《黑豹》(Black Panther)
《與我為鄰》(Won’t You Be My Neighbor )
《湮滅》( Annihilation )
《黑色黨徒》(BlacKkKlansman )
《緩刑72小時》(Blindspotting )
《燃燒》(Burning )
《斯大林之死》(The Death of Stalin )
《八年級》(Eighth Grade )
《如果比爾街能夠說話》(If Beale Street Could Talk)
《不留痕跡》(Leave No Trace )
《滑板少年》(Minding the Gap )
《騎士》(The Rider )
《羅馬》(Roma )
《小偷家族》(Shoplifters )
《支持女孩們》(Support the Girls )
As 2018 draws to a close, I’m continuing a favorite tradition of mine and sharing my year-end lists. It gives me a moment to pause and reflect on the year through the books, movies, and music that I found most thought-provoking, inspiring, or just plain loved. It also gives me a chance to highlight talented authors, artists, and storytellers – some who are household names and others who you may not have heard of before. Here’s my best of 2018 list - I hope you enjoy reading, watching, and listening.
Here’s a reminder of the books that I read this year that appeared on earlier lists:
Becoming by Michelle Obama (obviously my favorite!)
An American Marriage by Tayari Jones
Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
The Broken Ladder: How Inequality Affects the Way We Think, Live, and Die by Keith Payne
Educated by Tara Westover
Factfulness by Hans Rosling
Futureface: A Family Mystery, an Epic Quest, and the Secret to Belonging by Alex Wagner
A Grain of Wheat by Ngugi wa Thiong’o
A House for Mr Biswas by V.S. Naipaul
How Democracies Die by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt
In the Shadow of Statues: A White Southerner Confronts History by Mitch Landrieu
Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela
The New Geography of Jobs by Enrico Moretti
The Return by Hisham Matar
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
Warlight by Michael Ondaatje
Why Liberalism Failed by Patrick Deneen
The World As It Is by Ben Rhodes
Here are my other favorite books of 2018:
American Prison by Shane Bauer
Arthur Ashe: A Life by Raymond Arsenault
Asymmetry by Lisa Halliday
Feel Free by Zadie Smith
Florida by Lauren Groff
Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom by David W. Blight
Immigrant, Montana by Amitava Kumar
The Largesse of the Sea Maiden by Denis Johnson
Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Max Tegmark
There There by Tommy Orange
Washington Black by Esi Edugyan
My favorite movies of 2018:
Black Panther
The Death of Stalin
Eighth Grade
If Beale Street Could Talk
Leave No Trace
Minding the Gap
The Rider
Support the Girls
Won’t You Be My Neighbor
And finally, my favorite songs of 2018:
Apes••t by The Carters
Bad Bad News by Leon Bridges
Could’ve Been by H.E.R. (feat. Bryson Tiller)
Disco Yes by Tom Misch (feat. Poppy Ajudha)
Ekombe by Jupiter & Okwess
Every Time I Hear That Song by Brandi Carlile
Girl Goin’ Nowhere by Ashley McBryde
Historia De Un Amor by Tonina (feat. Javier Limón and Tali Rubinstein)
I Like It by Cardi B (feat. Bad Bunny and J Balvin)
Kevin’s Heart by J. Cole
King For A Day by Anderson East
Love Lies by Khalid & Normani
Make Me Feel by Janelle Monáe
Mary Don’t You Weep (Piano & A Microphone 1983 Version) by Prince
My Own Thing by Chance the Rapper (feat. Joey Purp)
Need a Little Time by Courtney Barnett
Nina Cried Power by Hozier (feat. Mavis Staples)
Nterini by Fatoumata Diawara
One Trick Ponies by Kurt Vile
Turnin’ Me Up by BJ the Chicago Kid
Wait by the River by Lord Huron
Wow Freestyle by Jay Rock (feat. Kendrick Lamar)
And in honor of one of the great jazz singers of all time, who died this year, a classic album: The Great American Songbook by Nancy Wilson
americanah 在 電影潭 Facebook 的最佳解答
奧巴馬率先公佈他的2018 我最喜愛(包括電影!)名單:
//My favorite movies of 2018:
Annihilation (未睇)
Black Panther (正路LOL)
BlacKkKlansman (未睇)
Blindspotting (未睇)
Burning (識貨)
The Death of Stalin (未睇)
Eighth Grade (未睇)
If Beale Street Could Talk (未睇)
Leave No Trace (未睇)
Minding the Gap (未睇)
The Rider (未睇)
Roma ((希望)聽朝睇)
Shoplifters (嗯...都正路嘅)
Support the Girls (未睇)
Won’t You Be My Neighbor (未睇)//
P.S. 唔知Trump最鍾意又係邊套呢?
