Do you remember the Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival held in Switzerland this June? This was the very time that Taiwan was officially featured in the festival. The NIFFF launched “Formosa Fantastica” and set up a category for immersive content. Huang’s latest work “Samsara” has also taken part in the festival.
According to Verizon Media’s analysis data for the first quarter of this year, Taiwan’s interest in accepting immersive performances is higher than the global average. Also, the contents and forms of Taiwanese immersive experiences are highly diverse. Perhaps that was the reason for the NIFFF to choose Taiwan as their featured country this year.
And how does Taiwan develop the field of immersive experience? Check out the article below!
還記得今年六月時在瑞士舉辦的紐沙特奇幻影展嗎(Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival, NIFFF)?這是首次官方以臺灣為主題國,推出「奇幻福爾摩沙」單元並設立「沉浸式內容」類別。黃心健則以最新作品《輪迴》參與展出。
根據Verizon Media針對今年第一季調查數據分析可得知,台灣沉浸式體驗接受度高於全球平均!且臺灣的沈浸式體驗內容與形式發展多元,由此或許可理解今年NIFFF為何以臺灣為主題國了!
更多內容請見文章《 不僅是代工大國——臺灣,你的下一步是沉浸式「內容大國」》🔗
圖為今年NIFFF 論壇「SAUVAGE展覽之延伸座談一:臺灣沉浸式內容作品」邀請《Oil邊境》製片François Klein、《輪迴》導演黃心健、《蘚的歌唱》導演蘇柏維、《星際大騙局之登月計劃》導演徐漢強與主持人Laetitia Bochud進行線上對談 。
同時也有98部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,030的網紅數位時代Official,也在其Youtube影片中提到,公司簡介 智聯科技專注於人工智慧(AI)在醫療影像的運用以及物聯網(IoT)數據分析。推出的第一項產品——LuluPet AI智慧貓砂盆,其內建AI排泄物影像辨識,可以透過貓糞便影像、重量變化和排泄物行為,蒐集與分析健康數據,提供飼主即時異常警訊並且連結智慧音箱,隨時告訴您貓的最新資訊。 Lulu...
first data 在 StarFab Accelerator Facebook 的最佳貼文
💥 #StarFab特報 💥 第七期 軟硬整合+AI視覺辨識 開必拓數據 創造國際商機
#開必拓數據 是台灣極少數的軟硬整合AI新創,在電子、紡織、金屬箔、電動車產業皆有佈局,更是去年第三屆 #TAIRA 投資人特別獎得主。
此期我們很榮幸邀請到 #開必拓 孫逢佑 執行長 與我們一同聚焦AI趨勢與應用,並分享其創業心法與市場進入策略!
📌 如何讓AI做到「如人一般」的智慧應用?
📌 開必拓如何運用其軟硬整合優勢?
📌 全球首見的AI鋁箔品檢技術如何幫助企業創造商業價值?
💥#StarFabNewsletter💥 Issue 7
AI Visual Inspection with the Integration of Software and Hardware
to Develop Business Opportunity Worldwide
As the leader in artificial intelligence industry, Kapito.Inc focuses on serving clients in the electronics, textile, smart vehicle, and metallic foil. Also, Kapito won the special prize on the TAIRA Accelerator Program Demo Day in 2020.
In this week’s issue, we were honored to invite Riccardo Sun, CEO of Kapito.Inc, to share his entrepreneurial journey and market entry strategy. Kaptio hopes to cooperate with startups and big companies interested in AI field to explore the global market together in the future.
📌 How does big data enable AI to complete tasks at a human level?
📌 How does Kapito make the integration of hardware and software as its advantage\?
📌 How does Kaptio create commercial value by the world's first AI quality inspection software for electrode aluminum foil?
【StarFab Newsletter】Issue 7:
first data 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Soalan saya dan Jawapan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia: Jawapan:-
Tuan Yang Dipertua,
Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat, proses penguntukan spektrum tambahan kepada Syarikat Altel Communications Sdn. Bhd. adalah mengikut ketetapan di bawah Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia 1998 [Akta 588]).
Peruntukan spektrum tambahan kepada Syarikat Altel Communications Sdn. Bhd. adalah untuk memastikan pengagihan yang setara bagi menyokong perkhidmatan berkualiti kepada penggunamemandangkan syarikat tersebut mempunyai pegangan spektrum yang sedikit di kalangan pemberi perkhidmatan.
Penguntukan spektrum ini akan mengambil kira pelan spektrum, hasil penilaian pasaran, pengagihan yang setara untuk menyokong perkhidmatan berkualiti kepada pengguna, kepastian jangka Panjang penguntukan serta penguntukan spektrum yang terdahulu yang telah dikeluarkan kepada pemegang lesen.
