【 薩克薛達之正義聯盟 】
千呼萬喚,由薩克薛達(Zack Snyder)「翻兜」主理的DC超級英雄電影《正義聯盟導演版》(Zack Snyder's Justice League,又名《薩克薛達之正義聯盟》),終於在3月18日全球上架,香港觀眾可以透過Now自選服務(HBO GO)、串流平台Now E與HBO GO點播收看。
新版長約近4小時(不計片尾Roller Credit,大約3小時45分鐘),共分為六個部份加一節後記,根據2017年上映的《正義聯盟》(Justice League)作為「加工」基礎。事緣華納兄弟(Warner Bros.)與薩克鬧分歧,而後期製作途中,薩克又不幸遭遇喪女之痛而呈辭,電影公司只好臨時邀靖《復仇者聯盟》系列(Marvel's The Avengers)首兩集導演佐斯維頓(Joss Whedon)接手處理,按照他的方式重新拍攝,結果上映時劣評如潮,製作費高達3億美元(約23億港元),最終全球票房僅得6.5億美元(約50億港元),計埋宣傳費用和戲院拆賬,華納認真蝕到見血 ── 參考MARVEL《復仇者聯盟》2012年上映時,製作費2.2億美元(約17億港元),全球票房高逾15億美元(約117億港元),高下立見。
眼見原著給糟蹋,一班DC忠實擁躉紛紛要求華納重新推出「原版」,拉扯一段時間之後,這家大公司最終面對現實,放下企業顏面,邀請昔日「棄將」回歸,再額外揼本7,000萬美元(折合約5.4億港元),讓薩克薛達改寫劇本、補拍戲份、重新剪接,到底效果如何?作為一張「非超級英雄迷」兼「Non-DC漫畫迷」的「白紙」,記者決定趁墟「入坑」,事前更花了四天、分階段看畢兩套DC擴展宇宙(DCEU)舊作:《超人:鋼鐵英雄》(Man of Steel/2013)和《蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光》(Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice/2016,簡稱《BVS》),然後再花三天看罷《正義聯盟導演版》(睇到頭暈),得出以下結論:《正義聯盟導演版》今年上架絕對是「時勢造英雄」,導演如是,作品如是;而薩克薛達得到第二次機會,將「爛作」重新包裝,撥亂反正,成功實現「Big Boss」華納兄弟給予的三大目標,絕對是Win-Win-Win三贏。
負評,是直接驅使記者要湊熱鬧的原因。記得上架當天,已看到兩位擅寫影評的朋友在其個人facebook狠批新鮮熱辣出爐的《正義聯盟導演版》。甲某說:能夠用兩小時說完的英雄故事,多花一倍時間講出來,也不會變得精彩,甚至將原先已存在的缺點放大一倍。乙某指:導演版以至同一系列的致命缺陷,在於編劇團隊從來沒有認真思考過角色要怎樣講對白,或者應該講甚麼對白。眼見「爛蕃茄」(Rotten Tomatoes)有73%的「新鮮度」,基於「未睇過冇資格鬧」以及「乜真係咁差咩?」的好奇心,決定「豪擲」九小時,從《超人:鋼鐵英雄》開始,分開數天「喪睇」,去到《正義聯盟導演版》散場。
嘗試用最簡單的方式介紹劇情:超人身亡導致三個「母盒」(Mother Boxes)甦醒,激發天啟星統治者達克賽德(Darkseid)差遣手下荒原狼(Steppenwolf)突襲地球,誓要重奪失落的三個「母盒」,只要三者合一,世界即告末日;為阻止危機發生,加上對超人之死心感悔疚,蝙蝠俠(Ben Affleck飾)決心成立「正義聯盟」,並成功拉攏神奇女俠(Gal Gadot飾)、水行俠(Jason Momoa飾)、閃電俠(Ezra Miller飾)和鋼骨(Ray Fisher飾)加入,最後在更眾人合力下令超人重生,擊退荒原狼與天啟魔(Parademons),令全球人類幸未遭毀滅。
坦白講,「翻兜版」《正義聯盟》沒有想像那麼差,起碼故事結構仍算完整,有齊起承轉合,撇開那些極專業的艱深科學辭彙與理論不說,若用心看,至少跟到80%的劇情,連番出現的打鬥場面,設計精彩,而一眾角色極度有型地Chok甫士和出絕招的慢鏡,以及很多液體流動的電腦動畫,都目不暇給,以Blockbuster或者Popcorn Entertainment的標準衝量,的確沒有浪費人生四小時的感覺,值70分,假如是「DC忠粉」,更值80分,尤其見到超喜歡的Ezra Miller ── 自2012年的《少年自讀日記》開始已是其粉絲 ── 出場「發電」的好幾幕戲,那些因為電影播放時間太長,由心而發的沉悶與疲倦一掃而空,將心比己,假如喜歡的是神奇女俠,見到她動用真言套索(Power of the Lasso)或者使出神力手環(Power of the Gauntlets),附送超Close Up慢鏡頭,也會激動大叫「好爽!」,因為導演本身是「超級DC忠粉」,所以有外國媒體形容今趟導演版《正義聯盟》登場是一次Fan Service(優待粉絲),實在合理,所以身邊有朋友表明上架以來已看了幾次,不足為奇。
但這種製作定位與出發點是一把兩刃劍,言即,粉絲瘋狂讚好、翻看再三的同時,圈子以外的人必然難有共鳴,其中一個關鍵正是劇本優劣,以往最明顯的例子必數基斯杜化路蘭(Christopher Nolan)執導的「蝙蝠俠三部曲」的第二部曲《蝙蝠俠:黑夜之神》(The Dark Knight/2008),導演有一個非常嚴謹的世界觀,與普世價值扣連,再以此為基礎,於劇本裏重塑蝙蝠俠與小丑之間的仇恨關係,加上場面調度出色,畫面愈大壓迫感,觀眾的無力感便會愈大,令本身不是「DC擁躉」的我也看得咬牙切齒,經常都想重溫。《正義聯盟導演版》在未來一段時間會重溫嗎?除非工作需要,否則機會不大,因為它的「好看」是基於《BVS》和《正義聯盟》實在太差,故相對之下,導演版也不算很爛。
事實上,經過九小時的密集式煲戲,發現薩克薛達執導能力不錯,惟花紙再靚也難掩劇本薄弱,過份取悅粉絲,他好像不太懂得怎樣說故事,又無法駕馭複雜情節,結果浪費了很多人物之間的關係之餘,更因為過份相信「觀眾會知」,最終令到很多不熟悉「DC宇宙」的人邊看邊搲頭,《BVS》敗筆即便如此,角色的舉動跟自身經歷與性格沒有直接關係,很多情節是為發生而發生,整體劇情支離破碎,蝙蝠俠對超人的仇恨何來?Lex Luthor(Jesse Eisenberg飾)為何要殺死超人?故事一直沒有好好交代。
