16/07/2016 - 不負責任感想
就同在下之前喺 八十後投機客 嘅主場mention過一樣,呢幾年實在太多假突破了。咁在下覺得今次熟真熟假?無話企死一邊嘅(唔係做牆頭草,而係一切仲係言之尚早),不過幾乎可以肯定嘅係--如果無macro-event令到錢多嘅人(即芬佬)繼續夾個市上去,錢少嘅老散好多都只會跟好少好少,甚至唔跟。唔好唔記得仲有蟹貨問題。
美國股市破頂嘅前一天,在下同大家講過個市應該開始要癲。BoE而家無減息動作但signal 8月想做嘢,所以如果月底(7月29號)BoJ唔係好似4月尾咁underwhelm而係overwhelm個market嘅話,相信呢啲event可以喺剩返嘅quarter入面再夾高個股市。之前美股嘅情況係幾似技術breakout,而家技術breakout之後只要有fundamental(ie macro)justification嘅話相信就會開始升浪。美國越炒越貴,越貴越炒,其他平啲嘅股市,只要自己chok出fundamental justification(例如減息或fiscal expansion)/ value becomes attractive嘅話(呢啲要靠sell-side analysts推波助瀾了),總會吸到啲錢返嚟。
在下係咪contradict緊自己之前講緊嘅嘢?可能啦,不過事實係,最近啲events真係郁得好快,雖然一兩年前開始係有global portfolio shift to fixed income,但係大家要留意嘅係--嚟到而家,fixed income嗰邊真係已經好撚crowded,AAA嘅穩陣嘅bonds好多都已經做緊negative yield,剩返嘅就係啲高yield但係相對risky好多嘅債券(比如話點心債)。咁如果喺foreseeable future入面因為央行繼續泵錢而令到多啲錢游返去equities嘅話,個股市未來可能有機會(注意,係有機會)炒得返起。
恆指breakout之後有consolidation呢一點相信無懸念,而家問題係what happens after the consolidation?相信有好多老散已經蠢蠢欲動入市鳥,都係嗰句--enter at your own risk(但係唔係叫你唔好入市喎),最緊要知道自己喺度做緊乜。你入呢啲市,絕對唔係投緊資而係投緊機。
在下講咗好多次,自從2008年起,好多所謂嘅上上落落/market cycle都係因為美國同其他央行嘅QE令到錢多到喊而被嚴重地distort咗,而呢個distortion嘅其中一個manifestation就係強者越強,弱者越弱--美國呢啲強者就破嗮頂,大陸呢啲弱者就跌到仆街,更多嘅係好似恆指咁唔上唔落。好喇,而家日本同英國暗示會繼續放鬆銀根,而喺不久嘅將來ECB相信都會繼續減息落去(佢地一直以嚟都喺度QE緊無停過),其實eventually咁就代表亞洲嘅央行只能夠靠減息去應對未來持續嘅distortion,而香港就會跟美國一樣,無需要加息。
咁香港唔加息,係咪代表樓市唔會再跌?Well,在下so far認為未來應該會反彈一陣,但係始仲大六經濟唔係十分掂,反彈完之後嘅走勢就要睇大六經貿。而究竟大六經濟未來三至五年究竟會有咩嘅走勢,還看下年嘅十九大,因為隨著十九大慢慢接近,將會令上面嘅權鬥更白熱化,想走嘅錢會走得更多更明顯。
fixed income portfolio 在 Lee Hsien Loong Facebook 的最佳貼文
There has been a lot of discussion about the CPF scheme. Unfortunately, some of the stuff online is inaccurate and confusing. Minister Tan Chuan-Jin announced in Parliament yesterday that the government will introduce a new one-on-one retirement planning service later this year. This will help CPF members understand the system and make better use of their CPF savings.
Came across this article by Mano Sabnani, the former Business Times editor, on misconceptions and facts about CPF. More information on CPF can be found here too. http://mycpf.cpf.gov.sg/CPF/About-Us/Intro/Intro.htm
Misconceptions on the CPF, the Minimum Sum Scheme, and the state of our national reserves are worrying...
