Pregnancy Diaries:
第一/二個月:正常飲食, 正常運動, 正常生活,正常睡眠(什麼是正常睡眠。問得好。 有個3歲小孩後,能睡就是正常吧。哈哈)
Month 1-2: Normal diet, normal exercise, normal sleep (for a regular mom with a 3 year old toddler)
第3個月: 可以讓我睡覺嗎? 我就躺一下就好。 喔喔喔!蛋糕!可以邊吃邊睡嗎?好吧。 睡~~~~~~~
Month 3: Can I just sleep please...OOOOOOH Cheesecake! No, sleeeeeeeep….
第4-5個月: 辣椒!!!給我給我給我給我! 辣椒!重口味的東西!印度咖喱,韓國泡菜,麻辣火鍋,剝皮辣椒雞湯, 辣~~~~~~~~~
Month 4-5: OMGOMGOMGOMG. GIVE ME CHILI! Spices! Salt! Strong flavors! Indian curry! Korean kimchi, spicy hot pot, spicy anything, SPICY EVERYTHING!!
第6個月: 哇。我好像吃太多了。
Month 6: Oops. I think I ate too much.
第7個月: 我想吃。。。。。喔喔喔。 等一下。 我的肚子跑去哪裡啊? 這麼怎麼那麼小? 喔。 找到了。 現在是寶寶的出氣筒。 喔!不好意思喔。 我先尿個尿。。。。
Month 7: I want to eat… oh. Where did my belly go? Did it shrink? Ah yes, it’s now the baby punching bag. Oh! Gotta go pee….
孕期已經慢慢接近尾聲,醫生建議我吃綜合維他命(為了我跟寶寶),葉酸(有助於體內好的物質合成), 歐美加脂肪酸 Omega-3 (為了發育思緒健康), 鈣/鎂 (如果你跟我一樣,會突然抽動不舒服。 為什麼一定要是半夜睡覺的時候呢?為什麼? )其他媽媽們可能會需要補充的有:鐵,維他命 B12, 維他命D, 等。
My doctor has recommended prenatal vitamins (just good in general), folic acid (for development of baby), omega 3s (for baby mental health), and calcium/magnesium (if you are starting to get uncomfortablelike me… Excuse me… WHY oh WHY do you always come in the middle of the night?!). Other supplements may also include iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D…
Obviously, ask your doctor what’s best for YOUR personal pregnancy journey.
我會補充益生菌,幫助我維持體內的平衡。 不管是全職媽媽或一邊工作都是非常有挑戰性的,有時候你只需要多一點的正能量,或者可以讓媽媽跟嬰兒增加DHA,或是來一些蔓越莓、洛神花,或許可以讓你感覺更是個女人。
I also supplement with InSeed probiotics to help me maintain an overall balanced life. Being a working mom OR a stay-at-home mom are both very challenging and sometimes you just need a little extra energy (extra Vitamin B anyone?), or perhaps a boost of DHA for mom and baby, or maybe some roselle and cranberries extract to make you feel more like a woman.
懷孕真的是一個很神奇的東西, 然後你的身體能接受各種奇奇怪怪的變化真的是很強!我一直以來都是以“聽”我的身體需求為主的概念。我會儘量吃多一點蔬菜水果, 喝多一點水。我本來就蠻喜歡吃健康食物的人。 當然我也是會“滿足我的口慾 give into my cravings” (像是甜點(冰淇淋!!!),炸食物,餅乾,等)但如果是少量我覺得也許也是我的身體在告訴我缺少維生素minerals/vitamins/等。 或是單純就是因為。。。你。就。給。我。 就。 對。 了!(不好意思喔)
Pregnancy is quite an amazing thing and it does quite a crazy thing to your body. I’ve been trying to “listen” to what my body has been telling me since day one and in general, try and stay healthy with lots of fresh vegetables, fruits and healthy meats/seafood. Of course, I will give into some cravings (like spice, occasionally sweet desserts, and yes, even unhealthier things like fried foods) because I feel like it’s my body telling me it needs something I may not be aware of. Or because, JUST GIVE IT TO ME ALREADY… (yes,... hormones).
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InSeed 益喜氏.機能益生菌
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過14萬的網紅SARAH & JASON,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Finally had time to do a video postpartum care vlog, from skin to hair to diet and keeping fit. All aspects are just as important. Really blessed to...
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Lebih 600 mukasurat, dgn beribu tips, panduan & ilmu dari 12 org pakar, 90 videos menyentuh ilmu2 wajib tahu buat suami isteri dari alam perkahwinan sampai mendidik anak2.. =)
Antara topik2 best dalam EBook 9Bulan10Hari :
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✅ Bersediakah kita jd ibu ayah?
✅ Suami, elak perkara2 ini utk bantu isteri hamil
✅ Checklist utk hamil
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✅ Peranan suami ketika isteri hamil
✅ Apa nak buat untuk menjadi suami & ayah yang baik
✅ Apa nak buat untuk isteri mudah melahirkan anak
✅ Apa nak buat dalam labour room
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More than 600 pages, with thousands of tips, guidance & knowledge from 12 experts, 90 videos touching knowledge must know for husband and wife from marriage to educating children.. =)
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✅ Are we ready to be parents?
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folic acid pregnancy 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的最佳貼文
Hari ni mommy dah makan asid folik ke belum?
Jangan ambil sambil lewa je ttg pengambilan asid folik ni ya, walaupun pil tu kecil je tapi kesannya besar kepada anak yang dikandung.
Kenapa asid folik penting untuk ibu hamil?
Menurut Dr Zubaidi Hj Ahmad, vitamin B9 amat diperlukan dalam membina sel-sel baru dalam tubuh. Ia tersangatlah penting dalam membina DNA yang baru dan membaiki DNA yang rosak dalam sel.
