UNORTHODOX x Salvatore Homme
【The Viaggio】
The Viaggio 設計靈感來自曾在二次世界大戰時期用來運送軍事武器的工具Duffel Bag,起源於比利時。
原始版本的Duffel Bag形態偏向長圓筒型,較為笨拙。我們經過改良後,袋形的線條更加偏向商務,增添更多時尚感之餘,亦同時保留原來大容量空間的特點。
The Viaggio was inspired by Duffel Bag, a tool used to transport military weapons during World War II, originating in Belgium, which has became a common type of bag nowadays.
The original duffels were rather long and cylindrical, mostly made from canvas. After being modified and redesigned, The shape of The Viaggio is more business-oriented and much fashionable while retaining the original large-capacity space.
In addition we particularly added 5 metal feet on the sturdy leather bottom to reduce the friction on the ground caused by heavy loads.
Apart from the surface design, the bag has a variety of practical internal compartments that cater for daily work or travel necessity, made specially for business individuals.
【More close up photo】
Unorthodox Bespoke