1. 唔知幾時開咗呢種開戶送股票嘅gimmick,都OK嘅
2. TLDR:非官方統計,百份之九十嘅人,都係點wine list 上第二平嘅酒。有冇做餐廳嘅讀者證明下?
3. 純技術討論,冇叫你幫襯。實則我應該叫你唔好幫襯添,因為同行如敵國,我總冇理由在呢度倒我公司米。
4. 但,純技術討論。介紹返先,SoFi,開頭我以為係讀蘇妃,真係蘇菲的世界,酥妃蛋撻皇后。原來係蘇快,蘇蘇快靚屎,阿美利堅嘢。好。
5. 我開頭仲以為係So-net(*),回憶返晒嚟!因為佢送一股罪大滔天嘅索尼嘛!梗係送一股,唔通送一手?美股冇一手喎!日股?好似有。但索尼在美國有直接上市,SNE嘛,之前啲收費片講過的!
6. 講返,你唔識得我唔緊要,但你識得美國運通American Express啦(介紹返,上市編號唔係AMEX,係AXP),動視暴雪,聽落怪雞,但男讀者應該估到,係 Activision Blizzard。咁罪大滔天嘅索尼唔使講啦,清朝到而家(**)
7. 揀邊股?都幾簡單,「睇價錢」,美國運通105蚊一股(美金啦),動視暴雪80,索尼74(果然罪大滔天),仲使諗?梗係美國運通
8. 咁你話,增長前景呢?關人蛋治咩。「你好鍾意索尼嘅咪沽咗股美國運通佢換馬去索尼,仲有30蚊美金找返畀你食飯」(實際上有交易費用啦下,但唔知收幾多,自己去so-net問)
9. 然後你話,扯,咁笨嘅?咁玩法人人都揀美國運通啦,因為個個都想快手沽咗佢嘛。講真,1萬蚊港紙,送返800蚊股票畀你,仲只係一個月咋喎!8厘回報,「annualize咗佢都幾係嘢」。真的,同抽埃邦一樣,你人生有做過幾多嘢更加有生產力?一個月執8厘喎(***)。可惜只限一皮嘢,同埋要維持一個月。但,如果你一皮嘢港紙維持一個月都唔得嘅,「都係唔好買股票啦」
10. 話說回頭,係我咁諗法啫,點解公司揀啲都算偏門嘅股票?我冇見過任何一間公司送動視暴雪。「可能真係睇中啲毒撚,真係要索尼唔要美國運通」
11. 但另一可能就係:你以為公司笨啫,哈哈哈,我梗係揀美國運通,佢咁Q笨架。
12. 實情,君在夢中啦。人地早兩個月,係送一股蘋果呀(https://bityl.co/429W)!難逃我法眼!咁一股蘋果(當然講明係拆細後),當然又值錢過一股美國運通了。「你以為叻咗,其實都係蝕咗」
13. 但,畀啲客,有一個「好嘢我game the system」嘅滿足感,係好重要的,「我就係唔識搞呢啲」。
14. 應該聽過下餐牌紅酒理論啦可(https://bityl.co/429b)?好多人都係叫wine list上第二平嘅酒,原因當然係心理。我另外好似睇過篇文(搵唔返),話另一熱門就係第二貴嗰支。當然餐廳亦知你呢個心態,然後而家啲人就唔再玩叫第二平嘅酒,道高一尺魔高一丈。但重點係,啲人係覺得,叫第二平嘅酒,抵啲。「最平好似太核突驚畀女笑」「肯定最平嗰支係賣垃圾」。同樣地啲人叫第二貴嘅酒都係差不多心態,「本人畀得起,要impress條女」「但最貴嘅劏客」。餐廳當然亦知你咁諗。
15. 埃汾都好似係玩呢個 second cheapest wine的,但都話我十次有九次都係飲白酒,所以好多時嗰個位唔會有幾多嘢剩
16. 又,我最鍾意,都係某啲歐洲餐廳嘅餐牌—男士嗰份就有價錢,女士就冇!十分正點。但在香港應該畀人投訴,乜撚嘢呀,而家阿姐食唔起呀?你憑乜覺得一定係男人請?「港女好獨立呀」「不過做男人要有風度」。事實香港少啲見,但台灣呢,陳嵐舒在台中間Le Mout之前都有呢個傳統。
17. 如果我冇記錯呢,wine list就得一個(之前有人研究過點解唔會有兩本wine list畀情侶/夫婦)。否則可以踢畀埃汾太,無價錢之下揀,希望唔會飲到我破產 (但現實上不可行:首先埃汾好多時唔飲酒,就算飲都白酒,而埃汾太飲紅酒。同埋整體都唔飲得多,大家都by glass,各自各點)
(*)Sonet有首主題曲,呢首你唔識唱啦掛!Mango Wong 王秀琳嘅《IT情人》!我的資訊很有用呀!(https://ggle.io/3Xp8)。又,原來係改篇韓文歌,當年邊入流丫,但在你以為不入流時人地已經起晒格….命。(好多人連個革字都未識讀呢)
(**)in case真係有人問,SONY係二戰後成立嘅,清朝未有。任天堂就真係清朝已經有啦!光緒年間。
Ivan Patreon 狼耳街華人,一星期至少三篇港美市場評點,一個月一舊水唔使,開張兩個月已600人訂!仲有兩篇免費試睇:https://bit.ly/31QmYj7
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同時也有2751部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅愛睏熊,也在其Youtube影片中提到,2021 《爐石戰記》大師職業賽 | 2021 Hearthstone Grandmasters 比賽影片來源:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z0zS9XsYUo&t=1s&ab_channel=%E7%88%90%E7%9F%B3%E6%88%B0%E8%A...
blizzard game list 在 哭囉/3+1=Kuro cosplay studio Facebook 的最佳貼文
如果想練身體 (???)的話歡迎來看一下哇😂
Here's my interview from Connected Television Show!
