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需要就PM我說明要那書;提供姓名、whatsapp, 順豐站或地址 ,有就覆你。
蘋果掉下來 Moving Pictures, SCMP圖片編輯的iphone攝影snapshot作品,14x21cm, 220 pages,極新,作者簽名書;斷捨價HK$40 << 減價HK$30
風光攝影:大片幅風光攝影武四海世界Landscape作品集;極度精美大型影集,是學習風光攝影極有用嘅參考作品集。精美硬殼硬皮訂裝,140幾頁靚紙精印,大幅度版面 39cmx 29cm, 硬套 30乘40 cm,重3.8 kg, 珍藏全新書。斷秤都超值斷捨價HK$150 << 減價HK$100
All about Historical Camera NO.12 :Minolta History+Contax Story,日文,珍貴圖片,黑白,Google tranlation 慢慢睇;書本新淨,可惜 p51-60脫落遺失,1988年收藏,斷捨價 HK$100 << 減價HK$60
All about Historical Camera NO.40 : KOWA相機專輯、有olympus 特稿,日文,珍貴圖片,黑白,Google tranlation 慢慢睇;書本新淨,1996年收藏,,斷捨價 HK$100<< 減價HK$60
Camera Choice 1991年攝影器材手冊:中文,關注當年幾十部的相機的詳細介紹,想搵舊相機資料的珍貴收藏;黑白;斷捨價 HK$30 << 減價HK$20
Leica LFI Magazine,舊期,玩Leica相機點可以無LFI刊物? ebay價每本HK$155-224 +HKD 147.14 shipping cost, ,我有8本,逐本計每本HK$120 (運費1kg只需 HK$30,遠遠平過ebay買),全部8本斷捨價 HK$600 << 減價 HK$400
(https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40...... )
HEXAR RF特刊--日本出版,這是收藏級的相機刊物,除介HEXAR RF、如何操作,圖文介紹好多Leica 鏡頭,近乎新書,3年前市場價HK$700,斷捨價 HK$400
New Topographics,Steidl & Partners; 第1版 (31 1 月 2010) ,304 頁, 29.97 x 2.79 x 39.88 cm,Amazon二手 US$280 (可接受) - 504.43 (良好) +運費;我本都是全新的藏書,斷捨價HK$2,000
WINDOW SEAT, 【藝術家簽名版】the Art of Digital Photography and Creative Thinking,Amazon US$40, 近新收藏書, 這書的照片很靚,屬景觀類的作品, 152 頁, 25.4 x 1.19 x 25.4 cm;轉讓價 HK$320 << 減到 HK$250
Window Seat: The Art of Digital Photography and Creative Thinking is a complete view of a creative project from the artist's perspective. Julieanne Kost, a Photoshop and creative thinking expert, has taken her own experience shooting images out of commercial airplane windows to create a unique creative seminar.
中國攝影,2008/12月刊,我收藏的原因:講上海的新documentary photography, 鮑昆講:沙龍攝影的由來和解析, 近乎新刊。斷捨價 HK$30
回歸香港人,翟錦文攝影集;這是翟錦文老師2007年簽名送給我的影集,極精采的作品,很重要關於2000-2003年的香港街頭snasphot,極有學習價值。抱歉斷捨離讓其他攝影朋友繼續收藏;斷捨價 HK$300
街頭攝影,鏡頭背後的視覺創意;法國Valerie Jaedin原著,簡體中譯,我買來做snapshot街頭攝影分析教材的參考,沒時間看,全新書轉讓,HK$110<< 減價 HK$90
街頭攝影的必練20課,The Street Photographer's Maual, 台版中文,全新收藏書,超正的街拍技術手冊;本書也精選20位世界當代攝影新銳的作品,帶領讀者認識街頭攝影的拍攝現場與演變。真心推薦。
原價: HK$160.00 ,斷捨價 HK$120 <
日本Capa雜誌的攝影基礎特刊,日文,看圖識字啦,是一本小型的攝影技術天書,128 pages, 近全新,我收藏做參考,斷捨價 HK$30 << 減價 HK$10
山岸伸:女像專業技術 VHS影帶;山岸伸是日本女像寫真的大師級,當年在東京見到即買來「偷師」,這影帶在日本仍然有人搜羅,即決価格4,681円,台灣代購:http://www.shaogood.com.tw/....../mobile-goodsdetail......;影帶近新,斷捨價 HK$120;沒有VHS機勿買 or 收藏算了。
攝影記者攝外功夫50例,全新收藏書,目前市價RMB119-199, HK$100
新聞圖片剪栽50例,講解影像crop的極品書,沒有其他參考,全新收藏書,絕版, HK$80
