via 王价巨教授:“這麼劇烈的短延時強降雨,下到哪邊都一定淹水。但是,現在情況又更嚴峻了。
★ PS. 在我們看來,同樣的邏輯思考也可以套用在我們一路以來長期關注的台灣核安議題、國家能源轉型議題、全球暖化與氣候變遷調適議題上。不是嗎?
PPS. 王价巨(WANG, JIEH-JIUH)教授簡歷:
2003.09-2006.05 美國哥倫比亞大學博士、碩士(Columbia University in the City of New York)
1996.09-1998.06 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所碩士
1991.10-1996.06 東海大學建築學士
都市規劃與都市設計(Urban Planning and Urban Design)
災害及風險管理(Risk and Disaster Management)
永續發展(Sustainable Development)
文化資產保存與永續經營(Cultural Heritage Preservation and Sustainable Management)
columbia disaster 在 Zoe Raymond Facebook 的最佳解答
I'm sure a lot of you remember my posts about my dipped supply from stress and falling sick. This trip, in attempt to increase supply, followed by maintain; I've pumped a total of 120 times. 20,000ml of milk, dumping over 15,000ml of milk.
Just before we left for Canada, I was mentally prepared to end breastfeeding. I was yielding only about 100ml every 3 hourly. At 6.5 months old, Arielle is drinking about 1,000ml a day. I had to put in 1-2 extra pumps at nights while she sleeps to keep up with demand.
Alvin has been very supportive, he kept reassuring me that I've done well and we have met our 6 months goal & we can transition Arielle to formula. He really made me feel a lot better but I decided I would give it a last try. To keep to schedule, I've pumped everywhere we went- on planes, at airport lounges, in the car on our road trips or at carparks, in restaurants & toilets. I carried my big backpack everywhere I went cause I needed to bring my nursing cover, pumps with me. They didn't match a lot of my outfits, I was a fashion disaster. 😂
After about a week of 6-8 pumps a day, my supply went up to between 150-290ml, yielding about 1,300ml a day. What worked for me to increase supply were:
1. Pump on schedule, empty boobs to signal boobs that more milk needs to be created.
2. Do not skip any meal, snack often enough, fruits, granola, lactation cookies & drink a lot of liquids.
3. Have enough rest.
4. The easiest way to attain #3, is to take a short holiday, without the baby.
5. Determination- I looked forward to FaceTime with Arielle every day though she doesn't seemed too interested.
Did up a detailed post (during those long car rides), not sure if it will work like it worked for me, but who knows, it just may right? 😌 #linkinbio @ Vancouver, British Columbia