或者以《超人:鋼鐵英雄》裏超人與Lois Lane相遇再相愛的過程作例,他們的愛情是建基於甚麼?一起飛天,穿越大氣層出生入死兩三次就必然相愛付托終身?突如其來的愛情過份兒嬉,這種設計就是眼高手低,記得中學時代看明珠台播放美劇《超人再戰江湖》(Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman),前後4季,觀眾見證超人與Lois Lane漸漸愛上對方的過程,繼而增加投入感,《超人:鋼鐵英雄》在時間上本有裕餘成就這種鋪排,然而導演卻沒有理會,令艾美阿當斯(Amy Adams)的演技無用武之地,反觀《正義聯盟導演版》裏,最沒有期望的鋼骨與父親Silas Stone(Joe Morton飾)之間的感情建立最立體、最完整,鋼骨對身為科學家的父親由憎恨到慚愧,以當中的轉變反映他的成長,也是令我加分的原因。
話說回來,面對億億聲的製作費,和萬萬聲的觀眾數目,上述見解其實渺小如微塵,因為無論坊間的意見是怎樣,華納兄弟委派給薩克薛達的任務最告完成,《正義聯盟導演版》作為旗艦產品,一定會令美國那邊的串流平台HBO MAX訂戶數目上升,將額外投資變成終極利潤,而將2017年版的《正義聯盟》「執番靚」,為將來開拍《正義聯盟2》鋪路也夠聰明,更重要是,因為2020年世紀疫情衝擊全球電影業,很多大製作上映無期,「大堆頭超英」電影繼2019年4月《復仇者聯盟4:終局之戰》(Avengers: Endgame)和2019年6月《蜘蛛俠:決戰千里》(Spider-Man: Far From Home)後便出現長逾兩年的「真空期」,對「餓戲已久」的支持者來說,《正義聯盟導演版》出現是「時勢做英雄」,點輸都贏,雖然華納表明無意開拍續集,如今三大目標實現,商業社會Never Say Never,說不定半年後《正義聯盟2》便會埋班。
《薩克薛達之正義聯盟》點播連結: https://bit.ly/2PqNL2K
#游大東影視筆記 #游大東 #薩克薛達之正義聯盟 #正義聯盟導演版#ZackSynder #ZackSnyderJusticeLeague #JusticeLeague #HBO #HBOMAX #HBOGO #DCEU #超級英雄電影 #蝙蝠俠 #超人 #神奇女俠 #水行俠 #閃電俠 #鋼骨 HBO GO HBO Asia Now TV DC 擴展宇宙 紅眼 午夜翻牆 做乜膠睇電視 Now E 方俊傑
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅半瓶醋,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【超人】系列是一個即使沒有看漫畫,大家也都知道的銀幕英雄,可是你知道這個系列究竟曾拍過多少影視作品嗎? #超人 #克里斯多福李維 #正義聯盟 有各種建議歡迎到這邊來跟小弟聊 https://www.facebook.com/VinegarFilmCafe/?fref=nf 半瓶醋夜未眠實況存...
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== Top 250 หนังโปรดตลอดกาลของข้าพเจ้า ==
หลายคนอาจยังไม่เคยรู้ว่าที่มาของเพจคือมาจากการตั้งกระทู้ Top 250 หนังโปรดในพันทิป แล้วค่อยมาสร้างเพจไว้เก็บโพสต์ถึงหนัง แต่ช่วงหลัง ๆ ไม่ได้อัพเดทอันดับหนังในดวงใจ วันนี้เลยถือโอกาสอัพเดทสักเล็กน้อย ซึ่งอันดับต้น ๆ จะเรียงลำดับอยู่ แต่อันดับหลังกลางถึงหลังไม่ได้เรียงลำดับแบบมีนัยยะมากนัก ลองไล่ดูกันได้เลยครับ อาจมีตกหล่นไว้อัพเดทใหม่อีกรอบครับ
1 | The Dark Knight (2008)
2 | The Godfather (1972)
3 | Schindler's List (1993)
4 | Vertigo (1958)
5 | 12 Angry Men (1957)
6 | L.A. Confidential (1997)
7 | Casablanca (1942)
8 | Seven Samurai (1954)
9 | The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
10 | Chinatown (1974)
11 | Rebecca (1940)
12 | M (1931)
13 | Rear Window (1954)
14 | To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
15 | The Sting (1973)
16 | Sunset Blvd. (1950)
17 | Les diaboliques (1955)
18 | The Cameraman (1928)
19 | On the Waterfront (1954)
20 | Casino Royale (2006)
21 | Harakiri (1962)
22 | Rashomon (1950)
23 | Ace in the Hole (1951)
24 | A Separation (2011)
25 | The Apartment (1960)
26 | Rififi (1955)
27 | In the Mood for Love (2000)
28 | The General (1926)
29 | High and Low (1963)
30 | Paths of Glory (1957)
31 | North by Northwest (1959)
32 | Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)