THE PHOTO BOOK, Phadon, 原版的大書,書套良好,內頁極新淨,hardcover, 26x30cm大版面, 並非後來的12.7x16.51cm縮細版, The Photography Book is an unsurpassed collection of over 550 superb images that represent the world’s best photographers from the mid‐nineteenth century to today. ebay價 HK$337+HK$666運費,斷捨價 HK$400 <<減價 HK$380
The Photo Book, 攝影大師 500經典巨作,即是上面個本的,台灣繁體版,易睇好多,Hard cover,日本凸版印刷,簡體大陸版無得比:這本收藏書狀況極好,內頁新的一樣,3600,台灣訂價轉讓價:HK$700<<減價 HK$600
A world History of Photography, third edtion, Naomo Rosenblum, hard cover, 攝影歷史巨著,是認識攝影發展必看的作;paperback 4th ed.市價US$74.46, hardcover 5th ed.新書US$169.9, 二手US$178.92;ebay價, 2nd ed. HK$464.82+183.68運費,本書狀況極良好,斷捨價 HK$400 << <<減價 HK$350
攝影的精神,攝影如何改變了我們的生活;BBC經典電視系列 The Genius of Photography: how photography has changed our lives 的文字圖片版,超正!英國Gerry Badger原著,簡單中譯,個人珍藏全新書,硬面精裝 / 256頁 / 29.8 x 23.4 x 3.58 cm;商務價(無貨,真係珍藏書):HK$400 轉讓價 HK$300
Picturing the Past: Media, History, and Photography (History of Communication),作者 Bonnie Brennen (Editor), Hanno Hardt (Editor),This wide-ranging collection explores the relations between photojournalism and history, investigating how photographs shape both what we remember and how we remember. 280 頁15.88 x 2.54 x 23.5 cm,裡面論述到the family of man,寫新聞攝影論文都要參考的經典攝影文集,極新淨,二手良好US$24.95,斷捨價 HK$90 << 減價 HK$60
Looking in, Robert Frank’s THE AMERICANS,Hard cover, 經典級紀實攝影收藏書,The book itself It clocks in at over 500 pages! I was stunned when I opened the box, I was not expecting that much as I did not pay too much attention to the particulars. There is another review here with photos go the book that shows the depth of the study. 絕版, amazon 二手狀況良好US$224.99,這本收藏書狀況良好,內頁新的一樣,轉讓價HK$900 << 減價 HK$800
Photographers A-Z, Hard cover, 經典級紀實攝影收藏書,一次過認識很多攝影大師, Arranged alphabetically, this biographical encyclopedia features every major photographer of the 20th century alongside her or his most significant monographs. 這本全新收藏,14.48 x 4.06 x 19.81 cm, 640 pages, 轉讓價:HK$300
50 Photo Icons, The story behind the pictures, Hard cover, 經典級紀實攝影收藏書,目前新書價US$62.51+國際運費約HK$625.27; 這本全新收藏,轉讓價:HK$400.
Magnum Degrees,Hard cover,經典級紀實攝影收藏書,目前Amazon絕版新書叫價 US$954.95(HK$7,400 絕版無貨),二手良好(良好即是原使用者可能有很密集的使用過,或是有筆記、註解在內頁)US$455.18 (HK$3,530)+國際運費,paperback 新書市價US$768-930,但新舊都無而且唔送香港;這本收藏書狀況極良好,封面更正底面近全新、橙色絨書脊有塵,內頁全新,轉讓價:HK$3,500 << 減價 HK$2,800(抱歉高價,這是收藏書,平過Amazon好多)
MAGNUM 揹相機的革命家、馬格南正式授權:詳盡講述Magnum的歷史、故事,台灣繁體,全新收藏,斷捨價 HK$120 << 減價 HK$90
75 Years of Leica Photography, hard cover, 340 Pages, 極精采的LEICA攝影大師們的代表作精選集及文字介紹,原書膠套沒了,只有白色的hard cover,圖片是書內的COVER PAGE. 斷捨價 HK$180 << 減價 HK$120
【攝影獨白】 Monologue on Photography Vol.2,絕版書,我2006年的攝影雜文、論述,新書。接手價HK$70(稍後我會放 Monologue on Photography Vol.1-3整套第一輯,新書,價錢當然不是這樣)
