Sau 25 tuổi cần skincare gì thêm (ngoài sp bôi da) để lão hóa 1 cách xinh đẹp?
Có luôn, ngoài bôi thấm da thì dùng thêm các loại máy chiếu sâu da tại nhà vd: tripollar stop của hãng từ Israel.
𝐠𝐢𝐚̉𝐧 𝐥𝐮̛𝐨̛̣𝐜
- giảm nhăn, săn da tại nhà là công dụng chính nhưng phải 5 tháng đổ lên mới thấy thấy cải thiện
- công dụng phụ thấy liền sau 3 tuần bắn là da hấp thụ và đáp ứng tốt mỹ phẩm, bớt rát đỏ sau khi đi nắng về (nhờ công dụng của sóng RF)
- dùng trọn đời thay vì tới lui spa mất công thì ở nhà dùng rất tiện.
- ở VN đã mua được trên shp laz tiki do đại lý ủy quyền phân phối bảo hành
Shpee https://shp.ee/ksmcqej
Laz https://tinyurl.com/vaticoatlazada
tiki https://tinyurl.com/TikiVatico
- tíchhợp được vào 1 chu trình skincare (da có treatment như re, tre, BHA,AHA ok luôn) (Tẩy trang lần 1 > Bôi gel chiếu máy > tẩy trang lần 2 > sữa rửa mặt > bôi các sp thấm như bình thường)
- 3 mức giá 5tr,10tr, 19tr (xỉu ngang lúc mua ban đầu nhưng chia nhỏ chi phí mỗi lần dùng lại rẻ hơn nhiều so với điều trị liệu trình ngoài spa) -> dì thấy loại 10tr là dùng ngon rồi. 19tr chỉ có thêm cái DMA mà công nghệ này chưa được y khoa công nhận rộng rãi.
- chế độ RF thì ấm da nha dễ chịu, DMA hơi khó chịu, khó chịu sao, các chế độ đó là gì thì xem tiếp bài
-> Ăn uống, tập luyện, ngủ nghỉ điều hòa stress và chống nắng vẫn quan trọng nhất. Sử dụng các loại máy làm đẹp như vầy chỉ đứng thứ 2, ngang bằng với việc skincare bôi da. Các cháu không cần chằm Zn nếu chưa đủ điều kiện mua máy vào những năm đi làm đầu tiền
còn review follow up tiếp nữa vì dì mới dùng 4 tuần 12 liệu trình chiếu da chưa thấy hiệu quả gì rõ ngoài việc da trở nên đáp ứng hấp thụ các sản phẩm bôi tốt hơn hẳn
Đ𝐢 𝐯𝐚̀𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐭𝐢𝐞̂́𝐭
Thụy Điển có foreo làm thay đổi nền rửa mặt của thế giới thì Israel có các dòng máy Tripollar Stop làm chấn động các mợ bên châu u và China (sp của Pollogen- công ty mẹ là Lumenis, thâm niên 50 năm làm đồ cho thị trường phẫu thuật, nhãn khoa, thẩm mỹ) https://craft.co/lumenis
Dì đang dùng 2 máy, tripollar stop eye- 5tr do nhẹ đô bé nhỏ quá chỉ có mắt và vùng râu rồng thôi nên dì upgrade lên máy tripollar stop Vx (bắn được toàn mặt và đi điện cho jawline)
Hiện tại chưa thấy pha ke nhưng có chỗ phân phối và bảo hành ở VN là mừng muốn xỉu rùi.
𝐂𝐨̂𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐮̣𝐧𝐠 & 𝐜𝐡𝐞̂́ đ𝐨̣̂ 𝐑𝐅 𝐨̛̉ 𝐦𝐚́𝐲 𝟏𝟎𝐭𝐫 𝐯𝐚̀ 𝟏𝟗𝐭𝐫
Giờ coi da người lão hóa như thế nào qua đó biết máy giúp ích thế nào nha.