You know, I have been thinking long and hard. And it disturbs me. There is so much misunderstanding and/or misinformation about our Central Provident Fund or CPF; whether the monies are safe; why CPF does not pay higher interest rates; why the government wants the Minimum Sum Scheme and have CPF monies actually been lost by the GIC or Temasek Holdings, the two state-owned investment entities.
Well, I don't have any special inside information on GIC or Temasek or the CPF. But from memory alone and years as a journalist covering some of these issues, I can say things are not as bad as they are made out to be. Our citizens deserve better, and that includes those who rely only on the internet for their information needs.
So here goes. A few pointers and hard facts. Hand on heart, I think these are largely correct. And this is not a defence of any entitity or the government. Just facts!
1. CPF monies are in safe hands; no risk of loss. Interest rate paid by CPF is above market rates for FDs or fixed deposits. Go check it out. The CPF interest rate is an outlier i.e unusually high for a zero-risk investment. As high as 5 per cent on the first $60,000 for some people
2. The Minimum Sum Scheme is an essential one. It should be made more flexible as planned but it should not be abandoned. The original purpose of CPF was to provide some income in old age and that is what MSS does.The withdrawal age has been pushed back for good reasons overall: Singaporeans are living longer and so total withdrawal at 55 years is unrealistic. Also vast sums of CPF money have been invested in property, and having the effect of reducing cash balances meant for retirement. Some liquidity for retirement needs has to be ensured via MSS
3. There are those who say the CPF vaults are empty and that is why the payments back to citizens are being delayed. This empty vault scare is total nonsense
Our reserves per capita are one of the highest in the world.. with GIC, Temasek and the statutory boards all holding sizeable sums. Sums that have grown over the years
4. Some online commentators, with due respect, don't understand how things work. CPF basically only buys special government bonds or securities, the proceeds of which are passed on to MAS and GIC for management. Its income is assured by returns on the special govt securities that it holds.
CPF does not invest directly in the GIC portfolio orTemasek portfolio. Why? It would be too risky to do so. But the corollary of that is that CPF cannot benefit from any windfall gains made by GIC or Temasek in certain years.
5. Another fact: our currency has been strong all these years because our foreign debt is low and reserves high, with relatively low inflation to boot. Singapore govt debt, while seemingly high, is largely domestic debt. It arises mainly because of the CPF scheme to ensure forced savings for all citizens.
It's not that the government wants to hold our money or needs it. Govt is simply CUSTODIAN of our CPF savings.
6 Another fact: GIC and Temasek have done relatively well over the longer term in investments. Yes; they lost money in some investments. But overall, over many years, tbey have been doing all right. Our national reserves are now probably in excess of $600 billion on a conservative, net of debt, basis
GIC could be more transparent?: I agree. That would silence its critics. But they have their reasons. Allowing citizens to know what exactly they hold and values arising could expose the country and its reserves to unnecessary scrutiny by hedge funds and other international market players. Better to be discreet; it is part of total defence!
7.The CPF Life insurance scheme is a good one. It stretches your Minimum Sum to ensure you receive monthly payouts ALL YOUR LIFE in return for relatively low premiums. All of us should take up that option. for our own sake!
Well, you have it. The basic facts. I'm sure there will be many views. Do comment with your own perspectives.
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fixed income portfolio 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
fixed income portfolio 在 Fixed Income Portfolio - Overview, Investing Strategies, Benefits 的相關結果
A fixed income portfolio comprises certificates of deposits (CDs), Treasury bills, bonds, and mutual funds, which are typically low-risk securities with an ... ... <看更多>
fixed income portfolio 在 What is Fixed Income Investing? | BlackRock 的相關結果
Fixed income is an investment approach focused on preservation of capital and income. It typically includes investments like government and corporate bonds, ... ... <看更多>
fixed income portfolio 在 How to Create a Modern Fixed-Income Portfolio - Investopedia 的相關結果
Fixed income refers to assets and securities that bear fixed cash flows for investors, such as fixed rate interest or dividends. ... The barbell is an investment ... ... <看更多>