Possessed by Auntie Hua |Lee Yee
“I have always possessed the worst malice when speculating about the Chinese people,” said Lu Xun. It has almost been a century since Lu Xun said this. Is it still the case, or is it even worse? The modern version needs no more “speculations” that there have been too much evidence and universally applicable inferences.
Carrie Lam talked about the sanctions from the US and reiterated that she has no assets in the US. She said, “I am not eager to go to the US, and I just laugh it off and snort with contempt at the so-called sanctions against myself as they are neither reasonable nor logical.”
Those who truly love the country and the party should put aside personal interest considerations, even if they have assets in the US, even if they yearn for the US, they must do what they should do for the interests of the party-state. As such, why do some who have assets in the US or yearn for the US not able to laugh it off, but instead put their personal interests above the implementation of the CCP’s will? Or should they be prepared for sanctions as soon as possible?
"Snort with contempt"? Such scorn towards the US sanctions. But what if not only the US, but also the UK joins the sanctions? A few days ago, in "A Laowai’s [foreigner's] view of China" video, Alicia Kearns, a member of the Parliament of the UK and a member of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee, talked about her views on the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law and the sanctions against Carrie Lam and other officials. She said, "I really hope we can see the sanctions against the CCP, they are the group of people who have committed the most appalling human rights violations in the world." When Carrie Lam was asked two days ago whether her family members hold British passports, she said that her family members are those who need her protection the most. Therefore she refused to discuss anything about them. Why can’t she “snort with contempt” at the possible sanctions by the UK?
Carrie Lam said that whether it is the National Security Law or the postponement of the elections, the decisions were "based on the interests of the Hong Kong people": "I don't understand at all. Why will a local leader carry out local duties within her country be sanctioned by foreign governments? I really don’t know the grounds and the logic behind this.”
Many countries have already repeated clearly the reasons behind but being the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, she still does not understand. Has she been possessed by Auntie Hua [Chinese Auntie]? Other reasons aside, just take how various countries have now suspended their extradition agreements with Hong Kong. When these agreements were signed, Hong Kong law clearly stated that the arrangement for the surrender of fugitive offenders is not applicable to "any other part of the People’s Republic of China". This means the offenders in Hong Kong will not be extradited to any other part of China, but the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law changed everything. Article 56 states that criminals who violate the National Security Law can be investigated by the Office for Safeguarding National Security of the CPG in the HKSAR and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate can exercise the prosecutorial power, while the Supreme People’s Court can exercise the judicial power. The situation is now different from when the agreements were signed, so it is reasonable to terminate the agreement when no choices are left. However, there are two kinds of logic in the world, one is logic and the other one is the Chinese logic. What Carrie Lam follows is Chinese logic.
In response to the Western sanctions against her, Carrie Lam claimed that "justice lies in the hearts of the people". She also said that the postponement of the LegCo election was primarily for the health of the public, without political considerations, and not from the fear of losing the election. She believed that the foundation of public opinion for the postponement of the election was solid. Praise the Lord if she hadn't mentioned the public opinion, because even God would even laugh at the absurdity. According to the latest public opinion survey published on July 28, Carrie Lam’s approval rate was only 18%, the disapproval rate was 72%, and the net rating was negative 54%, which was a record low. With such a rating, she is able to talk about "the hearts of the people" and "foundation of the public opinion " with no embarrassment and without blushing!
Earlier, there have been rumors from the leaders of the pro-Beijing camp, and coupled with the high voter turnout rate from the pro-democracy primaries, only mentally-challenged would believe Carrie Lam that the postponement of the election for one year is for the sake of the health of the people. There is a saying in the British TV series "Yes Minister": "Never believe anything until it has been officially denied." Now Carrie Lam denied both political considerations and the fear of losing - something the people can finally believe to be true.