4 giai đoạn lão hóa da mặt:
Lão hóa da là 1 quá trình tự nhiên của cơ thể nên khum thể chặn đứng được nhưng cta có thể chọn làm chậm nó lại. (“nhiều”thì 32 nhìn như 23 hoặc “ít” thì 32 nhìn như 28-29. "nhiều" là biết chống lão hóa sớm)
1/ lão hóa da sau 25 (mất collagen da kém đàn hồi và chân chim các kiểu
2/ Lão hóa mô và mỡ sau 35 (mặt và cổ nhìn xệ xệ vì túi mỡ trên mặt bị teo)
3/ Lão hóa dây chằng sau 50 (mấy dây giữ cơ mặt xệ xuống làm râu rồng sâu đậm, túi mắt xệ, hõm mắt xuất hiện)
4. Lão hóa xương sau 60( xương sụn teo lại mũi bẹt dần, hõm mắt sâu nhìn lúc nào cũng suy tư pùn pùn)
Vai trò của máy -> sẽ làm chậm lại giai đoạn 1 và 2 của quá trình lão hóa
bằng việc chiếu sóng RF vào trung bì, hạ bì da, tạo ra tổn thương nhiệt kiểm soát (control thermal damage đến sâu trong mô mà không làm hại biểu bì da, qua đó kích thích nguyên bào sợi- fibroblast ở hạ bì tăng sinh collagen và elastin
-> da dẻ sau 5 tháng dùng sẽ đỡ nhăn, săn hơn, ai dùng trên vùng bị rạn da thì rạn da sẽ mờ bớt. Chỉ là đỡ và bớt thôi chứ không một bước lên mây, thành gái 18 trở lại hoặc da bóng như trên IG là khum thể.
𝐓𝐡𝐨̛̀𝐢 đ𝐢𝐞̂̉𝐦 𝐝𝐮̀𝐧𝐠:
-> vậy nên thời gian vàng để dùng là 23-35 khi cơ thể còn khả năng sinh collagen, mô cơ còn tốt để phục hồi từ tác hại của UVAUVB sau 1 ngày lao động. Để khi mặt đã quá nhăn rồi thì máy chỉ có làm đỡ nhăn 1 chút xíu (trông trẻ ra 3-5 tuổi) chưa ko cải lão hoàn đồng được.
Mới dùng thì 12 lần 1 tháng- 1 tuần 3 lần cách ngày, dùng liên tục 6-8 tuần. Sau đó chỉ là dặm lại 2-4 lần 1 tháng
+ Trên 23 là dùng để phòng, da dẻ bị đời quăng quật với nắng hè nhiệt đới cần phục hồi collagen để chuẩn bị lão hóa điềm đạm sau 25 (age gracefully not age drastically)
+ Tuổi 30+ là vừa phòng vừa trị thì máy sẽ phục vụ nhu cầu làm săn, trị nhăn da
**𝐌𝐚́𝐲 𝐧𝐚̀𝐲 𝐤𝐨 𝐩𝐡𝐚̉𝐢 𝐚𝐢 𝐜𝐮̃𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐮̀𝐧𝐠 đ𝐮̛𝐨̛̣𝐜, đọc khuyến cáo là cả 1 trang chứ ít:
+ Chưa 18 (hormone da dẻ chưa ổn định)
+ 19-22 còn đi học để tiền ăn uống tập gym, món skincare thấm da và kem chống nắng hơn là mua máy
+ Có niềng răng (máy có chế độ xung điện, niềng dẫn điện)
+ Bầu cho con bú, bệnh tim, đang tiêm filler cằm,
.... (xem thêm ở cmt)
𝐂𝐡𝐞̂́ đ𝐨̣̂ 𝐦𝐚̀𝐮 𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐡 𝐃𝐌𝐀 (𝐝𝐲𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐜 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧) ở máy tripollar 19tr chỉ dùng riêng cho vùng da quanh hàm và cằm- công nghệ này chắc là tên gọi khác của Microcurrent, giống máy Forea bear.
dì dùng cho có thôi chứ ko expect gì nhiều vì công nghệ này vẫn chưa được nghiên cứu với 1 sample rộng rãi. Những công dụng của chế độ này chỉ là làm cho vùng da hàm trông săn chắc hơn nhờ đưa vi xung điện vào các mô kiến chúng co bóp như kiểu tập thể dụng cho cơ vậy -> qua đó đỡ xệ, nâng lên 1 chút người ngoài nhìn vào không phát hiện được sự thay đổi và cũng khum cho hiệu quả lâu dài.
𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐯𝐚̀ 𝐜𝐚́𝐜𝐡 𝐝𝐮̀𝐧𝐠:
Máy stop eye 5tr đúng như tên là chỉ dùng được cho mắt và vùng râu rồng thôi chưa vùng khác máy yếu ko đủ ấm. Sau khi dì upgrade máy stop Vx 19tr thì thấy bị dư công dụng (chế độ DMA dùng để căng da jawline tạm, mà dì có jawline đậm r...) nên thành ra nên dừng ở máy 10tr chỉ có chiếu RF là đủ đầy :(
Dì thấy dùng sau khi tẩy trang cho vệ sinh. Dùng xong tẩy trang lần nữa rồi rửa mặt vs sữa rửa mặt,
(vì phải bôi cái gel silicone của hãng lên để làm trơn da cho máy bắn sóng vào. gel silicone của hãng dùng xong thấy ẩm da, nhưng phải lau và rửa mặt bằng máy rửa mặt sau đó nha kẻo lên mụn ẩn) rửa mặt xong thì bắt đầu skincare bình thường.
Chế độ RF thì ấm áp ghiền phê đôi khi phê quá quên di chuyển máy nên bị nóng hết hồn chút, chế độ
𝐭𝐮́𝐦 𝐥𝐚̣𝐢 𝐝𝐢̀ 𝐜𝐡𝐨 đ𝐢𝐞̂̉𝐦 𝐦𝐚́𝐲 𝐨̛̉ 𝐜𝐚́𝐜 𝐦𝐮̛́𝐜 𝐠𝐢𝐚́
Stop eye 5tr -> 6/10 (rẻ nhưng yếu xìu lại xài pin sạc)
Stop X 10tr -> 9/10 ( đủ đầy hài lòng với công năng và giá)
Stop Vx 19tr -> 8/10 (có thêm chế độ DMA ko cần thiết với những ai có jawline đậm giống dì nên bị đắt, tầm 14tr thôi thì ok)
𝗠𝗼̣̂𝘁 𝗺𝗼́𝗻 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗼̂𝗶 𝗻𝗲̂𝗻 𝗰𝘂̃𝗻𝗴 𝗸𝗵𝘂𝗺 𝗻𝗲̂𝗻 đ𝗮̣̆𝘁 𝗮́𝗽 𝗹𝘂̛̣𝗰.
Lo chi trả trước cho ăn uống, tập luyện, chống nắng, sp bôi da nếu dư dả thì triển máy (dùng cho bản thân để cbi vào tuổi 30, dùng cho mẹ để cứu vãn 1 xíu thanh xuân.
Làm đẹp khộ lắm nến ráng kiếm bồ thích skincare để chia sẻ chi phí ở thú vui này nha các cháu :)))
Một số nguyên cứu tham khảo thêm, trước khi đưa máy gì lên mặt dì cũng đã dòm tới lui coi ổn ko đã...
lão hóa da
Coleman, S. R., & Grover, R. (2006). The anatomy of the aging face: volume loss and changes in 3-dimensional topography. Aesthetic surgery journal, 26(1_Supplement), S4-S9.
Mendelson, B., & Wong, C. H. (2013). Anatomy of the aging face. Plastic surgery, 2, 78-92.
Zimbler, M. S., Kokoska, M. S., & Thomas, J. R. (2001). Anatomy and pathophysiology of facial aging. Facial plastic surgery clinics of North America, 9(2), 179-87.