Sebelum mana-mana penguntukan spektrum boleh dikeluarkan, setelah mengambil kira syor daripada MCMC, suatu Penentuan Menteri akan didaftarkan untuk menentukan bahawa spektrum tersebut diagihkan semula melalui penguntukan spektrum.
Setelah Penentuan Menteri didaftarkan, tawaran penguntukan spektrum dikeluarkan kepada pemegang lesen sedia ada yang telah ditentukan. Tawaran tersebut mengandungi syarat-syarat yang perlu dipenuhi antaranya penggunaan spektrum yang lebih ketat yang perlu dipatuhi, dan terma dalam tawaran tersebut tidak boleh dirunding (nonnegotiable). Penguntukan spektrum hanya akan dikeluarkan apabila kesemua syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan dipenuhi.
Pemantauan akan dibuat oleh MCMC sepanjang tempoh penggunaan spektrum oleh pemegang lesen bagi memastikan penggunaan spektrum mengikut pelan yang telah ditetapkan seperti di dalam syarat penguntukan spektrum. Sekiranya pemegang lesen didapati melanggar syarat-syarat penguntukan, tindakan boleh diambil oleh MCMC termasuklah menarik balik penguntukan spektrum tersebut.
Untuk makluman, perkhidmatan perumah jaring (web-hosting) atau pelanggan-pelayan (client server) adalah dikecualikan daripada pelesenan di bawah Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia 1998 (AKM98). Setakat ini perkhidmatan pengkomputeran awan adalah perkhidmatan yang tidak dilesenkan.
Pelancaran inisiatif MyDIGITAL pada 19 Februari 2021 telah menyasarkan pemindahan 80% data awam ke persekitaran awan hibrid pada penghujung tahun 2022 di bawah dasar “Cloud First Strategy” bagi memangkin penerimagunaan digital (digital adoption) di Malaysia.
Kerajaan mengambil maklum keperluan kritikal keselamatan, privasi, perlindungan, dan aliran data untuk meyokong “Cloud First Strategy” tersebut. Berdasarkan laporan tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahawa satu bentuk kawal selia yang teguh adalah kritikal untuk memangkin visi digital Malaysia.
Peningkatan penggunaan dan kebergantungan kepada perkhidmatan awan di Malaysia akan lebih ketara lebih-lebih lagi di sebabkan oleh pandemik Covid-19 yang memaksa pekerjaan dan pembelajaran dalam talian.
Selain itu, KKMM turut maklum terdapat keperluan untuk melindungi kepentingan pelabur, dan mewujudkan persekitaran yang dipercayai (trusted environment), melindungi aliran data di pusat data di samping menyelesaikan isu pengehosan aktiviti yang menyalahi undang-undang yang semakin meningkat.
Cadangan kawal selia ini masih dalam kajian dan proses perbincangan dengan pihak-pihak berkepentingan sedang giat dijalankan bagi memastikan tiada impak yang besar ke atas semua pihak. Kesemua aspek dan kesan langsung dan tidak langsung ke atas cadangan tersebut perlu diteliti sebelum sebarang keputusan dibuat.
KKMM mengambil maklum keperluan pendigitalan terutamanya kepada perusahan kecil dan sederhana dan dalam masa yang sama mengakui kepentingan keselamatan data pengguna dan persekitaran yang dipercayai merupakan pemangkin utama penerimagunaan digital di Malaysia. Adalah penting untuk mencapai keseimbangan ini untuk kelestarian penerimagunaan digital di Malaysia.
first data 在 數位時代Official Youtube 的最佳貼文
智聯科技專注於人工智慧(AI)在醫療影像的運用以及物聯網(IoT)數據分析。推出的第一項產品——LuluPet AI智慧貓砂盆,其內建AI排泄物影像辨識,可以透過貓糞便影像、重量變化和排泄物行為,蒐集與分析健康數據,提供飼主即時異常警訊並且連結智慧音箱,隨時告訴您貓的最新資訊。
LuluPet focuses on AI in medical imaging and IoT data analytics. The first product - LuluPet AI Smart Cat Litter Box can monitor and analyze the cat’s health data through cat’s stool images, weight change, and excretory behaviors, notifying the owner of any abnormal activities; also LuluPet can be your smart home partner that connects with your smart speaker like Google Home/ Amazon Alexa telling how’s your cat today.

