Done! Completed 120m today! Water temp is perfect today 😍 Now, time to go back shower and get busy in the kitchen for dinner tonight! This is how my pregnancy life is like.. 😆 Either active in the water or active in the kitchen 🤰🏻💪🏼 Wanna be super mama! Next time will be active milking 🤣🤣🤣
#pregnancyjourney #jennslifeaftercancer #spreadlovecreatehope #babydiverinthemaking #cancersurvivor #ovariancancer #stage3
completed pregnancy 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Yes! I did it again. Went for a swim from 4pm - 5pm. 😄 The water was so cold and it has been raining since morning. On and off. If you ask me, do I really want to swim in such weather? The honest truth is, I rather snuggle in bed 😝 but discipline is needed if I wanna stay fit throughout my pregnancy, so yes, I dragged my feet to leave the house for the pool 😂
Well, I manage to completed 112m this time! Yayy!!🥳
#pregnancyjourney #jennslifeaftercancer #spreadlovecreatehope #babydiverinthemaking #cancersurvivor #ovariancancer #stage3
completed pregnancy 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的精選貼文
Kadang-kadang cepat rasa lapar..
Kadang-kadang cepat terasa hati..
Kadang-kadang mengidam itu ini..
Kadang-kadang mudah penat..
Kadang-kadang aktif semacam..
Kadang-kadang rasa bahang yang amat..
Kadang-kadang sukar lena malam..
Kadang-kadang sakit pinggang datang menyerang..
Kadang-kadang rindu suami macam dah gila bayang..
Kadang-kadang mengantuk memanjang..
Pantang ada masa terluang, mesti terlelap tanpa sedar.
Tak semua orang faham apa yg ibu mengandung lalui, lain orang lain cabarannya..
Waktu isteri hamil, dia jadi lebih kental dan kuat dari biasa. Sakit dan penat dia harungi dengan sabarnya. Kerana rasa bahagia ada anak dalam rahimnya mengatasi segalanya.
Anak yang mereka nanti dan idamkan. Orang pertama yang menghuni rahimnya. Orang pertama yang memberi status 'ibu' kepada dirinya. Oang yang paling berharga dalam hidupnya.
Ini yang terjadi sepanjang mengandungkan zuriat anda suami! ❤️❤️ Harap awak faham..
Buat papa mama yg nak ilmu kehamilan - kelahiran - berpantang - mendidik anak2 & penyusuan susu ibu boleh klik link ini utk dptkannya ya : 😍
Copyrights 9bulan10hari silakan SHARE ❤️❤️
Sometimes I get hungry fast..
Sometimes it's quick to feel heart..
Sometimes craving for this..
Sometimes it's easy to get tired..
Sometimes being active like..
Sometimes it feels so bad..
Sometimes it's hard to sleep..
Sometimes waist pain comes attacking..
Sometimes missing my husband like he's crazy..
Sometimes I get sleepy..
When there's time to spend, must sleep without realizing.
Not everyone understands what pregnant mothers go through, others are the challenges..
When the wife was pregnant, she became stronger and stronger than usual. He is sick and tired of going through patiently. Because happy feeling there is a child in his womb overcame everything.
The child they later and dream. The first person to inhabit his womb. The first person to give her 'mother' status. The most precious Oang in his life.
This is what happens along containing your zuriat husband! ❤️❤️ Hope you understand..
For papa mama who wants pregnancy - birth - abstinence - educating children & breastfeeding mothers can click this link to get it: 😍
Copyrights @[151329642013884:274:9bulan10hari] please SHARE ❤️❤️Translated