【特福創意小廚 ‧ 鮮果八寶飯】
法國特福球釜IH電飯煲RK8055有多種烹煮功能,你試過未?今次廚壇魔術師 Christian Yang (楊尚友) 就特別選用糯米飯功能,炮製創意甜品!睇完食譜記得Click入 goo.gl/Uheztl 觀看短片,睇下廚壇魔術師嘅真人示範!
糯米 6杯
椰汁 4杯
水 1杯
棉花糖 1杯
純朱古力 1杯
余仁生BTB蜂蜜 1湯匙
椰絲 1杯
杏仁碎 1杯
新鮮雜莓 1杯
朱古力曲奇餅碎 1杯
1. 將米放入內鍋,倒入椰汁及水直至米飯刻度「5」,加白朱古力粉拌勻。關蓋後選擇[快煮]> [糯米]> [適中米飯口感]>按[開始]。
2. 在長方型蛋糕模上舖一層可受熱保鮮紙,方便稍後將整個八寶飯倒出。
3. 糯米飯煮熟後置涼5分鐘後,在蛋糕模內舖一層,然後一層朱古力及杏仁碎,糯米飯的餘溫會融化朱古力,使其與杏仁碎黏在一起。然後再舖一層糯米飯,一層杏仁碎、椰絲及棉花糖,然後再一層糯米飯。最後在最上層灑上曲奇餅碎。
4. 反轉蛋糕模將八寶飯倒出。以芒果片,雜莓及蜂蜜裝飾後即成。
Have you tried any of the perfectly designed built-in prgrammes of our Tefal Spherical Pot IH Rice Cooker RK8055? This time, kitchen magician Christian Yang experiments with the glutinous rice function to make dessert! Watch how Christian Yang demonstrates this creative recipe of Splendid Eight-Treasure Rice using Spherical Pot IHt RK8055 here: goo.gl/Uheztl
6 cups glutinous rice
4 cups coconut water
1 cup white chocolate drink powder
1 cup water
1 cup marshmallows
1 cup dark chocolate
1 tbsp Eu Yan Sang BTB honey
1 cup shredded coconut
1 cup shaved almonds
1 cup fresh berries
1 cup fresh mangos, sliced
1 cup chopped chocolate cookies
1. Put the glutinous rice in the inner pot. Pour in the coconut water then add water until rice water mark 5. Add the white chocolate powder and stir well. Close the lid then select Quick Rice> Glutinous Rice> Normal Rice Texture. Press Start.
2. Line a rectangular baking tin with heat proof cling film.
3. When the rice is cooked, take out and cool for 5 minutes. Then layer the tin with a layer of rice, a layer of dark chocolate and almonds, a layer of rice, then a layer of almonds with shredded coconut and marshmallow, then a layer of rice again. Finished with a layer of chopped cookies.
4. Press the baking tin and invert the rice cake out onto a plate or board. Garnish with fresh mangoes, berries and drizzle with some honey.
【球釜IH電飯煲RK8055 ‧ 廚壇魔術師教你整鮮果八寶飯!】
廚壇魔術師 Christian Yang (楊尚友)今次就用球釜IH電飯煲RK8055嘅糯米飯功能,變出創意甜品!一齊去片睇Christian親身示範啦!
特別鳴謝余仁生 Eu Yan Sang Hong Kong提供食材拍攝!
Spherical Pot IH rice cooker RK8055 offers you assistance in the kitchen in ways beyond your imagination with its highly adjustable cooking modes and programmes!
This time, Christian Yang, our beloved kitchen magician, is going to explore how the Glutinous Rice function of the Spherical Pot IH rice cooker RK8055 can create the most creative dessert for you and your family!
