小寶寶的成長由一顆受精卵開始,越變越多顆成為像桑椹般的囊胚,然後變化成像三明治般多層的胚胎,最後再慢慢成型為胎兒。整個過程像西遊記裡孫悟空的七十二變般神奇,卻是每個人類自然的發育過程。孫悟空的千變萬化雖然讓他與二郎神大戰三百回合難分難解,只是最後還是逃不過二郎神的第三隻眼,原形畢露。超音波 就像是婦產科醫師的第三隻眼,將孕期中胎兒與子宮環境的變化,清楚的反映出來。
在懷孕的前幾週,當胎苞還只是0.5公分大小的時候,超音波即可掃瞄出小寶寶的存在;當懷孕三個月時超音波便能觀察到寶寶初為人形的樣子,也能開始做一些測量如唐氏症頸部透明帶的篩檢。 懷孕中期,高層次超音波主要是做器官系統形體上的篩檢,小至0.2 公分的心室中隔缺陷都有可能被找出來。在第三孕期時,超音波會做生產風險的評估或再找出一些寶寶先天性異常的型態。
A baby’s journey in life starts with a single fertilised egg, which multiplies to become like a mulberry called morula. Then it becomes a 3-layered structure that will eventually develop different organ systems. The whole process involves innumerable steps of morphological changes. The ability of the embryo to undertake these changes reminds me of the monkey king from the classic Chinese novel “Journey to the West”, who is able to morph into infinite number of objects. However, the rebel monkey king was captured by the Jade Emperor’s nephew because he has a 3rd eye that sees through each the monkey king’s tricks. I think prenatal ultrasound is like the third eye because it sees clearly the many changes an embryo undergoes as it grows.
During the first trimester, an implanted embryo as small as 0.5cm in size may be “seen” by a modern ultrasound. And by 3 months, the risk of Down Syndrome can be calculated based on the measurements done on the already-humanoid embryo. A more sophisticated ultrasound (level II) May be utilised during the second trimester to detect birth defects. For example, a hole as small as 0.2cm may be detected in the heart. During the third trimester, the ultrasound is usually used for obstetrics risk evaluation and/or further screening of any birth defects.
Ultrasound does not detect all prenatal defects because some conditions simply cannot be “seen” on ultrasound, such as inborn error of metabolism. However, the use of ultrasound is an essential tool for all obstetricians.
同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過39萬的網紅Miền Tây Vlogs,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Frank Vogel says Anthony Davis (groin) will undergo further evaluation tomorrow...
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- 關於further evaluation 在 李木生醫師 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於further evaluation 在 說說能源 Talk That Energy Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於further evaluation 在 說說能源 Talk That Energy Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於further evaluation 在 Miền Tây Vlogs Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於further evaluation 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於further evaluation 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最讚貼文
further evaluation 在 說說能源 Talk That Energy Facebook 的最佳貼文
【 TFC 台灣事實查核中心 你查核這樣做的?】
1. 如果僅是強調歐盟 #綠色轉型 ,那2050的歐盟有核能,以及不少歐盟成員打算用核能來達成碳中和是無庸置疑的,對他們來說核能就是轉型的一部份,這也是台灣多數媒體以及美聯社最先一開始對歐盟高峰會結論用include nuclear energy in green transition來下標的原因。而事實查核中心詢問的專家等人,則一直把焦點拉向歐盟 #綠色政綱 以及其中永續投資指引來強調核能不在歐盟綠色轉型中,我想這犯的嚴重錯誤是他自己定義了所謂綠色轉型一詞。而我們從頭到尾都沒有人懷疑綠色綱領以再生能源與節能為主要核心。
2. 范建得教授原先以1/10歐盟會議中綠黨提出的決議文件強調歐盟打算非核,但我向他們指出1/10歐盟當天會議有多個版本,他們僅於回覆中表示疏漏,僅修改部分,不願意修改歐盟要走向非核的字眼,范建得教授則在我提供資料給他後,理應當已經失去強調歐盟最終要非核這樣觀點的正當性,好笑的是,他持續羅列了歐盟綠色綱領沒有要投資核能等等來說這樣就是歐盟要非核,還找了歐洲學者幫他背書(但歐洲學者並非背書歐盟要非核,只是綠色政綱沒有資助核能),無疑是他的靶被我拆掉後又持續自己射箭畫靶。而這樣的作證事實查核中心也採用,讓我深感驚訝。
4. 最後總結一次這次讓人失望的紛爭,綠色轉型的定義被事實查核中心找的專家自行與歐盟綠色綱領內容綁在一起。歐盟是否要非核的定義也都由事實查核中心找的專家以歐盟綠色綱領中的投資是否列入核能做判斷標準。我想這些都不是事實查核應該做的。另外,歐盟有沒有投資核能呢?還是有喔。歐洲投資銀行仍沒有將核能排除為投資項目,反倒是已經表示2021年會終止化石燃料的投資(不知道這個事實查核中心又閱讀了沒)。
