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Opinion|The Police is duty-bound to enforce the law resolutely
HK Current
2020.10.06 11:05
By Athena Kung
According to the statement made by the US Department of State on 3rd of October 2020 (local time), the arrests made by the Hong Kong Police on 1st of October 2020 were criticized by the Department as malicious ones. It has been alleged by the US Department of State that the Hong Kong Police merely enforces the law for the aim of achieving political goals, which amounts to serious violation of Hong Kong's rule of law and thus strongly attack individual's human rights as well as Hong Kong people's freedom of expression, procession and assembly. The Central Government was commented by the US Department of State as being given up the undertaking of "One country, Two systems" completely. Obviously, such allegations against both the Central Government and HKSAR made by US Government were very serious. To examine whether such comments were fair ones, we have to carefully consider if the allegations really have any valid legal basis or foundation.
According to both the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance, Cap. 383, Laws of Hong Kong (hereinafter referred to as "the BORO“) and and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (hereinafter referred to as the "ICCPR "), the freedoms of expression, procession and assembly were not absolute, and might be subject to restrictions as prescribed by law. Article 16 and 17 of the BORO relates to the freedom of opinion and expression and right of peaceful assembly which can be enjoyed by Hong Kong people:
"Article 16
Freedom of opinion and expression
(1) Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.
(2) Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.
(3) The exercise of the rights provided for in paragraph (2) of this article carries with it special duties and responsibilities. It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary—
(a) for respect of the rights or reputations of others; or
(b) for the protection of national security or of public order (ordre public), or of public health or morals.
[cf. ICCPR Art. 19]
Article 17
Right of peaceful assembly
The right of peaceful assembly shall be recognized. No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right other than those imposed in conformity with the law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, public order (ordre public), the protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
[cf. ICCPR Art. 21]"
Thus, freedom of expression, procession and assembly in Hong Kong are not absolute. On the other hand, such rights are subject to restrictions as prescribed by law in the interests of public order, public safety and the interests of others, and so on.
Besides, Section 10(a) to (e) of the Police Force Ordinance, Cap 232, Laws of Hong Kong has clearly stated inter alia that:
"10. The duties of the police force shall be to take lawful measures for—
(a) preserving the public peace;
(b) preventing and detecting crimes and offences;
(c) preventing injury to life and property;
(d) apprehending all persons whom it is lawful to apprehend and for whose apprehension sufficient grounds exists;
(e) regulating processions and assemblies in public places or places of public resort;
What has really occurred in Hong Kong in various districts on 1st of October 2020?
(1) At around 1400 hours, a group of people gathered and yelled along Great George Street in Causeway Bay, which might have constituted offences related to unauthorised assemblies under the Public Order Ordinance, Cap 245, Laws of Hong Kong and offences related to prohibited group gatherings under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation, Cap 599G, Laws of Hong Kong. Even though the Police had given multiple warnings at the scene and raised the blue flag requesting participants to leave the scene, at around 1500 hours, a large group of protesters still remained at the same place. Some of them even commenced to chant the slogan “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times” over and over again. Thus, they were suspected of inciting or abetting others to commit acts of secession, which might constitute relevant offences under the HKSAR National Security Law. Afterwards, some protesters even spilled onto the road and breached public peace.
(2) At around 1500 hours, 2 men in the vicinity of Tin Ma Court in Wong Tai Sin hurled some petrol bombs and large objects at Lung Cheung Road. Having attended the scene, the police noticed that traces of the road being charred, as well as fences and traffic cones left on it. After investigation, the Police found that even though a large amount of vehicles were travelling along the road at the time of the incident, fortunately, no vehicle was hit by the petrol bombs and objects successfully. In any event, the rioters’ such heinous acts had severely endangered road users and breached public peace.
(3) The Police intercepted a man at Stewart Road in Wanchai at about 1600 hours and found him in possession of a foldable sharp knife which was at the same size of a business card. The 23-year-old man was subsequently arrested on suspicion of possession of an offensive weapon, as there stood a strong likelihood that he might intend to use the said item to injure members of the public or police officers.
(4) At around 1500 hours, the Police set up a roadblock along a section of the Tuen Mun Road near Summit Terrace in Tsuen Wan to intercept suspicious vehicles, and found extendable sticks, a helmet, face masks and a large amount of promotional leaflets inside a private car with an expired vehicle licence. Some of the leaflets contained slogans suspected of calling for “Hong Kong independence” written on them. The 35-year-old male driver of the car was arrested on suspicion of various offences including “Possession of Instrument Fit for Unlawful Purpose”, “Driving an Unlicenced Vehicle” and “Driving Without Third Party Insurance”.