first data 在 ホロライブ切り抜き/なめたけ Youtube 的最佳貼文
Coco Ch. 桐生ココ
Roboco Ch. - ロボ子
Aqua Ch. 湊あくあ
Shion Ch. 紫咲シオン
Choco Ch. 癒月ちょこ
Subaru Ch. 大空スバル
Mio Channel 大神ミオ
3.5 Channel - さくらみこ
Suisei Channel
Pekora Ch. 兎田ぺこら
Noel Ch. 白銀ノエル
Marine Ch. 宝鐘マリン
Kanata Ch. 天音かなた
Watame Ch. 角巻わため
【桐生ココ】Project Winter in HOLOLIVE!みんなで騙し合い!?できるかな・・・【初プレイ】
ホロAMONG US!! 桐生ココ視点
【紫龍組】ため口教室の後は敬語禁止!試される日本語力!7Days to Die!【ゾンビタウンHOLO】
MY FIRST EVER MARIO マジガチ初見マリオ【桐生ココ/ホロライブ】
【湊あくあ兎田ぺこら】ホロARK廃人勢 の先輩3人と緊急コラボ!大怪鳥TEKケツァルを捕まえろ!【宝鐘マリン桐生ココ】
【桐生ココ3D】桐生ココ3Dお披露目!ホロふぉーす始動! 【JointhefutureJP】
8:51:22 pm
#ホロライブ切り抜き #桐生ココ

first data 在 Coco哥 Youtube 的最佳解答
撳我呢條Link下載Landlord Go即時送你100萬金幣!
仲可以享有一折課金買coin pack嘅優惠!
開game頭七日Empire value最高嗰位觀眾,仲可以額外得到$100 giftcard!
記得喺Facebook、Instagram tag返我
仲有hashtag #LandlordGO 喇!
BNO VISA?? 申請失敗? 一個月後搞成點?
▶ 加入我們的patreon|
【如果喜歡這條影片,記得給我Like & 訂閲我的頻道 】
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄⭐️ 精選影片⭐️ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
?被動收入?累積財富??英國買樓退休?錢搵錢 話咁易❓
?住英國?香港經典食物日日有?腸粉?魚旦?臘腸 中超重有乜嘢?
?科興疫苗?你懂的?2021年必賺?復甦股?你一定要知道! biontech 掂曬
Detail of the competition for the audience:
The Competition is organized by the Reality Games, run by Reality Games (London) Ltd, located at Office 212, 15 Ingestre Place, Soho, London W1F 0JH, Great Britain, tax ID: GB199678519, company number: 08983817. („Organizer").
The Organizer declares that the Competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed, managed, or associated with the entities managing or owning the social network through which the Competition can participate. These entities do not bear the news in time to listen to the Competition on the claims of course participants for the position of the regulations.
Employees of the Organizer and other entities directly involved in the preparation and conduct of the Competition at the request of the Organizer, as well as members of the immediate families of these persons, cannot participate in the Competition. By members of the immediate family, it is understood: ascendants, descendants, siblings, spouses, siblings, parents, relatives, and relatives of the second degree as well as persons in the relationship of adoption.
A person who entered the Competition in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations becomes a participant of the Competition (hereinafter: Participant).
The competition runs from 21st of March 2021 to 4th of March 2021 until 23:59. The competition will be adjudicated on 5th April 2021.
By entering the competition, you accept these Regulations.
1. The goal is to achieve the highest empire value possible in two weeks' time.
2. Every player must write a phrase “teamcoco” in their in-game name.
Ex. playername_teamcoco
3. The First rule is to download Landlord Go through the affiliate link. (Player will get 1M cash if they download the game through the link).
4. The minimum empire value is 10M. Below this level players won’t be taken into consideration.
5. The competition will last 2 weeks
6. Day after the competition ends is on the 5th of March 2021, we will select the winner with the highest empire value and check whether she/he has met the necessary condition, which is to obtain a minimum 10M empire value.
7. The influencers will announce the results of the competition in the IG story after 2 weeks after the release of the contest announcement video. It is on the 5th of March.
8. The competition is only for the players who register in the game from the 21st of March 2021
9. If two players at the end of the competition get the same highest empire value the winner is the person who gets that value in a shorter time.
10. The reward will be sent at the Organiser's expense to the address indicated by the Participant within 30 working days from the end of the competition.
11. Influencer will announce the results of the competition on the 5th of April on his Instagram.
11. The Organizer is not responsible for the inability to transfer the prize for reasons attributable to the Participant, and in particular in the case of: failure to provide address data, providing incorrect, outdated, or incomplete address data.
12. The reward for the winner will be getting USD100 cash.
13. The reward for second place will be getting a package of 6500 coins in Landlord GO which is worth 50 $ in real life.
14. All complaints regarding the manner of conducting the Competition should be submitted by the Participants to the Organizer in writing.
A written complaint should include the name and full address of the Participant, as well as a detailed description and the reason for the complaint. Complaints will be considered immediately, but not later than within 14 days from the date of their receipt by the Organiser.