【Joker系列】致命玩笑02 | 女神芭芭拉慘遭小丑凌辱 | KeNNyPlay3omething
上次開始咗Killing Joke呢個故仔,見到Gordon局長同個女面對空前危機,小丑揸住枝槍出現喺阿女芭芭拉面前,呢槍究竟係靠嚇,定係會開呢?即刻繼續我地嘅故事。
返到黎現實,芭芭拉就被人送咗入醫院,醫生話嗰槍傷到脊骨,睇怕下半世佢都坐輪椅,隔離個差佬就話,佢被發現嘅時候係全裸。你睇,Batman都忍唔住問咗句『全裸』?咩意思呢?梗係始嬲啦,大鬧小丑擒獸。之後Batman同芭芭拉單獨傾咗陣,呢度睇到其實芭芭拉都知Batman嘅真正身份就係Bruce Wayne,咁芭芭拉就同蝙蝠俠講,話小丑捉咗我老豆唔知做乜,你快啲去救佢啦。芭芭拉嘅眼神充港恐懼,蝙蝠俠知道今次Joker嘅計劃非比尋常,佢捉Gordon局長想做乜呢?下一版可能睇到啲端倪。
果然,返到去小丑嘅遊樂場大本營,小丑揾咗班唔知咩人返黎。。。喂,搞乜佢地除Gordon局長件衫,搞完人地個女,佢。。佢地仲想點呀?睇到呢度你地有無啲同情局長嘅遭遇呢?點解Joker要捉局長呢?佢想證明啲咩?要留待下一次再同大家分享。講定先,Killing Joke完咗之後有咩故仔會想睇?Dr. Strange定Flash定其他?歡迎Comment留言話我知。最後記得like、share同subscribe我嘅channel,你嘅支持係我出片嘅動力。Keep Playing Bro。
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★【法蘭克】★Joker小丑 | #3 | DC角色介紹系列!
【Joker系列】致命玩笑01 | 小丑恐怖入手遊樂場 | KeNNyPlay3omething
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【Joker系列】致命玩笑01 | 小丑恐怖入手遊樂場 | KeNNyPlay3omething
Mad Love嘅故仔講完之後,跟住講咩故事好呢?我心目中就有三個選擇,第一就係Dr. Strange嘅故事,因為黎緊佢嘅大電影就上,咁我好想同大家回顧Dr. Strange第一次喺Marvel漫畫同大家見面嘅故仔究竟係講乜。第二就係閃電俠嘅Flash Point故仔,因為電裡劇嘅Flash都就快到Season 3,感覺黎緊嘅故事都有少少改編自Flash Point,係幾有趣嘅故事黎架。第三,亦都係最尾我揀咗會優先處理嘅,係Joker嘅故仔,首先就因為有人想睇多啲關於Joker嘅Origin故事,另外就因為今次我要講嘅呢個關於Joker嘅故事,我自己非常之喜歡,甚至乎當時一出,引起好熱烈嘅討論。所以,今日KeNNyPlay3omething,同你play back呢個1988年,名為Batman the Killing Joke嘅故事。
故事喺一片狂風暴雨下揭開序幕,Batman黎到Arkham Asylum,喺個大門大搖大擺行入黎添,咁門口呀Gordon局長嗰啲嚴陣以待,究竟發生咩事呢?原來蝙蝠俠黎到係要見小丑,有咩傾呢?Batman同Joker講嘞,最近成日諗,佢同Joker嘅結局會點呢?唔係你死就係我亡,而點解佢地之間要係兩個只能活一個呢?所以想黎揾Joker傾吓,睇吓有無得避免。但擁有非凡洞察力嘅蝙蝠俠好快就發現呢個小丑係假嘅,究竟真嘅小丑去咗邊呢?
故事嘅另一邊,Gordon局長就同佢女芭芭拉就提起小丑走甩嘅事,呢度補充少少,芭芭拉其實就係Batgirl黎嘅,不過佢而家已經退下火線就無再做架嘞。佢就同阿爸講,放工就唔好掛住公事,好乖女,仲沖熱朱古力比老豆飲。佢地傾傾下,就有人㩒鐘,芭芭拉就走去開門,邊個呢?門一打開,就見到小丑揸住支槍企咗喺門口?大件事啦,Gordon局長同芭芭拉嘅遭遇會點?小丑又喺度計劃啲咩呢?個故事之後都幾精彩嘅。不過我唔知你地想唔想知,定想我做其他故仔。歡迎comment話我知。記得like同subscribe我個channel。Keep Playing Bro
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★【法蘭克】★Joker小丑 | #3 | DC角色介紹系列!
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Juno L. Vlog - The Joker, Suicide Squad by Juno Lin
The Joker
Art by Alex Ross
Publisher DC Comics
First appearance Batman #1 (April 25, 1940)
Created by
Bill Finger
Bob Kane
Jerry Robinson
Team affiliations
Injustice Gang
Injustice League
Notable aliases Red Hood
Criminal mastermind
Expert chemist
Utilizes weaponized props and toxins
The Joker is a fictional supervillain created by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, and Jerry Robinson who first appeared in the debut issue of the comic book Batman (April 25, 1940), published by DC Comics. Credit for the Joker's creation is disputed; Kane and Robinson claimed responsibility for the Joker's design, while acknowledging Finger's writing contribution. Although the Joker was planned to be killed off during his initial appearance, he was spared by editorial intervention, allowing the character to endure as the archenemy of the superhero Batman.
In his DCU comic book appearances, the Joker is portrayed as a criminal mastermind. Introduced as a psychopath with a warped, sadistic sense of humor, the character became a goofy prankster in the late 1950s in response to regulation by the Comics Code Authority, before returning to his darker roots during the early 1970s. As Batman's nemesis, the Joker has been part of the superhero's defining stories, including the murder of Jason Todd—the second Robin and Batman's ward—and the paralysis of one of Batman's allies, Barbara Gordon. The Joker has had various possible origin stories during his decades of appearances. The most common story involves him falling into a tank of chemical waste which bleaches his skin white, turns his hair green, and his lips bright red; the resulting disfigurement drives him insane. The antithesis of Batman in personality and appearance, the Joker is considered by critics to be his perfect adversary.
The Joker possesses no superhuman abilities, instead using his expertise in chemical engineering to develop poisonous or lethal concoctions, and thematic weaponry, including razor-tipped playing cards, deadly joy buzzers, and acid-spraying lapel flowers. The Joker sometimes works with other Gotham City supervillains such as the Penguin and Two-Face, and groups like the Injustice Gang and Injustice League, but these relationships often collapse due to the Joker's desire for unbridled chaos. The 1990s introduced a romantic interest for the Joker in his former psychiatrist, Harley Quinn, who becomes his villainous sidekick. Although his primary obsession is Batman, the Joker has also fought other heroes including Superman and Wonder Woman.
One of the most iconic characters in popular culture, the Joker has been listed among the greatest comic book villains and fictional characters ever created. The character's popularity has seen him appear on a variety of merchandise, such as clothing and collectable items, inspire real-world structures (such as theme park attractions), and be referenced in a number of media. The Joker has been adapted to serve as Batman's adversary in live-action, animated, and video game incarnations, including the 1960s Batman television series (played by Cesar Romero) and in film by Jack Nicholson in Batman (1989), Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight (2008), and Jared Leto in Suicide Squad (2016). Mark Hamill, Troy Baker, and others have provided the character's voice.
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