已烴2000人訂!多謝大家!Two thousand people can't be wrong!(扯,幾百萬人冇訂添!).下一個目標當然係攞你命3000!
月頭訂最抵!一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100. 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
1. 有啲話,刁你求其提過又計。咁固然呢隻唔少Patreon讀者有買。咁但,即管唔好計我「提」嗰時。由我買落去,2019年9月嘅事,剛好兩年前。兩年升250%,一萬變三萬五。咁你都唔滿意嘅,我就唔知點安慰你了
2. 咁當然,唔係隻隻升咁多,有啲輸到趴添,但上星期個週末專題貼過晒我所有股票出嚟。咪有個魚缸溫度計?咁你咪當equal weight(*),都80%回報啦。(嗰行我有公開FB貼出嚟,你可以自己計)。
3. 「幾耐80%先?」。我又真係冇統計喎,咁怕且唔係幾個月,咪幾年咯。咁你個個可以一個星期升幾倍嘅,就唔使睇我啦。但我自己就相當滿意。
4. 我又使唔使識整光刻機? 人地識整就得啦!我地呢啲坐冷氣房嘅,就係做呢啲嘢架啦。
5. 真架喎,任你點講,但講到尾,買股票,就係夾錢同人做生意,咁簡單。咁李嘉誠使唔使識落石屎?
6. 又講真,美股5連跌啦下。你又可以好多「不利因素」,我都識講。民主黨左膠又話加股息稅嘛(但,股市在民主黨帶領下升多哦定共和黨下升多啲?你話呢?),蘋果單官司又不利判決勢將打擊服務收入嘛,嚟緊仲有債務上限添,仲有通脹又高添 — 跌嗰時你咪講呢啲咯。
7. 我只係知道,之前N咁多次叫買ASML,一般嘅反應,都係覺得太貴。咁其實人之常情,見到歷史新高要再飛入去,心理上係唔易克服嘅。另外,亦唔止係bias嘅人之常情,背後都有合理嘅原因,應該好少人可以覺得間公司唔勁,但,「點都有個價嘛」。
8. 的確係咁,ASML已經係全歐洲第二大市值嘅公司。你可以估下第一大係邊間,本人都有持有的。
9. 你問in this context 歐洲包唔包英國?包!但,英國有大公司架咩?HSBC?周恩來話齋:「英國最大市值嘅公司?在愛爾蘭。或者印度。或者新加坡」(**)
10. 咁所以,ASML,作為一間3500億美金市值嘅公司,你話要呢啲位升多5倍10倍,我諗都幾難。因為全球最大嘅蘋果都只係25000億。當然啦,講到尾都係時間,可能過幾年堆FAAMG去到50000億,甚至10萬億呢?蘋果過去3年都升咗4倍。
11. 況且,我係2019年9月同你講ASML嘛。嗰時ASML一樣係歷史新高。今日嘅day high係聽日嘅day low.
12. 固然你可以話事後孔明,但肯定2019年9月,唔係買股票最好嘅時機。買咗半年就全球股災啦,係咪?咁我有冇take profit?或者有冇「止蝕」?隻嘢一樣高位跌三成架!
13. 當然我冇叻到低位撈到(哪有錢?況且,亦都冇膽)—但Patreon寫過N次啦(其實係Peter Lynch講,熟讀唐詩三百首嘛,條友好似寫詩的),你同我唔使做到9分10分的,你有7分已經十分好,因為好多人根本係自爆的(***)。例如2020年肺炎股災嘅例子,你根本唔使叻到低位撈。你只要唔好做傻仔低位沽走就得。
14. Ignore the boos,因為They usually come from the cheap seats.2020年3月,呢度成班花生客係咁鬧我,仆街死財演仲叫人買股票你有冇良心(話時話,方榮記休息兩星期,冇得打邊爐)。你知唔知好大鑊呀(係喎我唔知你先知,拿,呢啲咪暗中嘅自大)。聯儲局印銀紙解決唔到疫情呀(係喎,但又如何?)。經濟重創呀(so?)。好多人失業呀(我失業大半年添,so?)