Gold MH. Tissue tightening: a hot topic utilizing deep dermal heating. J Drugs Dermatol 2007; 6: 1238-42
Saniee, F., Kh, K. K., Yazdanpanah, P., Rezasoltani, A., Dabiri, N., & Ghafarian Shirazi, H. R. (2012). The effect of microcurrents on facial wrinkles. Journal of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, 10(2), 9.
Saniee, et al (2012). Consider of Micro-Current's effect to variation of Facial Wrinkle trend, Randomized Clinical Trial Study. Life Science Journal, 9(3), 1184-1189.
RF tech
Johnson, B. (2011). The Future of Skincare. Australian Advanced Aesthetics, 2011(1), 52.
GEL, A. V. Effects and mechanisms of a microcurrent treatment on skin healing.
Medvid, S. A., & Podoprigora, N. N. (2017). Modern methods of anti-aging (Doctoral dissertation, Sumy State University).
Kirsch, D. L., DAAPM, F., & Becker, R. O. (2001). Microcurrent electrical therapy mechanisms and result. Practical Pain Management, 29-33..
Beasley, K. L., & Weiss, R. A. (2014). Radiofrequency in cosmetic dermatology. Dermatologic clinics, 32(1), 79-90.
Nghiên cứu về hiệu quả của các đời máy tripollar từ 2009- dì thấy chỉ mang tính tham khảo chứ sample và bias vẫn xuất hiện trong các nghiên cứu này khi test mà không blind test người tham gia thử nghiệm và không được conduct bởi người ngoài brand (tức kết quả chưa tin tưởng vì có thể cheat chút để pr)
Kaplan, H., & Gat, A. (2009). Clinical and histopathological results following TriPollar™ radiofrequency skin treatments. Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy, 11(2), 78-84.
Manuskiatti, W., Wachirakaphan, C., Lektrakul, N., & Varothai, S. (2009). Circumference reduction and cellulite treatment with a TriPollar radiofrequency device: a pilot study. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 23(7), 820-827.
Levenberg, A. (2010). Clinical experience with a TriPollar™ radiofrequency system for facial and body aesthetic treatments. European Journal of Dermatology, 20(5), 615-619
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ตามนัลลลลล ใส่ถุงยางครับ อย่าสด
ในเอชไอวี แล้วโรคติดเชื้อทางเพศสัมพันธ์อื่นละ????
มาดู Fact
1) Undetactable =Untransmission (U=U)
คำว่า Undetected แปลว่าไม่มีเชื้อในเลือด แต่ในทางแลปคือ ไวรัสน้อยกว่า 20 copies/mm3 รายงานว่า <20
มันไม่ใช่ 0
ไวรัสเอชไอวี ยังมีอยู่ในเซลล์ มันไม่ได้หายไปไหน. ไวรัสเป็นสิ่งมีชีวิตที่อยู่ในเซลล์ต่างๆ ไม่ได้ตาย ยังไม่หายจากโรคนะ
คนติดเชื้อเอชไอวี ยังต้องกินยาตลอดชีวิต ทุกวัน และตรงเวลา
เพื่อไม่ให้ไวรัสมันแบ่งตัว และออกมา
แปลว่า..ต่อให้กินยาสม่ำเสมอ นานไปก็ยังดื้อยาได้!
อีกกรณี แม่ติดเชื้อเอชไอวีแม้กินยาดี
ไวรัส <20 และผลเลือดเป็น undetectable ก็ยังต้องกินยา
และลูกคลอดออกมาก็ยังต้องกินยาป้องกัน AZT 4 สัปดาห์ โอกาสติดแม้จะเพียง 1% ลูกยังต้องตรวจเลือด ห้ามกินนมแม่ (แนวทางประเทศไทย)
ถึงแม้โอกาสจะน้อย ก็ต้องกินยาป้องกัน
2)ยา PrEP คือ Pre-exposure prophylaxis ใช้ก่อนที่จะติดเชื้อ
ใช้กับกลุ่มเสี่ยงเช่น สด ขายบริการ มีเพศสัมพันธ์ หลากหลาย กลุ่มเสี่ยง
ถามว่า 100% ป้องกัน???
