【Equator Coffee — 北加衝浪咖啡館 】
與其形容Equator Coffee是咖啡館,倒不如說是飄著咖啡香的海灘小屋,洋溢北加特有的慵懶舒曠海灘況味。
起家於舊金山北邊Mill Valley的Equator Coffee,名氣雖較Blue Bottle、Verve Coffee等低調許多,卻是灣區唯一有B Corp. 認證的品牌,更是米其林三星餐廳French Laundry指定御用的咖啡豆。
創立20餘年以來,Equator堅持以永續方式種植咖啡豆、採用比傳統機器減少80%天然氣消耗的烘豆機,並持續回饋當地社區。永續經營並未犧牲咖啡的美味度,招牌Eye of The Tiger義式混豆,風味平衡、充滿層次感,融合百香果與焦糖的特殊味道,尾韻漾著一絲淡淡的檸檬氣息。
咖啡店和Proof Lab衝浪店相連,簡潔明亮的空間融入大量的衝浪元素,以標誌性紅色貫穿整個設計,La Marzocco紅色咖啡機、褐紅色榆木家具與大型衝浪板,一走進來便讓人放鬆下來!
在戶外庭園啜飲一杯香濃的咖啡,到衝浪店採買今夏海灘假期的行頭,再驅車至附近的Stinson Beach,就是理想的下午。
equator coffee 在 Cindy的秘密花園 Facebook 的精選貼文
這個好實用呢!by 咖啡空少
#赤道咖啡-Equator 鄭煒中 (Equator Coffee)
#幸福旅行自家烘焙咖啡館 豐原
#amazing63 coffee shop
#家裡咖啡-House Caf'e
#雲道咖啡_末廣門市 - 台中豐原
equator coffee 在 Ken Hunts Food Facebook 的最佳解答
For an extensive but inexpensive Western breakfast, early risers can make their way to PepperSalt at Amoy Lane, one of the streets near Hutton Lane (where Equator College is located). Established since late 2017, the humble cafe has garnered an appreciate following... the place is patronized by many morning exercisers, especially Sundays. Perhaps not for absolute taste but the comfortable-homey atmosphere and inexpensive price tags. But its never a hipstery place, the menu is pretty much breakfast-focused... featuring an array of Breakfast options, Sandwiches and a few Burger, Noodle choices for lunch. The place is kids-friendly and could cater for private birthday events if that's what you are concerned.
Full American Breakfast (Rm 12.90/ with complimentary Coffee or Tea)
Egg Sandwich (Rm 3.90)
Prices are nett
Address: 27 & 29, Lorong Amoy, 10050, Georgetown, Penang.
Business Hours: 7 am to 5 pm. Closed on Saturdays.
Contact Number: 6012- 268 8439/ 6011- 2406 7651
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equator coffee 在 Equator Coffee Roasters - 首頁| Facebook 的推薦與評價
Equator Coffee Roasters 。 3914 個讚· 63 人正在談論這個· 21 個打卡次。 Roaster, retailer, distributor of fresh, fair, organic coffee. ... <看更多>