As 2018 draws to a close, I’m continuing a favorite tradition of mine and sharing my year-end lists. It gives me a moment to pause and reflect on the year through the books, movies, and music that I found most thought-provoking, inspiring, or just plain loved. It also gives me a chance to highlight talented authors, artists, and storytellers – some who are household names and others who you may not have heard of before. Here’s my best of 2018 list - I hope you enjoy reading, watching, and listening.
Here’s a reminder of the books that I read this year that appeared on earlier lists:
Becoming by Michelle Obama (obviously my favorite!)
An American Marriage by Tayari Jones
Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
The Broken Ladder: How Inequality Affects the Way We Think, Live, and Die by Keith Payne
Educated by Tara Westover
Factfulness by Hans Rosling
Futureface: A Family Mystery, an Epic Quest, and the Secret to Belonging by Alex Wagner
A Grain of Wheat by Ngugi wa Thiong’o
A House for Mr Biswas by V.S. Naipaul
How Democracies Die by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt
In the Shadow of Statues: A White Southerner Confronts History by Mitch Landrieu
Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela
The New Geography of Jobs by Enrico Moretti
The Return by Hisham Matar
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
Warlight by Michael Ondaatje
Why Liberalism Failed by Patrick Deneen
The World As It Is by Ben Rhodes
Here are my other favorite books of 2018:
American Prison by Shane Bauer
Arthur Ashe: A Life by Raymond Arsenault
Asymmetry by Lisa Halliday
Feel Free by Zadie Smith
Florida by Lauren Groff
Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom by David W. Blight
Immigrant, Montana by Amitava Kumar
The Largesse of the Sea Maiden by Denis Johnson
Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Max Tegmark
There There by Tommy Orange
Washington Black by Esi Edugyan
My favorite movies of 2018:
Black Panther
The Death of Stalin
Eighth Grade
If Beale Street Could Talk
Leave No Trace
Minding the Gap
The Rider
Support the Girls
Won’t You Be My Neighbor
And finally, my favorite songs of 2018:
Apes••t by The Carters
Bad Bad News by Leon Bridges
Could’ve Been by H.E.R. (feat. Bryson Tiller)
Disco Yes by Tom Misch (feat. Poppy Ajudha)
Ekombe by Jupiter & Okwess
Every Time I Hear That Song by Brandi Carlile
Girl Goin’ Nowhere by Ashley McBryde
Historia De Un Amor by Tonina (feat. Javier Limón and Tali Rubinstein)
I Like It by Cardi B (feat. Bad Bunny and J Balvin)
Kevin’s Heart by J. Cole
King For A Day by Anderson East
Love Lies by Khalid & Normani
Make Me Feel by Janelle Monáe
Mary Don’t You Weep (Piano & A Microphone 1983 Version) by Prince
My Own Thing by Chance the Rapper (feat. Joey Purp)
Need a Little Time by Courtney Barnett
Nina Cried Power by Hozier (feat. Mavis Staples)
Nterini by Fatoumata Diawara
One Trick Ponies by Kurt Vile
Turnin’ Me Up by BJ the Chicago Kid
Wait by the River by Lord Huron
Wow Freestyle by Jay Rock (feat. Kendrick Lamar)
And in honor of one of the great jazz singers of all time, who died this year, a classic album: The Great American Songbook by Nancy Wilson
americanah 在 一頁華爾滋 Let Me Sing You A Waltz Facebook 的精選貼文
