[152881] 19681. 銀河英雄傳說:在永遠的黑夜中"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" In the Eternal Night (1988)★★
[152882] 19682. 銀河英雄傳說:亞斯提會戰"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of Astarte (1988)★★
[152883] 19683. 銀河英雄傳說:第十三艦隊誕生"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Birth of the 13th Fleet (1989)★★
[152884] 19684. 銀河英雄傳說:帝國的落日餘暉"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Empire’s Afterglow (1989)★★★
[152885] 19685. 銀河英雄傳說:卡斯楚普動亂"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Kastrop Rebellion (1989)★★★
[152886] 19686. 銀河英雄傳說:薔薇騎士"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Knights of the Rose (1989)★★
[152887] 19687. 銀河英雄傳說:伊謝爾倫攻略!"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Iserlohn Taken! (1989)★★
[152888] 19688. 銀河英雄傳說:冷徹的義眼"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Cool, Clear, Artificial Eyes (1989)★★★
[152889] 19689. 銀河英雄傳說:克洛普修克特事件"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Klopstock Incident (1989)★★
[152890] 19690. 銀河英雄傳說:潔西卡的戰鬥"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Jessica’s Battle (1989)★★★
[152891] 19691. 銀河英雄傳說:女演員退場"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Actress Exits (1989)★★
[152892] 19692. 銀河英雄傳說:進攻帝國領域"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Invasion of the Imperial Territory (1989)★★
[152893] 19693. 銀河英雄傳說:如果愁雨將至…"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" When the Rain of Grief Comes (1989)★★
[152894] 19694. 銀河英雄傳說:邊境的解放"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Liberation of the Frontier Zone (1989)★★
[152895] 19695. 銀河英雄傳說:亞姆立札星域會戰"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of Amlitzer Starzone (1989)★★
[152896] 19696. 銀河英雄傳說:新的潮流"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" New Trends (1989)★★
[152897] 19697. 銀河英雄傳說:暴風雨前夕"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Before the Storm (1989)★★
[152898] 19698. 銀河英雄傳說:利普休達特的密約"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Lippstadt Conspiracy (1989)★★
[152899] 19699. 銀河英雄傳說:楊艦隊出動"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Yang Fleet Goes Out (1989)★★★
[152900] 19700. 銀河英雄傳說:流血的宇宙"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Bloodshed in Space (1989)★★★
[152901] 19701. 銀河英雄傳說:德奧里亞星域會戰,然後…"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of Doria Starzone, Then... (1989)★★
[152902] 19702. 銀河英雄傳說:勇氣及忠誠"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Courage and Allegiance (1989)★★
[152903] 19703. 銀河英雄傳說:黃金樹倒下了"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Downfall of the Golden Tree (Goldenbaum) (1989)★★
[152904] 19704. 銀河英雄傳說:獻給誰人的勝利?"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Whose Victory? (1989)★★
[152605] 19705. 銀河英雄傳說:命運的前日"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Day before Destiny (1989)★★
[152906] 19706. 銀河英雄傳說:永別了,遠去的日子"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Farewell, the Old Days (1989)★★
[152907] 19707. 銀河英雄傳說:初陣"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" First Battle (1991)★★★
[152908] 19708. 銀河英雄傳說:肖像"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Portraits (1991)★★
[152909] 19709. 銀河英雄傳說:一條細弦"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" One Thin Thread (1991)★★
[152910] 19710. 銀河英雄傳說:失去的東西"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Lost Things (1991)★★
[152911] 19711. 銀河英雄傳說:審問會"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Inquiry Committee (1991)★★
[152912] 19712. 銀河英雄傳說:沒有武器的戰爭"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" War without Weapons (1991)★★
[152913] 19713. 銀河英雄傳說:要塞對要塞"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Fortress versus Fortress (1991)★★
[152914] 19714. 銀河英雄傳說:歸來"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Return (1991)★★
[152915] 19715. 銀河英雄傳說:決心與野心"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Determination and Ambition (1991)★★
[152916] 19716. 銀河英雄傳說:雷鳴"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Thunder (1991)★★
[152917] 19717. 銀河英雄傳說:綁架幼帝"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Abduction of the Young Emperor (1991)★★
[152918] 19718. 銀河英雄傳說:箭已射出"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Arrow Is Released (1991)★★
[152919] 19719. 銀河英雄傳說:一個人的旅程"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" A Departure (1991)★★