Canon 相機故事,hard cover, 關注Canon相機歷史的不應錯過,這是我應Canon邀請為Canon SLR 50周年寫的書,大量Canon經典相機介紹及圖片,全世界只有這些本;絕版書,新書,收藏價HK$120<< 減價 HK$90
影像謊言,我寫的攝影論文,論述攝影在歷史中假圖象的問題、涉及攝影的發展、新聞攝影、數碼影像旦生的詳細論述。絕版書,保存收藏的新書,學野價HK$80<< 減價 HK$70
Nikon Morden Classics, Nikon F,EL, F2, FM, FE2, FA, 菲林單反相機使用手冊,絕版書,us$新書收藏, HK$100
Picturing the Past: Media, History, and Photography (History of Communication),作者 Bonnie Brennen (Editor), Hanno Hardt (Editor),喜歡新聞攝影、社會紀實攝影不可錯過的讀物,This wide-ranging collection explores the relations between photojournalism and history, investigating how photographs shape both what we remember and how we remember. 280 頁15.88 x 2.54 x 23.5 cm,裡面論述到 the family of man,寫新聞攝影論文都要參考的經典攝影文集,極新淨,Amazon 二手良好US$24.95,斷捨價 HK$80 << 減價 HK$60
MAGNUM 揹相機的革命家、馬格南正式授權:喜歡新聞、紀實,甚至街拍,不能不認識MAGNUM !這書詳盡講述Magnum的歷史、故事,是我看過最全面講Magnum的書,台灣繁體,全新收藏,斷捨價 HK$100<< 減價 HK$90
影響,我的攝影第一堂「模仿」課;是法國攝影師Jean-Christophe Béchet的著作,原書Influences. Un jeu photographique (Photographie)
,見證了對他30年攝影創作起到引導作用的「影響」,包括51位攝影大師的風格的分析和重現,包括 Robert Frank, August Sander, Diane Arbus, 甚至森山大道好;是一本學習攝影風格的奇書,簡體中譯,印刷相當靚,全新收藏,RMB 89, 斷捨價 HK$80
作東拍到西,一個中國記者都美國,很少有攝影記者自述的新聞攝影生活紀錄作品;https://www.amazon.cn/dp/B0011CSZUI , 斷捨價 HK$50
自建房 這是一本關於中國民間自建房屋嘅Documentary 攝影專輯,相當有水準的黑白專集,喜歡黑白、何紀實、街拍的可以收藏學習,藝術家送給我的書,沒簽名, 全新收藏,但係書本因為受潮而部份輕微捲曲,整體版面極新,21x14cm, 斷捨價HK$60 <
街頭攝影Street Photography,鏡頭背後的視覺創意, Creative Vision Behind the Lens;這是一本法國攝影師寫的街拍攝影技術書;簡體中譯,係一本非常有創意、實用的街拍技術書;我教Street Photography都有參考過呢本書講的內容;全新收藏書,除咗封面揭過、內頁同新書一樣;頁數: 239, 斷捨價HK$80
上海 547日速瞄, 周明攝影作品集;呢本書係我攝影朋、 上海攝影老師周明嘅精彩黑白街拍snapshot作品,極高水準的黑白作品,書我收藏咗20年,相當值得學習嘅街拍作品集; https://vision.xitek.com/interview/201003/22-309123.html, 斷捨價HK$80
NIkon 相機全集:圖鑑篇;收錄Nikon 219部相機的大照片,特別是所有Rangefinder相機和菲林單反,由F到F6所有相機的簡介 ;近乎新書;只賣一本,珍藏價 HK$120
失焦,卡帕戰地攝影手記,歷史上是著名戰地記者Robert Capa除了講過:假如你的照片不夠好,是因為不夠近,他還講過甚麼?這本經典自述有答案;簡體中譯,; 曾閱讀、極新,珍藏價 HK$60 <
上街去吧!森山大道的街拍意見, 「捨棄一知半解的概念,總之就拍吧!」攝影的原點就在「街頭」,透過五個街拍精選主題的探索,森山大道破讀個人街拍歷程與心得,分享觀點與建議。平裝 / 208頁 / 12.6 x 21 x 1.04 cm ; 曾閱讀、極新,珍藏價 HK$100 <
特定的情景 -- 攝影文化散論:Circonstances Particulieres ,繼 Susan Sontag【論攝影 】後另一本資深攝影人的必讀!法國學者christian caujolle 的攝影文化論述;近乎新書; 珍藏價 HK$60
非凡視覺:攝影大師的構思與創作:A Creative Guide for Making Engaging Digital Photographs, 本書為世界頂級大師系列經典暢銷書《非凡視覺:攝影大師的構思與創作》的典藏版,作為Chris Orwig的美國頂級攝影導師和經驗豐富的攝影師,新書收藏;珍藏價 HK$100,<< 減價 HK$90
這刻仍有貨;請PM說明要那書;提供 姓名、whatsapp, 順豐站或地址
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅Lukas Engström,也在其Youtube影片中提到,First time (accidentally) climbing a Top 100 mountain in Taiwan!!! Thank you Insta360 for the support! Check out their website for great deals from 3...
