回顾 2020 年 ~
每一年的这一天都会分享我今年去了哪里 ?
飞了几次,去了哪些国家 。。
但今年是最感到也最有意义的一年, 尤其是是 MCO 救济行动
从原本一个人, 变成超过 300 人一起参与
不是我一个人的力量, 是因为有你们
从原本只是帮助20户家庭, 变成帮助了超过 1000户家庭
如果没有你们大家, 根本不可能完成这项任务。 谢谢 !
但是。。 大家都很乐意的站出来出一份力, 这个是最令我感动惊讶的
大家没有见过我, 甚至我在哪里也不懂
MCO 救济行动我们一共寄出了 1145 箱粮食给 1145 户家庭
一共帮了 5082 个人
无论出钱,出力,或者精神上支持的朋友们, 谢谢你们
1.Isaac Lee Wei Khang – RM500
2..H'ng Chia Luan 小学老师 – RM200
3.何小姐 - RM1000
4. Sanny - RM150
5. Weechiun - RM50
6. Alex Ong & Ooi Liew Chia - RM300
7. Shih ying 帮忙发送给 kuching 的人
8. huiee chua- RM350
9. Eddie Ooi and Cath - RM100 + 送 Ikan Bilis !
10. Sheryl Ong - RM68
11. 陈慧慈 - RM300
12. 蓝小姐 - RM100
13. Josephine Dang - RM200
14.戴芷蕾 - RM150
15. LST - RM200
16. Ann - RM220
17. Yoh koh - RM300
18. Lester Chang - RM200
19. Carin Chew - RM100
20. Chew Bee Lay - Rm100
21. Ng Poo Hoon & Family 和 Yap Lee Choo & Family RM200
22. Heng Ding Ding 邢婷婷 - RM500
23.Ngoi Chih Lung - RM550
24.Li Xin Leow - RM50
25.Peck Yuan Jie - RM100
26.Kelvin Xiao Zhui - RM100
27.pei boon - RM300
28.Ang WN - RM88
29. Monster Lim - RM300
30.Ling Jong - RM1000
31. Yu Cheng - RM200
32. Jacqueline - RM200
33. 我的妈妈 - 赞助口罩
34. Fei tan - RM500 + 500个口罩
35. TAN YEAN SIM - RM150
36. Abby Tan - RM200
37. Michelle Jee , 送出20支 sanitizer
38. OOI LIEW CHIA - 赞助口罩
39. Maggie - RM100
40. Miss khoo - RM1000
41. Hui ling - RM100
42. Miss Yong - RM100
43.Goon Hooi - RM100
44. Angie Chock - RM100
45. loo suat feng - RM200 + 100 = RM300
46. Jesslyn Chin - RM50
47. Man Shin - RM200
48. Ecore - RM200
49. LEE LEE - RM100
50. Joie Sweet - RM150
51. Vivien Ern - RM200
52. 崔婉怡 - RM100 + 200 = RM300
53. Caline Tay - RM100
54. Jacky Hannah Sim 亲自买东西帮助四个家庭
55. Irene Mali Mali Hom + 亲自买东西给多家家庭(多到我也记不到有多少家 )
56. Steph Ting - RM150
57. Amy Lee - RM200
56. Poh Hwa - RM100
57. Jess Loke - RM50
58. Wong wei-100
59.Kim Low -100
60. Gwynneth Loo - RM50
61. Angela Teo - RM100
62. Teoh Siew Kim - RM200
63. Michelle Gan - RM100
64. Andrine&Susan - RM150
65. miss Wong - RM100
66. Heng Fi nian - RM200
67. Jess Sim - RM200
68. Ailing Ooi - 帮忙买东西给三个家庭成员后运出去,又帮忙我找箱子,又载到我家里给我。
69. Miss Lew - RM100
70. Grace - RM100
71. koh RM100
72. Irene Wei - RM50
73. T'ng Gin Chun - RM100
74. Kok jye yeen - RM100
75. 小雨水 - RM100 , 又买东西和寄给两个家庭
76. Jess Lam - RM50
77. Cheeis Qi - RM100
78. Gwendoline - RM1000
79. pui eng - RM200
80. Yuen Kuan - RM300
81. Angeline - Rm50
82. LooHuey Neoh - Rm200
83. Tan Siew Wei - RM100
84. Carrie - RM50
85. Tan Yan Li - RM200
86. Yoke Tin Low - RM200
87. Peng Peng Tan 送出6个家庭的爱心包点和点心,这他们还有美味的点心
88. Chanel Tan - 买粮食送给两个家庭
89. Wanyun Ooi - RM220
90. Wan Pick - RM200 + RM300 = RM500
91. Yaya Low 亲自买后送给一家人
92. ivy tan - RM300
93. Yok Fook Kwee Lian - RM200
94. Jonas Koh - RM500
95. Jia Lee- RM200
96. Ellin Tay- 帮忙买粮食给 SABAH 的朋友
97. Ws W Mans - RM150
98. Mr Kok- 赞助 carton
99. Pei Pei 赞助20包面
100. Line Clear Express & Logistics Sdn Bhd 赞助30箱的运输
101. Ally Chong - RM200
102. Ws - RM150
103. Veness ooi - 送10包米+24包面粉
104. cindy - RM100
105. Tiffanie Tan - RM200
106. 廖先生 + Joey Low - RM300
107. 传慧 - RM50
108. Teh, Geok Hoon RM200
109. Chin, Hui Qi RM180
110. Chong, Edmund RM100
111. Tan Emmalyn RM100
112. Ewe, Angela RM100
113. Lee, Venesse RM100
114. Lim, David RM100
115. Lim, Jennifer RM100
116. Neoh, Madelin RM100
117. Ong, Lee Lee RM100
118. Staphy, Foo RM100
119. Tan Abigail RM100
