上午有分享一則「印尼軍方選擇使用NASAMS飛彈系統」的相關新聞,來介紹一下,由挪威孔斯堡設計局(Norwegian Kongsberg Gruppen)和美國雷神公司合作的中程地對空飛彈系統,實體飛彈採用六枚AIM-120,八座AN/MPQ-64陣列雷達,以輕型輪車作為載具,強調機動性的挪威軍方構思,也設計出野戰防空的優勢特性
The Norwegian Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System 2 (abbreviated NASAMS 2) is a module-based, distributed and networked medium range air-defence system, designed by the Norwegian Kongsberg Gruppen. NASAMS 2 is an upgraded version of the NASAMS air-defence system and it has been operational since 2007. A complete NASAMS 2 battery consists of 12 missile launchers (LCHR) (each one carrying six AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles), eight radars (AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel F1 Improved Sentinel X band 3D radar), one fire control centre (CTOC), one electro-optical camera vehicle (MSP500) and one Tactical Control Cell (TCC) vehicle. Raytheon announced the development of the Extended Range upgrade to the NASAMS AMRAAM missile offering (AMRAAM-ER), the missile is actually an Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile using AMRAAM guidance. Engagement envelope is expanded with a 50 percent increase in maximum range and 70 percent increase in maximum altitude; range will extend to about 40 km.