📣 How many companies do you recognize below?
▪️ Peloton (Unicorn → NASDAQ: PTON)
▪️ LATCH (Unicorn → NASDAQ: LTCH)
▪️ Ubiquiti (Unicorn → NYSE: UI)
▪️ Fitbit ($2.1bn exit to Google)
▪️ Ring ($1bn+ exit to Amazon)
You might have seen them ringing the opening bell, celebrating the unicorn status, or being congratulated on high-profile billion-dollar exits. How did they make it from a tiny early stage startup, especially when it comes to the complicated supply chains and cross-border market entry? Can OEMs/ODMs/corporates in Asia bring strategic capital and other values in addition to manufacturing expertise?
Join us to find out with an all-star panel of industry veterans for their insights and stories.
▪️ Cheney Wang, Taiwan GM & VP of Supply Chain at Latch
▪️ Christine Tsai, CEO & Founding Partner at 500 Global
▪️ Richard Koo, Principal at DNX Ventures
▪️ Interviewer - Casey Lau, Head of Asia at RISE
📍 RSVP: https://forms.gle/A9NGjGVpvLDVPP7u6
#AsiaVenturing: #AnchorTaiwan x DIGITIMESAsia
can nasdaq 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
There’s rhythm in writing! 🎶
你可能會說 ok,以英文為母語的人比較會用短的句子,那又怎樣?句子的長短,跟我寫作的好壞,有關嗎?
Well actually,你應該可以想像,這些就是要幫助我們睡眠的。
📌 台灣案例:Taipei Times Opinion
1. The TAIEX last month rose above 17,000 points as rallies in steel, shipping and some non-tech stocks offset a weakness in semiconductor and electronics stocks.
2. While news about a cluster of local COVID-19 infections connected with China Airlines cargo pilots and a hotel in Taoyuan fueled selling pressure early this month and pushed the local stock market into consolidation mode, the daily market turnover in the first two trading sessions of this month hit fresh highs.
3. Moreover, Taiwan’s stock trading volume last month began to surpass that of Hong Kong for the first time in 15 years, which was beyond most market participants’ expectations.
4. Taiwan’s daily market turnover exceeding Hong Kong’s might gradually become a new normal from this year, and there are good reasons for this.
5. First, Hong Kong’s stock market has lost its appeal to foreign investors since China last year imposed national security legislation on the territory, triggering a potential flight of capital and talent.
6. Second, many wealthy Taiwanese tend to park their overseas funds in Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Switzerland and the US, but government statistics showed that more than 80 percent of funds repatriated by wealthy individuals last year were from Hong Kong, as they saw the political situation in the territory worsen after its self-governance, human rights and freedom of speech were further suppressed.
7. Third, China’s new NASDAQ-style stock board — the Shanghai Stock Exchange’s STAR board — has emerged as a fast-growing capital markets center for Chinese companies at a time when rising China-US tensions have triggered concerns about their prospects of listing in New York, posing a growing challenge to the Hong Kong stock exchange.
8. On the other hand, Taiwan’s economic fundamentals, the central bank’s adoption of extraordinary monetary easing and the government’s fiscal policies have fueled continued rallies in the nation’s stock market since last year.
9. It might be too early to tell how long the consolidation trend might last, as a resurgent COVID-19 outbreak is coloring the global economic outlook, but some insight can be drawn from the stock market:
10. Taiwan’s GDP grew a larger-than-expected 8.16 percent in the first quarter, as exports and private investment remained healthy.
都是一堆很長的句子對不對?我們來看美國人寫的句子,也是一個主流媒體的 opinion 文。
📌 美國案例:New York Times Opinion
1. I miss torturing Liz Cheney.
2. But it must be said that the petite blonde from Wyoming suddenly seems like a Valkyrie amid halflings.
3. She is willing to sacrifice her leadership post — and risk her political career — to continue calling out Donald Trump’s Big Lie.
4. She has decided that, if the price of her job is being as unctuous to Trump as Kevin McCarthy is, it isn’t worth it, because McCarthy is totally disgracing himself.
5. It has been a dizzying fall for the scion of one of the most powerful political families in the land, a conservative chip off the old block who was once talked about as a comer, someone who could be the first woman president.
6. How naïve I was to think that Republicans would be eager to change the channel after Trump cost them the Senate and the White House and unleashed a mob on them.
7. I thought the Donald would evaporate in a poof of orange smoke, ending a supremely screwed-up period of history.
8. But the loudest mouth is not shutting up.
9. And Republicans continue to listen, clinging to the idea that the dinosaur is the future.
10. “We can’t grow without him,” Lindsey Graham said.