15. 講真的,呢個Patreon搞咗一年多啲,都係相當順風順水—我唔係講我,係講個市場!呢啲唔係常態嚟旳。你永遠要有心理準備,面對更加惡搞嘅市況。2020年3月?都唔算最惡搞,你見我都冇乜壓力,因為嚟得快彈得快。反而2018年嗰種由頭跌到尾先惡玩,仲要係差不多個個市場都跌。
16. 投資者永遠係矛盾,亦係巴金的。我都係。見到52週新高,梗係唔敢買,事實美股估值點都唔係話平。但你話想等調整?唔好話舊年3月個個鬧到七彩,「咁驚丫嘛,咁大件事」,係丫,但唔係咁大件事點會有得跌三成?
17. 我就當,10%回調你去買。舊年3月到而家都冇出現過,係咪?但呢個唔係常態嚟的。美股即使係十一年牛市(2009-2019),十一年入面,有七年都有10%嘅回調,即使係大牛市都係咁。但,換著而家高位跌10%?即係道指跌3500點?我保證你個個都話牛市玩完。換著跌20%?道指跌7000點?我保證個個都鬧我仆街死財演冇良心累人輸錢
18. 以上呢啲現象呢,都有啲人明,至少我Patreon啲讀者都會明。但我同你都係人嘛,知易行難的,你梗係有情緒,股市就係三分科學七分藝術,而嗰七分藝術往往大部份就係情緒。
19. 點克服?我Patreon同本書都有講。最簡單,唔好上咁多Facebook Twitter(除咗我個Page),唔好睇咁多股價,唔好同朋友講股票。係喎,聽落有啲反社會,但冇法的,呢啲就係取捨。廢柴梗係圍爐,成功多數都係孤獨啲。
20. 仲有?其實真係我本書有講(百二蚊真係好抵睇,講真的)。咪每個月投資,唔睇價,唔睇指數,唔睇新聞。總之買晒佢。升咗好多咩?照買。股災咩?又買。
21. 我買好多股票時都係咁,決定嗰日買,決定買幾多,就照買。你見到我亦都身體力行,我話買垃圾倉,話買日本股,係嗰日買幾多就買幾多,冇因為隻嘢大插或大升而唔買的。信自己,但唔好太高估自己。萬一你錯呢?
(*)實情你會見到樣嘢:即使你買嗰時係equal weight,到後來自然就係跑出嗰啲佔比重多好多。呢個亦係幾有趣嘅一樣嘢:例如隻安踏,我買嗰時十幾蚊,而家百幾蚊。咁佢而家升10%,等於我「最初」嘅投資一個開了。呢啲就係……複利嘅威力。但必定係要時間。時間係投資者嘅朋友,但偏偏好多人係主動去趕佢走的,好似聽日末日審判咁,十分不智。
(**) 認真,英國最大市值嘅公司Astrazeneca,細過愛爾蘭嘅Medtronic或者Accenture(又一走寶)。咁當然你可以話呢兩間都唔係真係「愛爾蘭」公司。走稅嘛,你懂的。咁但,Astrazeneca就肯定細過印度嘅Reliance 或者 Tata,甚至細過坡仔間冬海SEA(東南亞小騰訊喎,又一走寶,寫過但冇買)。脫歐真好。
(***)呢個亦係我教書教會考班嗰時成日講嘅嘢,好多人根本係去到自爆的。固然我「鍾意」教精英班(我鍾意Stephy 鍾意李佳芯添),但亦教過Repeaters 之類,我都同佢地講,唔好同我講「冇數學天份」「由細到大好怕數學」「之前啲嘢都唔識」之類,固然呢啲都係問題,但大佬我唔係要你拎個A嘛,要你拎個合格,就真係唔難,差不多人人畀啲心機都可以。但你去到A Level就唔係呢回事啦,「因為會無啦啦自爆嗰班友已經消失咗」。同一個道理放落好多嘢都係咁。打工如是,投資如是。我本書都係講呢啲嘢。固然好多嘢唔係你控制,我亦都知道要講天份。但在好多遊戲,金字塔嘅底層,你只要稍為認真玩,稍為下啲苦功,已經勝過好多會自爆嘅人。當然你去到高層就唔係鬥呢啲了,上得嚟嘅個個都努力個個都有基本功架啦。
已烴2000人訂!多謝大家!Two thousand people can't be wrong!(扯,幾百萬人冇訂添!).下一個目標當然係攞你命3000!
月頭訂最抵!一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100. 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
同時也有27部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過40萬的網紅糖餃子Sweet Dumpling,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make New York Levain Bakery style chocolate chip walnut cookies. Chocolate chip cookies are...
