老公和川川又直冒汗,所以我們還是開26度,看電影時川川把備用的雙人十月被鋪在地上,因為覺得表布很涼爽,我和千千則一起蓋她的單人被,這樣看電影更有幸福的感覺,跟抱著洗好烘完還是蓬鬆柔軟的十月被一樣幸福。待在家的時間多了,一床可洗又舒服,還可以一年蓋上10個月的好被,最後幾小時團購,快跟上吧 !
團購連結 https://shop.meimaii.com/Jenny/OA==/page/YWY=
a life on our planet 線上看 在 Sally Yeh Facebook 的最讚貼文
My Dearest Angelic Fans and Friends!
SUPER HAPPY for our ZOOM Chat with everyone on Mon, Jan 11 of 2021!! I received so many PM messages! Hahaha.. everyone is very lovely.. thank you!
There was a question from Yi Pei from Singapore regarding what my dreams were and I said I didn’t have dreams that I always wish to be HAPPY, go with the flow of the Universe and have accepted graciously & with great appreciation of whatever came to me.. either in great adventures, supreme Blessings which I am so grateful for, adversity, or challenges to help me grow. I know it is all a part of our life path, and that is all very true. But after I woke up the next morning, I realized I DO have some dreams! They are very simple dreams, so I do want to share them with you!
My first Dream of being an entertainer, singer, Actor, and giving happiness to pple since I was 10 years old has come true already. I am still living that Dream and ever so grateful for all the blessings I’ve received, to meet and be a part of all your lives! Now, my 2nd Dream is to be of service to the Universe! To awaken to the magic and wonder of the Universes wishes for us to all live in Harmony and realize we are ALL CONNECTED as one WHOLE Human species, with incredible synergy with Mother Nature, and all other creatures big and small equally occupying the Planet as much as human beings! We can live with love and light for one another and be good to each other COLLECTIVELY so that we can CREATE the BEST ENERGY to propel this Planet to its best place possible! No matter what color, race, status we are, we must help each other realize our best possibilities! We can create the GREATER GOOD together and wishing the best for each other with our best behaviors and attitudes to a better life, and a better Earth! The Universe LOVES US ALL EQUALLY, and even though some of us seem to have a better life, and some don’t.. we need to see much deeper and beyond what is on the surface.
What I really loved about the Zoom chat is that our talk was not just about ME talking! It was also an opportunity to let many of us from all walks of life, like Alex, from Israel, Amazing! Like Michelle, who was an emergency ICU nurse in Portland, Oregon and brought us with Zoom to her work place at like 5AM b4 she goes into seeing what must be a very difficult job for her, like John & Kitson in London, whom had a 3 week covid episode and came out great, and in lockdown for quite a long time, & like our young girls from China, still in school! Like being able to share Nicole’s Bday night, and that Alice so sweetly informed us it was her Bday. Like Michael in HKG whom I was so delighted now has a family of healthy, happy people! I’m so delighted that some pple have been with me for so long and have developed wonderful lives for themselves, and we are all friends and I’m so happy for everyone! It was so miraculous to hear YOUR STORIES TOO.. and to have you share your happiness or your heartache with everyone and we can all SHARE in your HAPPYNESS, or give you solace and support!! I just love that so much and want to DO IT AGAIN! But of course.. I was passing out late Monday night so I hope we can find a great day to start in the early afternoon till maybe dinner time.. hahaa.. we can have different sessions so everyone will get a chance to tell their story and of course I will be HAPPY to answer any questions that you have on those issues or just tell ur story! Of course to give everyone a chance, U will have to PREPARE ur stories well so we can go thru several each time! Many of the fans who PM me later, told me they were too shy to tell their story or ask their question, but that’s really what we are doing it for! So let’s TRY AGAIN!
I would like to ask Fans to write in a story they would like to tell.. U don’t have to tell it now but at least express U want to tell a story or an issue U would like to discuss and see how it can be helped.. of course it is a bit tricky to let everyone talk at once because there is a time constraint..and I would like to answer any Q’s, but I think it will be great… and U can let me know what you guys all think too or how you feel we can have a more organized and well managed format! We will welcome ur suggestions and know that I want to morally support U guys as much as U have all supported me thru these years and really hope we can develop a scheduled, consistent rapport thru Zoom! I LOVE ZOOM! What a great invention for all of us and especially at this time! I would also like to THANK Vicky Yao in Taiwan, and Kuan, in BJ for arranging so much time and effort to make this possible for ALL of us & vital contributors to helping me REACH OUT to all of you!! Let’s have another session before or after Chinese New Year if possible! Let me know what you all THINK!!!