120.Wee, Victor RN100
121. Lee, Angiline RM70
122. Chan, Meng Yee RM50
123. Chang, Jesslyn RM50
124. Chee, Pei Fong RM50
125. Chin, Adelene RM50
126. Jane, Tasha RM50
127. Khew, Joyce RM50
128. Kong, Terrie RM50
129. Lim, Audrey RM50
131. Loh, Andy RM50
132. Loh, Chee Eng RM50
133. Wong, Yuet Choon RM50
134. Ong, Cheng Feen RM30
135. Joanne Tan Nian Chi RM20
136. Khor, Lin Hui RM20
137. Leong Sze Kuan RM20
138. Teoh, Li Yin RM20
139. Chan, Jayson RM10
140. Neoh, Jaclyn RM10
141. Ooi, Ken RM10
142. Tang, Keck Sheng RM10
143. lee jing jie - RM100
144. Ci shan xiao she - RM200
145. maggie chan - RM300
146. Connie Ong - RM200
147. Horng & Siew Siew RM200
148. Jessy RM100
149. Calvin RM100
150. Apple - RM200
151. fyi - RM300
152. chia luan - RM300
153. 曾淑慧(舒慧) - RM300
154. Ooi Chun How - 买后送给5个家庭
155. Sarah Wong - RM50
156. PC - RM800
157. 蔡子程 - RM200
158. Gun Kok Keat - RM200
159. tai bee yen - RM300
160. Soo Yee Ping - RM100
161. Lee Shiouhan - RM200
162. Patricia Low 婷婷 - RM50
163. yukie than - RM500
164. Eling Soo - RM50
165. Miss goo - RM300
166. Sean Lim - RM150
167. Yeoh Chui Shen - RM150
168. Yeoh Leng Suan. - RM200
169. Eric Yeo - 赞助粮食给需要的人
170. Fendy Bee - RM500
171. Karen Tay - RM50
172. Jazlyn Wong - RM100
173.Gun Hooi Tze RM150
174.Neoh Siew Lee RM150
178. Emily Lee - RM500
179. Choo Wen Ling - RM50
180. Zk Siew - RM50
181. Yi Ze and Yi Fei - RM300
182. 袁敏棻 - RM100
183. Jackie - Rm150
184. tan chooi lin - RM500
185. Ms Phong - RM600
186. Candy Lim - RM100
187. tiew boon ong - RM100
188. Wong Ah Ngan - RM200 + 300 = RM500
189. Ang kheng Guan - RM300
190. liew hui leng - RM350
191. Manjung Battery 169 Ent - RM500
192. Phuah Wan Cheng - RM200
193. esther - RM100
194. Winnie Chin - RM100
195. Chin swee yee - RM50
196. Hong Kian Peh - RM500
197. LOO CHIA YINN - RM100
198. Tay Kim Kiang - RM150
199. Liang shi - RM80
200. Yap Jing Wen - RM500
201. Ken RM100
202. WEE SIEW HONG - RM500
203. Rebecca Lee - RM150
204. chloe RM80
205. geoffrey - RM1000
206. Kuek Chuan Sheng - RM30
207. Loh khai choung - RM1000
208. Janice Hoo - RM200
209. 林秋庇 - RM200
210. Catherine sp - RM100
211. Emily Tk - RM200
212. Kong Weng kit - RM300
213. Janice goh - RM300
214. ying ying o RM150
215 . Sunday Lim RM150
216. Siew Theng Lee - RM200
217.yong kun shi - RM300
218. Gideon Ng - RM200
219.Ms.Hong - RM250
220. 丁景福 - RM300
221.Kah Ying - RM20
222. Jit Kooi - RM80
223.Chin Chui Yeok - RM50
224. Steven Siang - RM100
225. Elva Lim - RM300 + 300
226. Leanne See - RM300
227. Chee Foong Seng - RM200
228. Angel ho - RM200
229. 姚穆新 &family 200
230. 李美宣 100
231. 张俊生。100
232. 王春月 50
233. 黄依雯 100
234. 郑智惠 100
235. 林美燕 100
236. 李锦芬 100
237. 林妤倢 50
238. Hoay Pheng - RM200
239. CW Ewe - RM200
240. liew yv - RM800
241. tan chin hui - RM100
242. Crystal soh - 买粮食给五个家庭
243. 黃建忠 - RM100
244. jenny lee kim choo - RM500
245. Chan Chia Yun - RM50
246. TYTF - RM100
247.Chan li tuan - RM200
248. Yf Liew - RM120
249. Cindy Wong - RM200
250. NATELIE - RM200
251. JEnnifer Chieng - RM100
252. Siew Mei - RM500
253.Liew Yoke Fah - RM200
254. William and Swee hoon - RM200
255. PeteRAlix - RM250
256. 罗慧贤 - RM200
257. 诗柔 - RM50 + 赞助 500片口罩
258. June Woon - RM300
259. Ooi Wan Yee - RM500
260. Nell Kuek RM100,
262. WenJie - RM200
263. Chooi Sean - RM200
264. Lee Siew Luan - RM200