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[吼~~~~] 你今日整咗光刻機未?
月頭訂最抵!一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1900人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
仲爭4個勇士!邁向2000人訂!Two thousand people can't be wrong!(扯,幾百萬人冇訂添!).搵人填埋佢,下一個目標當然係3000!
1. 雖然所謂美股跌300點,但我個美股倉係升嘅。(上星期六篇文公開咗持倉的,當然冇講埋買咗幾多,但你當equal weight都大約計到,事實我都冇任何一隻特多)
2. 不過當然,絶對唔難。首先所謂跌300點,扯,0.8%之嘛。另外,道指之嘛,而講咗N次道指唔科學,人人都知(你唔知我幫你唔到),咁睇標普指數只係跌0.3%,況且Nasdaq仲升少少添
3. (但最好笑,都係個垃圾倉,跑贏晒三大指數,過去一個月都係,真係買到懷疑人生,可惜只係每隻3000港紙,升20%都冇用。想睇名單Patreon有,幾錢買幾多全部有貼的)
4. 但講返,ASML不停新高唔奇(兩年250%呀,「瞓咗身家而家發達了」),極高技術門檻嘛(人地呢啲就真係識tech啦,唔係你啲網友),晶片荒持續,絶對可以加價(當然總有個譜,留意隻嘢都3500億市值,半間Tesla,世界排名頭二十架啦,好Q誇張)。
5. 蘋果不停新高都唔奇,話晒之前都幾落後,況且出新iPhone嘛,新呢部聽聞幾令人期待,況且大家都餓瘋多年,又大把錢(冇得去旅行,政府又派錢,炒股票又贏—咁嘅市都輸錢就更加要訂我Patreon),肯定賣到貴一貴,食水肥一肥—你可以諗下佢啲成本可能只係多咗幾舊水,但可以賣貴幾千。
6. 最神奇頂級超卓嘅,係NetFlix,遲下我會貼個圖。我知,你去Google都得,進軍遊戲業務嘛,最緊要有憧憬。但之前兩次(定三次?)業績後都狂插,而啲數又真係唔得,真係飽和。(我到而家都覺得 Amazon嘅廣告收入多過 NetFlix成間公司係好mind blowing的)(雖然,蘋果齋賣Airpod嘅收入都差不多等於NetFlix成間公司!)
7. 但大佬呀,講咗N次。雖然左翼(膠?)冒起,但美國始終都係Meritocracy,資本主義
8. America doesn't bail out the losers. America was built by bailing out winners. By rigging a nation of the winners, for the winners, by the winners
9. 以前嘅工業家又好,卡耐基 (知係一個人嚟架可?唔止係間演奏廳),JP Morgan(知係一個人嚟架可?唔止係間輪商),洛克斐勒(知係一個人嚟架可?唔止係棟寫字樓),後來投資銀行家,到而家甚麼標基,Steve Jobs,甚至Jeff Bezos Elon Musk
10. 背後,都係同一樣嘢,亦係我買股票最終極嘅理念:
11. 「你咁叻,自己整間公司出嚟丫?」
12. 好多人以為我好串,但天地良心,認識我內嘅人,知道我係李天命講嗰種「寫文串串貢但閂埋門苦讀」嘅人。正因為我勁(!),所以更加知道自己不足。咁總好過啲人,表面就謙卑,內心實在非常自大(*)
13. There are many guys like you all over the world!我本書有講,我去完Warwick,已經立志唔會去做quant!因為更多肯捱苦嘅勁人(大陸仔,印度仔),完全冇edge的 —而天地良心,Warwick嘅quant都已經唔係頂級啦。
14. 我嗰刻就真係好似高普踢波咁呀!冇錯係嗰個高普(**)
15. 咁你買股票,好簡單一個問題?啲錢我用得叻啲,定人地用得叻啲?咁梗係人地勁過我啦。所以咪打本畀人做生意(請笑,但technically 係咁,你可以買一股匯豐然後落分行同條女講我係你老細,雖然老細有大老細細老細,正如社會上嘅零件有大有細)
16. 股市,就係咁回事。我夾錢人地份生意,當然最後佢分大份我分細份,但冇所謂。我坐順風車,亦唔係free ride(***)。
17. 我嘅終極目標,就係成為一個普通有錢人(上級中產定低級富人之類),然後同你地一齊去仇視啲超級富豪!