PS! One more request to bypass U… Our Admin Gals Vicky & Kuan have edited about 1.5 hours of chat to place online for other fans to see & hear.. if there is anyone who would not like to be posted.. pls do let us know so we can edit you out.. we are not publishing all as it is so long so if you give us your name we will ensure to respect your privacy, so please do let us know!
2021年1月11日星期一,我們與所有人進行的ZOOM聊天超級開心!我收到了很多留言!哈哈哈..每個人都很可愛.. 謝謝!
來自新加坡的Yi Pei 問了一個關於我的夢想是什麼的問題,當時我說我沒有夢想,一直以來我的夢想就是開心,順應宇宙的流動,熱情地接受生活所賦予的一切,對所有心懷感激 —— 無論是偉大的冒險,至高無上的幸福,或是幫助我成長的逆境與挑戰。我知道這些是每個人必經的生活之路。但是第二天早上醒來之後,我意識到我其實確實有一些夢想!它們是很簡單的夢想,所以我想和你們分享!
從我10歲那年開始,我的第一個夢想就是成為一名演藝人員 —— 成為歌手,演員,並為人們帶去快樂。現在,這個夢想已成真,我仍然真實地生活在這個夢想中,並對這份上天帶來的祝福 —— 對能成為你們生活中的一部分 —— 而深懷感激!現在,我的第二個夢想就是做出自己的貢獻!去覺醒於宇宙的魔力和奇蹟中,意識到上天所希望的是我們所有人及所有生靈都和諧共處,因為我們大家緊密相連息息相關,與整個自然界有著不可思議的協同作用,並和所有其他大小生物同等共存於這個地球上!我們可以彼此相愛,友愛相處,從而共同協力創造出最佳能量,將這個星球推向最高的層面!無論我們是什麼膚色,種族,身份,我們都必須互相幫助,實現我們的最佳可能性!我們可以以各自最好的心態和真實的行動成為彼此的福氣,並共同創造出更大的夢想,令所有人受益。宇宙平等地愛我們所有人,儘管我們當中有些人的生活似乎更好,而有些人卻沒有。我們需要意識到這個表面下更深層的真相。
我真正喜歡Zoom聊天的地方是,我們的聊天不只是我在講話!這也是一個機會,使我們大家無論來自哪裡,在做什麼,都能夠相聚在一起。例如來自以色列的Alex,不可思議!例如俄勒岡州波特蘭市急診重症監護室護士Michelle,她通過Zoom帶我們到她工作的地方,在凌晨5點,在她開始一天非常艱鉅的工作之前。例如倫敦的John和Kitson。 Kitson 剛剛經歷了三週和COVID作戰,最終戰勝了病毒,現在看上去很好,雖然也已經被隔離很久了。例如很多來自中國的女孩子們,她們都很年輕,還在上學!例如我們還分享了Nicole的生日之夜,而Alice如此甜蜜地告訴我們那天是Nicole的生日。例如我很高興看到香港的Michael現在有一個健康快樂的家庭!我很高興能有一些同伴已經陪伴我這麼久,並為自己創造了美好的生活。我們都是朋友,我為每個人感到高興!聽到大家的故事非常不可思議—— 所有人和所有人分享各自的幸福或心痛,這一切真是太神奇了!我們可以分享你的幸福,或給予你安慰和支持!我非常喜歡這一切,並且想再做一次!但是當然.. 我那天晚上快昏倒了,所以我希望我們能找到一個美好的一天從下午開始,直到晚餐時間.. 哈哈.. 我們可以舉行不同的聊天會,以便每個人都能有機會講述自己的故事。當然,我也很樂意回答你們可能有的任何問題,或者如果你只是想告訴我們你的故事也很好!為了在有限的時間裡令大家都有機會,請大家先準備好你想分享的,以便我們每次都能聽幾個不同的人的故事!後來許多粉絲發來留言告訴我,他們很害羞,不敢講述自己的故事或提出問題,但這正是我們視頻聊天要做的啊!因此,讓我們再試一次!
