adoratorio 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

Adoratorio is an award winning creative collective of designers with the aim to develop visionary communication projects. - Adoratorio. ... <看更多>
#1. Adoratorio — Digital Creative Agency
Award-winning multidisciplinary digital creative agency based in Italy.
#2. Adoratorio Studio - Home | Facebook
Enea & Camilla are the Co-Founders of Adoratorio Studio, an Italian Digital Agency specialized in all things creative. In this talk they present a behind the...
#3. Adoratorio Studio - Instagram
14.4k Followers, 1361 Following, 9 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Adoratorio Studio (@adoratorio.studio)
#4. Adoratorio Studio (@adoratorio_std) / Twitter
Adoratorio Studio. @adoratorio_std. We are enhancers who think where thoughts are yet to go. @Awwwards. Studio of the Year.
#5. Adoratorio Studio - Awwwards
We are enhancers who think where thoughts are yet to go. @Awwwards Studio of the Year.
#6. Adoratorio Studio (adoratorio_studio) | Domestika
Adoratorio is a creative digital studio based in Brescia founded in 2014 by Cami & Enea. We harmonize purpose, beauty and form to create meaningful, ...
Adoratorio is an award winning creative collective of designers with the aim to develop visionary communication projects. - Adoratorio.
#8. Adoratorio Studio - The FWA
Editorials by Adoratorio Studio ... Enea Rossi. Co-Founder & CEO | Creative Director, Adoratorio ... More FWAs from Adoratorio Studio.
#9. Adoratorio - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Un adoratorio es una construcción consagrada al culto, o devoción, que mayoritariamente estaba situada dentro de los complejos ceremoniales de las antiguas ...
We are cool kids with a natural instinct for beauty edgy-ness; we touch the digital world with hand crafted, significant amazingness. www.adoratorio.studio ...
#11. Adoratorio, Ruinas Chac-hal-al, Puerto Aventuras - Tripadvisor
Adoratorio, Ruinas Chac-hal-al ... We were excited to learn that such a place existed within Puerto Aventuras. We packed up and headed there. Came across a guard ...
#12. Adoratorio Studio on Behance
Adoratorio Studio ; The Metropolitan Enigma - Salvatore Ferragamo · 37 ; The Hiring Chain · The Hiring Chain · 1.2k ; Yolélé · Yolélé · 1.1k ; Awwards Conference 2020.
#13. A. Perspectiva del Adoratorio o Templo de los antiguos indios ...
A. Perspectiva del Adoratorio o Templo de los antiguos indios, que existe inmediato al pueblo de Cayambe, Jurisdiccion del Corregimiento de Otavalo, ...
#14. About Adoratorio – Medium
Read more about Adoratorio. We are cool kids with a natural instinct for beauty edgy-ness; we touch the digital world with hand crafted, ...
#15. adoratorio | Definición | Diccionario de la lengua española | RAE
Definición RAE de «adoratorio» según el Diccionario de la lengua española: 1. m. Templo en que los indios americanos daban culto a algún ídolo. 2. m.
#16. ADORATORIO SRL Company Profile - BRESCIA - Dun ...
Company Description: ADORATORIO SRL is located in BRESCIA, BRESCIA, Italy and is part of the Specialized Design Services Industry. ADORATORIO SRL has 14 ...
#17. Adoratorio - Dribbble
Adoratorio. Inspirational designs, illustrations, and graphic elements from the world's best designers. Want more inspiration? Browse our search results.
#18. Adoratorio | LinkedIn
A culinary universe born from Gucci and Massimo Bottura's youthful energy. Contemporary Italian Restaurants with different identities, but a shared philosophy.
#19. song by Verdena - Adoratorio - Spotify
Listen to Adoratorio on Spotify. Verdena · Song · 2011. ... Open App. Adoratorio. Song. Adoratorio. Verdena. 2011. 2:29. Popular Albums by Verdena.
#20. adoratorio - Translation into English - examples Spanish
Translations in context of "adoratorio" in Spanish-English from Reverso Context: Posee una huaca (centro adoratorio) formado por grandes muros de adobe.
#21. adoratorio - Wiktionary
SpanishEdit. EtymologyEdit · adorar + -torio. PronunciationEdit · IPA: /adoɾaˈtoɾjo/, [a.ð̞o.ɾaˈt̪o.ɾjo]. NounEdit. adoratorio m (plural adoratorios).