18. 成件事係咪好正呢!
19. 我識唔識tech?正如因為我唔識,我咪信啲真係識嘅人,而唔係你啲網友咯。CEO收你咁多錢,就係幫你過關斬將,日日爆鑊日日補鑊架啦。然後大股東食大份,你食餅碎。但你在公司涼冷氣睇Patreon時,人地幫你資產增值,不知幾好。
(**)利迷應該知呢個故事,高普後生時去法蘭克福試腳跟操,當時仲有同佢同年,都係19歲嘅慕拿。對,嗰個慕拿。高普見完慕拿踢波後心諗,嘩,人地呢啲就world class,我no class呀。好早就知道自己唔會係個極成功嘅職業球員,早早已經學做教練。當然高普都謙虛,咁在緬恩斯都入唔少波嘅,唔失禮,但當然同慕拿比爭好遠。而慕拿同真係最優秀嘅球星比,又爭一班啦。後生嘅唔會識佢。
月頭訂最抵!一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1900人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
仲爭4個勇士!邁向2000人訂!Two thousand people can't be wrong!(扯,幾百萬人冇訂添!).搵人填埋佢,下一個目標當然係3000!
equal weight 在 Benny Price Fitness Facebook 的最佳解答
Today I’m @ifs_events to watch a few speakers who put out messages I respect on social media. @bdccarpenter @soheefit & @jamessmithpt are all well-known proponents of taking healthy, mentally sustainable approaches to fitness and steering clear of a mindset that prioritises “hacking” weight loss or putting it before ones sanity. They’re at the front line of fighting how, particularly as we consume it in well marketed snapshots, a lot of the online fitness culture is misleading.
It’s very easy to live under the illusion that abs and guns must equal happiness - there aren’t many photos of ripped people on Instagram who look miserable, yet I guarantee you many of them are.
It’s not necessarily the acquisition of their physique that made them miserable (though, for many, a life of deprivation and lacking anything that inspires them more than what they look like could have), more that there’s very little correlation between shreddedness and happiness.
Yes, being HEALTHIER means you feel better. How ripped someone is doesn’t provide an indicator of this though.
Yes, time to invest in yourself in the gym is good for your sense of self-worth and mental health, but it doesn’t mean someone is happy with the other 23 hours of their day.
A ripped fitness influencer I know in Vegas eats donuts and pizza all day and has to recreationally “medicate” his way through his daily battle with depression.
In their podcast this week Ben & James talked about the different ways in which a lack of inspiration and contentment showed itself in their habits and decision making.
My recommendation would be to focus on the things that improve your health & contentment. Go to the gym because it’s rewarding to spend that time exercising and use the modality that you enjoy most and look forward to. Make sound dietary decisions because the energy they give you is rewarding.
Look for something in the rest of each day that you find rewarding. Time with family. Painting or playing music. Checking in with a friend who you know is struggling. Studying a subject you love that might just allow you to make it your career.
Don’t be fooled by feeds. “Happiness > Pleasure”
equal weight 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的精選貼文
Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make New York Levain Bakery style chocolate chip walnut cookies.
Chocolate chip cookies are a timeless classic, an unparalleled snack. No one can resist the comfort of a chocolate chip cookie. Like many of you, we’ve searched far for the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe. And finally we’re so happy to find a perfect one. It's a copycat version of a very famous New York City bakery “Levain Bakery”. But the taste is amazing, and the size is really big, 6 oz each, but we modify the size to 4 oz each, the size is perfect.
Levain bakery style chocolate chip cookies are really delicious, they are golden brown on the outside, and soft gooey and rich center inside. It’s super simple to make and tastes perfect every time. if you love walnuts and chocolate, then this is a cookie for you. Hopefully you guys will like it.
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How to make Levain Style Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookie
Here is the Levain Style Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookie Recipe
☞ Yields: 6 four-ounce cookies or 4 six-ounce cookies
✎ Ingredients
COLD unsalted butter 112g, cut into small cubes
granulated sugar 50g
brown sugar 75g
cake flour 70g
all-purpose flour 105g
large egg 1
baking powder 2g
baking soda 2g
salt 2g
walnut 82g
64% chocolate chip 150g
✎ Instructions
1. Sift the cake flour, all-purpose flour, baking soda, baking powder together, and add in salt, mix well and set aside.
2. Break the walnuts into two equal parts with your fingers.
3. Beat the egg and set aside.
4. In a large mixing bowl, cream together cold cubed butter, brown sugar, granulated sugar and egg on low speed and until mixed well.
