【本校防疫訊息 ~110年寒假臺灣大學集會與社團活動防疫規範】
NTU COVID-19 Prevention Message ~National Taiwan University Pandemic Prevention Guidelines Governing Gatherings And Club Events During 2021 Winter Vacation
一、 依據110年1月19日教育部通報《提醒各級學校辦理集會活動防疫措施》,考量到疫情升溫,辦理各項集會與社團活動有人潮擁擠、長時間且近距離接觸,具有高度傳播之風險,一旦出現疑似個案或群聚事件,將提高防疫難度,因此強烈建議本校各單位審慎評估將集會與社團活動取消或延期舉辦。
二、 如本校各單位評估有舉辦活動之必要性者,必須配合下列各項措施,如有任何一項措施無法配合者,請將該活動取消或延期舉辦:
😷(一) 通則(適用於各種集會、會議、用餐、聚餐、社團、與住宿活動):
🍝(二) 用餐:
🏠(三) 住宿:
國立臺灣大學防疫小組 敬上
一、 According to the Reminder: Schools of All Levels Should Establish Pandemic Prevention Measures Regulating Gatherings released by the Ministry of Education on January 19, 2021, organizing gatherings and club activities in the current surge of outbreaks poses a high risk of transmission as such events are crowded, last for long hours, and participants are in close contact. The level of difficulty in pandemic prevention will increase once suspected individual or cluster infection occurs. In view of this, NTU strongly urges all of its departments and offices to carefully assess cancellation or postponement of gatherings or club activities.
二、 The organizer considering such event necessary should follow the measures below. If any one of the following cannot be observed, the organizer should then cancel or postpone the event.
😷(I) General rules (applicable to all kinds of gatherings, meetings, dining, social dining, clubs, and accommodation:
1.People undergoing home quarantine, home isolation or self-health management, or those living with family members undergoing home quarantine, home isolation or self-health management, as well as those showing suspected symptoms such as fever, respiratory complications, diarrhea, and abnormality of smell and taste (including performers and event workers) should be barred from participation.
2.People with cancer, chronic lung disease (including asthma), cardiovascular disease, illnesses in kidney, liver, nerves, blood or metabolic disorders (including diabetes), hemoglobin disease, immune deficiency disease requiring long-term treatment, and pregnant women are advised to avoid participation.
3.The organizer must obtain information of participants in advance, including at least name, contact info, travel history to pandemic affected regions, and contact history with confirmed cases.
4.The organizer must provide sufficient hand sanitizers at the event venue and designate an entrance to take temperature and sanitize hands.
5.Except while dining during the event, all participants and event staffs must wear a medical mask and maintain appropriate social distancing (1.5 meters indoors and 1 meter outdoors).
6.The event space must be kept well-ventilated, the entrance and exit remained open, and windows left open by at least 15 centimeters.
7.All participants and event workers should stay at designated areas and minimize contact at short distances.
8.If participants become ill with suspected symptoms, the organizer should immediately help them seek medical attention and report to the NTU Health Center if any diagnostic test has been administered following the treatment.
🍝(II) Dining
1.Except while dining, all participants must wear a medical mask.
2.If there is enough space, implement crisscross seating to maintain proper social distancing (1.5 meters indoors), or compartmentalize using partitions or screens.
3.If there is limited space, implement dining segmentation “by time and by group” to maintain adequate social distancing.
4.Do not talk while dining and participants should refrain from conversation exchange or interaction.
🏠(III) Accommodation
1.Except while sleeping or taking a shower, all participants must wear a medical mask and at the same time keep social distancing (1.5 meters indoors) where possible.
2.The shower and bathing space must be partitioned and group bath is prohibited. If there is no partition, only one person can use the space at a time.
3.In the sleeping area, beds should be separated from each other by at least 1.5 meters. If this cannot be done, then accommodation should be canceled altogether.
三、 If any single confirmed case (including faculty, staff, and general visitors) occurs at NTU and whose footprint has entered the university campus, the responsible organizers should consider canceling all of the future or ongoing events.
四、 NTU will stay current with the latest development in the COVID-19 pandemic and make timely adjustments to its Pandemic Prevention Guidelines for Gatherings and Club Events in accordance with the announcements released by Central Epidemic Command Center, Taipei City Government, and the Ministry of Education.
Sincerely yours,
NTU Epidemic Prevention Team
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅Dd tai,也在其Youtube影片中提到,中西區海濱長廊(中環段)位於香港龍和道,佔地約3.97公頃。場地連接添馬公園和中環碼頭。場地內的設施自2012年12月至2014年1月分階段開放供市民使用。設施包括寵物公園、廣場、小食亭、閒釣輔助設施、公園長椅、避雨亭及洗手間(設有暢通易達洗手間)。「中環夏誌」是由Central Venue Man...
central venue management 在 蘋 , 飯 , 遊 ,生 Facebook 的精選貼文
🍺Hoegaarden x Think of a Style 2019
🍎本身都係難訓得著嘅一份子,日夜癲倒不在話下,尤其係最近情況都較為嚴峻,想💤就更有難度,慢慢養成咗睡前一小杯🍺🍶(💡溫馨提示:小飲怡情,大飲傷身😎) 所以收到 @hoegaarden 時真係timing 非常好👍🏻!
