Ten questions the US needs to offer clear answers to the world
1.Regarding the restarted avian influenza virus modification experiment last year, why does the US release no more updates?
The Science reported in February 2019 that US authorities had quietly approved the avian influenza virus modification experiment. The research, aiming to transform the H5N1 virus to be more capable of infecting mammals, was controversial and considered extremely dangerous. Some experts believe that the modification may increase the risk of human-to-human transmission of the virus.
The question is why the US government decided to unfreeze the experiment 4 years after it was halted, and why there are no more updates regarding the experiment.
2.The United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) was previously closed.What is the truth behind ?
The Global Biodefence reported in April that the USAMRIID, US Army's primary institution and facility for biological research headquartered in Fort Detrick, Maryland, has resumed full operation. The institution was once ordered to halt the study of biological select agents and toxins (BSATs) last July. In March, there was a petition on the White House website demanding the clarification of the shutdown of USAMRIID. Given that these issues have become a primary public concern, what is the US government's response?
3.The US Department of Health and Human Services ran a scenario last year that was similar to the COVID-19 outbreak. Is this just a coincidence?
今年3月《紐約時報》披露的一份美國官方秘密文件顯示,2019年1月至8月16日舉行,美國衛生與公共服務部(HHS)發起組織了一場代號為“赤色傳染”(Crimson Contagion)的推演,演習以中國最早出現病毒為模擬情景。2019年10月,美國多個機構又組織了一次代號為“Event 201”的全球流行病演習。演練中的模型假設一種名為CAPS的冠狀病毒,比SARS致命,又如感冒輕易傳播,卻未開發出疫苗,能迅速傳播促成全球大流行。美國去年進行的傳染病演習的設定與現實的吻合度如此之高是否只是巧合?既然有演練在前,新冠疫情發生後美國為何沒有給予足夠的關註和重視、宣稱“尚在掌握之中”?
In March, the New York Times quoted a draft report obtained from the US government saying that from January to August 2019, the US Department of Health and Human Services ran a scenario called "Crimson Contagion" that simulated the fictional outbreak involving a group of tourists visiting China. They then became infected and flew to various countries, including the US.
Last October, a high-level pandemic exercise named Event 201 was hosted by a couple of US organizations. The drill simulated a scenario that a fictional virus called CAPS, which causes more severe symptoms than SARS and transmits via the respiratory route like the common flu, had caused a pandemic. Like COVID-19, there is no vaccine for CAPS.
Given the fact that the simulated virus is so much like COVID-19, is this just a coincidence? Another question is, why did it not take enough preventive measures at the early stages of the coronavirus outbreak since the US has predicted a similar pandemic?
4.US intelligence officials warned of coronavirus crisis as early as last November. Why the warning was ignored?
In April, according to the American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), it was said that, as early as late November 2019, US intelligence officials had warned the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon, and the White House that an infectious disease was sweeping through Wuhan, China.
Last November, the US National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI) issued a report detailing the coronavirus pandemic, which was later identified as "COVID-19". Some analysts believed that the outbreak in Wuhan might have evolved into a catastrophic event. According to the Washington Post, in more than two months from January to February, Trump had received intensive warnings from the US intelligence agencies about the coronavirus. Why did the US government not declare a "National Emergency" until March 13?
5.Among the reported influenza deaths in the US, can the US clarify how many cases are actually infected with COVID-19?
今年2月21日,日本朝日電視臺報道的“美國1.4萬名因流感致死的人中部分可能死於新冠肺炎”掀起熱議。美疾控中心2月底發布的報告顯示,今冬流感季美國估計已有至少3200萬流感。3月11日在美國眾議院,美國疾控中心主任羅伯特·雷德菲爾德(Robert Redfield)親口承認,在美國,確實有一些“流感”死者實際感染的可能是新冠肺炎。美國流感感染者中,到底有多少新冠病例?美國有沒有借流感來掩蓋新冠肺炎的情況?美國何時才能公開美國流感病毒樣本及基因序列信息,或者允許世衛組織或聯合國派遣專家采樣分析?