(5) At around 1630 hours, the Police stopped and searched a man in the vicinity of Tonnochy Road and Lockhart Road in Causeway Bay, and found items including a cutter, a spanner, plastic straps and a pair of gloves in his backpack. The 20-year-old man was subsequently arrested on suspicion of possession of offensive weapons.
(6) After nightfall, protesters continued to gather in different districts. To ensure public safety, the Police have enforced the law resolutely according to the situations arising in different districts. At 2200 hours, not less than 86 persons have been arrested in multiple districts. Among them, 74 persons including four District Councillors were arrested on suspicion of taking part in unauthorised assemblies in Causeway Bay, while the rest were arrested on suspicion of committing offences including possession of offensive weapon, failing to produce proof of identity, possession of forged identity card, disorderly conduct in a public place and driving an unlicenced vehicle. Besides, 20 persons were given fixed penalty notices for suspectedly breaching the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation.
Actually, the Police is duty-bound to enforce the law resolutely. On the facts, all arrests taken place on 1st of October 2020 were absolutely lawful and necessary to maintain law and order in the society and protect the life and property of all Hong Kong residents. Undoubtedly, the US officials have all along been adopting "double standards" in expressing utterly irresponsible remarks on law enforcement actions in the HKSAR. Everyone is equal before the law. So long as there is evidence supporting that someone has violated the law, no matter what his or her status or background is, he or she must face the legal consequence. Being a law enforcement agency, the Police must take action whenever they come across any unlawful acts in strict accordance with the laws in force. All cases must be handled in a fair, just and impartial manner by the Police in accordance with the law, which is the only and real reason as to why the Police arrested the 86 odd people on 1st of October 2020. To conclude, all criticizms made by the US towards the Hong Kong Police, HKSAR Government and Central Government were all unfair without any legal or concrete support at all.
It appears that the US government has always been refusing to accept the truth that the HKSAR is an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "the PRC") and a local administrative region which enjoys a high degree of autonomy, as contrary to absolute autonomy, and comes directly under the Central People's Government. Hong Kong affairs are internal matters of the PRC. The system in Hong Kong is not "Two countries, Two systems". Hong Kong will never be an independent country with a pro-American government formed by the Opposition Camp in Hong Kong. Any foreign governments like the US must at once stop scaremongering and interfering in any form in Hong Kong's affairs. The "Colour Revolution" promoted by the US in Hong Kong should be terminated in no time.
The author is Barrister-at-law.
The views don't necessarily reflect those of Orange News.
責編: CK Li
action chant 在 超級奶爸 何基佑 Kay Ho Facebook 的精選貼文
有家長曾經問我:「你的孩子用Oxford Path學習英語有幫助嗎?」當然有,而且有很顯著的幫助。那到底如何判斷這套教學對幼兒有幫助呢?用閱讀速度?學會的詞語數量?還是說話時的流暢度?其實要衡量一個人對某種語言的認知要從兩大方向去看:輸入(input),和輸出(output)。「輸入」就是指聽和閱讀,而「輸出」則是指講和寫。
Oxford Path是一套很有系統的英語教學工具。當中的詞彙卡、故事書和卡通DVD涵蓋了「輸入」的部份。至於「輸出」的部份則有”Chant & Sing Along”,”Action Drama”,和一系列益智有趣、由淺至深的學習素材。以我兒子清義哥為例, 他對Oxford Path的故事和當中的主角很感興趣,因此他願意去唱他們唱的歌,模仿他們說英語。大家都會認同學習是源自「模仿」,而能夠令小朋友自發性地去說英語,這就是一套成功的教材。值得一提的就是套裝裡的「點讀筆」,它不但以清晰和標準的英語讀出書本和詞彙卡的字,更設有錄音功能,讓兒子可以跟着讀,然後自動重播。這樣他就可以馬上比對一下,而且點讀筆亦是自學時的好幫手。
總括而言,一套全面的英語教材除了要包含聆聽和閱讀理解之外,更需要給予孩子空間去講和寫。Oxford Path能夠做到上述兩點之餘,更重要一點的就是孩子不會抗拒學習英語,因為學習英語已經變成一件很有趣的事。
1)高樂氏家居消毒濕紙巾 35 片裝乙件
3)英語兒歌 CD 及 DVD 乙份
馬上和寶寶一起體驗Oxford Path的奇妙之處,立即行動!