今年,🍺Hoegaarden 再crossover 本地手作平台賞想 (Think of a Style) & Central Venue Management (CVM),將 「The Gaarden」帶到具標誌性的「賞想文創節 @ 中環夏誌」中,搭建全城最大型的手作巿集⛺️🎡!
由8月23日到25日,為期3️⃣天的「賞想文創節」將匯聚來自香港🇭🇰,日本🇯🇵&台灣🇹🇼才華橫溢的工匠和工藝設計師,展現珠寶配飾💍,服裝👗,花藝💐及蠟燭🕯等手作工藝,同場仲有趣味十足的 DIY 工作坊!
💫 今年的 「The Gaarden」,除了提供經典的 White 和 Rosée 啤酒外🍺,Hoegaarden 更創作了兩款滋味無窮的啤酒雞尾酒:
💛 Hoegaarden White: 荔枝,接骨木花及檸檬皮🍋特調的Hoegaarden Lychee Blossom
💖 Hoegaarden Rosée: 氈酒、青瓜🥒及石榴糖漿所調製的 Hoegaarden Rosée Rhapsody 💡 Hoegaarden 更為今年的「The Gaarden」獨家呈獻全新產品:0️⃣酒精西柚味啤酒 Radler 0.0%~適合一家大細享用!Radler 0.0%,加入士多啤梨🍓及菠蘿汁🍍,製成獨一無二的無酒精特調雞尾酒Hoegaarden 0.0% Tropical Twist,咁清新消暑,黎到記住試一試! ·
📣📣 而且由23日(星期五)至25日(星期日)晚上7時至9時更為 「The Gaarden」的歡樂時光,更有買一送一優惠! ·
@hoegaarden ·
🍺📸 8/16/2019
🏠 Hoegaarden 呈獻賞想文創節@中環夏誌 ·
📍 中環海濱活動空間C、D區 (會場入口近添馬公園)
📆 8 月23日至25 日(星期五至日) ·
🕰 每日下午3 時至9 時 ·
💻 http://thegaarden.hk/
central venue management 在 Uki Law 羅雪妍 Facebook 的最佳解答
Hoegaarden今年再次聯乘本地手作平台賞想 Think of a Style 同 Central Venue Management 合作,一連3日會係中環海濱活動空間舉行 「賞想文創節@中環夏誌」。
現場仲有多款 Hoegaarden 雞尾酒,又飲又食仲可以睇下show聽歌。Hoegaarden仲同Food Panda 合作,可以係apps到落單買嘢食。
飲飽食醉又可以去手作市集行下,多過300個booth比你慢慢揀,再唔係可以join小小workshop整下扎染tote bag ~~
#Hoegaardenhk #GaardenMoments #Thinkofastyle
central venue management 在 Dd tai Youtube 的精選貼文
中西區海濱長廊(中環段)位於香港龍和道,佔地約3.97公頃。場地連接添馬公園和中環碼頭。場地內的設施自2012年12月至2014年1月分階段開放供市民使用。設施包括寵物公園、廣場、小食亭、閒釣輔助設施、公園長椅、避雨亭及洗手間(設有暢通易達洗手間)。「中環夏誌」是由Central Venue Management(CVM)主辦的夏季重點節目,於中環海濱活動空間為大眾市民提供一系列免費的夏日活動。2018年7,8月,「中環夏誌」將開放中環海濱活動空間為香港市民帶來全新戶外體驗,包括加大碼遊樂園、illuminate! 戶外燈光藝術展品、遊樂場設施及遊戲。CVM 亦會聯同合作夥伴提供超過20個免費活動項目,為大眾帶來各式各樣的夏日消閒娛樂及享受。大家可以免費參加主題活動,亦可以隨意用自己的方式享受維港海傍中環核心的開放空間。
立法會綜合大樓Legislative Council Complex位於香港香港島金鐘立法會道1號,為香港立法會的會議場館。添馬艦工程由金門—協興聯營投得。立法會綜合大樓的設計理念為「玻璃圍合的圓錐」,象徵透明、包容及充滿創意動力,也結合「嚴肅謹慎」和「包容開放」兩種元素,「方」象徵收斂,「圓」象徵變化,體驗了中國傳統天圓地方的建築概念。立法會綜合大樓與政府總部、香港行政長官辦公室和休憩設施展現「門常開、地常綠、天復藍、民永繫」。