#22. Adoratorio Studio : Showreel - Vimeo
#23. Adoratorio. Fotografía: Iván Renato Zúñiga. - ResearchGate
Download scientific diagram | Adoratorio. Fotografía: Iván Renato Zúñiga. from publication: El espacio ritual del Divino Rostro en la cosmovisión del valle ...
#24. Adoratório - Dicio, Dicionário Online de Português
substantivo masculino Oratório.Nome dado pelos espanhóis na América aos templos dos ídolos.Etimologia (origem da palavra adoratório). Adorar + ório.
#25. Adoratorio Stock Photos and Images - Alamy
Find the perfect adoratorio stock photo. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. No need to register, ...
#26. Adoratorio - Overview, News & Competitors | ZoomInfo.com
View Adoratorio (adoratorio.studio) location in Lombardy, Italy , revenue, industry and description. Find related and similar companies as well as employees ...
#27. Adoratorio by Verdena song statistics | setlist.fm
Adoratorio by Verdena. Original artist Verdena; From the release Wow (Album); Total plays 13 times by 1 artist; First played January 27, 2011 by Verdena at ...
#28. Adoratorio | Spanish Thesaurus - SpanishDict
Synonyms and Antonyms of Adoratorio. Learn synonyms, antonyms, and opposites of Adoratorio in Spanish with English translations of every word.
#29. El adoratorio del cerro El Potro: Arqueología de alta montaña ...
El adoratorio del cerro El Potro: Arqueología de alta montaña en la cordillera de Copiapó, norte de Chile. Estud. atacam. [online]. 2009, n.38, pp.39-54.
#30. Pitching for Digital Agencies | Adoratorio Studio Co-Founders
Enea & Camilla are the Co-Founders of Adoratorio Studio, an Italian Digital Agency specialized in all things creative. In this talk they present a behind ...
#31. adoratorio - Spanisch-Deutsch Übersetzung | PONS
Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft). Spanisch. Se trata de las ruinas que habrían sido parte de un adoratorio escondido entre el ...
#32. Adoratorio Studio - Siteinspire
Agency / Profile. We are enhancers who think where thoughts are yet to go. @Awwwards Studio of the Year. Contact. Email [email protected] ...
#33. Rodolfo Sousa | Adoratorio (2019) | Artsy
From Fundacion El Mirador, Rodolfo Sousa, Adoratorio (2019), Dry mud, stucco, vaporizer, wood, 110 × 31 × 24 cm.
#34. adoratório - Dicionário Online Priberam de Português
1. [ Religião ] [ Religião ] Local que se destina ao culto de uma divindade.
#35. Adoratorio, ruinas Chac-hal-al - Puerto Aventuras - Trip.com
Adoratorio, ruinas Chac-hal-al: 2020 Top Things to Do in Puerto Aventuras. Adoratorio, ruinas Chac-hal-al travelers' reviews, business hours, introduction, ...
#36. adoratorio - Spanish English Dictionary - Tureng
English Spanish online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options. indigenous temple adoratorio movable altar ...
#37. Adoratorio | Top Interactive Agencies
As a digital agency in Italy, Adoratorio is an award winning creative collective of designers with the aim to develop visionary communication projects.
#38. Digital Creative Agency, 40A Corso Giacomo Matteotti, Brescia
Realtime driving directions to Adoratorio — Digital Creative Agency, 40A Corso Giacomo Matteotti, Brescia, based on live traffic updates and road conditions ...
#39. @adoratorio/hades vulnerabilities | Snyk
Version Published Licenses Direct Vulnerabilities @adoratorio/hades 0.2.1 Latest 12 May, 2021 MIT 0 C; 0 H; 0 M; 0 L @adoratorio/hades 0.2.0 27 Apr, 2021 MIT 0 C; 0 H; 0 M; 0 L @adoratorio/hades 0.1.31 23 Apr, 2021 MIT 0 C; 0 H; 0 M; 0 L
#40. Tula Adoratorio - LatinAmericanStudies.org
The Toltecs Tula Adoratorio. Click on the pictures. Adoratorio as seen from Pyramid B.
#41. Adoratorio - ProductHood
Adoratorio is a multidisciplinary digital agency based in Italy. We identify the essential around new visual perspectives. We get so excited when we think ...