Japanese Asahi Television reported on February 21 that some of the 14,000 people reportedly killed by influenza in the US might have died from coronavirus, which became a hot topic soon after.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report at the end of February, showing that there have been at least 32 million flu illnesses in the US that winter.
On March 11, at the House of Representatives, Robert Redfield, the director of the US CDC, admitted that some in the US who were previously thought to have been killed from the flu may have been infected with coronavirus.
Among the reported influenza deaths in the US, how many cases were infected with COVID-19? Did the US government cover up the spread of coronavirus with the flu? When will the US government make public the samples of the US influenza virus and its genetic sequence, or allow experts from the WHO or the United Nations to sample and analyze?
6.When did the novel coronavirus first appear in the US? Did community transmission of the coronavirus start sooner than it was reported?
A report released in late April by local health authorities suggests that a 57-year-old woman from Santa Clara County of California died from COVID-19 on February 6, some 20 days earlier than the date the US announced its first death caused by the virus.
The Los Angeles Times quoted Santa Clara County health officer Sara Cody in a piece saying, "we presume that each of them represents community transmission and that there was some significant level of virus circulating in our community in early February."
County Executive Officer Jeffrey V. Smith said this is evidence that the coronavirus was circulating in California as early as January or even earlier.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom has ordered all counties in the state to review autopsies of suspected coronavirus deaths dating back to December.
When did the novel coronavirus first appear in the US? Did community transmission of the coronavirus start sooner than it was reported?
7.How did the US get the virus strains so soon to start the first human testing of a vaccine against COVID-19?
據《華爾街日報》報道,美國國立衛生研究院(National Institutes of Health)3月16日稱,生物科技公司Moderna Inc. (MRNA)針對新型冠狀病毒的試驗性疫苗已開始首次人體測試。對於全球首次針對新型冠狀病毒的疫苗人體試驗在美國啟動一事,專家表示,美國這一針實在太快了,除非很早就開始進行試驗,更早的拿到了病毒株。美國疫苗人體試驗為何進行得如此之快?美國是什麽時候通過什麽方式獲得的毒株?
The Wall Street Journal on March 16 reported that the first human testing of Moderna Inc.'s experimental vaccine against the COVID-19 had already begun. Experts immediately raised questions about the speed of the vaccine development, saying that it would not be possible unless the US had obtained the virus strains from very early on. So how did the US start the first human testing of the vaccine so soon? When and how did they get the virus strains?
8.Why did the US government keep downplaying the pandemic while its officials privately dumped stocks?
According to the Washington Post, US Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr and his wife sold up to 1.7 million in 33 different stocks just one week before the market plunged. Why did these officials at the Committee act so quickly while the government was continually understating the pandemic?
Why is the vital information kept confidential to the public while the government officials were taking advantage to practice insider-trading?
9.Why are US experts not allowed to discuss COVID-19 in public?
據美國《紐約時報》報道,在由副總統邁克·彭斯領導美國防疫工作之後,白宮於當地時間2月27日開始,加強了對新冠病毒信息“發聲”的控制。包括美國國立衛生研究院(NIH)過敏和傳染病研究所(NIAID)主任、美國疾控中心(CDC)頂級傳染病專家安東尼·福西(Anthony S. Fauci)在內的眾多科學家和政府衛生官員被要求:只有與美國副總統辦公室協調商議後,才能發聲明或公開露面談論新冠病毒的相關話題。為什麽號稱言論自由的美國不允許專家學者自由公開討論新冠病毒?是想隱瞞什麽還是在害怕什麽?
The New York Times reported that the White House began tightening controls for all coronavirus messaging from health officials on February 27 after Vice President Mike Pence led the nation's epidemic prevention and control efforts.
Several scientists and government health officials, including the nation's leading infectious disease expert Anthony S. Fauci, have been asked to make statements or make public appearances about the COVID-19 only after consultation with the US vice president's office.