5. Add all the dry ingredients in, including cake flour, all-purpose flour, baking soda, baking powder, beat on low speed until the wet and dry ingredients are all mixed together. Scraping down the sides of the bowl if necessary.
6. Simply fold in the chocolate chips and walnuts into the bowl, and mix until just combined to avoid over mixing.
7. For best results, refrigerate the dough for 15 minutes before forming the cookie dough. Cover plastic wrap to avoid dryness.
8. Divide the dough into 6 equal pieces about 4oz (113g) each. Roughly shape the cookie dough into loosely shaped balls.
9. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate the cookie doughs for 45 minutes.
10. Preheat the oven to 220°C, and bake for 12-14 minutes. Bake 3 cookies at one time.
11. Once baked. Let cool on the baking sheet for 30 minutes before serving.
00:00 opening
00:35 Ingredients
01:27 preparation
03:47 how to make cookie dough
07:14 cookie dough weight and shape
08:44 oven setting and baking
09:43 best ever chocolate chip cookies
equal weight 在 生かし屋 IKASHIYA CULINARY ART Youtube 的精選貼文
・強力粉 300g
・グラニュー糖 25g
・スキムミルク 10g
・塩 5g
・インスタントドライイースト 2g
・水 195g
・バター 20g
・バター(出来れば発酵バター) 7gずつ
・フルール・ド・セルor岩塩 適量
1. 【こね~1次発酵】ボウルにパン生地のバター以外をあわせてヘラで混ぜ、まとまったらこねていく
2. 向こうが透けるくらいのグルテン膜が出来たらバターを加えてさらにこね、再度薄いグルテン膜が出来たらこねあがり(こね上げ温度:26℃)
3. 丸めてボウルに入れてラップをし、30℃で60分1次発酵、2倍ほどに膨らむ
4. パンチを入れる(台に取り出して全体的に軽くおさえて広げ、横に三つ折り→縦に三つ折りしてボウルに戻す)
5. ラップをして再び発酵、30℃で30分、2倍ほどに膨らむ(指に強力粉をつけて穴をあけたとき、少しだけ穴が縮むが塞がらない)
6. 【分割~ベンチタイム】軽くおさえガス抜きし、生地の重さをはかって10等分にするか50gずつ計量し分割する
7. きれいな面が表面になるようにして丸め、かたく絞った濡れ布巾をかけてベンチタイム15分
8. 【成形】軽くおさえて円状に平らにし、奥から1/3くらいを生地を張らせながら手前に折り返し、180℃まわして反対側も同様に折り返す
9. さらに中心に半分に折りたたんでとじ、片方が細くなるように少しのばし、かたく絞った濡れ布巾をかけて10分ほど休ませる
10. 細い方を手前において、半分より奥に向かってめん棒でのばし台にくっつけ、手前を引っ張りながらめん棒でのばす
11. 巻いた時にきれいな面が外側になるようにして再度同じように30cm強にのばし、奥の太い方に切れ込みを入れて左右にも少しのばす
12. 拍子木状にしたバターを切れ込みの手前に置いて1周巻き、両端を整えてゆるく巻いて、最後は指でつまんでとじる
13. 【2次発酵】オーブン用シートを敷いた天板にとじめを下にして並べ、40℃で60分2次発酵(オーブンで発酵させる場合は予熱の時間がかかるので50分くらいで取り出して予熱を開始する)
14. 【焼成/220℃に予熱】オーブンに入れる直前に全体的に霧吹きし、塩をのせて220℃に予熱したオーブンで10分焼いて出来上がり
↓using translation software.
bread dough
・Bread flour 300 g
・Granulated sugar 25 g
・Skim milk 10 g
・5g salt
・Instant dry yeast 2g
・195 g water
・Butter 20 g
・Butter 7g each
・Full de Ser or rock salt as needed
[How to make]
1.Mix all of the bread dough except the butter in a bowl with a spatula. Knead it when it comes together.
2.Once the gluten film is transparent, add butter and continue kneading. Once the gluten film is thin again, it's done kneading (Kneading temperature: 26 ° C).
3.Round it and put it in a bowl. Cover it with a plastic wrap. Let it undergo primary fermentation for 60 minutes at 30 ° C and it will rise to around twice its original size.