265. Quek - RM200
266. Yen San - 赞助麦片和maggie X 箱
277. Theresa Lee - 赞助20个家庭的粮食,亲自买后发送
278. MunEe Lee - RM100
279. Angell Lee - RM50
280. Tan Wan Chin - RM300
281. Chloe Boo - RM100
282. JL Khor - RM300
283. SR and Friend - 口罩 500片
284. Royce - RM200
285. Yong - RM100
286. Hazel Lim - RM120
287. Penny 佩龄 - RM50
288 : Oh Ah Bee RM100
289 : Ng Lan Nee RM100
290 : Chieu Chee Boon RM100
291. Chia Cheh Huang - RM100
292.Beeyen Teoh - RM200
293. Suk Yeng - RM200
294. Suk Kheen - RM100
295. Jaeda Teoh And Friend 赞助了RM550 +
750g BioZip洗衣粉 x60
500ml 洗碗液x60
1litre 油x60
400g米粉x 60
296.Chris Te - RM100
297. Tok See chin - RM100
298. Lee Hui Yee - RM500
299. Fong Fong - RM100
300. Heng Kwang Yee - RM2000
301. Christy - RM400
302. miss Eng - RM200
303. Celesta Kua - RM1000
304. Chen Heng Yin & Tang Soo Chen - RM300
305. Lee Sin Yi - RM100
306. 范小姐 - RM300
307. Tan Teng Eng - RM100
308. Chloe RM200 + 300
309. Loo Min Zhi RM200
Total RM58804
愿 2021 世界和平平安,更美好的未来等着我们
谢谢大家, 没有你们根本就不可能完成
文章 : https://www.mylifentravel.com/2020/03/helping-malaysia-mco.html
NTV7新闻报导 : https://www.facebook.com/ntv7mandarinnews/videos/163171754969075/
星洲日报报导 :https://www.sinchew.com.my/content/content_2248005.html
光华日报报导 : https://bit.ly/3bN5HL4
真传媒报导 :https://www.mytruthmedia.com/?p=9624
救济行动影片 :https://www.facebook.com/Mylifentravel/videos/226610361748427/
「bee logistics」的推薦目錄:
- 關於bee logistics 在 Mylife Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於bee logistics 在 Singapore Blogger - Missy琪琪 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於bee logistics 在 DJ Nina (Queen Bee) Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於bee logistics 在 Bee Logistics Taiwan Co., Ltd. | Taipei - Facebook 的評價
- 關於bee logistics 在 Lets Play S6E99 Bee Logistics - YouTube 的評價
- 關於bee logistics 在 46 Black Bee Logistics Logo ideas - Pinterest 的評價
bee logistics 在 Singapore Blogger - Missy琪琪 Facebook 的最佳解答
Star struck moment when my idol called me up to the stage 🤪!! *scream* (inside my heart... Got image to maintain ahem💃)⠀
Haha.. Anyway! So, this old me went to join #icanbeaninfluencer contest by Influencerssg and the lucky me got into the semi-finals!! Woo-hoo...😂⠀
Besides bringing home lots of goodies🛍️, I also brought home useful tips from the mentors. Honestly, compared to 2004 when I started blogging, social media now is totally different from last time!🤨 Nevertheless, I'm still happy alot of my followers still follow me from my blogging /modeling /flowerpod days till now and also my mummy friends! 没有你们哪里来的content!! Haha...🤭⠀
Thanks to my parents and hubby help for the logistics and care for kids👩👩👦. Although they don't know what's happening, the girls felt so happy I got a "certificate" and 3 kids sang lots of song🎶 on the way home (almost burst my ear drum). 😂 ⠀
Wish me luck and let me bring home cash! 😂
Thanks to @aliciacho and Shermaine Chua Bee Lin for the photos! @ Asia/Singapore
Qiqi Low
bee logistics 在 DJ Nina (Queen Bee) Facebook 的精選貼文
Last minute NYE gig confirmed! Will be spinning house music 9pm-1am with DJ Sona at this semi-open-air venue in Taipei's newest art district (nearby "Triangle"/Taipei Fine Art Museum)..there are lots of trendy cafés & bars here so u can come for dinner and drinks and groove to some funky house music till 2014!