美國公共廣播電視公司 PBS 製作了一個共八集的節目,稱為「The Great American Read」,同時也是一個由五萬人所組成的讀書會,該節目主要為了選出美國廣大讀者們最愛的小說,耗費六個月的時間,超過四百萬票數的馬拉松評選過程,終於誕生了這份名單,打破地域、類型、時代限制,包括經典文學、當代小說、兒童文學、青少年小說等凡有英文譯本的各國作品都列入其中,摘下桂冠的就是 Harper Lee 不朽名著《梅岡城故事》。
前十名的小說就有七部是由女作者所撰寫,除了榜首以外如 Diana Gabaldon 的《異鄉人》系列、J.K. Rowling 的《哈利波特》系列、Jane Austen 的《傲慢與偏見》,而 J.R.R. Tolkien 的《魔戒》三部曲則是男作者中排名最高的作品。而 1960 年《梅岡城故事》出版至今已經突破四億的全球銷售量,還在持續成長當中,1961 年榮獲榮獲普立茲文學獎,1962 年拍成電影勇奪當屆三項奧斯卡,根據節目製作人所說,打從投票開始的第一天此本著作就高踞第一名,與其他競爭作品始終保持一大段距離,而下個月金獎編劇 Aaron Sorkin 根據此書改編的百老匯舞台劇也即將登場,他更表示自己對於這個故事可以說是一見鍾情。
1. 《梅岡城故事》Harper Lee
2. 《異鄉人》系列 Diana Gabaldon
3. 《哈利波特》系列 J.K. Rowling
4. 《傲慢與偏見》Jane Austen
5. 《魔戒》系列 J.R.R. Tolkien
6. 《飄》Margaret Mitchell
7. 《夏綠蒂的網》E. B. White
8. 《小婦人》Louisa May Alcott
9. 《納尼亞傳奇》系列 C. S. Lewis
10.《簡愛》Charlotte Brontë
11.《清秀佳人》 Lucy Maud Montgomery
12.《憤怒的葡萄》John Steinbeck
13.《布魯克林有棵樹》Betty Smith
14.《偷書賊》Marcus Zusak
15.《大亨小傳》F. Scott Fitzgerald
16.《姊妹》Kathryn Stockett
17.《湯姆歷險記》Mark Twain
18.《一九八四》George Orwell
19.《一個都不留》Agatha Christie
20.《阿特拉斯聳聳肩》Ayn Rand
21.《咆哮山莊》Emily Brontë
22.《寂寞之鴿》Larry McMurtry
23.《上帝之柱》Ken Follett
24.《末日逼近》Stephen King
25.《蝴蝶夢》Daphne du Maurier
26.《為歐文・米尼祈禱》John Irving
27.《紫色姐妹花》Alice Walker
28.《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》Lewis Carroll
29.《遠大前程》Charles Dickens
30.《麥田捕手》J.D. Salinger
31.《紅色羊齒草的故鄉》Wilson Rawls
32.《小教父/邊緣小子》S. E. Hinton
33.《達文西密碼》Dan Brown
34.《使女的故事》Margaret Atwood
35.《沙丘》Frank Herbert
36.《小王子》 Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
37.《野性的呼喚/荒野的呼喚》Jack London
38.《銀河便車指南》Douglas Adams
39.《飢餓遊戲》系列 Suzanne Collins
40.《基度山恩仇記》Alexandre Dumas
41.《喜福會》Amy Tan
42.《科學怪人》Mary Shelley
43.《記憶傳授人》Lois Lowry
44.《一個藝妓的回憶》Arthur Golden
45.《白鯨記》Herman Melville
46.《第二十二條軍規》Joseph Heller
48.《冰與火之歌》系列 George R. R. Martin
49.《基地》系列 Isaac Asimov
50.《戰爭與和平》Leo Tolstoy
51.《他們眼望上蒼》Zora Neale Hurston
52.《侏羅紀公園》Michael Crichton
53.《教父》Mario Puzo
54.《百年孤寂》Gabriel García Márquez
55.《格雷的畫像》Oscar Wilde
56.《手札情緣》Nicholas Sparks
57.《小屋》William P. Young
58.《笨蛋聯盟》John Kennedy Toole
59.《獵殺紅色十月》Tom Clancy
60.《寵兒》Toni Morrison
61.《火星任務》Andy Weir
62.《時光之輪》系列 Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson
63.《流浪者之歌》Hermann Hesse
64.《罪與罰》Fyodor Dostoyevsky
65.《太陽依舊升起》Ernest Hemingway
66.《深夜小狗神秘習題》Mark Haddon
67.《返校日》John Knowles
68.《唐吉訶德》Miguel de Cervantes
69.《蘇西的世界》 Alice Sebold
70.《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》Paulo Coelho
71. 《手斧男孩》系列 Gary Paulsen
72.《看不見的人》Ralph Ellison
73.《暮光之城》系列 Stephenie Meyer
74.《城市故事》系列 Armistead Maupin
75.《格列佛遊記》Jonathan Swift
76.《一級玩家》Ernest Cline
77.《末日迷蹤》系列 Tim LaHaye/Jerry B. Jenkins
78.《控制》Gillian Flynn
79.《Watchers》Dean Koontz
80.《天路歷程》John Bunyan
81.《艾利克斯克羅斯》系列 James Patterson
82.《生命中不可承受之重》Chinua Achebe
83.《黑暗之心》Joseph Conrad
84.《遺愛基列》Marilynne Robinson
85.《閣樓裡的小花》V.C. Andrews
86.《格雷的五十道陰影》系列 E.L. James
87.《泰坦星的海妖》Kurt Vonnegut
88.《臨頭的黑暗》Frank E. Peretti
89.《Americanah》Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
90.《另一個國家》James Baldwin
91.《祝福我,鄔蒂瑪》Rudolfo Anaya
92.《尋找阿拉斯加》John Green
93.《奧斯卡瓦奧短暫而奇妙的一生》Junot Díaz
94.《天鵝之歌》Robert R. McCammon
95.《Mind Invaders》Dave Hunt
96.《白牙》 Zadie Smith
97.《槍聲下的飛毛鬼》Jason Reynolds
98.《The Coldest Winter Ever》Sister Souljah
99.《直覺主義者》Colson Whitehead
100.《Doña Bárbára》Rómulo Gallegos