cover the cost 中文 在 伍振榮 Alex NG Facebook 的最讚貼文
賣書買到facebook 要審查我 啲post!需要就PM我說明要那書;提供姓名、whatsapp, 順豐站或地址 ,仍有就覆你。
需要就PM我說明要那書;提供姓名、whatsapp, 順豐站或地址 ,有就覆你。
蘋果掉下來 Moving Pictures, SCMP圖片編輯的iphone攝影snapshot作品,14x21cm, 220 pages,極新,作者簽名書;斷捨價HK$40 << 減價HK$30
風光攝影:大片幅風光攝影武四海世界Landscape作品集;極度精美大型影集,是學習風光攝影極有用嘅參考作品集。精美硬殼硬皮訂裝,140幾頁靚紙精印,大幅度版面 39cmx 29cm, 硬套 30乘40 cm,重3.8 kg, 珍藏全新書。斷秤都超值斷捨價HK$150 << 減價HK$100
All about Historical Camera NO.12 :Minolta History+Contax Story,日文,珍貴圖片,黑白,Google tranlation 慢慢睇;書本新淨,可惜 p51-60脫落遺失,1988年收藏,斷捨價 HK$100 << 減價HK$60
All about Historical Camera NO.40 : KOWA相機專輯、有olympus 特稿,日文,珍貴圖片,黑白,Google tranlation 慢慢睇;書本新淨,1996年收藏,,斷捨價 HK$100<< 減價HK$60
Camera Choice 1991年攝影器材手冊:中文,關注當年幾十部的相機的詳細介紹,想搵舊相機資料的珍貴收藏;黑白;斷捨價 HK$30 << 減價HK$20
Leica LFI Magazine,舊期,玩Leica相機點可以無LFI刊物? ebay價每本HK$155-224 +HKD 147.14 shipping cost, ,我有8本,逐本計每本HK$120 (運費1kg只需 HK$30,遠遠平過ebay買),全部8本斷捨價 HK$600 << 減價 HK$400
(https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40...... )
HEXAR RF特刊--日本出版,這是收藏級的相機刊物,除介HEXAR RF、如何操作,圖文介紹好多Leica 鏡頭,近乎新書,3年前市場價HK$700,斷捨價 HK$400
New Topographics,Steidl & Partners; 第1版 (31 1 月 2010) ,304 頁, 29.97 x 2.79 x 39.88 cm,Amazon二手 US$280 (可接受) - 504.43 (良好) +運費;我本都是全新的藏書,斷捨價HK$2,000
WINDOW SEAT, 【藝術家簽名版】the Art of Digital Photography and Creative Thinking,Amazon US$40, 近新收藏書, 這書的照片很靚,屬景觀類的作品, 152 頁, 25.4 x 1.19 x 25.4 cm;轉讓價 HK$320 << 減到 HK$250
Window Seat: The Art of Digital Photography and Creative Thinking is a complete view of a creative project from the artist's perspective. Julieanne Kost, a Photoshop and creative thinking expert, has taken her own experience shooting images out of commercial airplane windows to create a unique creative seminar.
中國攝影,2008/12月刊,我收藏的原因:講上海的新documentary photography, 鮑昆講:沙龍攝影的由來和解析, 近乎新刊。斷捨價 HK$30
回歸香港人,翟錦文攝影集;這是翟錦文老師2007年簽名送給我的影集,極精采的作品,很重要關於2000-2003年的香港街頭snasphot,極有學習價值。抱歉斷捨離讓其他攝影朋友繼續收藏;斷捨價 HK$300
街頭攝影,鏡頭背後的視覺創意;法國Valerie Jaedin原著,簡體中譯,我買來做snapshot街頭攝影分析教材的參考,沒時間看,全新書轉讓,HK$110<< 減價 HK$90
街頭攝影的必練20課,The Street Photographer's Maual, 台版中文,全新收藏書,超正的街拍技術手冊;本書也精選20位世界當代攝影新銳的作品,帶領讀者認識街頭攝影的拍攝現場與演變。真心推薦。
原價: HK$160.00 ,斷捨價 HK$120 <
日本Capa雜誌的攝影基礎特刊,日文,看圖識字啦,是一本小型的攝影技術天書,128 pages, 近全新,我收藏做參考,斷捨價 HK$30 << 減價 HK$10
山岸伸:女像專業技術 VHS影帶;山岸伸是日本女像寫真的大師級,當年在東京見到即買來「偷師」,這影帶在日本仍然有人搜羅,即決価格4,681円,台灣代購:http://www.shaogood.com.tw/....../mobile-goodsdetail......;影帶近新,斷捨價 HK$120;沒有VHS機勿買 or 收藏算了。
攝影記者攝外功夫50例,全新收藏書,目前市價RMB119-199, HK$100
新聞圖片剪栽50例,講解影像crop的極品書,沒有其他參考,全新收藏書,絕版, HK$80
THE PHOTO BOOK, Phadon, 原版的大書,書套良好,內頁極新淨,hardcover, 26x30cm大版面, 並非後來的12.7x16.51cm縮細版, The Photography Book is an unsurpassed collection of over 550 superb images that represent the world’s best photographers from the mid‐nineteenth century to today. ebay價 HK$337+HK$666運費,斷捨價 HK$400 <<減價 HK$380
