[114381] 20581. 舊金山的最後一個黑人The Last Black Man in San Francisco (2019)★★★7.7/10 - 2,399 票__Joe Talbot
[114382] 20582. 豬一般的導演The Pig (2018)★★6.2/10 - 950 票__Mani Haghighi
[114383] 20583. Florence and the Machine: Lungs (2009)★★ⓡ
[114384] 20584. Off with Their Heads: Be Good (2019)★★
[114385] 20585. Father: Awful Swim (2018)★★
[114386] 20586. Father: I'm a Piece of Shit (2016)★★~
[114387] 20587. Father: Who's Gonna Get Fucked First? (2015)★★
[114388] 20588. 趙立荃 - 你的眼淚不是我的眼淚Your Tears Isn't Mine (2019)★
[114389] 20589. Amon Tobin: Supermodified (2000)★★★+
[114390] 20590. Amon Tobin: 4 Ton Mantis (2000)★★★