🌻台灣仍在居家隔離期. 台灣居住空間較小, 居家隔離難度較高. 尤其這次面對的病毒也比較凶猛. 祝大家平安. 在此提供一些當時我居家隔離時所做的一些事情, 供大家參考:
--對家人睜一隻眼, 閉一隻眼. 一家人天天在一起難免會有不順的時候, 不過能夠在一起很珍貴.
--買香料公司已經調好的香料包做料理. 這樣省時間, 也可以不用傷腦筋, 也讓煮飯多了點變化(可參考這網站: https://www.mccormick.com/spices-and-flavors/recipe-mixes/mccormick-one)
--看書, 看劇, 在線上與股友聊天, 看年報, 整理財報內容
--研究園藝, 在家裡養了很多綠色植物
--整理家裡, 做收納, 移動家具
--晚上喝點小酒, 解壓助眠(不過要注意有可能會胡言亂語😅)
🌻Docusign(DOCU), Crowdstrike(CRWD)的電話會議內容已整理好. 有興趣的讀者可以到部落格那邊去看:
🌻U.S. 10-Year Treasury Yield Slips Below 1.5%
🌻俄亥俄州 躍全球太陽能重鎮
顧問公司Wood Mackenzie統計,去年美國太陽能新增發電量創新高,且2030年前將再增加三倍。First Solar表示,俄亥俄州太陽能面板園區未來主要供應美國市場。近年太陽能產業多數零件來自中國,尤其在去年疫情爆發後,美國重大產業過度依賴海外供應鏈的風險激增,令拜登政府誓言重振美國製造業,並大力推動綠能產業發展。
"其中一個受益者是CardFree Inc.,該公司為餐飲經營者設計和運營線上和移動點餐系統。CardFree的首席執行官Jon Squire稱,該公司的應用軟體讓餐館能夠更好地預測和管理收到的訂單,以優化人員和產能調配。"
🌻現金太多 美銀行業者向企業喊話:別來存款
最近花了不少時間看報紙, 發現報紙還真好看, 除了學到不少財經知識外, 華爾街日報(WSJ)有些文章都挺有深度的. 有時候還一邊看一邊畫重點.
Anyway. 發現這個中文網站, 會翻譯一些WSJ的好文章. 值得書籤(bookmark)起來:
🌻去年很多EV方面的新公司或是小公司. 這篇文章的觀點挺好, 說做EV, 要能夠scale(規模化地拓展)也很重要: https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-electric-vehicle-stocks-are-stuck-in-reverse-11622709998
"Still, the classic Silicon Valley disruption story isn’t playing out in the auto industry as once expected. With their big batteries, EVs are shaping up to be an industrial product that benefits from the kind of industrial scale 20th century manufacturers are good at. This advantage may not persist as other, software-based automotive technologies take off—in-vehicle internet and ultimately automated driving. But these are probably questions for another year."
Lordstown Motors的預警凸顯電動汽車初創公司的資金難題
這兩天看了一部電影and一本書的評論, 發現觸及的主題是一樣的: 信任.
電影是Disney Plus上面的"巡龍使者: 拉雅". 書是一本新書"The Power of Giving Away Power".
我發現一個團體要把事情做好, 重要的不是每個人的能力有多強, 而是彼此能否信任. 當大家都有共識(英文有個片語是, "on the same page"), 有同樣的目標的時候, 事情會好辦很多. 但這其實不容易做到(就像電影中的Raya一樣, 還必須先犧牲自己, 才能說服夥伴.)
Anyway. 覺得這題材挺有趣的, 也是生活中常碰到的事情. 分享給大家.
"巡龍使者: 拉雅"影評: https://movie1314.pixnet.net/coblog/post/353485640
"The Power of Giving Away Power"書評:
Pictures: 網路, Amazon, earningswhispers.com
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過75萬的網紅志祺七七 X 圖文不符,也在其Youtube影片中提到,本集節目由「台灣智慧移動產業協會」獨家贊助播出。 「台灣智慧移動產業協會」是由一群關心智慧運輸與能源應用各界專業人士組成,致力將友好環境及自然共生的理念導入智慧交通中,推動智能、永續的美好生活願景。 現在就到協會官網和粉專,了解更多豐富的電動車資訊,以及氣候變遷的討論吧! 👉 官方網站:http...
