💛 日系清新素食咖啡店!
🇭🇰 餐廳: #齋啡 #VegoCoffee
❝ Vego All day $148 ❞ 🔸3/5
❝ Smoothie Bowl $98 ❞ 🔸4.5/5
❝ Matcha Warabi Mochi and Red Bean $45 ❞ 🔸3/5
❝ Vega Chocolate Brownie $30 ❞ 🔸3.5/5
❝ Matcha Latte $50 ❞ 🔸3.5/5
❝ Butterfly Pea Yuzu Soda $50 ❞ 🔸3/5
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📍餐廳地址: #尖沙咀 花園大廈地下7B號舖
🔻菜式分類: #foodieyanyan外國菜
位於佐敦的 齋啡VegoCoffee🔸,是一間日系清新素食咖啡店。港人越來越著重健康,純素餐廳越來越受重視🥗,越來越受歡迎。而齋啡亦是素食界的知名咖啡店之一,菜式全部不含牛奶🥛和雞蛋🥚,未吃過素食的朋友仔可以放開心胸試一試哦~
Vego All day ◢
Smoothie Bowl ◢
相對全日早餐,我更愛服務員推介的Smoothie Bowl🥰! 色彩繽紛的Smoothie Bowl🤤,有燕麥、奇亞籽、粟米片、方格脆、藍莓、草莓、香蕉和無花果等等,口感非常豐富,微微的甜,容易入口,很好吃呀~
Matcha Warabi Mochi and Red Bean ◢
純素蛋糕比我想像中還要好吃呢! 蛋糕的抹茶味好濃☺️,甜度不高,帶有少許回甘,質素不錯。
Vega Chocolate Brownie ◢
🔺相同餐廳食評: #foodieyanyanVegoCoffee
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bean pea 不同 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
花豆 — 又名荷包豆,性平,有祛濕、去水腫、除腳氣的功效,富含膳食纖維,有助調理腸胃消化改善便祕。
赤小豆 — 利水消腫,清熱解毒。紓緩水腫、下肢浮腫、皮膚痕癢等症狀。適合濕熱體質人士食用。注意陰虛、血虛體質人士不宜食用。痛風人士適合。
白扁豆 — 健脾化濕。適合氣虛及痰濕體質人士食用,因脾虛有濕經常食少而腹瀉人士尤其適合。注意容易便秘人士不宜多食。痛風人士適合。
黃豆 — 健脾利濕。紓緩脾虛水腫、無胃口等症狀。適合各類體質人士食用。但注意過量服用容易引致胃脹。痛風患者忌食。
黑豆 — 補腎利濕。紓緩因腎虛而引起的腰痛、水腫、容易抽筋等症狀。適合各類體質人士食用。但注意脾胃虛弱者不宜多食。
綠豆 — 清熱解毒、消暑祛濕。紓緩中暑症狀、水腫、皮膚痕癢等症狀。適合濕熱體質人士食用。但注意胃寒人士不宜食用。
眉豆 — 健脾和胃。紓緩脾胃虛弱引起的消化不良、腹脹等症狀。適合各類體質人士食用。注意容易便秘人士不宜多食。痛風人士適合。
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Get to know beans that can strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness
Besides coix seed, don’t forget about the different varieties of beans that can strengthen our spleen and dispel dampness from the body during spring. Since different beans are different in nature, it is important to consume them based on our body constitution.
When making soup, we can replace meat with beans, so even our vegan friends can enjoy it as well. Nonetheless, do not consume them excessively as they might cause bloating.
Runner bean – also known as ‘ho bao dao’ in Cantonese, is mild in nature. It can help to dispel dampness from the body and relieve water retention and athlete’s foot. Since runner bean is rich in fibers, it can improve the digestive system and bowel movements a well.
Rice bean - induces diuresis to reduce swelling, clears heat and removes toxins. Relieves edema, lower body swelling, itchy skin. Suitable for those with damp heat body type. Not suitable for those with yin deficient, blood asthenia body types. Suitable for people with gout.
Hyacinth bean - strengthens spleen and eliminates dampness, suitable for those with qi deficient and phlegm and dampness body types, especially those who are prone to diarrhea after due to having dampness from an asthenic spleen. Not suitable for those prone to constipation. Suitable for people with gout.
Soya bean - mild in nature, strengthens spleen and promotes diuresis. It can relieve edema from asthenic spleen and lack of appetite. Suitable for all body types. Note that eating too much may cause abdominal bloating, those with gout should avoid.
Black soya bean - mild in nature, replenishes kidney, strengthen spleen, promotes diuresis and lower qi. It can relieves symptoms like lower back pain, edema, and frequent cramping due to asthenic kidney. Suitable for all body types. Not suitable for those with asthenic weak spleen and stomach.
Mung bean - cold in nature, clears heat and removes toxins, relieves summer heat and dispels dampness. It can relieve symptoms of heat stroke, edema, and itchy skin. Suitable for those with damp heat body type. Not suitable for those with cold stomach, loose stool and long-term diarrhea.
Black-eyed pea - strengthens spleen and stomach. Relieves indigestion and stomach bloating due to asthenic spleen and stomach. Suitable for all body types, but not for those prone to constipation. Suitable for people with gout.
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#男 #女 #我狀態OK #我疲憊 #濕熱 #陰虛 #血虛 #氣虛 #痰濕 #腹瀉
bean pea 不同 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
1. 所有材料洗淨,鮮土茯苓、粉葛去皮切塊備用。
2. 鍋中加入約2500毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮約1小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
#男 #女 #濕疹 #皮膚痕痕 #素
Eczema is very common in places with southern climate and you probably know someone suffering miserably from it. It is very important to treat eczema by looking at body constitution. Eczema is usually related to dampness and heat so try to have soups that can clear heat and dispel dampness regularly using ingredients such as kudzu root, smilax, Hyacinth bean, and soy beans to relieve symptoms and itch.
Soy bean soup with kudzu root and smilax
Ingredients: 150g fresh smilax, 1 kudzu root, 20g black-eyed pea, 30g soy beans, 3 candies dates
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Peel fresh smilax and kudzu root and cut into pieces.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour. Add salt to taste.
Effects: dispels dampness and detoxifies. Relieves eczema or allergy related itchiness.
Small tip: fresh smilax can be purchased at the market but it’s quite tough so you can ask the produce shop to peel and cut into pieces for you.