The Photo Book, 攝影大師 500經典巨作,即是上面個本的,台灣繁體版,易睇好多,Hard cover,日本凸版印刷,簡體大陸版無得比:這本收藏書狀況極好,內頁新的一樣,3600,台灣訂價轉讓價:HK$700<<減價 HK$600
A world History of Photography, third edtion, Naomo Rosenblum, hard cover, 攝影歷史巨著,是認識攝影發展必看的作;paperback 4th ed.市價US$74.46, hardcover 5th ed.新書US$169.9, 二手US$178.92;ebay價, 2nd ed. HK$464.82+183.68運費,本書狀況極良好,斷捨價 HK$400 << <<減價 HK$350
攝影的精神,攝影如何改變了我們的生活;BBC經典電視系列 The Genius of Photography: how photography has changed our lives 的文字圖片版,超正!英國Gerry Badger原著,簡單中譯,個人珍藏全新書,硬面精裝 / 256頁 / 29.8 x 23.4 x 3.58 cm;商務價(無貨,真係珍藏書):HK$400 轉讓價 HK$300
Picturing the Past: Media, History, and Photography (History of Communication),作者 Bonnie Brennen (Editor), Hanno Hardt (Editor),This wide-ranging collection explores the relations between photojournalism and history, investigating how photographs shape both what we remember and how we remember. 280 頁15.88 x 2.54 x 23.5 cm,裡面論述到the family of man,寫新聞攝影論文都要參考的經典攝影文集,極新淨,二手良好US$24.95,斷捨價 HK$90 << 減價 HK$60
Looking in, Robert Frank’s THE AMERICANS,Hard cover, 經典級紀實攝影收藏書,The book itself It clocks in at over 500 pages! I was stunned when I opened the box, I was not expecting that much as I did not pay too much attention to the particulars. There is another review here with photos go the book that shows the depth of the study. 絕版, amazon 二手狀況良好US$224.99,這本收藏書狀況良好,內頁新的一樣,轉讓價HK$900 << 減價 HK$800
Photographers A-Z, Hard cover, 經典級紀實攝影收藏書,一次過認識很多攝影大師, Arranged alphabetically, this biographical encyclopedia features every major photographer of the 20th century alongside her or his most significant monographs. 這本全新收藏,14.48 x 4.06 x 19.81 cm, 640 pages, 轉讓價:HK$300
50 Photo Icons, The story behind the pictures, Hard cover, 經典級紀實攝影收藏書,目前新書價US$62.51+國際運費約HK$625.27; 這本全新收藏,轉讓價:HK$400.
Magnum Degrees,Hard cover,經典級紀實攝影收藏書,目前Amazon絕版新書叫價 US$954.95(HK$7,400 絕版無貨),二手良好(良好即是原使用者可能有很密集的使用過,或是有筆記、註解在內頁)US$455.18 (HK$3,530)+國際運費,paperback 新書市價US$768-930,但新舊都無而且唔送香港;這本收藏書狀況極良好,封面更正底面近全新、橙色絨書脊有塵,內頁全新,轉讓價:HK$3,500 << 減價 HK$2,800(抱歉高價,這是收藏書,平過Amazon好多)
MAGNUM 揹相機的革命家、馬格南正式授權:詳盡講述Magnum的歷史、故事,台灣繁體,全新收藏,斷捨價 HK$120 << 減價 HK$90
75 Years of Leica Photography, hard cover, 340 Pages, 極精采的LEICA攝影大師們的代表作精選集及文字介紹,原書膠套沒了,只有白色的hard cover,圖片是書內的COVER PAGE. 斷捨價 HK$180 << 減價 HK$120
【攝影獨白】 Monologue on Photography Vol.2,絕版書,我2006年的攝影雜文、論述,新書。接手價HK$70(稍後我會放 Monologue on Photography Vol.1-3整套第一輯,新書,價錢當然不是這樣)
Canon 相機故事,hard cover, 關注Canon相機歷史的不應錯過,這是我應Canon邀請為Canon SLR 50周年寫的書,大量Canon經典相機介紹及圖片,全世界只有這些本;絕版書,新書,收藏價HK$120<< 減價 HK$90
影像謊言,我寫的攝影論文,論述攝影在歷史中假圖象的問題、涉及攝影的發展、新聞攝影、數碼影像旦生的詳細論述。絕版書,保存收藏的新書,學野價HK$80<< 減價 HK$70
Nikon Morden Classics, Nikon F,EL, F2, FM, FE2, FA, 菲林單反相機使用手冊,絕版書,us$新書收藏, HK$100