Why does the United States, which claims free speech, not allow experts and scholars to discuss the novel coronavirus in public? Does the US want to hide something or fear of something?
10.What research is being done in the US overseas biological laboratories? Why does the US keep tight-lipped about it?
Natalia Poklonskaya, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs, has proposed verifying the legitimacy of US biological laboratories around the world, according to Sputnik news agency.
Not long ago, a spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry expressed concern about the establishment of a biological laboratory in countries from the former Soviet Union.
Grigory Trofimchuk, a Russian expert in the field of internal affairs, foreign affairs, and national defense, said the work of these biological laboratories was never disclosed to the outside world, and that they had caused several problems, with widespread outbreaks of dangerous infectious diseases such as measles at the laboratory site.
What research is being done in these biological laboratories? Why does the US keep tight-lipped about the function, use, the safety of these biological laboratories?
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・絹豆腐 350g
・もやし 1袋(200g)
・ねぎ 1本(165g)
・ミニトマト 10個
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・にんにく 1かけ
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・酒 大さじ2
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4. 水溶き片栗粉を加えて混ぜ、とろみがついたらミニトマト、ニラを加えてさっと煮る。
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clear asahi 在 sasakiasahi Youtube 的最佳解答
Dr. Tung's, Smart Floss(スマートフロス)、天然カルダモン風味 https://jp.iherb.com/pr/Dr-Tung-s-Smart-Floss-Natural-Cardamom-Flavor-30-yd-27-m/11419?rcode=SAH7151
Gaea, グリーン & フルーティー、エキストラバージンオリーブオイル https://jp.iherb.com/pr/Gaea-Green-Fruity-Extra-Virgin-Olive-Oil-17-fl-oz-500-ml/32984?rcode=SAH7151
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Kettle Foods, オーガニックポテトチップ、塩、フレッシュグラウンドペッパー https://jp.iherb.com/pr/Kettle-Foods-Organic-Potato-Chips-Salt-and-Fresh-Ground-Pepper-5-oz-142-g/73396?rcode=SAH7151
Now Foods, ウルトラオメガ3、ソフトジェル180粒 https://jp.iherb.com/pr/Now-Foods-Ultra-Omega-3-180-Softgels/8341?rcode=SAH7151
Stasher, リユーザブルシリコーンフードバッグ、自立バッグ https://jp.iherb.com/pr/Stasher-Reusable-Silicone-Food-Bag-Stand-Up-Bag-Clear-56-fl-oz-128-g/90425?rcode=SAH7151
Stasher, リユーザブルシリコンフードバッグ, サンドウィッチサイズ(中サイズ) https://jp.iherb.com/pr/Stasher-Reusable-Silicone-Food-Bag-Sandwich-Size-Medium-Clear-15-fl-oz-450-ml/85812?rcode=SAH7151
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Nutiva, オーガニックココナッツオイル、バターフレーバー
Artisana, オーガニック, 生のココナッツ カカオブリス, ナッツバター