Carrie Lam’s big moves in the consecutive days and her Auntie Hua style rhetoric have made Hong Kong citizens understand more reversely what the “Special Atrocious region government” has done: Why are only Xinjiang and Hong Kong the two places in China with the epidemic outbreaks? Borders are not closed so to introduce the Chinese laboratories, and build the Fangcang hospital. During the period from February to May, more than 200,000 people were exempted from quarantine, bringing new levels of severity to the epidemic, and therefore the election is postponed for one year due to the epidemic. Are these all scripted? Some netizens reminded that in 2015, Xinjiang Uyghurs randomly assaulted 13 people brutally at Guangzhou train station. In the same year, Xinjiang's "re-education camps" surfaced.
Hong Kong has accelerated towards one system. According to Lu Xun, there's never "the worst" and only “worsening”.
contempt of court hong kong 在 CUP 媒體 Facebook 的精選貼文
於2020年1月16 日,當我從媒體報導得知警務處處長公開指稱我的投訴是「假消息」及「正循誤導警員或給予假口供方向調查」時,我再一次感到極度難過。我相信任何客觀旁觀者都會認為警務處處長這些行徑是公開貶損我並影響成功檢控機會的舉動。
Allegation by Ms X of Rape and Sexual Assault inside Tsuen Wan Police Station.
We continue to represent Ms X and are authorised by her to issue the following statement on her behalf.
“When in October 2019 I lodged my criminal complaint of rape and sexual assault by police officers, I did so in the expectation that it would be investigated with impartiality by the police, in strict confidence, and with respect for my privacy and dignity. I filed my report through the proper channels and gave a detailed account of the events to police, answering extensive and highly invasive questions. I permitted the taking of a DNA sample from my aborted foetus in order to assist in identifying at least one of my assailants.
I have sought no publicity about my complaint. Nor have I politicised my complaint. I issued a statement on 11 November 2019 only in response to deeply distressing alleged details of my case being leaked onto the internet and ‘police sources’ selectively releasing supposed details of the investigation along with adverse comment on the evidence. I believe this was done in a way which any objective observer would be driven to conclude was directed at publicly discrediting me.
These leaks and comment by the Police Public Relations Bureau followed a gross invasion of my privacy and abuse of police power when, on 4 November, the police who were supposed to be investigating my complaint, obtained a search warrant to seize my private medical records and CCTV footage from the clinic of my private doctor. They did so without my knowledge or consent. Thankfully I was told of that warrant by my doctor and the court set aside the search warrant after it was properly apprised of the facts by my lawyers.
I was further distressed to learn on 16 January 2020, that the Commissioner of Police had alluded, in public, to my criminal complaint as being ‘fake information’ and that ‘investigators are now investigating in the direction of misleading police officer’. I believe that was in a manner in which any objective observer would be driven to conclude was directed at publicly discrediting me and diminishing any prospects of a successful prosecution.
Through my lawyers I have repeatedly requested updates and details of the police investigation. This was pursuant to guarantees in the Hong Kong Police Victim’s Charter and because the conduct of the police led me to believe my complaint was being undermined. No details of the investigation have ever been provided. This has meant that I have not been in a position to refute any claims that my complaint was contrary to other evidence.
On 6 April 2020, the Department of Justice informed my lawyers that my police report would not be taken any further, claiming that my complaint is contrary to evidence they obtained. No particulars of that evidence have been provided despite requests by my lawyers so I have not been in a position to be able to convince the Department of Justice that my account is true; nor have I had any opportunity to refute the claim that my account is contrary to other evidence.
Yesterday (12 May 2020) I learnt from media reports that the Commissioner has publicly said that I am facing arrest for ‘making a false statement’. He again chose to do so publicly, in a manner which any objective observer would be driven to conclude was directed at discrediting me.
Seven months ago, I plucked up all my courage to file a complaint of rape and sexual assault by unknown police officers inside Tsuen Wan Police Station. I hoped and prayed that the complaint would be investigated impartially, in strict confidence and with respect for my privacy and dignity. None of that has happened.”