📌 Note: 即使是比較長的句子,這位作者也會用標點符號拆散它:She is willing to sacrifice her leadership post — and risk her political career — to continue calling out Donald Trump’s Big Lie. 這就好比用句點一樣,讓我們讀起來有點停頓休息的時間。
📌 注意到了嗎?
所以想到這裡,我從我的書架上,隨便挑了兩本跟科技有關的書出來。左邊的,是美國人,矽谷知名投資人 Peter Thiel。右邊的是德國人,但注意了,是一個英文非常好的德國人。他不但是世界經濟論壇的創辦人,研究所也是在哈佛大學唸的。
📌 兩本書 Introduction 是怎麼寫的?
Klaus Schwab (德國):
Of the many diverse and fascinating challenges we face today, the most intense and important is how to understand and shape the new technology revolution, which entails nothing less than a transformation of humankind.
We are at the beginning of a revolution that is fundamentally changing the way we live, work, and relate to one another.
In its scale, scope and complexity, what I consider to be the fourth industrial revolution is unlike anything humankind has experienced before.
Peter Thiel (美國):
Whenever I interview someone for a job, I like to ask this question: "What important truth do very few people agree with you on?"
The question sounds easy because it's straightforward.
Actually, it's very hard to answer.
It's intellectually difficult because the knowledge that everyone is taught in school is by definition agreed upon.
See the difference?
📌 如何變換節奏呢?
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can nasdaq 在 飛鳥涼不涼的遊戲營運觀察小站 Facebook 的精選貼文
【聊聊以Unreal引擎為基底,成人版Roblox--「Manticore Games」】
Manticore Games 近期宣布獲得一億美元的投資,將為其所打造的虛擬宇宙世界(Metaverse),開發更多平台如Xbox、VR、手機。近期虛擬宇宙的最佳案例就是才上市Nasdaq不久的Roblox,其不僅稱霸美國兒童遊戲市場,也穩居全球手機遊戲雙平台收入榜的前十,光2020年的營收就達到了9.24億。
Manticore Games 也提供了名為「Core」 的工具,以Unreal引擎為基底,讓開發者自由的打造遊戲,在畫面的表現非常令人驚豔,因此被很多媒體稱為成人版的Roblox。
然而,與其說Manticore games想打造一個虛擬宇宙,我更喜歡其執行行長Descamps之前接受訪談時所說:「我們希望如同IG改變照片傳播、Youtube改變影像製作般降低使用者門檻,讓所有人即使沒學過程式開發,都能自由製做遊戲」。
不過話說回來,現在Metaverse的概念正紅也比較容易拿到錢,但如果對標Roblox,Manticore Games有幾個挑戰要面對:
首先,Roblox的用戶幾乎是13歲以下小朋友。小朋友沒有生計壓力,但大人有。所以即使Manticore Games的平台可以讓創作者拿到50%收入(Roblox開發者分成為24.5%),和其他UGC平台相比已經很多了,但和Steam/Apple/Google Play可拿到70%以上的分成相比,對成熟工作室沒太大吸引力。
因此,我猜測最終的使用者還是以大把時間玩遊戲,也對遊戲懷有夢想的學生居多。對他們而言,能夠免費利用Core Games的工作做出媲美3A級畫面的遊戲,應該是很有吸引力的,大家也可以參考下方的影片。
然而, 一個平台要能成功,"買方與賣方是否能夠產生良好的循環"才是關鍵。Roblox的優勢在於平台的社群文化已經形成,很多小朋友賺到錢之後,又會把錢再投入買其他的遊戲來玩,形成了良好的經濟循環,因為開發者能不斷獲得正向的激勵,開發更多的遊戲。但對Core Games的開發者來說,在平台還沒有形成自己的風格與信仰前,消費者的眼光將不限於平台中的其他商品,還來自Steam、PC主機、手機平台等其他設計精美的遊戲。
Manticore Games曾提到其對於VR遊戲的發展寄予厚望,我想這恐怕也是不得不的發展選項之一,畢竟PC有Steam這堵牆,行動端雙平台的護城河也很深,雖然有Epic Game幫忙導量撐腰,但現有的障礙還是不小。
但如果Manticore games最終發展出一定的規模,即使未能有像Roblox般的影響力,對其背後的Epic Games來說,還是可能產生不小的效益。就像Zoom的成功原因在於校園的早期使用推廣;當所有立志進入遊戲業的學生,第一個使用的程式引擎是以Unreal為基底的Core Games時,這將幫助以高端遊戲為主、市佔率不高的Unreal引擎,帶來未來普及的可能性。
所以感到威脅的應該不是Roblox,而是利用市佔率賣廣告的Unity。但我覺得Manticore Games的平台要成功,技術可能不是重點,如何發展獨特的文化與風格才是關鍵。