迪士尼公佈第四季度業績, 其實香港迪士尼個業績係點, 大家都心裡有數.
"Hong Kong Disneyland income fell by $55 million in the last quarter as the protests escalated."
"The company expects Hong Kong Disneyland income to fall by $80 million in its next quarter, and that if the unrest continues, the park could see a $275 million decline for the year."
而迪士尼亦特別指出業績嘅影響將迫使公司更改香港迪士尼嘅工程項目. 似係為2023 年Marvel E-Ticket 改成Guardians of the Galaxy – Mission: Breakout! 搵到一個合理解釋.
"The protests in Hong Kong have led to a “significant decrease” in tourism in the region, forcing the company to significantly revise its projects for Hong Kong Disneyland."
Castle 同Arendelle 嘅工程已經分別進入尾聲同進行到一半, 就算受影響亦唔會係significantly revise (Arendelle 過山車已經係一個重要嘅改動), 而將現有設施Reimagined 嘅project 從未公佈過, 官方亦無需刻意講呢個project 要revise, 所以呢一句最大可能係講緊Marvel E-Ticket.
或者亦解釋到, 點解D23 Expo 時介紹巴黎同加州嘅Marvel 園區唔順便介紹埋香港版本.
d23 expo 2023 在 This is Mr. B Facebook 的精選貼文
迪士尼公佈第四季度業績, 其實香港迪士尼個業績係點, 大家都心裡有數.
"Hong Kong Disneyland income fell by $55 million in the last quarter as the protests escalated."
"The company expects Hong Kong Disneyland income to fall by $80 million in its next quarter, and that if the unrest continues, the park could see a $275 million decline for the year."
而迪士尼亦特別指出業績嘅影響將迫使公司更改香港迪士尼嘅工程項目. 似係為2023 年Marvel E-Ticket 改成Guardians of the Galaxy – Mission: Breakout! 搵到一個合理解釋.
"The protests in Hong Kong have led to a “significant decrease” in tourism in the region, forcing the company to significantly revise its projects for Hong Kong Disneyland."
Castle 同Arendelle 嘅工程已經分別進入尾聲同進行到一半, 就算受影響亦唔會係significantly revise (Arendelle 過山車已經係一個重要嘅改動), 而將現有設施Reimagined 嘅project 從未公佈過, 官方亦無需刻意講呢個project 要revise, 所以呢一句最大可能係講緊Marvel E-Ticket.
或者亦解釋到, 點解D23 Expo 時介紹巴黎同加州嘅Marvel 園區唔順便介紹埋香港版本.
d23 expo 2023 在 This is Mr. B Facebook 的最佳解答
香港迪士尼剛過去嘅星期日喺Stark Expo 範圍加入一個全新嘅Meet & Greet 位置, 令園區喺Iron Man 以外有更多Marvel Heroes 現身, 雖然暫時會出現嘅超級英雄唔多, 但隨住Stark Expo 嘅版圖進一步擴大, 相信未來會慢慢加入其他英雄.
喺D23 Expo 公佈各Disney Resort 大計前突然見到香港迪士尼出現呢個改變, 仲以為今次個Presentation 點都會提及香港版Marvel 園區嘅擴建計劃, 話晒加州同巴黎都重點介紹嘛....
結果都係失望咗, 見到後來居上嘅Avengers Campus 計劃, 但最先公佈2023有Avengers 設施嘅香港迪士尼, 其實到依家都仲未知道呢個設施到底仲係唔係Avengers, 定係已經如傳聞一樣改成Tower of Terror.
Arendelle 之後嘅Marvel 設施, 同埋兩者之間個「重新演繹」計劃, 似乎都不受到重視, 就算同Avengers Campus 有關聯都唔提.
拉遠咗, 大家入Park 時不妨多D去呢個位睇睇會唔會有驚喜. 希望有一日會見到之前從未喺香港迪士尼出現過嘅英雄, 例如..... 好想見到Doctor Strange 呀!