【沒有人權,哪有國慶?停止打壓異見 還我言論自由】聯署聲明全文
(English below)
聯署團體:(更新 30.9.2020)
’Without human Rights, How Can We Celebrate “National Day”?Stop the crackdown on dissidents; give us our freedom‘
1 October 2020
The Chinese Communist Party has been in power for 71 years now—71 years of suffering for the Chinese people. Before coming to power, the Party promised to make China a democratic, free, prosperous and strong country, but it fooled hundreds of thousands of patriots into sacrificing themselves for the nation. For the first 30 years after the establishment of the regime, class struggle was the main focus and mass political campaigns were frequent. Economic policy was poorly devised, leading to famine and death.
In the following 10 years, the regime enacted economic reform but remained totalitarian. It cracked down on demands for change, leading to the fall of liberal state leaders Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang and eventually the bloodshed of the 1989 Tiananmen Massacre. In the subsequent 31 years, corruption has been rampant and uneven wealth distribution serious. Underprivileged groups are squeezed by those in power. Ethics and morality have collapsed. Human rights defenders and dissidents are detained and imprisoned. The whole country lives under white terror. There are simply no human rights. Under Xi Jinping’s dictatorship, 1.4 billion people are living in a society without human rights or dignity. What is there to celebrate?
Today is what the Party calls “National Day”. But over the past 71 years, many have been ruthlessly imprisoned and tortured simply for expressing their political views. Countless people are still detained for their speech. On this day we should feel outrage rather than joy,. Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China and other organizations are particularly concerned about the Chinese and Hong Kong activists facing so-called “national security” charges. While those in China endure the persecution of a totalitarian regime, we in Hong Kong experience the same fate.
Chinese dissidents suffer unbearable pain every day as the Chinese government uses the pretext of “national security” to crack down on them. In this year, Hongkongers have lost rule of law and experience diminishing freedoms. Since the central government forcibly imposed the Hong Kong national security law (officially the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region”) on 30 June 2020, dozens of individuals have been charged with so-called “national security” crimes. Twelve young people fleeing to Taiwan were taken to China. Hong Kong people’s freedoms are at greater risk than ever. Hong Kong people’s fate is even more interconnected with the Chinese people’s.
Many, diverse in age and background, desire democracy and freedom. They do not fear challenging the government despite dictatorship. They fight for democracy and share information about human rights. But their legal and legitimate actions and demands have been punished by the government with so-called “national security” charges. Their cases are only the tip of the iceberg in China. There are many unknown people persecuted by the regime.
The Hong Kong national security law has been in force for several months. Freedom of expression is drastically diminishing. Protest slogans are now interpreted by the Hong Kong government as violations of the national security law. The government creates red terror, attempts to silence dissenting views, and cracks down on dissidents. Hong Kong’s freedoms are quickly disappearing. Hong Kong people’s freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are seriously infringed.
We call on the Chinese and Hong Kong governments to stop whitewashing the daunting situation in China and Hong Kong and respond to the following requests:
1. Vindicate the 1989 pro-democracy movement and give victims’ families a fair explanation, apology and compensation;
2. Establish an independent commission to investigate the Tiananmen Massacre as well as police violence during the Anti-Extradition Bill protests in Hong Kong since last year;
3. Stop using “national security” as an excuse to ruthlessly destroy Hong Kong’s rule of law and freedom of expression;
4. Immediately release all detained Chinese and Hong Kong dissidents.
Signatories: (updated on 30.9.2020)
Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China
April Fifth Action
Community service office of KS Lam
Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement
Tiananmen Mothers Campaign
Movement for Democracy in China (Calgary)
Friends of Conscience
China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group
League of social democrats
Tsing Yi Residents Rights and Interests Service Society
Hong Kong Social Workers` General Union
The Association for the Advancement of Feminism
The Democratic Party
Labour Party (Hong Kong)
Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions
Office of Dr. Kwok Ka Ki, Legislative Council Member
Citizens Radio
Office of Tsang Kin Shing District Councillor
June 4th Action
Civil Human Rights Front
Hong Kong Christian Fellowship of Social Concern
Concerning CSSA and Low Income Alliance
Retail, Commerce and Clothing Industries General Union
Christian Social Workers
Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union
Concern the Future of Hong Kong
註:六四紀念館已於9月15日重新開放,繼續舉辦「走在抗極權最前線——從『八九六四』到『反送中』」主題展覽,同時舉辦「中港被囚異見人士」專題展(至10月31日),介紹異見人士的事蹟,誠邀參觀及報導。查詢:2459 6489(電話/WhatsApp)、 64museum@alliance.org.hk (電郵)
#十一 #六四 #反送中 #人權 #言論自由 #humanrights #freedomofspeech #june4
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【首度露餡 ! 當年港英放生緊急法的檔案啟示】
香港法制發展上仍然未有攪清的一大懸案,就是有近百年歷史的《緊急法》(Emergency Regulations Ordinance) 主體條文為何沒有在97前廢除,只在95年「靜靜雞」廢除了當中附屬規則了事【註一】,究竟當年英方在想什麼,留下惡法讓今日林鄭得以讓它死灰復燃?