33 | Once Upon a Time in America (1984)
34 | All About Eve (1950)
35 | Amadeus (1984)
36 | Double Indemnity (1944)
37 | The Godfather: Part II (1974)
38 | Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
39 | The Social Network (2010)
40 | Metropolis (1927)
41 | Laura (1944)
42 | The Lost Weekend (1945)
43 | The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
44 | Das Boot (1981)
45 | Some Like It Hot (1959)
46 | Anatomy of a Murder (1959)
47 | Dial M for Murder (1954)
48 | Psycho (1960)
49 | High Noon (1952)
50 | Blade Runner (1982)
51 | Heat (1995)
52 | The Matrix (1999)
53 | Tokyo Story (1953)
54 | Shadow of a Doubt (1943)
55 | Sweet Smell of Success (1957)
56 | The Lives of Others (2006)
57 | Patton (1970)
58 | 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
59 | Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
60 | The Battle of Algiers (1966)
61 | Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
62 | Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948)
63 | Night Train to Munich (1940)
64 | The French Connection (1971)
65 | Chicago (2002)
66 | The Departed (2006)
67 | Spione (1928)
68 | Touch of Evil (1958)
69 | Jaws (1975)
70 | Parasite (2019)
71 | Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
72 | King Kong (1933)
73 | La La Land (2016)
74 | The Triplets of Belleville (2003)
75 | One Cut of the Dead (2017)
76 | Inside Out (2015)
77 | Singin' in the Rain (1952)
78 | The Killing (1956)
79 | Steve Jobs (2015)
80 | Rio Bravo (1959)
81 | Perfect Blue (1997)
82 | Million Dollar Baby (2004)
83 | White Heat (1949)
84 | West Side Story (1961)
85 | Amy (2015)
86 | Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
87 | Red River (1948)
88 | Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)
89 | The Great Escape (1963)
90 | The Maltese Falcon (1941)
91 | The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)
92 | Ben-Hur (1959)
93 | Gladiator (2000)
94 | The Bad Sleep Well (1960)
95 | Birdman (2014)
96 | The Hustler (1961)
97 | Mother (2009)
98 | Munich (2005)
99 | Mildred Pierce (1945)
100 | Frost/Nixon (2008)
101 | Papurika (2006)
102 | Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
103 | Predator (1987)
104 | Stalag 17 (1953)
105 | Drive (2011)
106 | The Hurt Locker (2008)
107 | Bicycle Thieves (1948)
108 | Se7en (1995)
109 | The Sixth Sense (1999)
110 | The Big Heat (1953)
111 | Two Days, One Night (2014)
112 | American Beauty (1999)
113 | A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
114 | Arrival (2016)
115 | In Cold Blood (1967)
116 | The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)
117 | The Third Man (1949)