下面附上文字讓大家自由評斷吧,我會向國際事實查核聯盟International Fact-Checking Network進行投訴。
1. 關於您引述的文件段落,必須回到<投資指引>之原意,投資指引是「正面表單」,必須符合永續能源的條件,才能列入<投資指引>允許融資的對象。
核能產業 存有處置爭議,尚待釐清,並未列入表單;至於核能是否萬年難解,其實無涉此主題。
Regarding the long-term management of High-Level Waste (HLW), there is an international consensus that a safe, long-term technical solution is needed to solve the present unsustainable situation. A combination of temporary storage plus permanent disposal in geological formation is the most promising, with some countries are leading the way in implementing those solutions. Yet nowhere in the world has a viable, safe and long-term underground repository been established. It was therefore infeasible for the TEG to undertake a robust DNSH assessment as no permanent, operational disposal site for HLW exists yet from which long-term empirical, in-situ data and evidence to inform such an evaluation for nuclear energy.
Given these limitations, it was not possible for TEG, nor its members, to conclude that the nuclear energy value chain does not cause significant harm to other environmental objectives on the time scales in question. The TEG has not therefore recommended the inclusion of nuclear energy in the Taxonomy at this stage. Further, the TEG recommends that more extensive technical work is undertaken on the DNSH aspects of nuclear energy in future and by a group with in-depth technical expertise on nuclear life cycle technologies and the existing and potential environmental impacts across all objectives.
2. 您提到的1月10日的版本有二,我們經過跟范老師確認,已更正了部分文字。感謝您的指正。
3. 您引述的美聯社等媒體報導,為2019年12月的報導。與此查核報告的主題並不相關,此查核報告並不是查核台灣媒體是否錯誤引用外電。
查核主題為 Green Deal在2020年1月15日的表決結果。
范老師引用核電產業論壇之文章對Green Deal的解讀,是做為其論述的間接佐證。
此外,綜合Green Deal的重點,最終歐盟非核與否的推論,是建立在「所以歐盟是否支持核電,應就歐盟是否願意續行投資核電來看。」的前提論述上。
就您來信指教的版本問題,經查,確實有其他版本同時提交議會辯論,故此,決定將「至於其後在1月10日提交議會大會討論之版本,卻將去核和去煤一併納入,最後則在15日的決議版本,將去核字眼刪除。 」這段修改為:
2. 有關美聯社報導部分:
3. 有關技術中立部分:
其一,就核能使否符合永續投資原則部分言,似乎您把TEG肯定的核能減碳效益(我個人也必須表示認同此部分)和TEG認為「it was not possible for TEG, nor its members, to conclude that the nuclear energy value chain does not cause significant harm to other environmental objectives on the time scales in question. The TEG has not therefore recommended the inclusion of nuclear energy in the Taxonomy at this stage.」所以未將核能納入永續投資項目之理由相混淆了。簡言之,TEG確實因無法確保高階廢料的安全處置(Yet nowhere in the world has a viable, safe and long-term underground repository been established. It was therefore infeasible for the TEG to undertake a robust DNSH assessment as no permanent, operational disposal site for HLW exists yet from which long-term empirical, in-situ data and evidence to inform such an evaluation for nuclear energy.)所以無法將核能納入投資標的,但這不牴觸TEG認為核能具有減碳貢獻之科學事實。然則正如您所了解的,歐盟有提出技術文件來判斷和項技術得以符合永續投資的標的,本質上這是一種正面表列的做法,換言之,現在不能符合其判斷標準者,就不合於永續投資原則,這也是上述網路媒體「國際核能工程」會表示「綠色政綱忽視核能的角色」的原因。
其二,您提出一些佐證文件來說明歐盟碳中和目標,我們都知道,也了解其均提及歐盟2050年的目標都是定為80% renewable & 20% nuclear。然則,姑不論其法律屬性(政策或策略?)如何,這些文件都頒布在2020年1月15日歐洲議會決議通過具拘束力的Green Deal之前,可否用以作為歐盟並沒有要終止核能的積極證據,實不無疑義。此外,個人以為,這20%僅是在反映Green Deal容許部分會員國就自己現有需要維持核能的空間,並未改變Green Deal不再提供核能融資之事實,更不可能據此來主張,歐盟在通過Green Deal後,還希望各國利用核能。
其三、您認為「專家指出,歐盟並未改變其最終非核之目標,」是不實的結論及趨勢分析。就此,個人也特別請教歐洲學者,在他即將投稿的一篇論文中指出;核能not covered by the Green Deal,在附註中,他也寫出與個人相同的觀點,他認為“Nuclear installations are a national matter of each Member State; however, they would not be financed under the Green Deal.” 準此,我們必須表示,若核能不再是歐盟融資的標的,其何以為繼,又為何「國際核能工程」會表示「綠色政綱忽視核能的角色」?