除了直接問彭生,我們於英國國家檔案館找到最新解密的英國檔案 (FCO 40/4116 ARTICLE XIX PAPER 1993)【註二】,終於可在白紙黑字間尋獲一些解答。因90年代初香港訂立《香港人權法案條例》(Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance),93年記協及「第19條」 (Article 19) 發表一份名為「URGENT BUSINESS: HONG KONG, FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND 1997」的研究報告,數出港英法規中各種潛在影響表達自由的「惡法」,當然包含這條惡名昭著的《緊急法》。檔案中,該報告曾被英國外交部法律顧問形容為「寫得好」(well-written)及「有道理」(generally sound),值得認真深究(deserve to be taken seriously),因而保留下來了一些官方機密書信往來,亦透露了《緊急法》條文為何保留至今的玄機。
當年的扎實研究招來官員內部討論,故此今天解密英檔裡,看到時任外交部法律顧問Jill Barrett認為記協指《緊急法》條文借緊急時期訂立規則會影響基本人權及表達自由,這觀點是相當有力的,追問港府如何看待此條文,與及有沒有相關跟進及修訂。
港英政府當年的解釋相當有趣。經Jill Barrett追問,港府先是被揭穿交不齊資料,期後終於交出了一份現行潛在有違人權法的法例檢討清單,讓當年港府對《緊急法》的立場首度「露餡」:認為基於港英時期的香港憲法 《英皇制誥》(Letters Patent) Article VII (3) 已列明不會制定違反人權的法例,故此《緊急法》沒有明顯修改的需要 (No obvious need to amend the Ordinance)。這很可能就是當年港英為何將《緊急法》保留至今,當中一個能在歷史檔案找到的原委。
英國外交部官員沒有就此放過港府,抓著"no obvious need"這幾隻字繼續問下去,指出或許在97前跟足香港憲法並無問題,但當97後沒有香港憲法條文保障之時,《緊急法》是否違反人權法頓成疑問,需要清晰理據解釋,尤其法理上會否與人權法有抵觸。當年外交部的確問中問題,97後林鄭真的動用了《緊急法》訂立《反蒙面法》不合比例地侵害港人表達自由,「反蒙面法」更被法庭裁定違憲,修改《緊急法》的需要,對公眾來說今天似乎是明顯不過(all too obvious)了吧。
#倫敦直送 #緊急法 #本研解密 #陸續有來
註二:FCO 40/4116 ARTICLE XIX PAPER, The National Archives, 1993
🎓 中港密檔研究工作在英倫從速開展!
☂️ 月捐眾籌進行中 (75%),仍需大大力支持推廣!
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(English version below)
基金臨時信託人衷心感謝市民周日出席民陣反送中大遊行,並感謝各協助團體同心協力,連同基金於 616 遊行籌得港幣 $12,085,488.71。
由於成立信託基金及設立基金的銀行戶口,手續較為複雜,處理需時,因此,基金目前並 *沒有* 銀行戶口或其他接受捐款途徑。如有進一步消息,基金將儘快公佈。
聯絡表格: http://bit.ly/aept612
電話: 9845 6641 (Whatsapp / Telegram)
電郵: aept2019@gmail.com
Facebook Page: https://fb.com/AEPTrust
“Anti-Extradition Protest Trust” – Announcement of the Results of Fundraising during the June 16 Mass Demonstration
The Provisional Trustees express their heartfelt gratitude to those who participated in the anti-extradition bill mass demonstration organized by the Civil Human Rights Front on 16 June 2019. Thanks to the efforts of all collaborating organizations, a total of HK$12,085,488.71 was raised for the Trust.
The Provisional trustees will meet as soon as possible to discuss and prepare the constitution of the Trust. In the meantime, the Secretariat is contacting those who have been injured or arrested in the anti-extradition bill protests to offer humanitarian assistance. For anyone who needs assistance, please contact us at any time.
After looking into the case, the Trust will refer the case to the necessary services, including medical / psychological / legal assistance, and the relevant expenses will be aided by the Trust. We will protect privacy of individuals in the course of providing such assistance.
Currently, the Trust does not have any bank account or other channels to receive donations. Further details will be announced once available.
For enquires or requests for assistance, please contact us by the following means:
Contact form: http://bit.ly/aept612
Mobile: 9845 6641 (Whatsapp / Telegram)
Email: aept2019@gmail.com
Facebook Page: https://fb.com/AEPTrust
19 June 2019
Anti-Extradition Protest Trust
Provisional Trustees:
Margaret Ng Ngoi-yee, Denise Ho Wan-see, Hui Po-keung, and Cyd Ho Sau-lan
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