118 | The Prestige (2006)
119 | Twelve Monkeys (1995)
120 | Tomorrow I Will Date With Yesterday's You (2016)
121 | The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
122 | Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
123 | It Happened One Night (1934)
124 | Planet of the Apes (1968)
125 | Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
126 | Shane (1953)
127 | Leaving Las Vegas (1995)
128 | Brute Force (1947)
129 | The Usual Suspects (1995)
130 | Unforgiven (1992)
131 | Nightcrawler (2014)
132 | Jurassic Park (1993)
133 | Goodfellas (1990)
134 | The Player (1992)
135 | From Russia with Love (1963)
136 | Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
137 | It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
138 | The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
139 | Clueless (1995)
140 | Blue Valentine (2010)
141 | Shakespeare in Love (1998)
142 | Raise the Red Lantern (1991)
143 | House of Flying Daggers (2004)
144 | City of Life and Death (2009)
145 | And Then There Were None (1945)
146 | Blancanieves (2012)
147 | Take Shelter (2011)
148 | The Bridges of Madison County (1995)
149 | Her (2013)
150 | Inception (2010)
151 | The Spiral Staircase (1946)
152 | Godzilla (1954)
153 | Children of Men (2006)
154 | The Artist (2011)
155 | Watchmen (2009)
156 | Charade (1963)
157 | The Fall (2006)
158 | 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (2007)
159 | Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)
160 | Saving Private Ryan (1998)
161 | The Fugitive (1993)
162 | Memento (2000)
163 | Up in the Air (2009)
164 | Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
165 | United 93 (2006)
166 | Foreign Correspondent (1940)
167 | The Queen (2006)
168 | Out of the Past (1947)
169 | The Asphalt Jungle (1950)
170 | The Ides of March (2011)
171 | The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
172 | Avengers: Endgame (2019)
173 | X-Men: First Class (2011)
174 | Captain America: Civil War (2016)
175 | Match Point (2005)
176 | Inglourious Basterds (2009)
177 | City of God (2002)
178 | Atonement (2007)
179 | Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
180 | The Wages of Fear (1953)
181 | JFK (1991)
182 | Paper Moon (1973)
183 | Ikiru (1952)
184 | There Will Be Blood (2007)
185 | The Descendants (2011)
186 | Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)
187 | Taxi Driver (1976)
188 | Capote (2005)
189 | The Hidden Fortress (1958)
190 | Wait Until Dark (1967)
191 | Superman (1978)
192 | Midnight in Paris (2011)
193 | Full Metal Jacket (1987)
194 | Gone with the Wind (1939)
195 | The Man Who Would Be King (1975)