further evaluation 在 說說能源 Talk That Energy Facebook 的精選貼文
✖ TFC 台灣事實查核中心:
然後第一個說核能列入歐盟綠色轉型的不是台灣報導也不是哪個擁核媒體平台,是世界最大的媒體通訊社,美聯社以《EU leaders include nuclear energy in green transition》為標題報導歐盟高峰會結論,然後有紐約時報、日本時報等轉載刊登,到台灣因為翻譯就變成歐盟將核能納入綠色轉型。不懂台灣反核怎麼一直說別人世界最大平台假消息呢?
歐盟的技術文件裡提到核能在低碳能源中的重要腳色顯而易見,但確實在風險管理例如核廢料上難以將do no harm排除,很重要的一點,他有表明是因為現階段尚無啟用的核發電燃料的深層處置設施,所以無實例可以做評估。該報告也會在近一步針對核能做詳細討論。
Regarding the long-term management of High-Level Waste (HLW), there is an international consensus that a safe, long-term technical solution is needed to solve the present unsustainable situation. A combination of temporary storage plus permanent disposal in geological formation is the most promising, with some countries are leading the way in implementing those solutions. Yet nowhere in the world has a viable, safe and long-term underground repository been established. It was therefore infeasible for the TEG to undertake a robust DNSH assessment as no permanent, operational disposal site for HLW exists yet from which long-term empirical, in-situ data and evidence to inform such an evaluation for nuclear energy.
Given these limitations, it was not possible for TEG, nor its members, to conclude that the nuclear energy value chain does not cause significant harm to other environmental objectives on the time scales in question. The TEG has not therefore recommended the inclusion of nuclear energy in the Taxonomy at this stage. Further, the TEG recommends that more extensive technical work is undertaken on the DNSH aspects of nuclear energy in future and by a group with in-depth technical expertise on nuclear life cycle technologies and the existing and potential environmental impacts across all objectives.
further evaluation 在 Miền Tây Vlogs Youtube 的最讚貼文
Frank Vogel says Anthony Davis (groin) will undergo further evaluation tomorrow
further evaluation 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳解答
ホンダ・CB400 4into1 HONDA Dream CB400FOUR 408cc 4into1 ヨンフォア フォーワン おぉ400。お前は風だ
Dream CB350FOUR around at that time, was a model with four-cylinder engine is the only domestic car in this class, and "... shall have suffered two helmet" to ride a top model in the series is CB750FOUR Dream Dream cylinder CB4 It is said also to have been planned in the word says, "if, I also make it ride" is founder Soichiro Honda was stopped and the president. Performance and modest power from a static image of those with four muffler as well as evaluation CB750FOUR unwelcome dream, "says Foy slow (four-cylinder) than (cylinder 2) Twin" was given.
It is planned that this is a car like this has become a popular model incorporated into a cafe racer style light whole adopted a step that muffler assembly and retreat of the epidemic has begun to see signs. Up to 408cc engine is based on the amount of exhaust 347cc Dream CB350FOUR. 6-speed transmission was rare at that time as is commercially available as the car has been adopted Honda CB250T released in 1973 followed by further. Is said to achieve an indication that "to increase (from its appearance reasons mainly) the cooling fins of the engine" had been pointed out from Soichiro Honda CB350FOUR also during the development of the Dream.
Adopt a simple solid color logo sticker on the emblem of the metal era was more common in metallic paint. It is aimed at lighter muffler set, which is down at the same time cost.
Is also a story that caused a drawing from the exhaust pipe exhaust pipe shape drew a line such as a distinctive flowing is said to avoid interference with the oil filter that was created in accordance with "in kind" of development sites [4].