我想請粉絲們留言告訴我們你想講的故事,當然現在不必講細節,但至少表達你有事情想分享,或者有問題想問,或者想討論一些事情而得到幫助.. 當然,讓每個人都有機會講話有點棘手,因為時間有限,而我也希望能夠盡可能回答你們的問題,所以我們要提前計劃,分配好時間,但我相信這會很棒… 你們也可以讓我知道你們大家的想法,或者你覺得我們怎樣可以擁有一個更有條理的模式!我們歡迎大家的建議,請知道我希望可以給大家心靈支持,就像這些年來你們所有人一直在支持我一樣,並真的希望我們可以通過Zoom進行定期的,持續的聯繫!我喜歡ZOOM!對我們所有人來說,尤其是在這個時候,這是一項偉大的發明!我還要感謝台灣的Vicky Yao和BJ的Kuan,感謝她們花了許多時間和精力,使我們的Zoom 會議成為可能;她們也是幫助我與大家取得聯繫的背後功臣!如果可以的話,讓我們在農曆年之前或之後再舉行一次會議!讓我知道大家的想法!!!
PS! 還有一個事情想同大家講一下。我們的管理員Vicky&Kuan編輯了大約1.5個小時的聊天視頻,以便上傳到線上給其他粉絲看.. 如果有人不想自己的部分被上傳,請告訴我們,我們可以將您的部分刪除。由於當天聊天時間太長,我們不會發布全部內容的視頻,因此,如果您留言告知我們您的名字,我們將確保尊重您的隱私,所以請告訴我們!
a life on our planet 線上看 在 Sally Yeh Facebook 的最讚貼文
Dear Fans and Friends,
How R all of U? I hope U R all doing Ok at this difficult period in our lives. Many people are steeped in sadness, anxiety and panic. I realize there is so much negativity and strife happening all around us, as our health and world is in crisis, but it’s times like these.. that we must work harder to find the inner stillness in the midst of the storm to steady our minds and our hearts, so we can carry on, as this is the necessity of life. Sometimes it is needed to accept what it is & take this time to help ourselves and extend a helping hand to others. I know it is hard to see the POSITIVE in this situation, but we are always given 2 choices. If we don’t see the positive, we are left with the negative, and how is negative going to help? It will bring us deeper into misery and leave no room to prosper. Positive thinking, can shine a light to whatever darkness is on the horizon, and give a smile to our faces, for all things will have dark and light. I believe this is where ThinkACTPOSITVE (TAP❣️) can apply in the best way possible❣️ We can take this time to think positively, do something positive, think more deeply, and creatively, in a positive manner.
Although with thought for your health and well-being, I hope you will try to alleviate your fear, find the JOY & LOVE in this moment for someone, or something which U R so blessed with. We sometimes think of all that we lack, yet forget what we so abundantly have in our own hearts & homes❣️ I feel so blessed just to have a beating heart, two hands and legs, a thinking MIND, that we can DO something GOOD with it❣️ We can find the SILVER LINING in every single day❣️ Just realize that you are so “BLESSED”, and there is always going to be night and DAY, dark & LIGHT, rain & SHINE, moon & SUN, clouds & BLUE SKY, YOU AND ME❣️❣️❣️ We all have a CHOICE❣️❣️ Choose to TAP❣️❣️ ThinkACTPOSITVE❣️ EVERYDAY❣️❣️ FIND it in your HEART to BLESS, & LOVE EVERYONE❣️❣️❣️
In our now warm, cocooned homes, we can learn to be creative, clean out and organize our homes to put everything in an organized manner, learn something new, educate ourselves on a new skill which you can use in your future like I’ve been studying about the immune system and how to build a strong one. Research & create simple, interesting dishes at home to eat & have a cooking show with your family. Take up a sport, go out to have a wonderful walk in the colder weather, there are so many walking places in HK, enjoy nature, biking, hiking, listen to music, reading, anything which can keep us calm, serene and keeping yourself healthy if you have the extra time on your hands. It’s important to build a STRONG BODY and mind.. that is one that can get through challenges in life as there will always be ups and downs❣️
I also wanted to share that I recycle my own masks. I don’t know if it is the right way, but it seems very wasteful to use the mask just once. I put a thick tissue or hand towel paper folded into ¼ to put inside the mask so when I only need to throw the paper inside away and can save the mask in a reusable Ziploc bag and keep the mask clean by either using a hot blow dryer to blow dry the inside of the mask, and keeping the mask safely wrapped in a hand paper towel b4 using again. I have been using mine for over 1 week now❣️ I’m not asking everyone to use this method but I also feel we can try to save and recycle otherwise there will be so much more discarded masks and even the hospital does not give out masks anymore and the prices are raised too high outside for normal purchase. I also want to share that white vinegar can also be used as a disinfectant and we use a few parts vinegar and water at home to clean our floors for many years now. It is not known to kill germs, but is a good disinfectant, cleaner, biodegradable and has no smell.