[152920] 19720. 銀河英雄傳說:尤里安之旅、人類之旅"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Julian's Journey, Mankind's Journey (1991)★★
[152921] 19721. 銀河英雄傳說:作戰名稱「諸神的黃昏」"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Operation Twilight of the Gods (Ragnarök) (1991)★★
[152922] 19722. 銀河英雄傳說:安魂曲的邀宴"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Invitation to a Requiem (1991)★★
[152923] 19723. 銀河英雄傳說:號角響起"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Gjallarhorn's Roar (1991)★★★
[152924] 19724. 銀河英雄傳說:佔領費沙"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Phezzan Occupied (1991)★★★
[152925] 19725. 銀河英雄傳說:寒流來襲"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Cold Wave Arrives (1991)★★
[152926] 19726. 銀河英雄傳說:楊提督的方舟隊"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Admiral Yang's Ark Fleet (1991)★★
[152927] 19727. 銀河英雄傳說:尋找自由的宇宙"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Seeking a Free Universe (1991)★★
[152928] 19728. 銀河英雄傳說:雙頭蛇~決戰蘭提馬利歐"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Double-Headed Snake: the Decisive Battle of Rantemario (1991)★★★
[152929] 19729. 銀河英雄傳說:黎明前的黑暗…"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Darkness Deepens... (1991)★★
[152930] 19730. 銀河英雄傳說:連戰"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Battle After Battle (1991)★★
[152931] 19731. 銀河英雄傳說:巴米利恩的死鬥(前篇)"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of Vermillion - Part I (1991)★★
[152932] 19732. 銀河英雄傳說:巴米利恩的死鬥(後篇)"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of Vermillion - Part II (1991)★★
[152933] 19733. 銀河英雄傳說:急轉"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Sudden Change (1991)★★
[152934] 19734. 銀河英雄傳說:皇帝萬歲!"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Long Live the Emperor! (Sieg Kaiser) (1991)★★
[152935] 19735. 銀河英雄傳說:儀式再度揭幕"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" After the Ceremony, the Curtain Rises Again... (1994)★★
[152936] 19736. 銀河英雄傳說:往地球"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" To Earth (1994)★★
[152937] 19737. 銀河英雄傳說:邱梅爾事件"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Künmel Incident (1994)★★
[152938] 19738. 銀河英雄傳說:訪問者"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Visitors (1994)★★
[152939] 19739. 銀河英雄傳說:過去、現在與未來"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Past, Present and Future (1994)★★∿
[152940] 19740. 銀河英雄傳說:魔術師被捕"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Magician Is Captured (1994)★★
[152941] 19741. 銀河英雄傳說:歌劇的招待"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Invitation to an Opera (1994)★★
[152942] 19742. 銀河英雄傳說:血的流水階梯"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Blood Running down the Stairs (Cascade) (1994)★★
[152943] 19743. 銀河英雄傳說:聖地"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Holy Land (1994)★★★
[152944] 19744. 銀河英雄傳說:休假結束"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Holiday's End (1994)★★
[152945] 19745. 銀河英雄傳說:背棄一切旗幟"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Against All Flags (1994)★★
[152946] 19746. 銀河英雄傳說:黃金獅子旗下"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Under the Golden Lion Flag (Goldenlöwe) (1994)★★
[152947] 19747. 銀河英雄傳說:諸神的黃昏再現"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Twilight of the Gods (Ragnarök) Again (1994)★★★
[152948] 19748. 銀河英雄傳說:前往艾爾法西爾"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" To El Facil (1994)★★★
[152949] 19749. 銀河英雄傳說:伊謝爾倫再奪取作戰"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle to Retake Iserlohn (1994)★★★
[152950] 19750. 銀河英雄傳說:流浪兒回家"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Prodigal Sons Come Home (1994)★★★
[152951] 19751. 銀河英雄傳說:馬爾.亞迪特星域的會戰(前篇)"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of Mar-Adetta Starzone - Part I (1994)★★
[152952] 19752. 銀河英雄傳說:馬爾.亞迪特星域的會戰(後篇)"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of Mar-Adetta Starzone - Part II (1994)★★★
[152953] 19753. 銀河英雄傳說:冬薔薇園的勅令"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Edict of the Winter Rose Garden (1994)★★
[152954] 19754. 銀河英雄傳說:前途遙遠"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Long Road Ahead (1994)★★
[152955] 19755. 銀河英雄傳說:雷動"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Rolling Thunder (1994)★★
[152956] 19756. 銀河英雄傳說:祭典之前"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Eve of the Festival (1994)★★★