Picturing the Past: Media, History, and Photography (History of Communication),作者 Bonnie Brennen (Editor), Hanno Hardt (Editor),喜歡新聞攝影、社會紀實攝影不可錯過的讀物,This wide-ranging collection explores the relations between photojournalism and history, investigating how photographs shape both what we remember and how we remember. 280 頁15.88 x 2.54 x 23.5 cm,裡面論述到 the family of man,寫新聞攝影論文都要參考的經典攝影文集,極新淨,Amazon 二手良好US$24.95,斷捨價 HK$80 << 減價 HK$60
MAGNUM 揹相機的革命家、馬格南正式授權:喜歡新聞、紀實,甚至街拍,不能不認識MAGNUM !這書詳盡講述Magnum的歷史、故事,是我看過最全面講Magnum的書,台灣繁體,全新收藏,斷捨價 HK$100<< 減價 HK$90
影響,我的攝影第一堂「模仿」課;是法國攝影師Jean-Christophe Béchet的著作,原書Influences. Un jeu photographique (Photographie)
,見證了對他30年攝影創作起到引導作用的「影響」,包括51位攝影大師的風格的分析和重現,包括 Robert Frank, August Sander, Diane Arbus, 甚至森山大道好;是一本學習攝影風格的奇書,簡體中譯,印刷相當靚,全新收藏,RMB 89, 斷捨價 HK$80
作東拍到西,一個中國記者都美國,很少有攝影記者自述的新聞攝影生活紀錄作品;https://www.amazon.cn/dp/B0011CSZUI , 斷捨價 HK$50
自建房 這是一本關於中國民間自建房屋嘅Documentary 攝影專輯,相當有水準的黑白專集,喜歡黑白、何紀實、街拍的可以收藏學習,藝術家送給我的書,沒簽名, 全新收藏,但係書本因為受潮而部份輕微捲曲,整體版面極新,21x14cm, 斷捨價HK$60 <
街頭攝影Street Photography,鏡頭背後的視覺創意, Creative Vision Behind the Lens;這是一本法國攝影師寫的街拍攝影技術書;簡體中譯,係一本非常有創意、實用的街拍技術書;我教Street Photography都有參考過呢本書講的內容;全新收藏書,除咗封面揭過、內頁同新書一樣;頁數: 239, 斷捨價HK$80
上海 547日速瞄, 周明攝影作品集;呢本書係我攝影朋、 上海攝影老師周明嘅精彩黑白街拍snapshot作品,極高水準的黑白作品,書我收藏咗20年,相當值得學習嘅街拍作品集; https://vision.xitek.com/interview/201003/22-309123.html, 斷捨價HK$80
NIkon 相機全集:圖鑑篇;收錄Nikon 219部相機的大照片,特別是所有Rangefinder相機和菲林單反,由F到F6所有相機的簡介 ;近乎新書;只賣一本,珍藏價 HK$120
失焦,卡帕戰地攝影手記,歷史上是著名戰地記者Robert Capa除了講過:假如你的照片不夠好,是因為不夠近,他還講過甚麼?這本經典自述有答案;簡體中譯,; 曾閱讀、極新,珍藏價 HK$60 <
上街去吧!森山大道的街拍意見, 「捨棄一知半解的概念,總之就拍吧!」攝影的原點就在「街頭」,透過五個街拍精選主題的探索,森山大道破讀個人街拍歷程與心得,分享觀點與建議。平裝 / 208頁 / 12.6 x 21 x 1.04 cm ; 曾閱讀、極新,珍藏價 HK$100 <
特定的情景 -- 攝影文化散論:Circonstances Particulieres ,繼 Susan Sontag【論攝影 】後另一本資深攝影人的必讀!法國學者christian caujolle 的攝影文化論述;近乎新書; 珍藏價 HK$60
非凡視覺:攝影大師的構思與創作:A Creative Guide for Making Engaging Digital Photographs, 本書為世界頂級大師系列經典暢銷書《非凡視覺:攝影大師的構思與創作》的典藏版,作為Chris Orwig的美國頂級攝影導師和經驗豐富的攝影師,新書收藏;珍藏價 HK$100,<< 減價 HK$90
這刻仍有貨;請PM說明要那書;提供 姓名、whatsapp, 順豐站或地址
cover the cost 中文 在 小米麻糬愛旅遊(Showme100 Love Travel) Facebook 的最讚貼文
可惡!#BBC 的FB刪掉文章及留言!!找不到了!😠小米麻糬的抗議留言當然也被刪掉,但我還是要在此還原真相。
一對來自英國佬的情侶,有誰叫你們來台灣嗎?來了就是要居家檢疫14天,不然就是要付費花錢住防疫旅館,你們跟我們台灣政府說沒錢No Moneny??很有事!!你BBC沒查明就根據女方媽媽單方面說詞就說台灣給他們住的是像監獄一樣的房間。
They can choose to fly to origin of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)—Wuhan, China, to Live in Mobile cabin hospital(方艙醫院)and dormitory, or choose to comeback to UK to be infected with the virus and die at home, so they don't need to pay £6.25 (US$7.44=NTD250) which can go to heaven very quickly without pay any money which is free. It is not the time to travel abord, the rule of Taiwan: foreign travelers required to follow home quarantine can pay to stay at the group quarantine facilities if they do not have other places to reside in.
