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G16 配色滾邊平口一字壓直紋上衣(白)
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G19 右側割破涼感牛仔寬褲-附皮帶(藍M)
G20 右側割破涼感牛仔寬褲-附皮帶(藍L)
G21 右側割破涼感牛仔寬褲-附皮帶(白S)
G22 右側割破涼感牛仔寬褲-附皮帶(白M)
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G29 細肩直壓紋削肩短版背心(白)
G30 細肩直壓紋削肩短版背心(灰)
G31 細肩直壓紋削肩短版背心(咖)
G32 車線翻蓋皮穿鍊牛仔腋下包(單色)
G33 挺版帽沿車線素面漁夫帽-可調(卡其色)
G34 手工刺繡小熊亮片水洗棉上衣(黑)
G35 手工刺繡小熊亮片水洗棉上衣(白)
G36 車中線長方造型口袋牛仔短褲(淺藍F)
G37 車中線長方造型口袋牛仔短褲(深藍F)
G38 刺繡粉字Butter老帽(黑)
G39 刺繡粉字Butter老帽(粉)
G40 刺繡粉字Butter老帽(杏)
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G42 車中線長方造型口袋牛仔短褲(包色)
G43 寬肩U領翻玩勾勾短版bratop(黑)
G44 寬肩U領翻玩勾勾短版bratop(白)
G45 寬肩U領翻玩勾勾短版bratop(卡其綠)
G46 左胸米奇排釦涼感針織小外套(黑)
G47 左胸米奇排釦涼感針織小外套(紫)
G48 英文Malibu棉質短版上衣(黑)
G49 英文Malibu棉質短版上衣(白)
G50 英文Malibu棉質短版上衣(黃)
G51 英文Malibu棉質短版上衣(包三色)
G52 背後可愛泰迪熊沐浴寬鬆上衣(白)
G53 背後可愛泰迪熊沐浴寬鬆上衣(灰)
G54 翻領腰鬆緊雙口袋POLO連身短褲(灰)
G55 方頭皮革人字方型跟涼拖鞋-225-250建議大半號(白)
G56 方頭皮革人字方型跟涼拖鞋-225-250建議大半號(黃)
G57 洞洞燒花三層感蛋糕長裙(白)
G58 洞洞燒花三層感蛋糕長裙(咖)
G59 造型左右割破英文字縮口棉褲(黑)
G60 鴨子躺姿ASAP棉質長洋裝(黑)
G61 鴨子躺姿ASAP棉質長洋裝(杏)
G62 V領一字素面/小花雙口袋短洋裝(黑)
G63 V領一字素面/小花雙口袋短洋裝(白)
G64 方形竹編織六顆水鑽耳環(杏)
G65 方形竹編織六顆水鑽耳環(咖)
butter 鏡面 在 Oh買買買連線中 Facebook 的最佳解答
背後附磁鐵 可以貼在冰箱上
之前有訂鯨魚項鍊和鏡面交通卡、不合併商品直接寄出的 我已經全數寄出、我還沒一一通知郵件編號 但大家可能昨天都已經收到🤣 如果有需要郵件編號去查詢 請私訊我喔🙇🏻♀️🙇🏻♀️
以上 卡卡今日閉關去、晚上如果我都做完就開個短暫直播 和各位分享一下有的沒有的🙂
butter 鏡面 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
#KopGym #MV舞 #BTS #Butter #舞蹈教學 #在家裡也能學舞
butter 鏡面 在 楹楹Chloe&祥祥Wish Youtube 的精選貼文
butter 鏡面 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最讚貼文
Hello friends! Today we're going to show you how to make a classic french dessert: Weekend Cake, aka Travel Cake or French pound cake.(cake week-end au pamplemousse, Gâteau de Voyage, pound cake)
Weekend Cake, or even Travel Cake, what a lovely name for such a simple dessert. Both of them are translated from french “Cake Week-end” and “Gâteau de Voyage”, it is similar to pound cake, or you can call it French pound cake. But there are still some differences. Pound cake is traditionally made with a pound of flour, butter, eggs, and sugar, and is to use softened butter, but french weekend cake is to use melted butter.
Weekend cake is actually a plain looking cake, made in a simple way, and the cake structure is firmer and less fragile, so it's ideal for a 3-4 days trip, or a weekend friend gathering dessert. This recipe is from Le Cordon Bleu, but we’ve made some adjustments. Hope you like this video. :-) Enjoy.
This rich, double-glazed pound cake is made in the classic French style. In fact, the recipe came from the Cordon Bleu cooking school in Paris.
This is an #ASMR ver, you can check out the other ver that with BGM and Voices in Chinese if you like:
How to make Le Grapefruit Weekend Cake Recipe
French pound cake Recipe
☞ Pan size: 14x7cm
✎ Ingredients
☞ For the cake
egg 2
grapefruit 1
granulated sugar 80g
cake flour 85g
a pinch of baking powder
unsalted butter 80g, melted
** For grease a pan: 10g of melted butter, 20g of flour
☞ For the apricot glaze
nappage abricot 25g
water 25g
☞ For the grapefruit syrup
Grapefruit juice 30g
powdered sugar 18g
✎ Instructions
1. Brush the melted butter evenly on the base and edges of a pan. Dust the inside the pan with flour, then tip out and discard any excess flour.
