上週五,AIT酈英傑處長在目前世界唯一開打的職棒賽(也是實況轉播的職棒賽!)中,擔任了開球投手與特別來賓喔!台灣職棒現在在全世界,尤其是在美國受到很大的關注,台灣職棒順利開打是成功對抗新冠病毒的 #台灣模式 所帶來的眾多好處之一。比賽期間,機器人迷們也很喜歡和酈處長一起看球和吃零食! 一起來看看精采畫面吧:https://bit.ly/2SvkhQg
Last Friday, AIT Director Brent Christensen cameoed as an opening pitcher and special guest in the only professional baseball league (and live professional sport!) playing in the world playing right now. Professional baseball in Taiwan – now being watched all over the world, especially in the United States – is one of the many benefits of the successful Taiwan Model for #COVID19 prevention. Robot fans also enjoyed Director Christensen’s company (and snacks) during the game! Here are some highlights: https://bit.ly/2SvkhQg