[152957] 19757. 銀河英雄傳說:吹向走廊之風"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" To the Windy Corridor (1994)★★★
[152958] 19758. 銀河英雄傳說:春天的風暴"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Spring Storm (1994)★★★
[152959] 19759. 銀河英雄傳說:迴廊之戰(前篇)~常勝與不敗"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of the Corridor (beginning): the Invincible and the Undefeated (1995)★★★
[152960] 19760. 銀河英雄傳說:迴廊之戰(中篇)~萬花筒"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of the Corridor (middle): Kaleidoscope (1995)★★★
[152961] 19761. 銀河英雄傳說:迴廊之戰(後篇)~大親征終幕"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Battle of the Corridor (ending): End of the Imperial Expedition (1995)★★★
[152962] 19762. 銀河英雄傳說:魔術師,一去不回"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Magician Doesn't Come Back (1995)★★★
[152963] 19763. 銀河英雄傳說:祭典之後"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" After the Festival (1995)★★
[152964] 19764. 銀河英雄傳說:失意的凱旋"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Disappointing Triumphal Return (1995)★★★
[152965] 19765. 銀河英雄傳說:遷都令"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Order for the Transfer of the Capital (1995)★★★
[152966] 19766. 銀河英雄傳說:八月的新政府"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" New Government in August (1995)★★
[152967] 19767. 銀河英雄傳說:嵐(風暴)的預感"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Premonition of the Storm (1996)★★
[152968] 19768. 銀河英雄傳說:在邊境上"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" In the Distant Frontier (1996)★★
[152969] 19769. 銀河英雄傳說:夏末的薔薇"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Roses at the End of Summer (1996)★★
[152970] 19770. 銀河英雄傳說:鳴動"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Rumbling (1996)★★
[152971] 19771. 銀河英雄傳說:發芽"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Burgeoning (1996)★★★
[152972] 19772. 銀河英雄傳說:烏魯瓦希事件"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Uruvasi Incident (1996)★★★
[152973] 19773. 銀河英雄傳說:皇帝的矜持"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" For Pride (1996)★★
[152974] 19774. 銀河英雄傳說:叛逆是英雄的特權"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Rebellion Is a Hero's Privilege (1997)★★
[152975] 19775. 銀河英雄傳說:雙璧互擊!"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Two Great Ones Strike at Each Other! (1997)★★
[152976] 19776. 銀河英雄傳說:因劍而生…"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Live by the Sword... (1997)★★
[152977] 19777. 銀河英雄傳說:因劍而亡…"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Die by the Sword (1997)★★
[152978] 19778. 銀河英雄傳說:無休止的鎮魂曲"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Endless Requiem (1997)★★★
[152979] 19779. 銀河英雄傳說:往未來的助走"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Approach Run toward the Future (1997)★★
[152980] 19780. 銀河英雄傳說:皇妃萬歲!"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Long Live the Empress! (Hoffe Kaiserin) (1997)★★
[152981] 19781. 銀河英雄傳說:動亂的誘因"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" An Invitation to War (1997)★★
[152982] 19782. 銀河英雄傳說:拿起武器"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" A Challenge to Arms (1997)★★
[152983] 19783. 銀河英雄傳說:宇宙結構"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Cosmic Mosaic (1997)★★
[152984] 19784. 銀河英雄傳說:從流血通往和平"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" For Peace, via Bloodshed (1997)★★
[152985] 19785. 銀河英雄傳說:昏迷的惑星"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Planet of Confusion (1997)★★
[152986] 19786. 銀河英雄傳說:柊館大火"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Stehibalm Schloss Burns (1997)★★
[152987] 19787. 銀河英雄傳說:深紅的星路"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Crimson Star Road (1997)★★
[152988] 19788. 銀河英雄傳說:美人嗜血"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Bloodthirsty Maiden (Brünnhilde) (1997)★★
[152989] 19789. 銀河英雄傳說:「黃金獅子旗」下黯然無光"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" The Golden Lion Flag (Goldenlöwe) Loses Its Light (1997)★★
[152990] 19790. 銀河英雄傳說:夢的盡頭"Legend of the Galactic Heroes" Dream: to See it to the End (1997)★★
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7,810的網紅mimi33333333,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#07 昇仙峡 夫婦木神社姫の宮 本殿内参拝:昇仙峡の旅 http://miminome.blogspot.jp/2015/01/07.html みみさん、昇仙峡一人旅:目次 http://miminome.blogspot.jp/2015/01/blog-post_10.html 昇仙峡への旅。...