2. Add hot water in a medium bowl, place the butter pieces in a stainless steel bowl, put the bowl in the hot water and cover a cloth, set aside and keep warm.
3. Add 80g sugar in a bowl, zest an half of grapefruit into it. Then rub the grapefruit zest and sugar together with your fingers until fragrant and combined.
4. In a large mixing bowl, add two eggs and grapefruit sugar, whisk them together for 7~8 minutes until the egg mixture is pale and fluffy. If you use hand electric mixer, then beat on medium speed for 2 minutes, then change to low speed for 1 minute.
5. Sift the flour and baking powder into the egg mixture, and gently fold until you have a smooth batter.
6. Pour the melted butter into the bowl, mix until fully incorporated and the texture is a little bit glossy.
7. Fill three-quarters full with batter. Tap the pan 1 or 2 times to cause the air bubbles to rise to the surface.
8. Pour melted butter in a small tray, and dip the melted butter with scraper, then gently touch the center of the batter to create a butter line.
9. Preheat the oven to 170°C and bake for 30~35 minutes. Remove the cake from the pan and place it onto a cooling rack and leave to cool.
10. Use a small pan to melt the apricot and water over low heat. Brush the top with warm apricot glaze and leave for minutes while making grapefruit syrup.
11. For the grapefruit syrup, mix together the grapefruit juice and icing sugar. Brush the syrup over the side of the cake, then refrigerate for 1-2 hours.
butter 鏡面 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最佳解答
哈囉!大家好,我是 Cassandre, 今天的『食不相瞞』,我們要跟大家分享一款很經典的法式糕點:簡單好做又美味的法式週末蛋糕 (aka. 法式磅蛋糕, Le Weekend Cake, Gâteau de Voyage, The Travel Cake)。
週末蛋糕在法文裡叫作 Le Cake Weekend, 也常被稱作旅行蛋糕 Gâteau de Voyage,顧名思義,這個蛋糕超適合在週末烤來享用或者帶著一起出門輕旅行,很容易製作又非常好攜帶與保存(蛋糕體頗堅固不易碎掉^^),蛋糕的口感和外型跟傳統磅蛋糕很像,但製作上不太一樣,例如磅蛋糕的每樣食材都要1磅或等重(所以稱為『磅』蛋糕),但週末蛋糕沒有這個要求,此外磅蛋糕使用的是軟化奶油來打發,但週末蛋糕則使用融化奶油且無須打發,所以相較起來,比起傳統正宗的磅蛋糕而言,的確是簡單許多,但成品口味很類似,都蠻好吃的。
這支影片還有無人聲的 #ASMR 版本:
☞ 烤模尺寸: 14x7x5cm
📌 烤模尺寸換算方式:
✎ 材料 / Ingredients
☞ 蛋糕
雞蛋 2個
葡萄柚 半個刨皮,擠汁30g
細砂糖 80g
低粉 85g
無鋁泡打粉 一小撮(約0.3g)
無鹽奶油(黃油/Butter) 80g
☞ 杏桃果膠
杏桃果膠 25g
水 25g
☞ 葡萄柚糖漿
糖粉 18g
葡萄柚汁 30g
✎ 做法 / Instructions
1. 用刷子在烤模裡面刷上一層奶溫,再灑上一層薄薄的麵粉沾在奶油上形成一層防沾膜,接著敲出多餘的麵粉,拿去冰一下備用
2. 中型的碗裡倒些熱水,把裝有奶油小丁的小缽放進去,以隔水加熱的方式來融化奶油,上面覆蓋一塊布讓它保溫
3. 在糖碗裡刨下葡萄柚皮,用手指把皮搓揉進糖裡
4. 打發盆裡打入兩顆蛋,加入葡萄柚細砂糖後以打蛋器持續攪拌,要打到濃稠泛白,手打約要花7-8分鐘,用電動手持攪拌器的話,一開始中速打2分鐘,最後以最低速打1分鐘
5. 過篩麵粉和泡打粉,並加入蛋糊中進行混拌直到看不見乾粉
6. 加入融化的奶油,用打蛋器攪拌至均勻並呈現光澤感
7. 把麵糊倒入烤模中,大概3/4滿即可。將烤模輕敲一兩下,以震出多餘空氣
8. 用刮板沾一點融化的奶油,輕輕的靠在麵糊表面的中央,形成一條奶油線,這可以幫助裂口
9. 烤箱預熱170C,烘烤 30~35 分鐘,出爐後把蛋糕脫模並完全放涼
10. 用一個小鍋子,加入25克的杏桃果膠與25克的水(要1:1), 以小火加熱融化果膠至呈現流動的液體狀,趁果膠熱熱的儘快塗在蛋糕表面
11. 最後來做糖漿,把糖粉跟葡萄柚果汁調勻,塗在蛋糕的側邊四面,待果膠乾了就可以享用了
更詳盡的作法與 Tips,可以參考我們的食譜網站喔:
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Panasonic LEICA DG SUMMILUX 15mm F1.7,
Panasonic LUMIX G 25mm F1.7 ASPH.
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