「electric vehicle benefits」的推薦目錄:
electric vehicle benefits 在 CherylTay.sg Facebook 的最佳解答
When I was in Bintan for the recent 70.3 race, this electric buggy here was my daily mode of transport. It was fun driving it around the resort but it made me miss my VW Golf back home. That made me realise how I should be paying my car more attention! •
Even though our cars are mostly functional to us, there is an underlying emotional attachment. Hence, we should give it the most we can. •
DirectAsia recently partnered with #ShellSG to offer exclusive perks, such as a FREE 24 Hour Breakdown Assistance, a dedicated claims hotline and up to 3,000 Shell Escape points to be earned! If you’re a Shell Escape member, you also earn points every time you wash your vehicle at Shell, or when you purchase a servicing package from Shell Autoserv. It’s that easy to earn points, and reap the rewards! Sign up with @directasiainsurance for this special deal to get more benefits for your car and yourself! More info at www.directasia.com/Shell or call 66033636.
#wherehappiermatters #sp #directinsurance
electric vehicle benefits 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的精選貼文
👉 官方網站:https://smat.org.tw/
👉 官方粉專:https://www.facebook.com/smartmobilitytaiwan/
#電動車 #電動機車 #氣候變遷
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00:00 開頭
01:15 世界各國都在用電動車嗎?
02:48 目前台灣的狀態
04:22 討論1:改用電動車,真的能減少空污?
05:28 討論2:最新燃油機車改善空污的效果,比電動車更好?
06:06 討論3:改用電動車,碳排放量會增加嗎?
07:16 討論4:電動車的生產和廢棄,碳排放量多嗎?
08:46 討論5:如果全部換成電動汽機車,電還會夠用嗎?
10:07 我們的觀點
11:30 問題
11:30 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→Net Zero by 2050-50- A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector - IEA:https://bit.ly/2WSNiKL
→IHS Markit 全年汽車銷量數據:https://bit.ly/3l0eNdp
→預言電動車價格戰將至 日本電產CEO:2030年車價將剩1/5:https://bit.ly/3h8Bfjs
→蔡總統宣示淨零轉型之後,運具電動化如何加快腳步? - 報導者:https://bit.ly/3n6RQYM
→「2035年禁售燃油機車」政策 確定轉彎:https://news.pts.org.tw/article/426046
→拚減碳 8科技巨頭組氣候聯盟-環境資訊中心:https://e-info.org.tw/node/230698
→賴清德:面對氣候災難問題 台灣沒有豁免權-中央社:https://bit.ly/2YprDu9
→汽機車統計數據 - 交通部統計查詢網:https://bit.ly/3kQr4RC
→汽機車數量統計 - 交通部公路總局 統計資料:https://bit.ly/3n0UpM6
【 討論1 】
→環保署 - 全國空汙排放量清冊系統﹝TEDS 11.0版﹞排放量統計數據:https://bit.ly/3h8cswa
→Analysis of air quality and health co-benefits regarding electric vehicle promotion coupled with power plant emissions:https://bit.ly/3n3BnVd
【 討論2 】
→七期環保是什麼? 台灣的機車環保法規演進分析:https://bit.ly/3zUBiXO
【 討論3 】
→US energy 電廠+電動車 數據:https://bit.ly/3zOMbdy
→US energy 燃油車 數據:https://bit.ly/3n63tPV
【 討論4 】
→2020.03月 Nature Sustainability 的研究:https://go.nature.com/3n2rgjD
→Mobility and the Energy Transition: A Life Cycle Assessment of Swiss Passenger Transport →Technologies including Developments until 2050:https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000276298
→電動車廢舊電池回收 中國與歐洲市場的現狀和選項-BBC:https://bbc.in/2WXLjVa
【 討論5 】
→電動車充電 台電將推專用時間電價-自由財經:https://bit.ly/3jIdj8l
→機車電動化 台灣會缺電嗎?-工商時報:https://bit.ly/3kW92xp
→台灣邁向電動車時代 配電空間與用電量都成挑戰 - 公視新聞:https://bit.ly/3thJIWw
→每部電動機車每公里耗電0.024度 來源:行政院環境保護署審查開發行為溫室氣體排放量增量抵換處理原則:https://bit.ly/2WQbzl1
→台灣邁向電動車時代 配電空間與用電量都成挑戰-公視新聞網:https://bit.ly/3yNY1Dx
→【2040電動車化】供電受影響? 台電估:全部電動車化也不怕 - 環境資訊中心:https://bit.ly/3zQg7ps
→在「對的時間」充電有利多 台電靠這四招搞定 - 環境資訊中心:https://e-info.org.tw/node/209502
【 延伸閱讀 】
→A DEAD BATTERY DILEMMA:https://bit.ly/3DP9Z3o
→【電車世代】電池回收大哉問:到底退役電池會去哪?又會被怎麼處理? - INSIDE:https://bit.ly/3jMNOmh
🔴如果影片內容有誤,歡迎來信勘誤:[email protected]
electric vehicle benefits 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的最佳解答
The BMW Group continues to expand its electro-mobility activities. In conjunction with its partner, Brilliance China Automotive Holdings Ltd., the BMW Group opened a new “High-Voltage Battery Centre” in Shenyang, China today. The battery factory will supply the nearby Dadong plant, which is operated by the BMW Brilliance Automotive (BBA) joint venture and will produce the BMW 5 Series Plug-in Hybrid for the local market.