This couple told to our government: they no money,our government arrange to stay at Staff Dormitory no charge!!
[Taiwan rules of home quarantine]
They are so lucky to stay at the safest country –Taiwan in the world.
👉They pay NT$250 (US$8.25) to cover the cost of three meals a day.
👉Free accommodation which each room comes with a desk, bed, home care package, washing machine and internet acces.
👉there is a staff member assigned to provide each person with meals and to remove refuse.
👉Each floor has separate public toilets and bathrooms for men and women.
👉the hot water heater broke down when the couple checked in on March 15, however, the hot water was repaired at 2 a.m. in the morning,
😌Pay £6.25 (US$7.44) to got one plate of fish and chips only in the UK.
That's the truth !!
Chinese Version(there are more pictures you can see, does it is a prison?)
English Version:
BBC as the UK ’s largest news broadcasting ,how can you did the report according that woman ’s mother ’s talking only? without comformation? does it is a prison?
The woman and her mother、BBC who should to apologize publicly to the Taiwan government !! Don't ever think that Taiwan owes you anything.
現在不是出國旅行的時候,台灣規定外國人入境需先居家檢疫(home quarantine) for 14 Days,或自費住防役旅館14天(https://www.boca.gov.tw/mp-2.html) ,跟我們的政府說沒錢,我們的政府只好安排員工宿舍讓他們免費住宿。
👉一天只要付 £6.25 (US$7.44)錢,就能吃到每天三餐。
這才是真相!! 中文版:
cover the cost 中文 在 Lukas Engström Youtube 的最佳解答
First time (accidentally) climbing a Top 100 mountain in Taiwan!!!
Thank you Insta360 for the support! Check out their website for great deals from 3/29 to 4/8, and please do use my affiliate links to support me during your purchase, at no extra cost for you!
My absolute favorite Insta360 One X2: https://www.insta360.com/sal/one_x2?insrc=INRAIR0
Francois' Insta360 GO 2: https://www.insta360.com/sal/go_2?insrc=INRAIR0
Insta 360 ONE R: https://www.insta360.com/sal/one_r?insrc=INRAIR0
Do you want to see MORE videos like this one? Please consider supporting me on Patreon as all my income will go directly back into the channel and cover either future travels or other resources: https://www.patreon.com/LukasEngstrom
Please follow me on:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LukasTaiwan
Instagram: www.instagram.com/LukasEngstrom
If you want to send my something that might be shown in a future video, please send it to:
ATT: Lukas
RM. 2, 6F., NO.201, FUHE RD.,
Business inquiries:
創作者經紀人/Contact person: - Maggie
Line ID: @redi
Email: contact@lukasengstrom.com
The following is the gear I’m using when making my videos. I’m part of Amazon Services LLC Associates Program which means that I will get a small commission if you purchase anything via my links. Any commission I’ll be getting will go straight back into buying new gear for my future videos, so any kind of support is highly appreciated!