400 Oh. " "Been pointed out from the police at the time and runaway behavior is reminiscent of the catch copy of the catalog by a motorcycle gang called" Oh you're a wind 400. Changes to a copy of the content to have a sense of ownership of "I love you.
400cc parallel twin engine class at the time is the mainstream, taking the same car equipped with four-cylinder engine in spite of that have been developed aimed at cost-based CB350FOUR down thoroughly to dream, from issue two types of licensing system engine-frame specs, as well as in the Japanese model that was costly to reverse was also added for color variation, the Japanese specification end of production in a relatively short period of time. It was being finished production specifications are also outside of Japan and then after a while.
However, production was about the end make the front page of the magazine for the motorcycle was a popular four-cylinder car ride only in the limited license. Was driving the car used car sales price premium is greater than the price of new cars at that time but has been produced Hawk series of two-cylinder engine with reduced production costs as the next model for this purpose.
further evaluation 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最讚貼文
06 Suzuki GSX-R1000 2006 高町大佐@とら破産
GSX-R1000 is a motorcycle of the super-sports type that the sea bass is manufacturing. It is located as a flagship in the GSX-R series, and it is being produced for foreign countries now.
Edit 2001 type
2001 model
2001 model
The displacement improved to 987.8cc, the engine of type GSX-R750 was installed in the body that strengthened some frames and the swing arms to make it correspond to the regulation of the race played with 1000cc in 2000, and it appeared in 2001.
There was not so much room in the distance between cylinders because it was an engine that originally optimized to 750cc not to put the displacement improvement on the mind and had been developed, and, at first, this was able to expand the boa from 72 only to 1mm73mm and cylinders in 2001 when making it to 1000cc though this went back to the crankcase engine of type GSX-R750 divided into three the root of the engine of GSX-R1000 in 1996. The engine was newly marketed from one with 987.8cc slightly not worth full-scale 1000cc in assuming the cylinder head to be type GSX-R750 in 2000 and common because a serious cost and time hung in newly built, and extending the stroke from 46 to 59mm and as much as 13mm. As a result, it connected with the result of obtaining the output characteristic to treat this easily very much though the boa stroke ratio became the long stroke type engine of the exception as an engine of 0.808 and the high power super-sports car.
The difference of the power that was able to be said that it was a class difference from rival's CBR929RR・YZF-R1 was shown, it put, and it took an active part greatly in a circuit all over the world though there were Sharp of cornering and an evaluation of lacking, too, when appearing. Especially, it was overwhelming combat power like entering in the production race with a narrow range of remodeling the state of the one make-up. The other companies comes to send the improvement model in 2002.
Edit 2003 type
The first restyling was done in 2003. The frame was newly designed, 2kg was lightened, the reception desk brake caliper of a radial mount was adopted, and LED was adopted in the taillight.
Restyling was received in 2005, and a further output increase in 1000cc race regulation was assumed to be a main purpose, and the power weight ratio achieved equaled 1kg/ps from 2005 type to the end with the engine that generated 178ps and 166kg F1 the total emission though it was on the catalog about one cylinder of the boa assumption as 73.4mm expanded in addition by 0.4mm ..998.6cc of full-scale almost.. improvement waiting for a balanced body etc. and the aspect light. It is the one that it compares so that the centralization of the mass may adopt aiming at (The heavy load of muffler can be brought close from a central improvement to center of gravity) and the central improvement muffler and lightening is attempted that adopts the right putting out muffler that R1000 is orthodox though the super-sports model of the other companies adopts the central improvement muffler. ..superbike world championship.. sea bass in the type model in this 2005 enters the war as a works, and has succeeded in the deprivation of the title that is German Ba of Ducati (13 times of the manufacturer title and 11 times of the rider title of 18 times in the past).
2007 type
To receive the third restyling as a series in 2007, and to correspond to automobile exhaust gas regulations of EU, the both sides putting out muffler is adopted. The central improvement muffler was not adopted this time. The engine accomplishes further evolution as it becomes 185ps, and the engine characteristic can be switched to three modes according to the scene though increases from 172kg and predecessors by 6kg since weight adopts the both sides putting out muffler weight.
The model stood in the top of the commendation stand of the endurance road racing of the first time as GSX-R series by the riding of irregular SUZUKI with JOMO 34 Kaga of Yoshi Yamatsshin/Tagaya Akiyoshi including 750cc regulation age in this 2007 July 29, 2007,