Organic Traditions, 乾燥ナツメ、170g https://jp.iherb.com/pr/Organic-Traditions-Dried-Jujube-Fruit-6-oz-170-g/81954?rcode=SAH7151
Bob's Red Mill, オーガニックホワイトライスフラワー https://jp.iherb.com/pr/Bob-s-Red-Mill-Organic-White-Rice-Flour-24-oz-680-g/97765?rcode=SAH7151
Arrowhead Mills, Organic Brown Rice Flour, Gluten Free, https://jp.iherb.com/pr/Arrowhead-Mills-Organic-Brown-Rice-Flour-Gluten-Free-24-oz-680-g/101738?rcode=SAH7151
Citrus Magic, Veggie Wash(ベジウォッシュ)、果物と野菜の洗浄用 https://jp.iherb.com/pr/Citrus-Magic-Veggie-Wash-16-fl-oz-473-ml/12282?rcode=SAH7151
FunFresh Foods, Refrigerator Fresh, Pure Odor-Absorbing Crystal, https://jp.iherb.com/pr/FunFresh-Foods-Refrigerator-Fresh-Pure-Odor-Absorbing-Crystal-1-75-oz-50-g/95128?rcode=SAH7151
⭐️お気に入り&オススメアイテム紹介まとめ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-saorIu4oL9_O5wdnZFvLp8ktClHGuY6
⭐️メイク動画まとめ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-saorIu4oL_0m7q6rNi99bcwpKYP3uWl
⭐️お取り寄せレポまとめ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-saorIu4oL-bmHl6rOzeFwnJX2FNrsp7
Vlog Channel
弟のYouTubeチャンネル: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9DF5ky-sRNIDAAFFgMaPvQ
弟のInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/cosgrapher/
楽曲提供:Production Music by http://www.epidemicsound.com
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⭐️お気に入り&オススメアイテム紹介まとめ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-saorIu4oL9_O5wdnZFvLp8ktClHGuY6
⭐️メイク動画まとめ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-saorIu4oL_0m7q6rNi99bcwpKYP3uWl
⭐️お取り寄せレポまとめ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-saorIu4oL-bmHl6rOzeFwnJX2FNrsp7
Vlog Channel
弟のYouTubeチャンネル: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9DF5ky-sRNIDAAFFgMaPvQ
弟のInstagram: http://www.instagram.com/cosgrapher/
楽曲提供:Production Music by http://www.epidemicsound.com
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日本嘅便利店, 已經成為遊客嘅人氣景點,一個成功嘅公司logo, 可以反映出佢哋對顧客嘅服務承諾, 大概睇佢業務嘅發展, 同埋佢哋推陳出新嘅服務同產品
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講返池袋係喺東京旅程中一個幾好住嘅住宿地區, 大家可以去無敵家食完宵夜, 再過嚟呢間7仔買妝藥、生活用品,可以慳番好多時間, 快啲睇下今日嘅十大必買, are you ready,
上次十大必買, 可以睇返上次條片, 今日講11至20必買。
第11必買, 超強護手秘寶YuskinA乳霜, 強效滋潤嘅護手霜, 佢連腳踭龜裂紋與及主婦手都有幫助, 含有豐富嘅維他命B2, 甘油成份高達40%,
由於不含類固醇, 所以由bb到老人家都可以用到, 體貼你一家人嘅需要, 除咗潤膚系列之外, 仲有潤唇膏添, 有時我見到啲男同事, 冬天個嘴爆曬拆流曬血, 我個心真係寒一寒
返工見客同人握手, 如果人哋feel到你隻手鞋十十, 不論男女, 其實感覺都唔係太好, 其實呢啲都係儀容嘅一種,大家千祈唔好觀音頭, 地盤手呀!
第12必買, LuLu滋養口服液, 當身體因為發燒、感冒, 而冇胃口食嘢嘅時候,呢個飲品嘅營養成分, 正正係有1000mg嘅人參營養成分, 胡蘿蔔1000毫克和蜂王漿200毫克,
,維他命B 1、B 2同B 6,令到你有加速康復能力嘅功效。由於佢不含咖啡因成分, 所以飲咗都可以瞓覺, 適合15歲以上成人使用, 每日食用一次30毫升
第13必買, 30mL嘅花王便擕式除菌去味消臭劑 , 冇香味嘅,採用檸檬酸嘅技術除臭, 包含天然綠茶除臭成分。雙管齊下, 99.9%滅菌, 適用於衣物、布料、空間都用到
有人喺你身邊放屁、搭飛機隔離嗰個腳臭, 噴一噴就聞唔到, 但係如果對方口臭, 呢樣幫你唔到, 因為唔食得落肚嘅!