明晚會在圓山花博公園的藝文特區和DJ Sona一起放house music陪伴大家跨年! 這是一個半露天的場地,週邊有許多很酷的餐廳和小酒吧,歡迎大家一起來跳house迎接2014!
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! 準備好迎接2014了嗎?受不了信義區人擠人,最HIGH、最電的跨年倒數新選擇就在 MAJI MAJI ! 掰掰 ~2013, 不要懷疑,最適合親朋好友、全家大小歡渡跨年就在 MAJI廣場,要Maji們吃喝玩樂一整晚!爲了感謝您自從MAJI廣場開幕至今半年來的愛護, 免入場費,特別派出超強 DJ 輪番表演,陪大家動滋~動滋~! 廣場內各式超有氣氛的異國料理,三隻獅子傳統英式餐廳,肉脯廚房,阿根廷BBQ,疆毒新疆燒烤,天命庵日式串燒、青葉新樂園、太老爺泰式小酒館,舒適寬敞室內和半戶外的空間可以邊享用美食邊欣賞現場 LIVE 拉美爵士二重奏還有 DJ表演還有無國界的特色小吃溫暖心胃!21:00 - 1:00 DJ演出:開場DJ ★DJ NINA QUEEN BEE ★ NINA 習藝於美國洛杉磯,風格深受 WEST COAST HOUSE 影響,充滿 FUNK、JAZZ、SOUL 和 TRIBAL的元素,混音手法精緻而細膩 。NINA 是唯一在美國 Underground House 指標性電台 "CHICAGO FM" 主持節目的亞洲籍DJ: www.facebook.com/djnina.queenbee 陪您倒數的 ★DJ SONA★曾經跟 Derrick Carter 和 Mark Farina一起演出過的他是一位美國作曲家、音樂製作人、DJ 及演員絕對會讓您的13/14 跨年倒數特別難忘: www.facebook.com/sonaeyambe
Why bother with the crowds at Xinyi, spending those precious last hours of 2013 and the first of 2014 waiting like herds just to get in and out?! Forget the logistics and pop over at your leisure to MAJI MAJI, where an array of authentic international restaurants await you: Argentinian BBQ, Thai restaurant or Butcher’s Kitchen steakhouse or a more casual fare at the English pub The Three Lions, Taiwanese pub, Japanese or Uyghur yakitori. To thank you for your support for these last 6 months since opening, at no extra cost, we are throwing in a proper DJ lineup to blast you off into the brand new year after our Latin jazz duo’s dinner performance after 9pm. Let DJ Nina Queen Bee’s deep, funky, jazzy, and tribal beats of the West Coast House style groove you into the mood. Nina is also the only Asian DJ from the Far East hosting a bi-weekly radio show "Queen Bee's Deep House Sessions" on Chicago House FM (www.chicagohousefm.com) Counting you down to the last minutes of 2013 will be Sona, an American composer, remixer, sound designer, actor, producer and DJ who has played with Derrick Carter and Mark Farina, will certainly make your 13/14 countdown one to remember!
bee logistics 在 Lets Play S6E99 Bee Logistics - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Finally we have the resources to upgrade this sorting system for bees !Shirts!!: http://direwolf20.spreadshirt.com/Keep up with my thread ... ... <看更多>
bee logistics 在 46 Black Bee Logistics Logo ideas - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
2021-2-24 - Explore Jiaming Zhang's board "Black Bee Logistics Logo" on Pinterest. ... <看更多>
bee logistics 在 Bee Logistics Taiwan Co., Ltd. | Taipei - Facebook 的推薦與評價
台北市中山區長安東路二段110號9F-1, Taipei, Taiwan. . 查看更多有關Bee Logistics Taiwan Co., Ltd. 的資料. Bee Logistics Taiwan Co., Ltd.──覺得開心。 ... <看更多>