Bowers & Wilkins Hong Kong
全新旗艦級B&W Formation Duo無線書架揚聲器,造工匠心獨運,聲音表現精湛,帶給您最極致的享受。
The latest flagship B&W Formation Duo wireless bookshelf speakers, breathtaking performance with extraordinary design, give you the finest music experience.
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Bowers & Wilkins Hong Kong
【B&W 700 S2系列書架揚聲器】
在B&W 700 S2揚聲器及家庭劇院系列中,除了早前介紹的兩款座地揚聲器外,還有更為輕巧的書架揚聲器選擇-分別為705 S2和707 S2。
在相對細小的機身中,兩款書架揚聲器均採用2路分音設計,同樣配有1吋鍍碳塗層鋁製半球頂高音單元及Continuum中低音單元。音質潔淨無瑕,完美呈現臨場感,配合700 S2系列其他揚聲器,讓您輕鬆打造出全方位的聲音體驗。
【B&W 700 Series 2 Bookshelf speakers】
B&W 700 Series 2 presented two bookshelf speakers – 705 S2 and 707 S2.
In the relatively slim structures, both speakers installed 1-inch Decoupled Carbon Dome™ high-frequency and Continuum™ cone bass/midrange with 2-way vented system. Clear sound brings you the impression of active experiencing the scene. Coordinate with other 700 Series 2 speakers to build an all-rounded experience.
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Bowers & Wilkins Hong Kong
【B&W 600 Series- 升級睇戲 聽歌享受】
對於喜歡睇戲、同時又鍾意聽歌的朋友,B&W 全新的 600 Series 是入門或升級的絕佳選擇。座地的 603、書架設計的 606 及 607,除了作為兩聲道揚聲器,可以提供出眾的音色、清晰而高還原力的音效之外,亦適合作為環繞聲的前置及後置揚聲器,配合新 600 Series 同時推出的中置 HTM6,以及 3 款全新超低音揚聲器 ASW610XP、ASW610、ASW608,用家可以新 600 Series 組成一套靚聲、價錢又相對實惠,而且聽歌、睇戲效果同時出色的家庭影院揚聲器系統!
【B&W 600 Series – A Best versatile option for music and movie enthusiast 】
For music and movie enthusiast, the brand-new 600 Series speakers would be a versatile option no matter where you are in your audiophile journey! The floor-standing speaker (603) and the bookshelf speakers (606 & 607) not only can deliver you with the ideal blend of sound quality, but also suitable as front and rear speakers. B&W also launches the mid-range HTM6 center channel speaker and three new subwoofers ASW610XP, ASW610, and ASW608 - user can constitute your own home audio nirvana with our new 600 Series, which fills your space with pristine sound!