So glad that my work could be shared to other countries :3
It's very nice to meet you here :D hope you enjoy my works!
p.s. I'm so sorry for my poor English 😂 I just made my interview a mess 😂😂😂
Cosplay tailor
Credits: (Photographers ect.)
> When and how did you get started in Cosplay?
Since 2006, just when I graduated from high school. My friends took me to the Fancy Frontier . There I first saw cosplayers and realized that there are many ways to become a fan of comics.
> What was your first Cosplay?
My first cosplay was Agito from Air Gear. I love Air Gear, I have a lot of fan art work on it :)This costume memorable for me, I want to keep it.
> What was the most difficult character?
Hecarim in LOL, I spent lots of time to know how to craft all the legs.
> What characters are you planning for the future?
I'm going to make more armor, some chatactors from Blizzard series, Monster Hunter, Puzzle and Dragon, Jojo's bizarre adventure, etc.
> Are there any helpful hints in sewing, costume design or any other aspects of your cosplay that you discovered in doing your creations?
I don't have really special hints, but I spent lots of time study about pattern and materials. Ppractice makes perfect, it is the best way to crafting costume well.
> Do you have a preferred brand of make up in your cosplay? And if so why?
I rarely make-up except cosplay , most are open-shelf cosmetics, which is cheaper and easy to choose.
> What are you listening to?
I like Maroon 5, Marilyn Manson, John Newman, Sound Horzion, animate theme and game theme.
> Favorite Movies?
My newest favorite is Interstellar .
> Favorite Animes?
Log Horizon is my new favorite.
> Favorite TV Shows?
Project Runway
> Is there a scene from a anime. cartoon, movie or tv show that left a big impression on you and what was it?
Revolutionary Girl Utena, It was the only one series I will watch it again every single year since i was 7, the whole world and charactors are very impressive.
> Books?
Ōkami to Kōshinryō, Harry Potter
> Games?
League of Legends, Castlevania, Monster Hunter, Skyrim, Mabinogi, Puzzle and Dragon, Music games, etc
> Beverage?
pearl bubble tea
> Fast Food or Junk Food of choicce?
Neither, I like vegetable the most, but I like potato chips and fries also.
> Candy bar?
My favorite is Chocolate flavor.
> Favorite Breakfast cerial?
I seldom eat cerial, but I don't like cerial with colorful dye.
> Is there something not going on in the cosplay world that you would want to see or is there something you would want to change?
Generally I hope every cosplayer having fun during this activities, instead of vituperate others.
> What was your favorite toy growing up?
> Who is your biggest character crush and why?
Utena from Revolutionary Girl Utena, she is the first charactor that I'm desirous to be like her, I like a girl with strong mind, but also have delicate feelings.
> You enter a warehouse. Their is ittle light, but you are able to find you way around. The sound of music draws you to corner of the warehouse. The are FIVE GHOUL CLOWNS, playing a dancing video game. The have razor sharp teeth and scary weapons. Magic can not afect them, They sense your presence and turn facing you. The run to you to attack. Time to fight! What character would you want to be to defeat them and how would you handle the situation?
I will K.O. them with my awesome katana skills like Utena.
> If you had to be chained with a character for one year, what would be the character and what would you do?
Renji from bleach, I'll do nothing but stare at him with whole my heart.
> You can have dinner with your favorite character. And at this dinner you may ask one question. Who woud be the character and what would be your one question?
I'll go with Tryndamere, and ask him for marry Ashe again.
> What's number 1 on your bucket list? (Something you want to do before you leave the planet).
Finish my cosplay of Sarah Louise Kerrigan.
> What advice would you give to people getting started in Cosplay?
Be happy, and enjoy all the process during finish each charactors.
blizzard game list 在 愛睏熊 Youtube 的最佳貼文
2021 《爐石戰記》大師職業賽 | 2021 Hearthstone Grandmasters
This channel has edited various series of exciting programs to let everyone know the exciting content of the game "Heartstone", and hope that the channel will have a positive impact on the entire environment.
The copyright of the game video of Hearthstone belongs to Blizzard Entertainment. Share "Hearthstone" game clips and promote the "Hearthstone" game.
blizzard game list 在 愛睏熊 Youtube 的精選貼文
2021 《爐石戰記》大師職業賽 | 2021 Hearthstone Grandmasters
This channel has edited various series of exciting programs to let everyone know the exciting content of the game "Heartstone", and hope that the channel will have a positive impact on the entire environment.
The copyright of the game video of Hearthstone belongs to Blizzard Entertainment. Share "Hearthstone" game clips and promote the "Hearthstone" game.
blizzard game list 在 愛睏熊 Youtube 的最讚貼文
2021 《爐石戰記》大師職業賽 | 2021 Hearthstone Grandmasters
This channel has edited various series of exciting programs to let everyone know the exciting content of the game "Heartstone", and hope that the channel will have a positive impact on the entire environment.
The copyright of the game video of Hearthstone belongs to Blizzard Entertainment. Share "Hearthstone" game clips and promote the "Hearthstone" game.