另外,Oxford Path知道各位家長在停課抗疫期間最擔心孩子白白待在家,沉悶無聊又不夠充實,因此特意準備了「牛津寶寶在家學習包」,一共30日的學習素材將分為4期推出,涵蓋英文和數學概念。第1期將於今個星期五在Oxford Path 牛津幼兒英語牛津幼兒英語 專頁發佈,立刻follow,緊貼「牛津寶寶在家學習包」最新消息。
1. 本活動只限準父母或0至2歲孩子的父母參加。參加者必須於過去 6 個月未曾索取過 Oxford Path 任何禮品;
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4. 牛津大學出版社有權要求領獎者於領獎時填寫登記表格並提交懷孕或寶寶出生證明文件以核實身份;
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6. 參加者須親自前往位於佐敦的Oxford Path 牛津幼兒英語天地領取禮品;
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#OxfordUniversityPress #牛津大學出版社 #OUPHK #OxfordPath #牛津幼兒英語 #停課不停學 #超級奶爸 #家長教育 #幼兒教育 #全城抗疫
action chant 在 超級奶爸 何基佑 Kay Ho Facebook 的精選貼文
有家長曾經問我:「你的孩子用Oxford Path學習英語有幫助嗎?」當然有,而且有很顯著的幫助。那到底如何判斷這套教學對幼兒有幫助呢?用閱讀速度?學會的詞語數量?還是說話時的流暢度?其實要衡量一個人對某種語言的認知要從兩大方向去看:輸入(input),和輸出(output)。「輸入」就是指聽和閱讀,而「輸出」則是指講和寫。
Oxford Path是一套很有系統的英語教學工具。當中的詞彙卡、故事書和卡通DVD涵蓋了「輸入」的部份。至於「輸出」的部份則有”Chant & Sing Along”,”Action Drama”,和一系列益智有趣、由淺至深的學習素材。以我兒子清義哥為例, 他對Oxford Path的故事和當中的主角很感興趣,因此他願意去唱他們唱的歌,模仿他們說英語。大家都會認同學習是源自「模仿」,而能夠令小朋友自發性地去說英語,這就是一套成功的教材。值得一提的就是套裝裡的「點讀筆」,它不但以清晰和標準的英語讀出書本和詞彙卡的字,更設有錄音功能,讓兒子可以跟着讀,然後自動重播。這樣他就可以馬上比對一下,而且點讀筆亦是自學時的好幫手。
總括而言,一套全面的英語教材除了要包含聆聽和閱讀理解之外,更需要給予孩子空間去講和寫。Oxford Path能夠做到上述兩點之餘,更重要一點的就是孩子不會抗拒學習英語,因為學習英語已經變成一件很有趣的事。
1)高樂氏家居消毒濕紙巾 35 片裝乙件
3)英語兒歌 CD 及 DVD 乙份
馬上和寶寶一起體驗Oxford Path的奇妙之處,立即行動!
另外,Oxford Path知道各位家長在停課抗疫期間最擔心孩子白白待在家,沉悶無聊又不夠充實,因此特意準備了「牛津寶寶在家學習包」,一共30日的學習素材將分為4期推出,涵蓋英文和數學概念。第1期將於今個星期五在Oxford Path 牛津幼兒英語牛津幼兒英語 專頁發佈,立刻follow,緊貼「牛津寶寶在家學習包」最新消息。
1. 本活動只限準父母或0至2歲孩子的父母參加。參加者必須於過去 6 個月未曾索取過 Oxford Path 任何禮品;
2. 每個家庭只限登記及索取禮品乙次;
4. 牛津大學出版社有權要求領獎者於領獎時填寫登記表格並提交懷孕或寶寶出生證明文件以核實身份;
5. 參加者必須確保參加表格上填寫的資料正確無誤,否則會被取消資格;
6. 參加者須親自前往位於佐敦的Oxford Path 牛津幼兒英語天地領取禮品;
7. 參加者一旦領取禮品,即表示本人同意並接受有關此活動之條款及細則約束,若參加者違反上述條款及細則,牛津大學出版社保留取消其得獎資格的權利;
9. 如有任何問題,請於 Facebook Inbox 或致電 2516 4567 查詢;
10. 如有任何爭議,牛津大學出版社保留最終決定權。
#OxfordUniversityPress #牛津大學出版社 #OUPHK #OxfordPath #牛津幼兒英語 #停課不停學 #超級奶爸 #家長教育 #幼兒教育 #全城抗疫