Bukan tu je, asid Folik membantu perkembangan otak dan spinal cord. Dalam masa 12 minggu pertama kehamilan, otak dan sistem saraf bayi terbentuk dan berkembang dengan pesat. Suka atau tidak, telanlah dengan niat untuk kebaikan anak.
Ada ibu yang tak berapa suka makan ubat, kalau anda fikirkan kandungan dan sayangkan anak.. makanlah. Suami, tolonglah ingatkan isteri ya kalau dia lupa nak makan.
Bahaya tau kalau tak amalkan masa awal2 mengandung.
Terdapat beberapa kajian menunjukkan asid folik membantu dalam mengurangkan risiko kecacatan saraf bayi seperti sipina bifida dan neural tube defect.
Spina bifida berlaku apabila pelindung yang melitupi saraf tunjang bayi tidak tertutup dengan sempurna. Ini boleh menyebabkan kerosakan saraf kekal.
Komplikasi akibat tak ambil asid folik juga boleh berlaku kepada ibu hamil.
Ibu boleh mengalami anemia akibat kekurang folate, dimana sel darah merah menjadi terlalu banyak (megaloblastic).
Selain masalah kecacatan tiub saraf, pengambilan asid folik juga penting bagi mengurangkan risiko terhadap sumbing (cleft lip / cleft palate) pada bayi yang dilahirkan.
Menurut BabyCenter, keperluan asid folik bagi ibu mengandung adalah kira-kira 400-600 microgram sehari.
Mommy juga boleh menambah kandungan asid folik dengan makanan yang berkhasiat, contohnya kekacang, sayuran berdaun hijau, avokado, bijirin penuh, dan buah-buahan sitrus.
Copyrights 9bulan10hari silakan SHARE ❤️❤️
Have mommy eaten folic acid today?
Don't just take it while going through the recruitment of this folic acid, although the pill is small but the effect is big on the children who are pregnant.
Why is folic acid important for pregnant women?
According to Dr Zubaidi Hj Ahmad, vitamin B9 is much needed in building new cells in the body. It's very important in building new DNA and repairing damaged DNA in cells.
Not only that, Folik acid helps brain development and spinal cord. Within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, brain and nervous system formed and developed rapidly. Like it or not, swallow it with intention for the good of the child.
There are mothers who don't like to take medicine, if you think about the content and love your children.. eat. Husband, please remind your wife if she forgets to eat.
It's dangerous if you don't practice it during your early pregnancy.
There are several studies showing folic acid helps in reducing the risk of baby nerve disability such as sipina bifida and neural tube defect.
Spina bifida occurs when the protector covering the nerve of the baby's tunnel is not perfectly covered. This can cause permanent nerve damage.
Complications due to not taking folic acid can also happen to pregnant mothers.
Mothers can have anemia due to lack of folate, where red blood cells become too much (megaloblastic).
In addition to nerve tube disability problems, folic acid intake is also important to reduce the risk of sumbing (cleft lip / cleft palate) in born babies.
According to BabyCenter, the requirement of folic acid for pregnant mothers is about 400-600 micrograms a day.
Mommy can also add folic acid content with nutritious food, e.g. peanuts, green leafed vegetables, avocado, full cereal, and citrus fruits.
Copyrights 9 months10 days please SHARE ❤️❤️Translated
folic acid pregnancy 在 SARAH & JASON Youtube 的最讚貼文
Finally had time to do a video postpartum care vlog, from skin to hair to diet and keeping fit.
All aspects are just as important.
Really blessed to be able to collaborate with a few really awesome products after giving birth to Damon.
Everything is simple to use and doesn’t take a lot of effort, such as the Clinique Fresh Pressed Vitamin C + A Booster- 7 day home treatment, also Nestle Mom Dietary Supplements, one capsule a day and your nutritional needs covered.
Most importantly I think spending extra time on ourselves each as busy mums keeps us confident and smiling.
Here’s the list of products in the video:
Nestle Mom all in one- Pre pregnancy, pregnancy and lactation Food Supplement
Clinique Fresh Pressed Clinical Daily and Overnight Pure Vitamin A+C Booster
XOUL SPF50+ PA++++ 60 Days Sunscreen
Belly Binding Contact Please PM me on Instagram
Koconae Organic Extra Virgin Premium Cold Pressed Coconut Oil
Enjoy the video ladies!!!
Please leave comments or questions.
#SarahAndJason #LoveAndFamily
#postpartum #skincare #haircare #KeepFit #BabyDamon
#Clinique #VitaminC #VitaminA
#Nestle #NestleMom #DHA #FolicAcid #PrenatalVitamin
#KeepFit #Exercise #MentalHealth #PhysicallyFit
#HealthyEating #HealthyDiet
#CoconutOil #Xoul #BellyBinding
#產後 #護膚 #護髮 #運動
#維他命A #維他命C #孕婦維他命
#心身健康 #身心健康 #身體健康
#健康飲食 #飲食健康
#椰子油 #紮肚
#MumVlogs #MumDiary #媽媽日記 #媽媽vlog
folic acid pregnancy 在 Folic Acid and Pregnancy (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth 的相關結果
Women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant should get at least 400 micrograms (0.4 milligrams) of folic acid daily before conception and for at ... ... <看更多>
folic acid pregnancy 在 Folic Acid Benefits in Pregnancy - WebMD 的相關結果
Folic acid is a pregnancy superhero! Taking a prenatal vitamin with the recommended 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid before and during ... ... <看更多>
folic acid pregnancy 在 Folic Acid | CDC 的相關結果
CDC urges women to take 400 mcg of folic acid every day, starting at least one month before getting pregnant, to help prevent major birth ... ... <看更多>