ไม่มีอะไร 100%
อย่าบอกว่า 100%
และยา PrEP บางคนกินก็แพ้ได้
และมั่นใจไง คู่คุณไม่สำส่อน เขาจะมาบอกคุณไหม
3)หมอทุกคน ที่รักษาคนไข้
ซิฟิลิส หนองใน หูดหงอนไก่ ...
แม้กินยา PrEP
ที่บอกว่า เป็นซิฟิลิส หนองใน แล้วก็รักษาหาย!!
ยอมรับ มันรักษาหาย
! แต่ มันแพร่กระจายไปหลายคน
บางคนรุนแรง เสียชีวิต
และถ้าเกิดไปมีเพศสัมพันธ์กับผู้หญิง และตั้งครรภ์ ติดเด็กไปอีก
เด็กพิการ เสียชีวิต
ซิฟิลิสมีหลายระยะ มีระยะแฝงในร่างกายหลายปี หลายสิบปี มีอาการทางระบบหัวใจ ประสาท และหัวใจ
ยอมรับเลย ช่วงนี้เครียด
..ซิฟิลิส เยอะมาก
ถ้า สด กัน ก็คงยังเจอต่อไป
ไม่มีวันหมด เครียด
สงสารเด็ก ติดเชื้อซิฟิลิสจากแม่
เยาวชน มัธยม วัยรุ่น มหาลัย
นอกจากซิฟิลิส ยังท้องในวัยเรียน
ทำแท้งค์ ปัญหาสังคมอีกเพียบ
2-3 ปี มานี้เคสซิฟิลิสเยอะ ทั้งเด็กและผู้ใหญ่. ถุงยางช่วยป้องกันแน่นอน ยืนยัน
4)พฤติกรรมเยสด..เป็นความชอบส่วนบุคคล เคารพสิทธิครับ ไม่ก้าวก่าย
แต่ควรใช้กับคู่นอน 2 คน
ผัวเมีย ที่ไม่นอกใจ แฟน
แต่ถ้าเรารณรงค์ให้เยสด+กิน PrEP คงไม่สู้รณรงค์
ป้องกัน STD ได้ด้วย
ความรู้เรื่องเอชไอวี ยังไม่ได้ดี
หรือ ความรู้เท่ากันทุกคน
บางคนไม่ยอมมาตรวจเพราะกลัวบวก บวกแล้วหนี ไม่มารักษา ตายไปก็เยอะ
3 เดือนมานี้เจอคนไข้เด็กติดเชื้อเอชไอวี 3 คน บางคนแย่พิการ ตาบอด สงสาร
ควรรณรงค์ให้มาตรวจกันเยอะๆและรีบรักษามากกว่า ที่รณรงค์กิน PrEP และสดไหม
ส่วน PrEP ก็ยังให้ตามข้อบ่งชี้ แต่ต้องกินสม่ำเสมอและตรงเวลาในคนไข้กลุ่มเสี่ยง
6)หมอรักษาเอชไอวี โรคติดเชื้อมานาน มันเศร้านะครับ ติดเอชไอวีมา 1 เคส บางคนตายก่อนการรักษาจากเชื้อฉวยโอกาสและโรคอื้นๆ ซิฟิลิส หูดหงอนไก่ วัณโรค
ยืนยัน...ต่อให้ U=U ก็ยังต้องสวมถุงยาง
ถ้าไม่ใช่คู่นอนเราแบบรักเดียวใจเดียว อันนั้นสดได้
แล้วคุณมั่นใจหรือ แฟนคุณไม่ไปสดกับคนอื่นมา เค้าจะบอกคุณป่าว??