Let’s try to take this time to do whatever we can think of for the HIGHEST & GREATEST GOOD and for ourselves, our family & each other❣️ Take good good care everyone❣️❣️❣️
I’m sharing a recording of a song & the beautiful scenery of the beauty we can always see if we choose to.. Pls excuse the awful jittery camera job I did.. hahaha..
Final note to all: I really hope we can be a UNITED COLLECTIVE of Individual Human beings, who can have the WHOLE HEART and GRACE to PRAY and THANK ALL those Authorities, Professionals, Big and Small, Doctors, Nurses, healthcare workers, volunteers whom leave their families behind in different cities to HELP, whom R working 24 hours a day to sheer exhaustion at the front lines in the hospitals and anywhere else to help save all those whom have been infected and fighting so hard to protect the rest of us, Globally, from being infected as well. Let's also PRAY FOR those whom have fallen sick and struggling thru the quarantines & illness. This is really a wakeup call to be compassionate to ourselves and our FELLOW MAN. No matter what we are living on this Planet together and really have to SO KIND to ourselves and all others by being GOOD to each other❣️❣️❣️❣️ Thank you all for reading and let's PRAY TOGETHER FOR THE GREATER GOOD❣️❣️❣️❣️
我當然很關心大家的健康和福祉,但同時我也希望大家能減輕恐懼,在當下的此刻找到身邊的某人或某事正在帶來的喜悅和愛。有的時候我們想著的都是自己所缺少的一切,卻忘記了在各自的心中和家中其實都充滿著豐盈❣️僅僅擁有一顆跳動的心,兩隻手和兩隻腿,一個能思考的頭腦,我已經感到如此幸運,因為擁有這一切已經足夠我們去做好事,把愛傳出去❣️每天都能找到一線希望❣️人生中總會有夜晚和白天,黑暗與光明,雨和陽光,月亮和太陽,雲和藍天,你與我❣️只要意識到其實我們都是如此幸運,每個人都有選擇❣️選擇TAP❣️ ThinkACTPOSITVE❣️每天❣️❣️在你的心中找到去祝福和愛所有人的動力❣️❣️❣️
在我們如今溫暖舒適的房間裡,我們可以學習去有創造力的度過,打掃衛生並整理房屋,有條理的安置所有物品,學習新東西,自我學習掌握可以在未來用得到的知識和新技能,例如最近我就一直在研究免疫系統以及如何使自己的免疫系統更強大。在家中研究和製作簡單有趣的菜餚,並與家人一起來一場烹飪秀。從事一項運動,在寒冷的天氣中出外散散步。香港有很多適合散步的地方。享受大自然,騎單車,徒步,聽音樂,讀書… 如果你有多餘的時間,任何可以使自己保持冷靜,平靜,健康的事都是好的。擁有強壯的身體和頭腦很重要。這是可以克服生活中挑戰的一種方法,因為人生總會有起起伏伏❣️
讓我們嘗試利用這段時間去做我們能想到的,可以為所有人都帶來美好的事—— 為自己,為家人,為彼此❣️大家好好照顧自己❣️❣️❣️
我想分享一首歌曲的錄音,以及只要我們選擇,就可以隨時看到的美麗風景。請原諒我糟糕的攝影作品.. 哈哈哈。
最後還想和大家說:我真的希望我們可以每個人都團結在一起,可以全心全意地祈禱和感謝所有權威,專業人士,醫生們,護士們,全體醫護人員,以及志願者們 —— 他們將自己的家人留在不同的城市而去幫助他人,他們全天24小時工作,在醫院和其他任何地方的前線精疲力盡地努力工作,以挽救所有感染者,並為保護世界上所有的其他人不被感染而持續奮鬥。我們還要為那些因生病而被隔離並在掙扎著和疾病頑強抗爭的人祈禱。這是一個警鐘,提醒我們對自己和同胞抱持同情心。無論如何,我們共同生活在這個星球上,真的必須對自己和他人盡力友好善待❣️❣️❣️❣️ 謝謝大家的閱讀,讓我們一起為更大的美好祈禱❣️❣️❣️
大家情人節快樂,愛你們身邊的人們❣️❣️🙏🙏😇 你們也在我心裡❣️❣️❣️🙏🙏😇😇