Spherical thanks to Eu Yan Sang for providing ingredients for shooting!
eu yan sang board 在 Christian Yang (楊尚友) Facebook 的最佳貼文
【特福創意小廚 ‧ 牛油果三文魚飯堡】
法國特福球釜IH電飯煲RK8055多才多藝,就連廚壇魔術師 Christian Yang (楊尚友)都特別用佢炮製新派料理!睇完食譜記得Click入 goo.gl/9NT145 觀看短片,睇下廚壇魔術師嘅真人示範啦!
余仁生優質冬菇 3個
日本米 2杯
植物油 1茶匙
三文魚刺身 200克
牛油果 1個
檸檬 1個 (榨汁作牛油果調味)
日本芥辣 適量
豉油 半湯匙
味醂 1湯匙
橙 半個 (榨汁)
麻油 1茶匙
芝麻 1茶匙
1. 用三杯暖水浸冬菇一小時或直至軟身為止。
2. 將冬菇揸乾水份,留起所有冬菇水,之後將冬菇切粒。
3. 選擇煲仔飯功能,落一茶匙油於內鍋。
4. 油熱後,將冬菇炒五至六分鐘直至炒香。
5. 加入冬菇水及日本米。關蓋後按開始,電飯煲會自動煮飯。
6. 煮飯期間,將三文魚切粒,加數滴醬汁撈勻調味,不要下太多以免餡料過濕,牛油果切片。
7. 飯熟後,飯底會有鍋巴效果。取出放於砧板上,以曲奇餅圓模切出兩塊成飯堡。
8. 取出三文魚,置於一塊飯堡上,並伴以牛油果,再放另一塊飯堡,鍋巴向外賣相更佳,即成。
The IH Spherical Pot RK8055 does not only handle all your cooking procedures, but it also inspires new ideas! Watch how Christian Yang demonstrates this creative recipe of Avocado Salmon Rice Burger using IH Spherical Pot RK8055 here: goo.gl/9NT145
For the rice burger:
3 large Eu Yan Sang shiitake mushrooms
2 cups Japanese rice
1 tsp vegetable oil
For the filling:
200g fresh salmon (sushi grade)
1 avocado
1 lemon (squeeze juice for avocado)
For the salmon seasoning:
1/2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp mirin
juice of 1/2 orange
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp sesame seeds
1. Soak the mushrooms in 3 cups of warm water, cover and allow to hydrate for 1 hour.
2. After 1 hour of hydrating, squeeze the excess water out of the mushrooms, keep the mushroom water then chop the mushrooms into small cubes.
3. Select Clay Pot function and place 1 tsp of vegetable oil in the inner pot and allow the rice cooker to to heat up the inner pot.
4. Once hot, then sauté the mushrooms for 5-6 minutes so that they will caramelise.
5. Then add the mushroom water and the dried Japanese rice. Close the lid and press start to allow the rice cooker to automatically cook the rice.
6. While the rice is cooking, chop the salmon into fine cubes, slice the avocado and mix the seasoning for the salmon. Season the salmon with a few drops of seasoning at to make sure you do not make the mixture too wet.
7. When the rice is ready, it should be crispy on the bottom. Place the rice onto a cutting board and cut out circles using a cookie cutter to form the rice burger “buns”.
8. Scoop some salmon mixture onto one circle with the crispy side out and garnish with avocado then use another “bun” to make a burger.
【球釜IH電飯煲RK8055 ‧ 廚壇魔術師教你整牛油果三文魚飯堡!】
廚壇魔術師 @Christian Yang (楊尚友) 首次出手教路,一齊睇下佢點用球釜IH電飯煲RK8055嘅煲仔飯功能炮製出和風創意料理!
特別鳴謝 余仁生 Eu Yan Sang提供食材拍攝!
Spherical Pot IH rice cooker RK8055 is not just designed for rice cooking! Using different cooking modes and adjustable features, it can even create the most delicious fusion deli!
For the first time, Christian Yang, a creative fun-loving chef, is going to show you how a creative dish can be done using the Clay Pot function of Spherical Pot IH rice cooker RK8055!
Spherical thanks to Eu Yan Sang for providing ingredients for shooting!