Canon EOS R (main camera): https://amzn.to/3fCbINR
Canon M50 (B-cam): https://amzn.to/2Tf998r
Insta360 One X (Best 360 camera): https://amzn.to/2KfwBjd
Insta 360 One X R (Best 360/action cam combo): https://amzn.to/3maHqE9
Canon RF 15-35mm F2.8 L IS USM: https://amzn.to/3o4N8YZ
Canon RF 24-70mm F2.8 L IS USM: https://amzn.to/34RDy1V
Canon EF 24mm f/1.4L II USM: https://amzn.to/2O0a62Y
Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM https://amzn.to/2O5DJA0
Canon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM: https://amzn.to/2X88oR7
Studio equipment:
2x Rode NT2A Microphone set: https://amzn.to/3fBoOuK
Ninja V recorder: https://amzn.to/36azTzR
SanDisk Ultra 3D 1TB SSD: https://amzn.to/36f1pfH
SanDisk Ultra 3D 2TB SSD: https://amzn.to/3fErckb
Drone: DJI Mavic 2 Zoom: https://amzn.to/2Sak4CX
Mavic 2 Fly More Kit: https://amzn.to/2TlpLLT
Gimbal: DJI Ronin-S Handheld 3-Axis: https://amzn.to/2NG4L20
Microphone: RØDE VideoMic Pro+: https://amzn.to/2Tg9mbx
2x SanDisk Extreme Pro Memory Card (128GB): https://amzn.to/2Oi0CQX
Bag: Lowepro ProTactic BP 450 AW II:https://amzn.to/2NDbCsN
Canon EOS M Mount Adapter: https://amzn.to/2O1jH9I
Canon EF-EOS R Mount Adapter: https://amzn.to/2NDak0V
JOBY Gorillapod 3K: https://amzn.to/2S3GQfR
ADATA SD600Q SSD (240GB): https://amzn.to/2Wp28Tf
ADATA D8000L LED Power Bank: https://amzn.to/34MrlLY
Transcend ESD240C Portable SSD (480GB): https://amzn.to/2X5L7xW
Transcend ESD350C Portable SSD (480GB): https://amzn.to/32LBzeg
Transcend StoreJet 25MC HDD (1TB): https://amzn.to/2KekmUd
Transcend 128GB microSD: https://amzn.to/2tCkOmw
MacBook Pro 16”: https://amzn.to/3fElb77 Asus VP28UQG 28" 4K/UHD monitor: https://amzn.to/2CE5eeI

cover the cost 中文 在 PM Wang Youtube 的最讚貼文
3/5/2014 @Good Friends Cafe Fayse 吴国菲 办了他的第一场个人音乐会《我不是歌手 飨乐会》。就是这样的音乐,这样的演绎方式,这一场音乐会,让大家不断催促吴国菲推出个人专辑!
This is the kind of music that sparks huge interest in Fayse's solo album.... shot during Fayse's solo concert 《Not a Star Dine-in Concert》 in May 2014, you now can decide if you want to see Fayse's debut solo album out in the market!
出不出,你决定!—— 吴国菲《Fayse The Music》全民集资专辑
自从 Fayse 吴国菲 亮相 #脱口唱 办了 #飨乐会 后,大家对于吴国菲出专辑的询问不曾间断...... 你真的希望吴国菲出专辑吗?我们把吴国菲是否出专辑的命运交给你。请你用投资或预购的行动表态支持!
吴国菲《Fayse The Music》专辑——收录7首歌(4首吴国菲原创曲,3首翻唱歌)、拍摄三支MV—— 一张完整的吴国菲 Funk-Acid Jazz-Blues-Pop强烈个人风格的专辑。我们有团队,我们有概念,我们有构想,对吴国菲的音乐有信心,也很期待。但是我们没有资金。最关键的是——我们不肯定那些希望吴国菲推出专辑的询问,是不是真实的需求。
更多详情,可浏览:吴国菲 FB: http://www.facebook.com/showmeyourfayse
"Fayse The Music" -- Crowd Funded Music Album Project
Are you really anticipating Fayse's debut album? Now this is your chance! We are putting the honour and Fayse's fate in your hand allowing you to decide whether Fayse should be producing his first solo album, by investing in it through pre-order.
We have a strong team, a brilliant concept behind the BIG idea, and definite confidence in Fayse's music, but we do not have the luxury of funding, and the most crucial of all, we are uncertain if your ever-going enquiries in regards to whether Fayse would be releasing his solo album could potentially be translated into actual album sales.
Fayse's album will carry the title 《Fayse The Music》- inclusive of 7 songs (4 Originals by Fayse + 3 Cover songs) ; 3 Music Videos will be produced. All these would easily sum up to a forecasted production cost of RM50,000. Based on pre-order selling price of RM40 each (postage within Peninsular Malaysia waived, Sabah, Sarawak & overseas delivery postage will be charged accordingly), we have done the calculation and decided that we would materialize the project and kick off the album production, ONLY if we could raise a minimum of RM30,000. This will be done via Crowd Funding online over a course of limited time period of 60 days. Under any circumstances, if this number is not achieved by end of the Crowd Funding campaign, your contribution will be refunded, and the project will then be called off.
Are you willing to invest in good music? If so, this will be the first ever crowd-funded Chinese Album in Malaysia! It's all up to you!
To pre-order or to support:
For more info, please visit:
fayse FB: http://www.facebook.com/showmeyourfayse
610t webpage:http://www.610t.com