196 | Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
197 | Night and the City (1950)
198 | The Remains of the Day (1993)
199 | Sansho the Bailiff (1954)
200 | Uncut Gems (2019)
201 | Good Night, and Good Luck. (2005)
202 | Apocalypse Now (1979)
203 | The Conversation (1974)
204 | Le Trou (1960)
205 | 1917 (2019)
206 | The Handmaiden (2016)
207 | The Twilight Samurai (2002)
208 | Black Swan (2010)
209 | Phoenix (2014)
210 | Strange Days (1995)
211 | The Incredibles (2004)
212 | WALL-E (2008)
213 | Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
214 | Toy Story (1995)
215 | Ex Machina (2014)
216 | Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
217 | Solaris (1972)
218 | City Lights (1931)
219 | Andhadhun (2018)
220 | The Window (1949)
221 | Russian Ark (2002)
222 | Gaslight (1944)
223 | Eyes Without a Face (1960)
224 | The Favourite (2018)
225 | Shutter Island (2010)
226 | The Truman Show (1998)
227 | Before Sunrise (1995)
228 | Architecture 101 (2012)
229 | Minority Report (2002)
230 | Scream (1996)
231 | A Hard Day (2014)
232 | What We Do in the Shadows (2014)
233 | Melancholia (2011)
234 | The Birds (1963)
235 | 300 (2006)
236 | Cabaret (1972)
237 | Shadow (2018)
238 | The Hunt (2012)
239 | Safety Last! (1923)
240 | The Stranger (1946)
241 | Memories of Murder (2003)
242 | The Day of the Jackal (1973)
243 | The Princess Bride (1987)
244 | Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)
245 | Roman Holiday (1953)
246 | Justice League: Gods and Monsters (2015)
247 | A Fantastic Woman (2017)
248 | The Rocketeer (1991)
249 | The Constant Gardener (2005)
250 | My Sassy Girl (2001)
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3 rides and more to go!🥰 Just started cycling again after 15 years I stopped because I had a traumatic accident, thrown away like a Superman flying and my bicycle was also stolen at my house.
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Decathlon is one of my favourite sports retailers, we bought many sports equipment, accessories and sportswear at Decathlon, their quality is good and worth every penny!💯
The best part of cycling for me is I really feel my whole body is working out. In just a day, I can already feel the difference. It also makes me extra happy, able to see and enjoy more nature, makes my adrenaline rush rush, and more chances to do my fav, photography💕
So, I'm thinking of places now for leisure cycling. Any suggestions? Any riders here?🙈🤩
#sfartography #rainbowpegasus #portrait #cycling #cyclinglife #cyclingmalaysia #decathlon #decathlonshahalam #tamantasikshahalam #shahalam #photography
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