4.punch (Take it out on a stand, lightly press it all over and spread it out, fold it horizontally in three, fold it vertically in three and put it back in the bowl.)
5.Cover with plastic wrap and let rise again, then bake at 30 ° C for 30 minutes until it doubles in size (When I put extra-strength flour on my finger and make a hole, the hole shrinks a little but it won't close.).
6.Lightly press it to release the gas. Measure the weight of the dough and divide it to 10 equal parts or measure 50 g each and divide it.
7.Round it so the clean side becomes the surface. Cover it with a tightly squeezed damp dishcloth and bench it for 15 minutes.
8.Lightly press it down and flatten it to a circle. Roll it back to the front while stretching around 1/3 of the dough from the back. Rotate it to 180 ° C then fold the other side in the same way.
9.Fold it in half and close it. Stretch it a bit so one side becomes thinner. Cover it with a tightly squeezed damp dishcloth and let it rest for around 10 minutes.
10.Place the thin side in front of you and stretch it from the half towards the back with a rolling pin. Attach it to the stand and stretch it with a rolling pin while pulling the side in front of you.
11.When rolling it, make sure that the beautiful side is on the outside and stretch it again to a little more than 30 cm in the same way. Make a cut on the thick side in the back and stretch it a little on the left and right.
12.Place the clap-shaped butter in front of the cut and roll it around. Adjust both ends and roll it loosely then pinch it with your finger at the end and close it.
13.Put the dough on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, with the seam side down, and let it undergo secondary fermentation for 60 minutes at 40 ° C (When fermenting in the oven, it takes time to preheat, so take it out after about 50 minutes and start preheating.).
14.[Preheat it to 220 ° C] Spray it entirely just before putting it in the oven. Add salt and bake it for 10 minutes in the oven preheated to 220 ° C and it will be complete.
equal weight 在 生かし屋 IKASHIYA CULINARY ART Youtube 的最佳貼文
・準強力粉 100g
・水 50g
・オリーブオイル 12g
・塩 2g
・モッツァレラチーズ 100g
・パルミジャーノ・レッジャーノ(粉チーズ) 適量
1. ボウルや台の上で準強力粉100g・水50g・オリーブオイル12g・塩2gを合わせてまとまったら5分ほどこねる
2. なめらかな状態になったら4等分して丸め、かたく絞った濡れ布巾をかけて30分寝かせる
3. 両手で左右に軽くひっぱってのばして回転させてを繰り返して中心に薄い膜が張ったら台にのせ、周りの厚い部分を徐々にのばす
4. 直径20cm強くらいになったら天板に敷いたオーブン用シートの上に広げて形を整え、水切りしたモッツァレラチーズ・粉チーズをちらす
5. 同様に生地をのばし、↑に被せて端を合わせてくっつけ、残りの生地も同じようにのばし→チーズをちらし→のばし重ねる
6. ナイフ等で表面にいくつか穴をあけ、刷毛でオリーブオイルを薄く塗って250℃に予熱したオーブンで12~13分焼いて出来上がり
↓using translation software.
・Quad strong bread flour 100 g
・50 g water
・Olive oil 12 g
・Salt 2g
・Mozzarella cheese 100 g
・Parmigiano Reggiano (grated cheese) as needed
・Cut the mozzarella cheese to around 1.5 cm cubes. Wrap it with paper, put a weight on it and drain the water.
[How to make]
1.Mix 100 g of extra-strength flour, 50 g of water, 12 g of olive oil and 2 g of salt in a bowl or on a counter top. Knead it for around 5 minutes when it comes together.
2.When it becomes smooth, divide it into 4 equal parts and round it. Cover it with a tightly squeezed damp dishcloth and let it rest for 30 minutes.
3.Lightly pull it to the right and left with both hands and roll it. Repeat step 3. Put it on the counter top when a thin film is spread in the center and gradually stretch the thick part around it.
4.Spread it on a baking sheet when the diameter becomes around 20 cm and shape it. Sprinkle the drained mozzarella cheese and grated cheese.
5.Stretch the dough in the same way. Cover it with ↑ then join the edges together and stick it together. Stretch the rest of the dough in the same way as well → sprinkle cheese → stretch it over.
6.Make some holes on the surface with a knife etc., lightly brush it with olive oil and bake it for 12 to 13 minutes in an oven preheated to 250 ° C and it will be complete.
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