[ASML Recruiting] IC Design Engineer
The job is located in Hsinchu/Tainan that could work on the advanced analog and mixed signal ASIC for next generation electron detection channel for the leading edge e-beam inspection and metrology systems with work life balance.
The following are the Job Descriptions for this opportunity
• Develop the functional blocks of high-speed Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) and/or Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) in ASIC for the detection channel of electron beam inspection tools, including:
• Define the design specifications of the Read-Out Integrated Chip (ROIC) or chipset based on product roadmap and System Performance Specifications (SPS) defined by system engineer.
• Develop new circuit architecture and technical solutions for next generation ASICs in detection channel, including feasibility study, schematic design, pre-layout simulation, layout design, and post-layout simulation.
• Cooperate with Printed Circuit Board (PCB) designer to design Evaluation Board (EVB) and with test engineer to test and characterize the ASICs.
• Create Element Design Specifications (EDS) and Test Performance Specifications (TPS) based on detail ASIC design and chip test/verification.
• Cooperate with IC design partner to develop the ASICs for detection channel of of electron beam inspection tools, including:
• Review the detail schematic and layout design, TPS, and test results from our partner during the ASIC industrialization phase.
• Together with the engineering team from the partners, identify design solutions to achieve the specifications of the module/function. Review the design details and simulation results from our partner.
• Support module level and sub-system level integration
• Generate and / or review related IP documents
Provide with more information about the position: D&E - IC Design Engineer - Tainan/Hsinchu - Jobs | ASML
asic design 在 TrendForce Facebook 的最佳解答
#Huawei has yet to consider going into the high-end market with #server_GPUs, since 1) server #GPU has high design cost and complexity
2) high integration of Huawei #servers means less benefit from server GPUs.
Huawei seems more likely to adopt #ASIC-based server solutions.
asic design 在 豹投資 Facebook 的最佳解答
【#智原(3035) 觀察紀錄】
◎ 2019年營運回顧:
智原Q419的營收14億元,QoQ -11.9%,YoY +3.7%,主要受到客戶庫存調整影響,包含智慧電表、POS機、車用等專案的量產收入減少,導致量產業務和第四季的營收下滑;不過,NRE (委託設計) 的業務收入則是持續增長,營收再創單季新高。而毛利率在產品組合轉差之下,小幅下滑至49.7%;費用部分由於年底季節性估列入帳的關係,較前季提升至6,400萬元,淨利4,900萬元,年減37.6%,EPS 0.2元。
回顧2019年,全年營收53.1億元,YoY +8.2%,整體營運重回成長,不過不如當初設定的雙位數成長目標。分三大業務來看,營收佔比57.6%的量產業務,營收30.5億元,年增8%,受到部分專案時程遞延影響,使得整體營收雖成長但不如預期;營收佔比25.8%的NRE業務,營收創高達13.7億元,YoY +6%,其中Design Win的案子連續五年成長,可望在未來進入到量產階段挹注營收成長動能;而營收佔比16.6%的IP (矽智財) 營收則有8.8億元,YoY +13%,也創12年來新高。獲利方面,毛利率52.8%,較前年下滑0.3%,表現穩定;營益率受惠營運規模擴張,成長1.7%來到7.5%;費用在控制範圍內年增3.4%;淨利3.48億元,年成長率32%,而EPS增加為1.4元。
◎ 第一季預期:
◎ 2020年展望:
◎ 小結:受肺炎疫情衝擊,第一季營收面臨衰退;但為短期影響,在過去接案量大增,將陸續轉為量產階段之下,可望帶動2020年營運成長。
◎ 補充:
◎ 最新消息:
→ 智原報喜,ASIC設計平台已交付逾10項AIoT設計案
→ 武漢疫情影響短期 智原2020年營收估增1成
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→ 立即申請試用豹投資PRO:https://vip.above.tw/