[言論紅線乃政治非法律問題(曾焯文報導)HK Speech Red Line is a Political Issue Rather than a Legal one (Chapman Chen reports) -- Local Press] (Eng. summary below)
摘要:九月廿二號,香港人文學會以及本土新聞合辦論壇,言論紅線,曾焯文博士主持,王岸然先生、劉偉聰大律師、劉桂標博士、潘敬泰律師主講。 習近平舊年訪港曾道: 任何危害國家安全挑戰中央權力的活動都是對底線的觸碰。香港特者林鄭及保安局長李家超強調港獨係紅線。曾焯文引Fox News湯美•麗倫Tomi Larhen:言論自由不單止講你想講的說話,而且包括聽你不中意聽的話。王岸然話言論自由無底線,除了國際人權公約,所謂危害公共安全秩序衛生道德外。劉桂標引J.S. Mill米勒論自由:言論自由體現自尊自治平等, 但以不傷害他人及公共利益為原則。劉偉聰指出禁止討論港獨,受損者包括無機會知道命題有無料到的人。平民主張不可能違憲,只可能與憲法不符。陳浩天港獨主張不符合基本法綱領,但並非不守法。 潘敬泰話中國憲法訂明國民有言論自由,觀眾劉先生謂中國行社會主義法,本質禁止挑戰當局權威。 曾焯文引包致金大法官: 香港倘無民主就只有類法治。結論: 香港言論紅線係政治問題而非法律問題。On 22 September, Local Press and Hong Kong Society of Humanity co-held the forum, Red Line for Freedom of Speech in HK, the host being Dr. Chapman Chen, founder of Local Press, speakers including Mr. Wong On-yin (current affairs critic), Mr. Lawrence Lau (Barrister), Dr. Lau Kwai Piu (Chair of HKSH), Mr. Poon King Tai (solicitor). President Xi Jinping, when visiting HK last year, said that any activities endangering national security and challenging the Central authorities touch the red line; HK Chief Executive Carrie Lam often stresses that HK independence is a forbidden red line. Chapman Chen cited Tomi Lahren from Fox News, "Freedom of speech is not just saying what you want to say, but also hearing what you don't want to hear." Wong On-yin insisted that freedom of speech has no bottom line except for the endangering of public order, safety, morals and health. Lau Kwai-piu cited J.S. Mill's on liberty:- "Freedom of speech realizes self-dignity, self-autonomy and equality, and his harm principle. Lawrence Lau pointed out that banning heresies such as Hong Kong independence would victimize those deprived of the opportunity to hear and to decide whether such propositions were meaningful or not. Civilians cannot possibly violate the constitution, they can only be inconsistent with the constitution. Just because Chair of the HK National Party, Chan Ho-tin's, independence advocacy is inconsistent with the Basic Law does not mean he has broken the law. Poon King Tai said that the PRC's constitution stated clearly that all China citizens are entitled to freedom of speech. Mr. Lau, one of the audience, pointed out that China practiced socialist law, forbidding any challenges of the authorities. Chapman Chen quoted Mr Justice Bokhary, "Without democracy, Hong Kong can only have approximation of rule of law." The conclusion was that the red line for freedom of speech in HK is a political problem rather than a legal issue.
正文: 曾焯文引盧梭:人生而自由;孟子曰處士縱橫;宋太祖命子孫不得殺士大夫及上書言事人。美國憲法第一修正案保障言論自由。劉桂標引米勒論自由,社會集體不應干涉個言論自由,除非危害個人基本權利、國家安全、公共秩序衛生。曾焯文引約翰內斯堡原則:危害者,必須有明顯而即時的危險。劉偉聰話言論自由有內在質素,例如王岸然所謂思想自由,快樂寫作; 外在價值,即立場競爭,尋求真相。普通法不以言入罪,分清意見與事實。意見無法證明,不同事實有對錯。香港應否與中國切割,屬於意見,應可辯論。禁止討論異見,受損者包括無機會知道命題有無意義的人。
王岸然常常寫文鬧爆法官,重判異見人士入獄,又發起聯署呼籲美國國會通過香港人權民主法案,禁止傷害香港人權自由者進入美國,並且凍結其在美國資產。曾焯文問王岸然懼否因此而被告藐視法庭,勾結外國勢力?王岸然答道:根據上述國際標準,講就一定無罪,如被告上法庭,正好㧻爆當局無理禁制言論自由。如受進一步迫害,益證這並非法律問題而係政治問題。 劉偉聰指出鬧法官有無罪,視乎如何鬧法。案件完結,理性分析評論法官判案之道,並無問題。另一方面,馬道立判反東北發展案被告上訴得直,工聯會吳秋北鬧其乃青年殺手 ,社會罪人,屬於人身攻擊,無論發生在案件審訊期間,或者完結後,都有藐視法庭之嫌,視乎律政司起訴與否。曾焯文: 加州法例不但容許國民指責法官,而且容許國民投票罷免法官。例如一六年加州法官皮斯基判強姦昏迷女仔的大學生入獄六個月,被全民鬧爆,判得太輕,投票通過罷免。
曾焯文又問:梁振英多次指港獨主張違憲違法; 立法會議員謝偉銓指責香港民族黨陳浩天煽動港獨違法違憲,超出言論自由底線; 林鄭強調港獨並無討論空間;中國外交部譴責外國記者協會為陳浩天提供平台,散播港獨謬論,聲明港獨宣傳觸碰一國兩制底線,嚴重違反中國憲法及香港基本法。王光亞又聲稱結束一黨專政口號違反中國憲法。劉偉聰答: 平民主張不可能違violate憲,只可能與憲法不符inconsistent with 。況且中國憲法只寫明由中國共產黨領導,並無寫一黨專政。普通法根據煽動必須有行動,戴耀廷被控公眾妨擾罪亦應作如是觀。
潘敬泰: 中國憲法訂明國民有言論自由噃。曾焯文:中國憲法解釋權以及執法權盡在中國共產黨手中,正如香港基本法,可任由人大釋法搓圓撳扁。觀眾劉先生:天下法制分為伊斯蘭法、社會主義法、普通法、歐陸法。中國實行社會主義法,本質禁止挑戰當局權威。憲法雖話有自由,但不必心存幻想。
曾焯文:法治需要民主制衡,否則容易變成惡法統治。英殖時代,香港甚少民主,但法治相對清明,皆因宗主國有民主。三年前香港終審庭非常任法官包致金話:「無民主,香港就只有類法治approximation of rule of law。」十八屆四中全會通過:「堅持黨的領導,是社會主義法治的根本要求。」香港基本法解釋權同樣握在全國人大手中,任意搓圓撳扁,香港人無權置喙。況且香港法官由非民主政權委任。
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