7)เรื่องตีตรา คนละประเด็น
แอดรักษาคนกลุ่มนี้มานานน่ารักมาก รับผิดชอบ
ไม่เคยดูถูก ไม่เคยรังเกียจเลย
และสังคมก็ไม่เคยรังเกียจ ยอมรับมากขึ้น
แม้บางครั้งจะโดนหลอก บอกไม่มีแฟนๆๆๆ มาอีกที ท้องโย้มาเลย
หมอทุกคนหวังดี ไม่เคยมีอคติ
กับคนไข้กลุ่มนี้ และประชาชนก็เข้าใจมากขึ้น
อย่าคิดไปเองว่า คนลบจะดูถูกหรือบูลลี่คนบวก
ทั้งเอชไอวี ซิฟิลิส หูดหงอนไก่ ในแม่และเด็ก
ป้องกันทั้ง PrEP และใส่ถุงยางราคาไม่เท่าไร ดีกว่าต้องมานั่งกินยาตลอดชีวิต
ไม่สนับสนุน ยสตน
UZU????? True???
In HIV, what about other sex infectious diseases????
Let's watch Fact
1) Undetactable =Untransmission (U=U)
The word Undetected means no blood leavening, but in the lab is less virus than 20 copies / mm3 reported rāyngān 20
It's not 0
The HIV virus still exists in the cell. It hasn't gone anywhere. Virus is a living thing in cells. It's not dead. It hasn't recovered from disease.
HIV infected people still take medicine for life everyday and on time.
So that the virus is divided and out.
I'm going to have fun.
And the future can be drug resistant even if you take medicine on time.
It means.. Even if you take medicine regularly, you can still be drug resistant!
In another case, mother is infected with HIV. Even if she takes good medicine.
wịrạs̄ 20 virus and undetectable blood results still need to take medicine
And the child is born and still has to take medicine to prevent AZT for 4 weeks. The chance is 1 % of the child still needs blood test. Do not drink mother's milk (Thailand guideline).
Because I still have a chance to get addicted.
Even if there are few chances, I need to take a preventive medicine.
2) PrEP medicine is Pre-exposure prophylaxis. Used before infection.
Apply to risk groups such as live, sell, sex services, various groups, risk.
Ask 100 % to protect???
Nothing 100 %
In medical anyway.
Don't say 100 %
Infected. It makes life.
And some PrEP medicine can lose
There are complications.
And I'm sure. Your couple is not promiscuous. Will they come to tell you?
3) All doctors who treat patients.
Still confirmed.
Should wear condoms.
Prevent other infectious diseases
That went through sex.
Syphilis, gonorrhea, pouting warts, chicken...
Even took the pill. PrEP.
That said gonorrhea syphilis and healed!!
Shouldn't be given this kind of knowledge..
Accept it. Healed.
! But it's spread to many people.
Some people have symptoms.
Some people don't have symptoms and then spread.
Some violent people have died.
And if the sex with the woman and the pregnant baby stick
Disabled child died.
Syphilis has many range. It has latent range in the body. Dozens of years. It has neurological and heart condition.
I admit that I'm stressed lately.
.. A lot of syphilis
If it's live, we will continue to meet.
Never run out.
Doctors still need to heal a lot of these cases
Never run out of stress
I feel pity for the infected child. Syphilis from mother.
High school youth, teenagers, college
Workers found more and more
Apart from syphilis, still pregnant in school age.
Abortion, more social problems.
2-3 years ago, there are plenty of syphilis cases for both children and adults. Condoms help prevent for sure. Confirm
4) Live behavior.. It's personal preference. Respect rights. Don't intrude.
But it should be used with 2 sleeping partners.
Husband and wife who don't cheat on boyfriend
Won't make any difference
But if we campaign for live + eat PrEP, we won't fight the campaign.
Give one love and use condoms every time
Is it better?
Protect your STD too
5) Thai people are still sensitive.
Knowledge of HIV is not good yet.
Or all the same knowledge
Some people don't come to check because they are afraid of being positive and running away. They don't
Infected. Seize the opportunity.
3 months ago, I have found 3 HIV infected patients. Some people are bad, disabled, blind, pity.
Should we campaign to check it out and heal more than the campaign. Eat PrEP and live?
PrEP is still provided according to the indication, but must eat regularly and be on time in risk group patients.