empress tree 在 榮格心理學星座塔羅 Facebook 的精選貼文
在塔羅牌第二張大牌女祭司,圖上背後就有長著棕櫚樹和石榴樹的神殿屏風。這圖徵,石榴代表「陰 yin」,棕櫚樹代表「陽 yang」。塔羅牌的大牌排序中,第一張是《魔術師》,第三張是《皇后 The Empress》,若以歷程轉變來看,女祭司似乎像是從陽轉陰的中間過程。棕櫚樹的外型結構:高聳的樹幹(象徵男性力量上升)到最後寬廣煙花似展示長而柔軟的葉子,甚至可能的果實,其本身自然擁有了陽性和陰性屬性。在煉金術的終極成就,就是一種陰陽結合,一如棕櫚樹的果實、塔羅牌《女祭司》的排序意義及石榴樹和棕櫚樹並存的陰陽代表。事實上,也有塔羅牌圖騰乾脆就以八卦圖取代,他們的意涵是相似的,而意境內涵則別有風景。石榴和棕櫚這兩種植物放在一起,並排列出卡巴拉Kabala「生命之樹」的形狀,隱喻著智慧的來源。石榴代表了創造力泉源,棕櫚具有神秘的生長力。如此以來,透過具有陽剛力量行動力的創造能力,更能把《女祭司》深度的智慧表達完整。
empress tree 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的最佳貼文
{FB Giveaway} KidsFest returns in January 2017 with a total of NINE world-class productions adapted from best-selling children's books!
A Happy Mum is giving away a Family Package of 4 Cat 1 tickets to Gruffalos, Ladybirds and Other Beasts with Julia Donaldson (worth $248) to a lucky reader.
"Britain’s best-selling author Julia Donaldson comes to Singapore to act out her stories and songs with a cast of five, including her guitar-playing husband Malcolm.
The stories featured are Jack and the Flumflum Tree, What the Ladybird Heard, A Squash and a Squeeze, Zog and, of course, The Gruffalo, with James Lewis’s children’s library set cunningly transforming itself into a ship, farm, tropical island and the deep dark wood."
Date: 20 January 2017 (Fri)
Time: 6pm
Venue: Victoria Theatre (9 Empress Place, Singapore 179556)
To participate,
1) LIKE and SHARE this post.
2) Leave a comment in this post on which is your favourite book by Julia Donaldson and why you/your kids love it.
This show is recommended for children aged 4 to 10. Tickets are non-transferable and date/time of show cannot be changed. The winner will be randomly selected and will be notified here and via FB message. He/she will have 48 hours to reply or a new winner will be picked. This giveaway closes on 15 Dec 2359hrs. Best of luck! For more information on KidsFest 2017 and to book your tickets now, visit http://www.kidsfest.com.sg.
empress tree 在 mimi33333333 Youtube 的最讚貼文
#07 昇仙峡 夫婦木神社姫の宮 本殿内参拝:昇仙峡の旅
I went to Shosenkyo.
It is Myotogi (Meotogi) Jinja shrine.
It's possible to enter the back room in this shrine.
Wooden statue of Empress Jingū.
Sacred tree.
They are inside.
ビデオカメラは SONY HDR-PJ790V を使って撮影しました。
編集はEDIUS 6.5です。
A video camera is SONY HDR-PJ790V.
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Mimi-San's Eye(English Blog)