#42. Websites Designed By Adoratorio ~ Featured On CSSDA
Adoratorio website designs featured on CSS Design Awards, an international web design awards platform that honors and showcases freelance designers, ...
#43. adoratorio.studio ▷ Adoratorio — Digital Creative Agency
Relying Google MobileFriendly test adoratorio.studio is well optimized for mobile and tablet devices, however web page loading speed may be improved.
#44. Adoratorio - Orpetron - Web Design Awards
Check out Adoratorio profile and discover the best leading web designers, studios, and agencies worldwide listed in our directory.
#45. Adoratorio at Florence Biennale 2019
Adoratorio, digital creative agency, has chosen Florence Biennale 2019 to present the One World One Face project, ideated by the photographer Erminando ...
#46. Adoratorio 52 (20x20) - Calloway Fine Art & Consulting
Adoratorio 52 David Ivan Clark Oil on panel Size: 20 x 20 (art) Price: $2100 (C5033DIC)
#47. L'Enigma Metropolitano di Ferragamo, realizzato in ... - Youmark
Ferragamo ha scelto Adoratorio e Fasten Seat Belt per tradurre in digitale la campagna Primavera Estate 2021 tramite uno spy-game squisitamente ...
#48. Pirámide de Ehécatl - INAH
El adoratorio al dios mexica del viento, Ehécatl, formó parte de un extenso centro ceremonial localizado sobre la calle de José María Izazaga; ...
#49. IKEA PØSTËRS, an unofficial series by Adoratorio Studio
Italian design firm Adoratorio Studio loves IKEA so much that it has created an unofficial series of beautiful graphic posters in tribute to the Swedish ...
#50. Adoratorio de Ehécatl: la construcción prehispánica del metro ...
El Adoratorio de Ehécatl es un basamento prehispánico que pudimos conocer gracias a las excavaciones de la línea uno del metro de la CDMX.
#51. Tula. La Legendaria Tollan. Mapa Interactivo - Pueblos ...
Adoratorio. Anterior. Siguiente. El Adoratorio al centro de la plaza está alineado con la escalinata de la Pirámide C y seguramente tenía una función ...
#52. La legendaria pirámide más vista e inadvertida de la Ciudad ...
La base circular del adoratorio a Ehécatl sirvió como pedestal para colocar la representación de la deidad en su parte superior. Fuente: INAH. Fotografías ...
#53. Adoratorio a Ehécatl en metro Pino Suarez - Caminando por ...
La Pirámide conocida como el Adoratorio a Ehécatl, dios del viento se encuentra ubicada en el interior del metro de la estación Pino Suárez.
21 de febrero de 2018 (Notimex).- El director del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH), Diego Prieto, aseguró que el Adoratorio ...
#55. Adoratorio de Ehécatl en Metro Pino Suárez, un cochinero
Adoratorio de Ehécatl en Metro Pino Suárez, un cochinero · Teorema Ambiental/Redacción · Cuando se realizó la construcción del Metro Pino Suarez ...
#56. Descubre el adoratorio de Quenko - Turismo Cusco
Aunque el nombre original de este adoratorio no se conoce, los conquistadores españoles decidieron nombrarlo con la palabra quechua K`enko, que significa ...
#57. Mancera, más que una simple isla de la bahía de Corral
... Collecu (el Tornagaleones) “donde tenía su casa y adoratorio el cacique Leochengo", que era la máxima autoridad en aquellos años.
#58. Atahualpa, el último inca (parte I): la captura del rehén - El ...
Dentro de sus muros tenía como principales características un adoratorio de forma piramidal, el ushno o Amaru Huasi (casa de la serpiente), ...
#59. María Uicab, la santa patrona, habla de necios, preseas y ...
... alegre recorrido por la zona arqueológica de Muyil, decidí sentarme a descansar, apoyando mi espalda en un árbol frente a un adoratorio.
#60. ᐅ Los 10 Mejores Lugares Turísticos de México 【2022】
Al llegar podrás disfrutar de las diferentes pirámides del Centro Ceremonial, el Adoratorio para recordar la cultura tolteca, el área donde se practicaban ...
adoratorio 在 Adoratorio Studio - Home | Facebook 的推薦與評價
Enea & Camilla are the Co-Founders of Adoratorio Studio, an Italian Digital Agency specialized in all things creative. In this talk they present a behind the... ... <看更多>