第14必買, 有冇人知道可口可樂公司原來係有出酒精飲品㗎?佢係罐裝嘅檸檬汁燒酒蘇打水「檸檬堂」,個英文名好得人驚, 叫 CHU-HI, 我驚你哋以為我講粗口
,都係講返中文名啦, 檸檬堂系列汽水酒分別有 4 款口味,包括蜂蜜檸檬(酒精含量 3%),經典檸檬(酒精含量 5%)、鹽味檸檬(酒精含量 7%)及鬼檸檬(酒精含量 9%),每罐 350 毫升,
,香港就喺銅鑼灣sogo 2樓超市有得賣。
第15必買, Chocola BB Light2 美容護膚飲品, 有助加強體內脂肪代謝,添加咗能夠增加能量轉移的維他命B2、蜂王漿、氨基酸、牛磺酸等成分,有效改善疲勞體質。
一支100ml嘅份量, 只有4.5Kcal, 相等於一粒櫻桃嘅卡路里, 適合減肥但係又想補充營養嘅你,都係只適合15歲以上人士飲用,飲咗之後啲尿可能會少少黃, 其實係由於維他命b2所致
,你可以放心, 因為呢點說明書裏面有寫到。
第16必買, Asahi clear cooler strong 系列嘅果汁酒, 佢係Vodka加入幾種唔同嘅水果酒, 分別有青檸、檸檬糖西柚味道, 通過冰點冷凍技術添加了水果酒,並通過專利技術濃縮了水果的風味
,口味清淡,我認為呢種酒好適合打邊爐, 近排香港天氣凍咗好多, 大家記得著多件衫呀。
第17必買, 711嘅沙律亦都係有好多選擇, 唔知大家有冇去旅行水土不服嘅問題, 如果去旅行冇屎屙, 就一定要食返啲蔬菜,清下個腸胃, 因為便秘會產生好多身體問題
,例如面色唔好啦、出暗瘡啦,口臭喇, 如果因為腸胃唔好而引致嘅口臭, 係最難頂嘅, 最慘口臭, 當事人未必知道, 如果人哋唔係同你有番咁上下親密關係
,亦都唔會話畀你聽, 所以自己都係要注意一下。
第18必買, 除咗沙律之外, 清腸胃可以飲yogurt drink, 呢隻士多啤梨味, 好好飲, 但係我要提醒大家, 買乳酪飲品嘅時候, 睇一睇是否低糖,
根據香港政府網頁資料, 低糖嘅定義係每100克含不超過五克嘅糖, 每100克中如果高於7.5克就算為高糖, 所以大家買乳酪飲品嘅時候, 就要喺營養標籤注意呢一點
,吸收過量嘅糖分, 容易致肥。
第19必買, Body Fantasies 香氛噴霧 , Body Fantasies的淡香水香精濃度比一般香水低,但係價錢比香水平好多, 我認為如果學生哥, 或者年輕嘅少女, 收入唔係咁多, 咁就可以試下買呢類產品
,因為而家一支香水係好貴好貴嘅, 年輕時唔需要用得太貴嘅嘢, 如果唔係好難返轉頭嘅, 稍為個身有少少香味就夠,到你再多少少收入嘅時候, 先至去買啲名牌子都未遲啦
,不過而家啲細路女好叻㗎喇, 如果唔係又點會有娘娘收兵呢!呢方面你哋叻過我!我就唔夠膽班門弄斧啦!
第20必買, 當然七仔就真係有好多雪條甜品啦, 我自己就好鍾意食綠茶,或者果仁嘅雪條, 個味好濃, 呢度齋買冰都有㗎喎, 唔好以為冰, 只係愛嚟作飲品之用
, 有一次有個朋友喺日本屈親腳, 佢即刻whatsapp我, 我叫佢即刻入去便利店睇下有冇冰賣, 敷下傷腳消腫, 好快就消咗腫喇. 唔知道你哋喜唔喜歡我今次係介紹呢
,記得留表情符號以示支持呀,我哋好快又下一條片再見, 88 !