澳洲南部因為降雨量持續減少,使旱季提早展開,加上全球氣候變遷加劇,使夏季變得更炎熱,破紀錄的高溫和長時間乾旱助長了叢林大火, 導致澳洲森林大火情勢難以控制。
澳洲叢林大火已燃燒超過 840 萬公頃土地(大於 2.3 個臺灣面積),造成數人死亡失蹤,超過 2,500 處房屋焚毀,約有4.8億動物因為被燒死,或因缺乏棲息地與糧食而喪生。
該災難的嚴重程度超過 2019 年的亞馬遜雨林大火,重要的生態環境毀於一旦,就需要數百年時間才能復原。
為了減低異常氣候的災難,我們應該努力實踐低碳生活,試圖降低溫室氣體的排放,可以少吃肉多吃菜 、食用當季在地食材、多搭乘大眾交通工具、使用省電型家電、支持再生能源發展等等。
1) 澳洲無尾熊醫院(Australia Koala Hospital)所發起的助養計劃: https://www.koalahospital.org.au/adopt-a-koala
2) 這項計畫會將需要助養的無尾熊放在上面,目前共有 18 隻。每一隻名字點進去都會有他的救助需要說明。
3) 助養共有三種計畫方式,分別是「AAWK (Adopt A Wild Koala) Package」、「AAWK (Adopt A Wild Koala) Package – International Shipping」和「E-Adoption Certificate」。
對台灣的我們來說,可以選擇的有「International Shipping」每年 70 澳元(大約是 NT$1,500) 與 「E-Adoption Certificate」每年 40 澳元(約 NT$850)這兩種助養計劃。
「AAWK (Adopt A Wild Koala) Package」的助養者會收到紙本的證書、助養的無尾熊的故事等,「E-Adoption Certificate」則是收到電子檔的證書。
4) 選好救助無尾熊與救助方案後,就能輸入收件地址與付款資料(信用卡與 PayPal)。
如果覺得上面的方式比較困難的話,只要購買樂天所推出的小熊餅乾,也能協助支援無尾熊的拯救。台灣的樂天小熊餅乾官方證實,日本樂天總公司自 1994 年起,一直都有捐出部分所得給無尾熊基金會,為了保育無尾熊棲息地等等。只要購買樂天小熊餅乾(外包裝有「AKF」授權符號),就可以將部份所得捐到澳洲!
整理5個救援賑災網站,把愛送給大火中的小動物 https://www.elle.com/tw/entertainment/gossip/a30463446/rescued-koalas-adoption/
你還能透過這五種方式幫助災民與動物 https://www.vogue.com.tw/lifestyle/article/%E6%BE%B3%E6%B4%B2%E5%A4%A7%E7%81%AB-%E6%8D%90%E6%AC%BE-%E6%95%91%E6%8F%B4
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「endangered animals article」的推薦目錄:
endangered animals article 在 SF Artography Facebook 的最讚貼文
Hi guys..did you read the heart wrenching recent news about the polar bear that starve to death? The video and photograph was captured by my National Geographic photographer idol who captured the beautiful and painful story of the wildlife @paulnicklen I cried watching the video and I really wish the bear could be saved. .
This is a tribute post to 'Hero' (I called it as Hero because it fought to live till its last breath). It reminds me of my few very first posts that I wrote in Oct 2013 about polar bears - to save polar bears and interesting facts about them. It's been 4 years since I wrote the article about them, and sad truth things are not getting better for them. .
Intense climate change, pollution, sport-hunting, ice is melting and melting, lose of habitat and completely lack of food or no food because 'food migrate'.
Please I beg you to conserve energy (air-conditioning, electricity), reduce pollution (3R-reduce, reuse, recycle), ban sport-hunting and materials that use animal fur, spread awareness and teach your children from young to care about all these. .
You may read my 2013 post about polar bears which I found still relevant and hope you get some insights about these beautiful creatures and how endangered they are. I love animals so much and I hope more people will love them too. May you rest in peace Hero and all the deceased polar bears in the world. .
Let's stand together and ensure the next 25,000 of remaining polar bears can live better and generate more adorable cubs for their species. ❤😭
Read my blog post: http://www.sofianaznim.com/2013/10/save-polar-bears-interesting-cool-facts.html?m=1
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