這首歌 大概係我17歲嘅時候 學識
係其中一首我喜愛嘅 #詩歌
那時候聽着唱着 都會帶俾我莫名嘅感動 感恩 這次喺美國 #短宣 有機會唱
呢種感動 又再出現
愛 是 我們最大的力量
因為時差昨晚 凌晨三點起身 睇咗一齣韓國電影
兩小時內 哭幾次 故事內容 述說母親對孩子嘅愛 不管孩子一錯再錯 犯錯 甚至坐監
母親 仍然 不離不棄 的去愛
雖然我已經沒有父母嘅愛 不曾感受 父愛 也再不能感受母愛
但係我感受 神對人不保留嘅愛
我能感受 天父的愛
( #申命記 10:18) 他為孤兒寡婦伸冤,又憐愛寄居的,賜給他衣食。
( #Deuteronomy 10:18)
( #詩篇 68:5) 神在他的聖所作孤兒的父,作寡婦的伸冤者。
( #Psalms 68:5)
( #約翰福音 14:18) 我不撇下你們為孤兒,我必到你們這裡來。
( #John 14:18)
感謝天父 賜我新生命 賜我家人們
賜我屬天的 弟兄姐妹
( #希伯來書 1:14) 天使豈不都是服役的靈、奉差遣為那將要承受救恩的人效力嗎?
( #Hebrews 1:14)
#love #life #lovelife
#music #singing
#lovemusic #lovesinging #singer
#2019 #usa #godbless
deuteronomy 9 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳貼文
Jesus’ Finished Work at the Cross Has Always Been Effective
A reader of my blog asked a question:
“I see that Old Testament saints were also saved by grace. Did they go directly to heaven before Christ died? Were they made perfect as we are said to be in Ephesians. Since God is the same yesterday, today and forever, how was it different?”
Here is my answer:
Yes they are saved the same way—by faith in Yahweh (the pre-incarnate Christ). When you see the words often translated as “the Lord” in the Old Testament, it’s actually the Tetragrammaton yud hei vav hei (YHVH) In Hebrew. No one is sure how it is pronounced, but many believe it is Yahweh.
“subjecting yourselves to one another in the fear of Christ.” (Ephesians 5:21 WEB)
The Old Testament teaches us the benefits of “the fear of Yahweh”.
In the verse above, Paul clearly defines Yahweh as Christ. Yahweh is Jesus.
This fear is not a slavish fear as in a dread of punishment for sins, but rather a reverential, worshipful awe towards Jesus who is so powerful and yet chose to humble Himself to suffer and die for us at the cross.
The cross is an eternal work able to reach throughout time (past, present and future) and cleanse even Adam’s sins.
It’s eternal because Jesus is God who exists outside of time and His blood has that same quality—able to transcend time.
This means that His blood has always been effective to cleanse people of their sins when they place their faith in Him.
The main difference between Old Testament saints and us is that they didn’t have the Holy Spirit indwelling them.
However they were justified by faith and cleansed by Jesus’ blood just as we are.
That’s why Enoch and Elijah could be taken into Heaven before Jesus died at the cross.
If the work of the cross was not eternal, they as sinful men (all have fallen short of the glory of God) could not enter Heaven.
Another account whereby we see the eternal effect of the cross is when Samson used a jawbone of a dead donkey to defeat the Philistines.
“When he came to Lehi, the Philistines shouted as they met him. Then Yahweh’s Spirit came mightily on him, and the ropes that were on his arms became as flax that was burned with fire, and his bands dropped from off his hands. He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey, put out his hand, took it, and struck a thousand men with it. Samson said, “With the jawbone of a donkey, heaps on heaps; with the jawbone of a donkey I have struck a thousand men.”” (Judges 15:14-16 WEB)
Samson swore a Nazirite vow which means he wasn’t allowed to touch a dead body.
““‘All the days that he separates himself to Yahweh he shall not go near a dead body.” (Numbers 6:6 WEB)
If it was purely based on the Law, he would have sinned and the Holy Spirit that was upon him would have left him when he touched the jaw of the donkey—however the Spirit didn’t leave him, and even continued to empower him to destroy all his enemies.
In the Old Testament, we see Yahweh being merciful to Israel. Their punishments were lenient compared to their sins.
There is no record that Israel suffered the full brunt of the long description of the curse of the Law in Deuteronomy 28.
Yahweh was able to be merciful and lenient to them because of the righteous foundation of the cross.
When Moses was on Mount Sinai, he interceded on behalf of the children of Israel and Yahweh did not destroy them.
Why did Yahweh tell Moses that He was angry and wanted to destroy the children of Israel?
It’s because He wanted Moses to intercede on their behalf—He didn’t need Moses’ permission to righteously strike all of them dead.
“Yahweh said to Moses, “I have seen these people, and behold, they are a stiff-necked people. Now therefore leave me alone, that my wrath may burn hot against them, and that I may consume them; and I will make of you a great nation.” Moses begged Yahweh his God, and said, “Yahweh, why does your wrath burn hot against your people, that you have brought out of the land of Egypt with great power and with a mighty hand? Why should the Egyptians speak, saying, ‘He brought them out for evil, to kill them in the mountains, and to consume them from the surface of the earth?’ Turn from your fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against your people. Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, your servants, to whom you swore by your own self, and said to them, ‘I will multiply your offspring as the stars of the sky, and all this land that I have spoken of I will give to your offspring, and they shall inherit it forever.’” Yahweh repented of the evil which he said he would do to his people.” (Exodus 32:9-14 WEB)
God is always looking for intercessors who would stand in the gap to pray for others so that God can righteously bless mankind without infringing man’s free will.
The apostle Paul describes the work of the cross as a mysterious secret that was hidden in Old Testament times but has since been revealed.
It was Yahweh’s trump card that no one ever expected—that God would go so far as to die for those He loved so that they could live with Him forever.
“Now to him who is able to establish you according to my Good News and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery which has been kept secret through long ages, but now is revealed, and by the Scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the eternal God, is made known for obedience of faith to all the nations;” (Romans 14:24-25 WEB)
The work of the cross has always been effective to cleanse people who believe in Jesus (Yahweh).
Just as Abraham’s faith was counted as righteousness, everyone is justified the same way—by faith.
Learn more powerful truths about the finished work of the cross, Paradise, Heaven and Eternity ===>
#jesus #gospel
deuteronomy 9 在 Brandon Ho Facebook 的最讚貼文
Sometimes, I also forget in the whirlwind of the things of the world, the multiple social media facades and being in the midst of giants, that I have an all-powerful God who loves me and wants nothing too much but my time and attention.
And then, I sit in quiet, and in the stillness, I hear His gentle voice. To trust and obey. To lean on His understanding and hang on to the calling He has for me. #selfreminder #HolySpiritalarm
"Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments."
Deuteronomy 7:9
deuteronomy 9 在 Deuteronomy 6 - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Apr 24, 2016 - Deuteronomy 9:3 / Know therefore today that he who goes over before you / as a consuming fire is the... ... <看更多>