Oliver Zipse, member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, responsible for Production: “The innovative High-Voltage Battery Centre in Shenyang is an important step in the BMW Group’s electro-mobility strategy. It is the first battery factory of any premium automotive manufacturer in China and already the third in our production network, after Germany and the US.”
The BMW Group is integrating its battery factories into the existing international production network. Oliver Zipse: “By 2025, we expect our electrified BMW and MINI models to account for between 15 and 25 per cent of global sales. This adds up to several hundred thousand vehicles per year. It therefore makes sense for us to integrate electro-mobility into the existing production system.” Doing so will enable the BMW Group to respond flexibly to demand for electrified models.
Competitive edge through in-house know-how
Alongside the electric motor, the high-voltage battery is a central element of partially and fully-electrified vehicles. In-house production gives the BMW Group a decisive competitive advantage by securing know-how in new technologies, gaining key systems expertise and leveraging cost benefits. The company already produces electrified vehicles at ten locations worldwide. The high-voltage batteries needed for these models come from the BMW Group plants in Dingolfing, Spartanburg and now also Shenyang. The Dingolfing plant will play a leading role within the network as the centre of competence for electric drive systems.
From cell to high-voltage battery
Production of high-voltage batteries is divided into two production stages. First, in a highly-automated process, supplied lithium-ion cells, which are about the size of a paperback book, are checked and then combined into a larger unit, the so-called battery module.
The battery modules are then mounted together with the connections, control units and cooling units in an aluminium housing. The size and shape of the aluminium housing, as well as the number of battery modules used, depends on the vehicle variant. In this way, a perfectly adapted "battery pack" or high-voltage battery is created.
This combination of standardised battery modules and housings flexibly adapted to the vehicle has several advantages: It ensures uniform properties and quality standards in the production of high-voltage batteries. The modular design of the high-voltage batteries also forms the basis for a wide variety of electric drive variants. Last but not least, this modular concept is a requirement for responding quickly to customer demand and leveraging cost benefits.
electric vehicle benefits 在 #ミニマリストライフ Youtube 的最讚貼文
こんにちは、[解放軍]じへいの動画解放軍です。 今日は速報で、パシフィコ横浜で開催されている『ワイヤレス・テクノロジー・パーク2012』 http://www.wt-park.com/ で発表になった『EVER』という技術を紹介します。
EVER(Electric Vehicle on Electrified Roadway)は通常のアスファルト路面とゴムタイヤで電力を路面から給電する技術です。 理屈は
で、コンデンサを実現しています。 路面内部の電極と車両のホイールの間にはコンデンサが形成され、高周波であれば伝送されます。 これによって路面から走行中の自動車に電力を供給することが可能です。
EVER(Electric Vehicle on Electrified Roadway) is power supply solution for Electric Vehicle with conventional rubber tired. Rubber tires not able to conduct electric power.
But this solution able to transfer between road and running vehicle. It claims following benefits.
*No need heavy and expensive storage battery on running vehicle.
*No need special tires.
If you interest this technology, please contact direct the Toyohashi University of technology. (Professor Takashi Oohira)
electric vehicle benefits 在 BENEFITS OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES - e-AMRIT 的相關結果
Electric vehicles are more efficient, and that combined with the electricity cost means that charging an electric vehicle is cheaper than filling petrol or ... ... <看更多>
electric vehicle benefits 在 MVU: Advantages of Electric Vehicles - City of Moreno Valley 的相關結果
Advantages of Electric Vehicles · No fuel required so you save money on gas. Paying $0.10 per kW is the equivalent of driving on gasoline that costs less than $1 ... ... <看更多>
electric vehicle benefits 在 Electric Vehicle Benefits and Considerations 的相關結果
Electric Vehicle Benefits and Considerations. All forms of electric vehicles can help improve fuel economy, lower fuel costs, and reduce emissions. ... <看更多>