6) Doctor has been treating HIV. Infected disease for a long time. It's sad that I have infected 1 cases of HIV. Some people die before treatment from opportunistic treatment and syphilis. Syphilis, warts, chicken, tuberculosis.
Confirmed... Even UZU still have to wear condoms.
No, the world is beautiful.
If it's not my partner in one love, that one can be fresh.
Are you confident or your girlfriend doesn't go live with other people. Will they tell you??
7) Badge story. Different issues.
Admin has been keeping this group for a long time. Very cute and responsible.
Never insult, never hate.
And the society has never been more disgusted.
Even sometimes I'm fooled, I tell that I don't have a lover. I come again.
All doctors wish well. Never have prejudice.
With this group of patients and the public understands more.
Don't think that negative people will insult or bully positive people.
Just don't want a new fungus case
Both HIV, Syphilis, Warts, Pouting Chicken in Mother and Child.
Protecting both PrEP and wearing condoms. It's better than taking medicine for life.
The cost of yes pays more
No support for Yuston
Supporting the flowers, carrying a bag.
Support one love.
No support for anyone bully
I don't support staff to scold each other.
Brother Ba's team, King, Positive.Translated
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Know Who Is Your True Rewarder
“Servants, obey in all things those who are your masters according to the flesh, not just when they are looking, as men pleasers, but in singleness of heart, fearing God. And whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord, and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. But he who does wrong will receive again for the wrong that he has done, and there is no partiality.” (Colossians 3:22-25 WEB)
Even when your boss is not looking, work diligently to help the company/household prosper and do well.
Even if your boss is not treating you well or compensating you fairly, continue to do excellent work, knowing that you’re really doing it for Jesus and He will restore you with more earthly blessings and give you eternal rewards as well.
Learn from Jacob’s story. No matter how his father-in-law Laban wanted to cheat him of his salary, Yahweh (the pre-incarnate Christ) made sure that Jacob was restored abundantly for all the years that he worked for little or no pay.
If you as a believer stubbornly insist on doing wrong even when you know it’s against God’s will, you will face the negative earthly consequences of your sin.
This is not eternal condemnation in the lake of fire, but rather the chastisement of God while you’re still alive on earth.
When God allows you to be chastised, it’s because He doesn’t want you to continue doing things that harm you and your loved ones—such chastisement produces godly sorrow, leading to true repentance for your profit (2 Corinthians 7:8-11).
Unbelievers don’t have the privilege of receiving such fatherly chastisement from God.
Unbelievers (like Ananias and Sapphira, Elymas the Sorcerer and King Herod) who stubbornly persist in sin can be struck severely by God if they try to harm believers or impede the advance of the Gospel.
Please don’t misunderstand, eternal rewards is not just receiving a golden cup with your name on it—it’s much more valuable and significant than that! I’m talking about authority over nations and positions of honor in God’s eternal kingdom!
The Gospel isn’t just about having a good life here on earth. It’s more about having a good eternal destination!
Questions one may have:
Who will receive eternal rewards?
What are they?
When will they be given?
Where will the rewards be given?
Why does Jesus give eternal rewards?
How will they be measured out to each person?
Learn all about eternal rewards that stand the test of time in “Sandcastles Don’t Last Forever”—probably the only book that covers this important topic so comprehensively! ==>
#SandcastlesDontLastForever #Gospel
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♥關於 Jen is Jen♥ About Me♥
Just a Taiwanese girl working her way through highschool in Sydney. I’m not that kind of person to write on pen and paper so Youtube will become my Diary :).
You’ll see me eat, have fun, travel, taste-test and much more :)
我是Jen!來自台灣,住在悉尼 我的YouTube會紀錄我的日常看我探索生活,大吃大喝吧
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Feasting on Church's / Texas Chicken! Cheesy Mac N' Cheese, Crunchy Salted Egg fried chicken, Salted Egg Popcorn chicken and honey butter biscuits.
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Food bought from Texas Chicken Singapore.
Thank you for watching! Check out more of my eating videos below!
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