The anonymity order granted by the court on 5 November 2019 remains in force. This prohibits any person from identifying Ms X. Anyone breaching this order risks being found in contempt of court.
於2020年1月16 日,當我從媒體報導得知警務處處長公開指稱我的投訴是「假消息」及「正循誤導警員或給予假口供方向調查」時,我再一次感到極度難過。我相信任何客觀旁觀者都會認為警務處處長這些行徑是公開貶損我並影響成功檢控機會的舉動。
contempt of court hong kong 在 柳俊江 Lauyeah Facebook 的最佳貼文
Allegation by Ms X of Rape and Sexual Assault inside Tsuen Wan Police Station.
We continue to represent Ms X and are authorised by her to issue the following statement on her behalf.
“When in October 2019 I lodged my criminal complaint of rape and sexual assault by police officers, I did so in the expectation that it would be investigated with impartiality by the police, in strict confidence, and with respect for my privacy and dignity. I filed my report through the proper channels and gave a detailed account of the events to police, answering extensive and highly invasive questions. I permitted the taking of a DNA sample from my aborted foetus in order to assist in identifying at least one of my assailants.
I have sought no publicity about my complaint. Nor have I politicised my complaint. I issued a statement on 11 November 2019 only in response to deeply distressing alleged details of my case being leaked onto the internet and ‘police sources’ selectively releasing supposed details of the investigation along with adverse comment on the evidence. I believe this was done in a way which any objective observer would be driven to conclude was directed at publicly discrediting me.
These leaks and comment by the Police Public Relations Bureau followed a gross invasion of my privacy and abuse of police power when, on 4 November, the police who were supposed to be investigating my complaint, obtained a search warrant to seize my private medical records and CCTV footage from the clinic of my private doctor. They did so without my knowledge or consent. Thankfully I was told of that warrant by my doctor and the court set aside the search warrant after it was properly apprised of the facts by my lawyers.
I was further distressed to learn on 16 January 2020, that the Commissioner of Police had alluded, in public, to my criminal complaint as being ‘fake information’ and that ‘investigators are now investigating in the direction of misleading police officer’. I believe that was in a manner in which any objective observer would be driven to conclude was directed at publicly discrediting me and diminishing any prospects of a successful prosecution.
Through my lawyers I have repeatedly requested updates and details of the police investigation. This was pursuant to guarantees in the Hong Kong Police Victim’s Charter and because the conduct of the police led me to believe my complaint was being undermined. No details of the investigation have ever been provided. This has meant that I have not been in a position to refute any claims that my complaint was contrary to other evidence.
On 6 April 2020, the Department of Justice informed my lawyers that my police report would not be taken any further, claiming that my complaint is contrary to evidence they obtained. No particulars of that evidence have been provided despite requests by my lawyers so I have not been in a position to be able to convince the Department of Justice that my account is true; nor have I had any opportunity to refute the claim that my account is contrary to other evidence.
Yesterday (12 May 2020) I learnt from media reports that the Commissioner has publicly said that I am facing arrest for ‘making a false statement’. He again chose to do so publicly, in a manner which any objective observer would be driven to conclude was directed at discrediting me.
Seven months ago, I plucked up all my courage to file a complaint of rape and sexual assault by unknown police officers inside Tsuen Wan Police Station. I hoped and prayed that the complaint would be investigated impartially, in strict confidence and with respect for my privacy and dignity. None of that has happened.”
The anonymity order granted by the court on 5 November 2019 remains in force. This prohibits any person from identifying Ms X. Anyone breaching this order risks being found in contempt of court.
於2020年1月16 日,當我從媒體報導得知警務處處長公開指稱我的投訴是「假消息」及「正循誤導警員或給予假口供方向調查」時,我再一次感到極度難過。我相信任何客觀旁觀者都會認為警務處處長這些行徑是公開貶損我並影響成功檢控機會的舉動。